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Does Thailand Qualify For First World Status?


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I can remember my first visit to Thailand 20 years ago and being shocked by some the most appalling sights of poverty.

From Bangkok to Chaing Rai, there were multitudes of beggars in the streets, huge slum areas in every city, street girls selling themselves just for a meal, it could take 4 years to obtain a telephone line, the Internet wasn’t heard of, satellite TV was just being introduced to Thailand mostly only available in Bangkok, the transport system was archaic, Makros was the only supermarket chain and many major roads outside of Bangkok were nothing more than glorified dirt tracks.

These days most of that is now a distant memory, lifestyles of the Thai people have much improved.

There seems to be low unemployment, health care can be compared to that of the West, educational facilities are up to good standard, the transport system especially in Bangkok can be compared with that of many European countries and Thais as a whole appear to have a reasonable standard of living.

So should Thailand now be given first world status?

Edited by sassienie
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I can remember my first visit to Thailand 20 years ago and being shocked by some the most appalling sights of poverty.

From Bangkok to Chaing Rai, there were multitudes of beggars in the streets, huge slum areas in every city, street girls selling themselves just for a meal, it could take 4 years to obtain a telephone line, the Internet wasn't heard of, satellite TV was just being introduced to Thailand mostly only available in Bangkok, the transport system was archaic, Makros was the only supermarket chain and many major roads outside of Bangkok were nothing more than glorified dirt tracks.

These days most of that is now a distant memory, lifestyles of the Thai people have much improved.

There seems to be low unemployment, health care can be compared to that of the West, educational facilities are up to good standard, the transport system especially in Bangkok can be compared with that of many European countries and Thais as a whole appear to have a reasonable standard of living.

So should Thailand now be given first world status?

I am not sure but I do believe that Thailand has been given first world status, at least to some degree. Thailand is a major player Internationally, and the majority of Thais live reasonably well. I am sure that you will receive more insightful replies than this one! :o

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Its not 3rd world anymore and I dont think it has been since 5 to 10 years ago. Thailand has definately changed alot in the last 20 years. But its still not that much past 3rd world. But it also depands on who you ask. I think its a industrialised counrty

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Until the education system teaches individualality and the freedom to think laterally Thailand will never be first world. It takes alot more than a mobile phone to make the grade.

Thailand has a wealth of potential but with the current system of government nothing changes.

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Its climbed the ranks its now a second world country

No, second world country means a communist country. During the cold war the first world was the rich capitalist countries, USA, Canada, Western Europe, Japan, etc, the second world was the the communist countries, the Warsaw Pact plus China, Vietnam, North Korea, and Cuba, and the third world was everything else. The third world was almost universally poor, so it came to be associated with poverty and underdevelopment. The terms in the modern world are largely useless, with former third world countries being richer than first, and the second world largely no longer existing.

However, Thailand definitely isn't as developed as most Western nations. Bangkok is very modern, but other areas are not. Also the rule of law here is a national disgrace. In a Western nation the insane level of corruption here, politicians murdering thousands of citizens for a boost in popularity, or gangs of thugs attacking peaceful protesters, would never be tolerated.

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I can remember my first visit to Thailand 20 years ago and being shocked by some the most appalling sights of poverty.

From Bangkok to Chaing Rai, there were multitudes of beggars in the streets, huge slum areas in every city, street girls selling themselves just for a meal, it could take 4 years to obtain a telephone line, the Internet wasn’t heard of, satellite TV was just being introduced to Thailand mostly only available in Bangkok, the transport system was archaic, Makros was the only supermarket chain and many major roads outside of Bangkok were nothing more than glorified dirt tracks.

These days most of that is now a distant memory, lifestyles of the Thai people have much improved.

There seems to be low unemployment, health care can be compared to that of the West, educational facilities are up to good standard, the transport system especially in Bangkok can be compared with that of many European countries and Thais as a whole appear to have a reasonable standard of living.

So should Thailand now be given first world status?

Not much of a response to a troll.

You have no idea what you are talking about.

For 1 thing, listen you m***, the roads have been there since the 70-ies.

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Its climbed the ranks its now a second world country

No, second world country means a communist country. During the cold war the first world was the rich capitalist countries, USA, Canada, Western Europe, Japan, etc, the second world was the the communist countries, the Warsaw Pact plus China, Vietnam, North Korea, and Cuba, and the third world was everything else. The third world was almost universally poor, so it came to be associated with poverty and underdevelopment. The terms in the modern world are largely useless, with former third world countries being richer than first, and the second world largely no longer existing.

