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Peado Photographers

Ground Engineer

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The last two oocasions I have been to Hada Wen Beach (Koh Lan) Ive noticed suspicious looking characters takings hundreds of photos with professional looking cameras (digital with big zoom lenses). Some of the shots they take appear to be scenary shots but then you see them pointing the cameras towards the kids.

They even walk up to where the kids are playing on the beach, holding the cameras at their sides, but pointing towards the kids. Then they take sneaky photos of them.

I can only think of one reason why people would want to take hundreds of sneaky photos of kids in swimming costumes.

Last Sunday the shady characters were both asian about mid twenties to early thirties. The guy was medium height with a bit of a gut. The woman was medium height and build wearing a white dress with small blue and green flowers. Her face was long and boxy shaped with pale skin with a few spots. She had medium length black hair with a fringe.

The other occasion was a few weeks ago, and the shady character that time looked white european about 55, slim build, going thin on top. He stood out from the crowd a bit, because he was wearing an all in one speedo type swim suit.

I would like to know if anyone else has noticed any similar happenings going on at the beach's in Koh Lan, Pattaya or Jomtien and what your thoughts are? Do you think they are a part of a peado gang or are maybe just enthusiastic photographers. If the former then the public need to be made aware and something needs to be done about it.

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I am closing this thread because it will go the way of many others similar in theme.

If anyone has any information that identifies pedophiles then please take it to the police for action.


Crow Boy

Moderating Team

Thai Visa

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