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Gf Refused Visa Again !

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GF went for her visa interview again today and was refused.

She Paid the 2700 baht. And was refused. They asked her why she was going to UK and she told them the reasons. She told them her mother was sick but her sisters were taking care of her for the time she stayed in the UK. (her reason to return)

He kept asking why she was going if her mother was sick to which she kept replying her sisters were taking care of her.

My GF was not given a definate reason to her refusal, nor was she given a letter giving the reasons. Is this right??

I have tried to contact the ECO and all i get is answering machine.

What do i do now???

surely there should have been a letter stating the reasons????

Scouse!!! Help!!


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Sorry to hear the news but all is not necessarily lost. The visa officer has to give your g/f the written reasons why she's been refused so get hold of a copy of this and also the interview record. You will then be able to tell exactly what your g/f said at the interview and whether the visa officer's decision was reasonable. If the visa officer won't answer his phone then send him/her a fax requesting these papers.

There is no right of appeal but once you've looked at the reasons for refusal you can submit further representations either independently, through your MP, or through a brief. If you still don't get anywhere and you believe that the visa officer's decision was wrong in law then you can seek a judicial review which means going to court and at this point things can get very expensive.

Anyway, first things first, get hold of the papers mentioned above and take things from there.


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After interrogating the GF a bit more it has all come to light, she did not go today!!

She confessed to me she is scared shi*less of going to the interview.

She wants to wait for me to go with in Feb to hold her hand. Which is fair enough. Pee's me off how she told me she went, though and she lied to me. She said she was scared if i she told me she wanted to wait for me, i would finish with her?!?!?!?

So looks like we are waiting till FEB. :o

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