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I can never sleep on the plane and am off to the UK tomorrow.

What is the best thing I can buy over the counter at a pharmacy to help me sleep?

thanks in advance


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I can never sleep on the plane and am off to the UK tomorrow.

What is the best thing I can buy over the counter at a pharmacy to help me sleep?

thanks in advance


go see a doc to get some valium or xanax !

About 10 milligrams of valium will give a slight, pleasant buzz and allow one to sleep easily.

Dose that really work? I got to catch a plane next month and im a bad flyer. Sleepings not my problem but fear is. And I don’t want to get very drunk or stoned before the flights for obvious reasons :o

I can never sleep on the plane and am off to the UK tomorrow.

What is the best thing I can buy over the counter at a pharmacy to help me sleep?

thanks in advance


I had that problem for most of my life. I took pills, drank, everything. All is did was made sure I arrived feeling like cacca. And if you travel like the majority on this forum, that's a lot of feeling like cacca.

Then I bought an iPod and experimented with various cd's. What works best for me is anything by Paul McKenna.

You won't lose weight. You won't get rich. But you just might sleep like a baby though the whole flight.

Another suggestion: Get noise cancelling earphones.

Edit: when you get to the airport, ask at the pharmacy. They'll give you an allergy-type medicine that will help you sleep without too many side affects.

About 10 milligrams of valium will give a slight, pleasant buzz and allow one to sleep easily.

Dose that really work? I got to catch a plane next month and im a bad flyer. Sleepings not my problem but fear is. And I don’t want to get very drunk or stoned before the flights for obvious reasons :o

At one time, I cured myself of fear of flying by starting with 10 milligrams of valium and slowly reducing it evey time I flew until I didn't need to take it any more. However, you should take some when you are not in a stressful situation to make sure that you enjoy the feeling of the medication before flying on it.

Don't take any more that 10-15 milligrams as too much can make you feel that you lose control.


Don't wish to sound alarmist but if you are travelling with an Arabian Gulf based airline(i.e.Emirates or Etihad) and you take prescription level medications such as Valium or Xanax you should ensure that you carrying a current physician's prescription for exactly that medication.If for some reason you are stopped by the authorities there,perhaps for erratic behaviour caused by taking such medication,the lack of such a prescription could lead to four year prison sentence for drug possession.In the UAE having such medication in the bloodstream is deemed to constitute possession.Not an academic warning as a significant number of travellers through Dubai and Abu Dhabi have been jailed under these laws.


OTC medicines like Advil-PM, Tylenol-PM and just about anything else with a -PM suffix contain a small amount of the antihistamine found in benadryl. Most people get drowsy when they use this antihistamines. I take an Advil-pm when I want to sleep on an airplane and normally sleep 5-6 hours at least. It is safe to use for most people, legally available OTC in most (all?) countries and when you wake, you don't feel like you are waking from a drugged sleep.

One of the down sides for males: if you have enlarged prostate problems it might adversely affect your urine flow.

Don't wish to sound alarmist but if you are travelling with an Arabian Gulf based airline(i.e.Emirates or Etihad) and you take prescription level medications such as Valium or Xanax you should ensure that you carrying a current physician's prescription for exactly that medication.If for some reason you are stopped by the authorities there,perhaps for erratic behaviour caused by taking such medication,the lack of such a prescription could lead to four year prison sentence for drug possession.In the UAE having such medication in the bloodstream is deemed to constitute possession.Not an academic warning as a significant number of travellers through Dubai and Abu Dhabi have been jailed under these laws.

You know my younger brother had to do a drug test in U.E and they found traces because he smoked up before the flight. They then striped searched him and gave him a very bad day. But in the end they couldn’t pin anything on him because he had nothing. Just for the test ...they cant do shit.


I believe you can buy air sickness pills/ travel motion pills over the counter at any pharmacy. Xanax and Vallium seem a bit to extreme to me in this case!

About 10 milligrams of valium will give a slight, pleasant buzz and allow one to sleep easily.

Be careful, if you are new to the world of pharmacy over-the-counter tranquilisers.

