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Is Your Wife The Most Important Thing In Your World?


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Work, home, friends, family? Does your wife come out on top? If you had to make the choice would you choose her above all? Obviously for most it is rarely tested but for some it is. For example would you give up your job to keep your wife?

For those that say no, what is more important?


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Well yep but just behind my perfectly formed, sculped, toned and tanned biceps

Well yep but just behind my perfectly formed, sculped, toned and tanned belly :-)

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I couldn’t get to sleep because of this question. I just don’t know where I stand on this matter.

Well there’s nothing I wont do or give to my daughter if needed, Even my life if I had to with out a second thought. But she lives with her mother and the family and there very wealthy and not bad people. So im happy she’s in good hands and I go and see her when I can. After that I have no idea about anything.

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My son (4 next month) is number 1

My wife is number 2

I am number 3

Though I am working offshore I also get a couple of pensions and the state one next year so they will not be penniless if I died.

My wifes parent number 4

The rest of her family number 5

After that I dont care

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Yes, the most important person in the world (perhaps equal with the smaller version of her we created between us) ... Though I have to admit I'm not always the best at showing it...perhaps I should ask her to read TV... :o

For the next part of the question...she is not the world, and there are things and people which when combined could be more important... :D

BTW The title of the post seemed a bit odd... describing your wife as a thing... she isn't inflatable by any chance is she...? :D

Edited by AFKAFSinLOS
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My son is first, I am second, and my wife is third.

I never thought that it would be possible to be more concerned for someone other than myself until my son came along.

I personally think that loving my wife (or any partner) more than myself would be a recipe for disaster.

i will buy that, but if i cease to exist then the heirarchy becomes irrelavent, therefore i would have to be first

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My son is first, I am second, and my wife is third.

I never thought that it would be possible to be more concerned for someone other than myself until my son came along.

I personally think that loving my wife (or any partner) more than myself would be a recipe for disaster.

i will buy that, but if i cease to exist then the heirarchy becomes irrelavent, therefore i would have to be first

I am all for loving people, and I do love my wife, but before myself?

That sounds a bit unhealthy to me.

All relationships end in disaster - the least that will happen is that someone will die.

At the end of the day we are on our own.

If my wife left tomorrow then my life would go on.

When did western men become so clingy and needy?

No wonder so many broken hearted are leaping from buildings.

Edited by garro
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My son is first, I am second, and my wife is third.

I never thought that it would be possible to be more concerned for someone other than myself until my son came along.

I personally think that loving my wife (or any partner) more than myself would be a recipe for disaster.

i will buy that, but if i cease to exist then the heirarchy becomes irrelavent, therefore i would have to be first

I am all for loving people, and I do love my wife, but before myself?

That sounds a bit unhealthy to me.

All relationships end in disaster - the least that will happen is that someone will die.

At the end of the day we are on our own.

If my wife left tomorrow then my life would go on.

When did western men become so clingy and needy?

No wonder so many broken hearted are leaping from buildings.

Garro I am astonished by this sudden wisdom exploit :o

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I am all for loving people, and I do love my wife, but before myself? That sounds a bit unhealthy to me.

perhaps you were in a haste when "selecting" your wife :o

I had many relationships before my wife and met some truly fantastic women. My wife was the only one I wanted to marry, and I don't believe that I could do better.

I don't see my wife as an extension of myself, though,but as a separate human with her own ideas. I value that we are two different people and would hope for her sanity that she likewise sees herself as the most important thing - at least after our son. I always found neediness to be a major turn off.

Edited by garro
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My Thai wife was the most importasnd person in the world until I discovered her real itinery.


A case of <deleted>? Bring it on. And I might believe that a snake travels in a straight line, that Thai ladies speak the truth and that the world is flat.

<--- hides head even deeper under the sand to avoid the flack :D

At least one premise of your statement is erroneous invalidating your entire argument. My snake, an Eastern King snake can and does when he feels like it, does travel in a straight line. Therefore until till corrected your statement remains wrong. :o

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Work, home, friends, family? Does your wife come out on top? If you had to make the choice would you choose her above all? Obviously for most it is rarely tested but for some it is. For example would you give up your job to keep your wife?

For those that say no, what is more important?

Yes, she is as well as my children and yes I would give any job or take any job I need to to keep her happy.

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I'm the most important thing in my world. Same deal with everyone not all will admit it though.

Judging by the comments so far the rest of you are being dishonest, or living in some sort of dreamland world.

I don't know how I made it through this thread but here I am, feeling just a bit depressed.

I am sad for you, sgtpeppers. Since you cannot know such things about others, what you write is simply a product and picture of your own life. I wish you the best.

As for the rest of this thread, I really cannot relate. I adore my wife but the thought of rating her in relation to anyone or anything else seems an exercise in petty arrogance. Putting people in order of their importance to me...?

I would die for my wife but she is certainly not the only one. In combat, I was willing to, and did, take a bullet for people I didn't even know including the so-called enemy. Perhaps that messed with my ability to rate people in order of importance but I think I can live with it.

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