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A Story.

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I'm more than a little bored and so I thought that I'd share an experience with you.

One winter afternoon, when I was still in England I arranged to get drunk with a mate at her house, and considering that the weather was awful she agreed to pick me up.

We agreed that she would pick me up from a pub car park near to where I lived, and so I go there. I go into the garage next door to buy some ciggies, and a Pork Pie or something and then sit on a low wall surrounding the car-park to wait for my mate to arrive.

It was still light and I had not been there for long when I noticed a lone policeman further up the road coming towards me, sort of ducking in and out of bushes doing a bad job of not being seen. "What's he up to then?", I thought.

Within seconds after that there where coppers f'in everywhere surrounding me. A chopper was soon overhead, there where loads of dogs and then some bloke comes from nowhere, wearing body armour and brandishing a bleeding rifle which he pointed straight at me. "Hands on your head" he said, needless to say I dutifully obliged.

They started searching me, at gun-point asking if I had any weapons "Of course not" I not so calmly replied, and after a while they realised that I was not some chap who earlier that day been seen walking around the area with a shotgun. As it turned out some busy-body working in the garage that I bought my ciggies ect from decided that I vaguely fitted the description of said offender and, despite my blatant absence of a shotgun, decided to call the Old Bill.

I will never forget the cars going past on the dual carriage way that I was facing, slowing down to get a good look at my mug, and one defining moment of the experience was that when my mate arrived to pick me up, she said to me from a distance, and with yours truly still at gunpoint "What have you done now mate?"

True story that.

Does anybody here have a similar story to tell?

Edited by globalj
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Jeez, I even omitted the part with the UFO's and still nobody believes me. :o

It did happen (But then I would say that). And if you think about it, it is hardly a far fetched story as, after all, it was just a case of mistaken identity really.

Besides I am more interested in hearing your (True) stories of a similar nature, doesn't necessarily have to involve police/guns ect. either

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Jeez, I even omitted the part with the UFO's and still nobody believes me. :o

It did happen (But then I would say that). And if you think about it, it is hardly a far fetched story as, after all, it was just a case of mistaken identity really.

Besides I am more interested in hearing your (True) stories of a similar nature, doesn't necessarily have to involve police/guns ect. either

Guns ect, ..........wozzem?

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