Valium (Diazapam) is 20 times weaker than Xanax (alprazolam). So the dose of xanax is 0.5 mg for a good airline sleep and the dose of Valium is 10 mg.

I would recommend Xanax because it has a short half-life: 13 hours. Valium has a very long half life: 80 hours approx. Half-life is the time it takes for the drug to be excreted from your body.

Be aware that mixed with alcohol the sedative effects are amplified. Be aware that in some humans, paradox reactions occur: ie. instead of the drugs calming you, they turn you into a raving lunatic. (although this is rare)...have a 'test' run.


I'm glad I dont have to pop pills when I fly...normally a couple of large whisky/cokes before the flight.then a few more when we're in the air,always get a couple of wines with the meal they provide to wash the food down,then settle under my blanket with a couple more larger whisky/cokes :o

Normally comatose before I get to the bottom of the last glass I can remember drinking,sleep like a puppy dog..

Huh...pills...who needs em :D



Don't they have modern non-benzodiazepine sleep aids in Thailand? Like Ambien (Zolpidem), Sonata (Zaleplon)

or Lunesta (Eszopiclone)?

I've been taking Zopiclone on occasion due to sleeping problems because of shift work and it's great. On the plane it lulls me off nice and easy and when I wake up, we're already over the Bay of Bengal. And no hang over.

Once when I was having trouble sleeping while in Thailand, I was at Bumrungrad for another reason and I asked the doctor for something to help me sleep. He gave me Xanax. I thought that was for anxiety disorders. I hadn't remembered the name of Zopiclone or any of the other modern drugs, but it didn't seem they had or knew of any other drugs than Xanax. I took them a couple times and then threw them away. Not a good feeling.



Not a good idea at all! Works for you, fine, but please don't hand out this kind of advice to anyone else...this kind of advice can lead to dehydration , cramps and more!


Not a good idea at all! Works for you, fine, but please don't hand out this kind of advice to anyone else...this kind of advice can lead to dehydration , cramps and more!

yeah, and having anonymous non-doctors giving out medical advice on prescription drugs is good????

I always try to fly in the evening. I get up early in the morning and go for a 100-150km bike ride in the morning. Guaranteed to sleep well after that.


Hi jingjingna,

just for the record...My post wasn't offering advice,If I had started my post with "My advice would be to" Then maybe you would be justified to pull me up on it.

My post was made "tongue in cheek" and meant as a bit of humour,after all,this amount of alcohol is enough to knock a baby elephant out..obviously you dont get it,no problem.

Perhaps popping a few Ambien (Zolpidem), Sonata (Zaleplon)or Lunesta (Eszopiclone) is good advice in your book..or maybe even some

Xanax does it for you.

My advice for having a good sleep on the plane is,don't sleep the night before,then nobody would need to pop any pills or drink excessive amounts of alcohol.



"yeah, and having anonymous non-doctors giving out medical advice on prescription drugs is good????"

Thanks el jefe :o now thats sound advice



I pop a 5mg of Diazapan and it suits for me. But easy on the booze!! This is easy to get in Thailand...but sleepers are difficult to get over the counter.

As an aside...Diazapan is primarily a muscle relaxant. I took it when my back wnt into spasm with disc trouble. Mmmm, that seems to have calmed down as well. Long may it continue!

About 10 milligrams of valium will give a slight, pleasant buzz and allow one to sleep easily.

Be careful, if you are new to the world of pharmacy over-the-counter tranquilisers.

Valium (Diazapam) is 20 times weaker than Xanax (alprazolam). So the dose of xanax is 0.5 mg for a good airline sleep and the dose of Valium is 10 mg.

I would recommend Xanax because it has a short half-life: 13 hours. Valium has a very long half life: 80 hours approx. Half-life is the time it takes for the drug to be excreted from your body.

Be aware that mixed with alcohol the sedative effects are amplified. Be aware that in some humans, paradox reactions occur: ie. instead of the drugs calming you, they turn you into a raving lunatic. (although this is rare)...have a 'test' run.

Yes indeed, the first time I took Xanax the GF gave me two or three, I took all of them right after getting settled in on my return long-haul as they were very small and I didn't think they would be that effective.

