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Please, Pleas For More Intelligent Discussions On Thai Visa


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Complaints from who?

Why not start a topic called "VOICE YOUR TV COMPLAINTS HERE". If you still get complaints about forum topics, I suggest you just consider the source. :o

Complaints from high intelligent members who have nothing better to do with there day but sit on there computers and search for moronic topics.

Why is thaivisa getting so serious? Its like being back at school sometimes.

Please sir. Can i finish this post now i want to go pee pee..

tut tut put your hand down and proceed to the toilets, however on your return (after washing your hands) I want you to write out 200 times the word THEIR. In fact make that 400 times as you made the same spelling error twice !! As you are from the Uk you should be ashamed!!

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Here here, the complaints are probably coming from their ad sales department because people like AIS, Nova Hotel, Raimon Land etc dont want their ads running next to a forum that has a topic...

"Have You Cheated on Your Thai Wife" etc.

As for the alleged intelligent topics and conversation, I await eagerly for those longing to see such things, to actually provide us with such things. I am all eyes - or is that ears?

Until then, I will happily remain with the 98% of us who prefer to call it as we see it and not paint it up using big adjectives so the 3 looks like a 9.

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What exactly do you all want?

It's a Thai forum and more than half the topics have little or no relationship to Thailand. But it's what you post that has made it so.

The are lots of other threads besides General but some people insist on logging in here and whinging about - what exactly?

It's not a literary society or a forum only for the learned.

IMO you should all get off your butts if you don't like the input, put your brains to use and give the forum a little more flavour.

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I think we could indeed add a bit of dialogue from Plato's republic - it might prove illuminating.

Prisoners chained in the back of a cave, their faces held such that they can only watch the shadows of real life dancing on the wall. That fits well with a lot of Thailand today, as do Plato's discourse on what is the responsibility of an individual in society, what is the ideal society and how is it achieved, how is it then maintained. There's enough there too of class and elitism to keep the Brits on their toes and enough of the dangers of monarchies to ensure the discussion gets banned not long after starting.

Perhaps we should skip Plato and move straight to Aristotle..

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Again, it was not my idea or plea in the first place. We allow more than a generous share of silly stuff in most of the forums. I have had a fair number of PM's complaining that quite a few recent threads were ....kind of moronic. And surely posters have complained in some of those threads. So, as qwertz wrote, "IMO you should all get off your butts if you don't like the input, put your brains to use and give the forum a little more flavour." And if you wish to start more moronic polls, go ahead.

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Pearls before swine. PB, if nothing else, you gave a lot of people the chance to vent. It's like an unruly classroom.

I'm a swine too. I usually don't get past the first two pages of topics. I can usually find 2 or 3 topics that seem like they're going to be fun, try to start some trouble and have a few laughs (not always at someone else's expense). BTW, that avatar of the Star Wars soldier playing the guitar is starting to get on my nerves, and it comes up a lot. I have also found a lot of information about Thailand that I couldn't get out of a tour book.

As far as intellectually stimulating, it's not so much the topics. Some topics that you wouldn't expect, lead to some interesting stuff. I still try to read if I really want to exercise my brain (or what's left of it). Anybody still read books (not including the top 10 paperbacks you can find at the airport, or movies like Shakespeare In Love)? I don't come to TV for the intellect. Anyway, thanks for trying to do what seems like an impossible job. (I have to kiss as many moderators' asses as possible because a couple of them are gunning for me, and I want another star at all costs.)

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Again, it was not my idea or plea in the first place. We allow more than a generous share of silly stuff in most of the forums. I have had a fair number of PM's complaining that quite a few recent threads were ....kind of moronic. And surely posters have complained in some of those threads. So, as qwertz wrote, "IMO you should all get off your butts if you don't like the input, put your brains to use and give the forum a little more flavour." And if you wish to start more moronic polls, go ahead.

Just re-name "General Topics" - call it "Farang Pub".

Then start a new, fresh, "General Topics" forum. Problem solved. :o

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I think the problem is that just about every covcievable topic has been done to death a thousand times, and this Forum is so limited in it's tolerance of what a poster may or may not post, it's kinda hard to come up with anything worthwhile.

There could have been the start of a decent thread earlier today but it was closed as not having quite enough to do with Thailand, although the world economic problems being discussed will affect all countries, including Thailand.

That's just one example, so what are we left with ? Useless polls, and endlesss repetition.

Someone mentioned the Farang nightlife and Pub forum, problem is , as soon as you mention Thailands nightlife when it concerns Bargirls and Boy's it's immediately closed, cos of course we all know that no such thing exists in Thailand don't we. :o

So that part of the Forum is pretty much in the same position as general Topics, repetetive boring threads.

And any poster that goes against the status quo is banned. So once again , we have the same old dross being recycled ad nauseum.

I would suggest looking back in the archives 4 to 5 years ago, most of the old members have been banned or have left, but the threads were pretty lively and much more interesting.

The Visa and Immigration forums are actually very good and the other dedicated forums are also very good, but general topics and Farang pub are losing the plot big time. After a few responses it just becomes a pissing contest out of sheer boredom.