However, Thailand definitely isn't as developed as most Western nations. Bangkok is very modern, but other areas are not. Also the rule of law here is a national disgrace. In a Western nation the insane level of corruption here, politicians murdering thousands of citizens for a boost in popularity, or gangs of thugs attacking peaceful protesters, would never be tolerated.


My friend just came passing here last year and I asked what you think of Thailand. he said. It reminds him on a Mud puddle with a few gold bricks thrown in the middle of it. I thought about it for a second and hmmm yeah true.. lol

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It's definitely a 'middle income' country now relative to others in the region, and few international donors are willing to fund development projects here anymore. I dunno how you define 'first world' but it is miles ahead of most of its neighbours.

Still a third-world government though.

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Thailand is a major player Internationally,.....


Maybe study world economics a bit ?

Does Thailand Qualify For First World Status?

No, not in another few decades.


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There is no unanimous agreement on the definition of Third World but Gross Domestic Income is a pretty good indicator. Thailand comes 87th in the world behind other “major international players” such as Botswana, Gabon, Jamaica and Suriname. So no it’s not First World.


However some countries in Asia have gone from Third World to First World in just a few decades. Thailand doesn’t, however, appear to be moving in that direction.

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I can remember my first visit to Thailand 20 years ago and being shocked by some the most appalling sights of poverty.

From Bangkok to Chaing Rai, there were multitudes of beggars in the streets, huge slum areas in every city, street girls selling themselves just for a meal, it could take 4 years to obtain a telephone line, the Internet wasn't heard of, satellite TV was just being introduced to Thailand mostly only available in Bangkok, the transport system was archaic, Makros was the only supermarket chain and many major roads outside of Bangkok were nothing more than glorified dirt tracks.

These days most of that is now a distant memory, lifestyles of the Thai people have much improved.

There seems to be low unemployment, health care can be compared to that of the West, educational facilities are up to good standard, the transport system especially in Bangkok can be compared with that of many European countries and Thais as a whole appear to have a reasonable standard of living.

So should Thailand now be given first world status?

Wel, even the US have first world status,but 3 out of 10 are poor. Thousands have a job but live in their cars, because salary to low to pay rent for a house or flat.The middleclass is melting like snow in the sun, and certainly now, because both wars costs 15 billion dollars a month, there is a big economical crisis and only a happy few are extremely rich and the majority poor.The Bush administration achieved this, and Bin Laden is the winner, while he reached his goal to instabilize the western economys and the oil states are getting richer and politically more powerfull. Thailand or any other country for that matter can have only first world status if they make life acceptable for all citizens.Thailand made a lot of progression but when you visit the country side like for example Phrae, there is still a lot of unemployment, and very poor people, lucky enough food isn't expensive and people help each other. Funerals and mariages are social events as the whole village helps out, but in general there is still a lot of work for the politicians to create a social good climate.

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Modern industrialized nations have better rail-highway-port intermodal shipping. They have modern multi-rail systems that ship billions of tons per year. They do not average a coup de etat every three to five years. They actually observe the rule of law. Corruption is low. Children and adults actually learn.

I agree with Lao Po - several decades, meaning the Kingdom is doomed to never make it. Nice country, for a developing country. Even a hundred or more well-trained physicians, and lots of pretty economists who are pawns in a much bigger chess game.

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I'd say no..Thailand is not "first world" but materially it has everything you could find in the first world. Until Thailand develops a real and large middle class it'll be developing world for the forseeable future. First world nations have characteristically large middle class populations.

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Its not 3rd world anymore and I dont think it has been since 5 to 10 years ago. Thailand has definately changed alot in the last 20 years. But its still not that much past 3rd world. But it also depands on who you ask. I think its a industrialised counrty

Don I'm not sure what you mean there...I guess it is still third world.

Just hope my comments don't deserve a spin kick to the torso or head. :o

IMO the country has great potentiel but,unrealised while the current clowns (pollies) are in charge and Taksin is puppeteering for them.

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There seems to be low unemployment

The hordes of mototaxi spending 95% of their time playing "chess sort of" and all the fat and ugly girls sitting in bars just to fill empty spots never being barfined look like employed people to you ?

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I wouldn't say so. I think apparent free and fair elections, the rule of law, and a free press would be prerequisites IMO.

ere ere, and freedom of speech would go a long way, and to sustain a healthy tourism trade they need to recognise the importance of western investment and welcome western tourists, not persecute them

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