~Twelve hours later I was awakened by a stew telling me we're getting ready to land, I hadn't filled out my customs declaration, couldn't get my shoes on because my feet had swelled, disheveled and I believe I pee'd myself ... ,

So be careful with Zanax if you've never taken it, it will put you down faster than a tranquiller dart in the butt, :o


I always have a double Bourbon as soon as the crew starts to serve meals. Then 2 glasses of wine, I watch at a movie, and most of the time, I fall asleep nicely. Good enough.

My 2 cents


I got Atarax at CM airport last time I flew to the UK

I took a couple at BKK before the flight . . . was asllep before the

plane took off (which woke me up) I then woke up again at the end of the meal

but managed to get a meal and a couple of glasses of wine before

falling asleep again for about 5 or 6 hours. Most effective sleeping pills I've tried . .

I actually took one in the afternoon last weekend for a snooze before

my parents anniversary party in the evening . . . there are several photos

of me slumped asleep in a corner during the party, and they had to shake me awake

to do the congratulatory speech that I knew nothing about!

anyway . . . Atarax . .. mmmmm



On my most recent flight to Thailand I flew Business Class why I mention this will be clear in a minute. The seat was very comfortable and had plenty of leg room. I took some Ambien and slept all the way from San Francisco to Taipei. I groggily switched planes in Taipei and flew to BKK. The next day my left thigh felt swollen and numb. I had read about deep vein thrombosis but I thought since I had plenty of leg room this shouldn't be an issue. Over the next couple of weeks it seemed to get worse and worse at one point my whole upper thigh was numb to the point I almost couldn't feel anything. I went to the hospital here and was prescribed anti inflammatory medicine. I then also started using Repairil gel for edema. It gradually started getting better but it didn't get all the way better for almost 2 months. I am 33 and in perfect health with no vascular problems. Whatever happen to me could possibly be much worse in someone older with vascular issues. I suggest whatever you do you don't knock yourself out to the point where you are too tired to talk a walk every couple of hours. I know going forward I will not be taking any sleeping pills. I'd much rather be tired and fatigued then go through that leg swelling again.

anyway . . . Atarax . .. mmmmm

Yup. That's what they gave me at the airport pharmacy here in BK when I asked for sleeping pills. It usually (but not every time) worked for me.

So just in case, I prefer to go with an iPod and the sleepy talking McKenna.


Off topic here, but about McKenna, saw his website, do those tapes really work?

OK back on topic, I am just thinking about the risk of DVT (blood clots) and the recommendations to ambulate periodically on long flights. Anyone consider this?

Off topic here, but about McKenna, saw his website, do those tapes really work?

Which one? I have several - eliminate stress, sleep like a log, deep relaxation, weight loss...

I only started collecting his cd's because I found out how great they all are for sleeping (I wonder what he's like to be around in real life).

And after listening to one repeatedly then getting one free from The Times (UK paper), I found I needed more variety.

And that's what I use them for. Every night and on all long hauls, I'm plugged in.

Note: His weight loss tape is pretty decent if you follow it religiously (I eventually purchased the book that goes along with it). Problem is, I'm not religious.

Note 2: I forgot about this one as it's not on my iPod for some reason... Change Your Life in Seven Days does make me well up inside all smiley like (sure glad I can edit this later if I whimp out for saying that).


Attitude is everything, eh?

I have friends who spend 18 hrs/day sitting in front of a computer (me) but find a 2-hour flight unbearable.

Say what?

Dump the pills and learn meditation which teaches you to shut off the internal dialogue?

Bring along a sports dvd player with a zillion of your favorite songs or George Carlin albums?

Read a boring, or exciting, book?

Spend that time thinking about the incredible adventure you are on?

Make friends with a fellow passenger?

Sniff the stewardesses as they walk by?

Think about all those wonderful friends you have and those incredible acid trips you used to take?

Imagine a peaceful mountain lake and how much fun it would be to drown your older sister in it?

For Christ's sake folks, this is but a moment of time in your entire life - are you saying that you cannot cope and are looking for chemical relief? Is that how you deal with life in general?

If so and it were me, I would not fly without my shrink with me to hold my hand... :o

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