Farangs go home! :D

Edited by Maigo6
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Intellectual topics??? On a forum? PB, you must have been on the drink :D

OK, OK, in the right forum and the right place, but not in general topics, surely??? Where would be the fun in discussing theoretical developments in the Thai Space Agency?? On second thoughts, I can imagine the fun in discussing Thai's and space. Outer space, that is. :o

<----- hides.

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Yeah I want a "forbidden topics section" where we can really go t town on some subjects about Thailand including the "Holy Grail" that can't be mentioned, too much censorship here, its all about revenue , its a business.

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It seems to me that the creative posters have been chased off the forum, leaving this lot. I admit to no being creative enough, and frankly don't care enough, to contribute in such a way. Many of the other specific forums here are very helpful to many people, so I don't see why general has to be held to any standard. Unfortunately it seems to be common amongst heavily moderated forums that the posters who people find most intriguing usually end up being banned, because as we all know, creative types don't tend to be big fans of censorship. A catch-22, but what can you do?

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Yeah I want a "forbidden topics section" where we can really go t town on some subjects about Thailand including the "Holy Grail" that can't be mentioned, too much censorship here, its all about revenue , its a business.

Thai Government Threatens To Shut Down 29 Websites

So, given that, please no more discussion about this particular rule, thanks.

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Bet you never anticipated this reaction when this was posted, PB

If members where to take things the wrong way, the OP could be taken as a derogotary statement as many us would come under your moronic reference in one way or another.

Since when does having a different ways of voicing our opinons / preferences on what we post and offer for debate come under this heading.

Members have enrolled on Thai Visa in it,s present format and i feel sure the array of content that is posted is one of the main attractions.

The most important reason, being information of the highest order and consequent assistance we all benefit from along with open discussion on each and every forum when clarity is needed.

Thai visa is renowned for this.

Just like the old television, we all have a choice in using the On/Off scenario.

If someone doesn,t like the content of a particular subject / post then why read it ?

Without wishing to make a demeaning / derogotary statement, certain groups of professionals tend to be on another wave length, communication wise and what one group consider intellectual, others find unintelligble and meaningless.

Life to many of them seems to be one of trying to put their fellow human beings down with their continual sarcastic, intellectual mis use of their so called knowledge.

Bullsh*t comes to mind from my take over many years garnered on the subject, of much of the so called intellect.

IMHO as always of course. :o

marshbags :D

No vote should be needed on this by the way, if members didn,t like the content of T.Visa, they would have long been logged off and joining alternative forums.

Just look at the numbers, post wise from our vast array of members if proof is needed.

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Just viewing the responses to this thread proves to me that we are surrounded by Philistines and that this medium for them is merely there to punch out 2 lines of drivel that they consider humourous.

As you may have noticed by my avatar, stoicism is a philosophy close to me heart. Discussing it here in a general area is fraught with danger, and discoursing on Cartesian Crosses or the evils of epiphytes is either opening ones self up to flaming or at the very least to the ridicule by the above mentioned moronic masses.

My suggest therefore is to open up a private area, perhaps by invitaion only, where one can have a constructive yet peaceful conversation (perhaps Brahms or Beethoven could be piped through softly) for the caring poster.

PS. Before too many of you get carried away, this is a little tongue in cheek, but as with all humour it does have a truthful element. You work it out.

Cheers P.B. and here's to the new Thai Visa Arts & Cultural for the Discerning Poster Section.

Tsk tsk. there we go again maligning the poor misunderstood Philistines. It's because they were uncircumcised isn't it? They had their good qualities, as I understand they were renowed iron workers. If it is any consolation, I am pleased to advise that Thailand's Philistines will soon have access to more trained physicians snipping away because more funding has been approved for a circumcision cost benefit study. (Credit goes to the US charities for giving the money that will fund the project along with community health outreach and malaria prevention. Worth a mention because of the odd propensity to bash Americans in TV.)

Stocisim? I don't know what it is about TV and it's abilities to attract proponents of bankrupt philosophies of a bygone age. I'm sorry, but Pagan derived beliefs just don't go over too well in Thailand. After having a look at the accomplishments of Marcus Aurelius, who I recall from my limited studies was one of the greatest of the stoic philosphers, and his legacy of brutality and war, I don't think Thailand needs such fancy ideas, especially now that there are a bunch of antsy angry males brandishing weapons that go boom on and over the border with Cambodia.

If you want to discusss Cartesian adventures, try a math forum. Again, I'm sorry, but to me and I am sure for many others more knowledgeable than I, the mere mention of a Cartesian cross brings back nightmares of numberlines in grade school with those x & y interesects. I didn't like it then and I don't like it now because it was dreadfully dull. That's why I slept or doodled in class.

Epiphytes? Well jeez, try the plant thread. The only thing I remember from my one botany course was spanish moss and it smelled bad. One is hardly going to attract the interest of a lovely thai lady talking about fungi and such stuff. I think as soon as you mention the word fungus, she'll be running away. Trust me, I know from experience as one girl opened our dinner date chit chat with a recap of her day of harvesting an odd fungus from some fellow's nether regions. It didn't make for an appetizing dinner and I never called her again.

As for the suggestion of Brahms or Beethoven tunes, try something that will breathe some life into things. A bit of good old ska will get the place hopping. Whenever I hear Beethoven I think of a grouchy guy that died of severe lead poisoning complete with rancid bowel products, and a guy that abused his nephew to the point that the poor fellow tried to commit suicide to escape the abuse. Come to think of it, I just realized I should be very angry at my mother for encouraging my interest in this nutter and not telling me about his evil dark secret.

As for cackling with moronic delight at your positions, Nah. Flaming? Nah. Just gatitude for making me remember stuff I had long forgotten. If you are feeling down about the situation, just give thanks you don't have to moderate the health forum or if you need a jolt of optimisim, read the animal forum. My faith in humanity is redeemed in there.

Be grateful there are people that are not as "smart" as you out there. If they were all smarter, that would make you the dumb one, relegating you to the dimwit plateau and you would not have the advantages in life that you enjoy now.

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I must have missed the poll on partner nose picking, dam_n, if the OP of that poll is still taking answers, put me down for a resounding NO. :D

Since we are talking about complaints, I have one or two, I went to the change a word thread the other day and someone had changed two words.... Now that is not on and I am no longer playing in that thread! :o

There seems to be a cadre of newbies that joined in June/July that are competing with each other to start the lamest thread/worst poll subject. Surely you moderators can keep an eye on this sort of disruptive behaviour and protect us loyal and long suffering TV users from these sort of shenanigans? I mean, really, these people are making an average ten posts a day, why don't they get a life? :D

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Darn it, you forced me to go to my Rumsfield quotes and parables,

... there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns -- the ones we don't know we don't know ...

Now apply Rumsfilian Logic to just about any TV thread and it all makes sense,

The TV Grand Unified Topic Theory, BG high jinx, broken hearts, denied visas, sick buffalos, barking dogs, grumpy farangs, taxi mafias, and balcony divers, ... all neatly tied together, all interaction perfectly explained, :o:D

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I think my topics are great. I believe there is no-one here that has the balls to disagree either

There you are , TheDon has given a prime example of an intellectually stimulating one liner as an example. :o

And your point is, only intellectual stimulating posts allowed? He is replying to the topic, not starting one. I agree with Teacher Ken, go start a forum for only those with superior intellect allowed. Perhaps run an IQ test to qualify? This way I will know which forum to go to when I can't get to sleep at night and need some assistance.

i would miss "TheDon's" postings :D

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Is this a snide reference to my, "How many showers do you take a day" thread? :o
Nah, Ulysses, I do not do "snide references" like that. I liked your thread and was just jealous, being bandaged nearly head to toe at that time and unable to shower. However, your thread coincided with some others which received far more complaints.

Folks, the OP overstated the intellectual powers of TVisa posters - that was a snide reference. Just for fun though, I am going back about four years to see what intellectual heights the old posters climbed. I wonder if their allure is nostalgia. I will also poke my head into Bedlam for the witty repartee there.

We are not just talking about General forum, though. And we will probably take Tuky's suggestion more often, to move threads to the appropriate forums and maybe not even leave links. Some of us are trying to serve you, the multi-faceted members, because the community itself is what generates ad revenue.

This suggestion has generated lots of good comments, and was intended to serve the membership. Thanks.

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Who doesn't love TV? :o I self edit what threads I read and those I do not. For the people out in the jungle this is probably problematic because the pages load too slowly for them and after that 30 second wait the are faced with the 5,000,000th guy in the UK who thinks his girlfriend is cheating on him back in Bangkok. We can all know how stressful that can be.

TheDon has become a TV personality in a very short period of time. I suspect he has a master plan but must admit that I have know idea what it is. His posts conjure up a vision of an old man who took steroids before there were warnings about the dangers of putting poison in your body. Kind of like cigarettes. My impression is that when he talks he sounds like the Bee Gees doing Staying Alive. Spelling, language and grammar is so bad he must be faking it. He has some great answers to all the problems that currently plague the world.

In a country where the average IQ is reported to be as low as 88, if we grade on a curve, we are the intellectual elite. If someone in the Thai government actually know how to read we should be shaping local and foreign policy.

Since I only read the General Topics and News Clippings I hope the powers that be don't change a thing.

Please don't flame me. Not only is it against the RULES, I'm kind of sensitive.

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In a country where the average IQ is reported to be as low as 88, if we grade on a curve, we are the intellectual elite. If someone in the Thai government actually know how to read we should be shaping local and foreign policy.



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Quite the witty, well thought out come back there 'tomuk'. Up all nite thinking that response up were you?

Now back ON TOPIC; to address the O/P's post

One could only hope for more cerebral, pithy, and interesting bloviation when people opine. Alas I fear that will NOT be the case as we can't even keep this thread on topic.

While some could and/or would say, the posters of T/V may NOT be the sharpest knives in the proverbial drawer; I do believe they are in fact knives (no matter how dull their cutting edge is) and not just misfiled spoons.

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