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If you sleep with a lady boy then you are a poof, no doubt about that, its a bloke, and if a bloke sleeps with a bloke then that means he is gay.

No if's or buts about it

Don, I think you've got issues. Settle down, the old red blooded aussie boy in you needs a worldly lesson. Growing up on an Aust farm I had the same indoctrination as you. Fortuneately I wised up and opened up my eyes to the world once I travelled. 20 yrs latter I still love beautiful women and have no intention of sleeping with a lady boy. What I have got heaps of is empathy and understanding without the need to be judgemental for gays, transexual and the like. If your anything like your avatar, then I hope you get over the need to constantly prove your a bloke, unless you have some doubts!!! Maybe that's your own fight, but once you accept that guy that do guys are people, ladyboys are people, straights are people, I certainly hope you don't continue the need to promote the old "poof stuff" slugging match.

My girlfriend is beautiful, and so is her older sister "Beer". Beer just happens to be a ladyboy. She started dressing up around the age of 8!!!!! Through high school until now she has done nothing but follow the life of a girl. My gf witnessed this first hand on a daily basis. The bottom line is she was born like this. Count your lucky stars that you were not blessed with these genes, I dare say a Sydney gym might not be the best place for you to hang out if it was LadyBoy Don!!! Beer is a beautiful person, I wish her the best in finding a soul mate as very few ladyboys do.

I don't understand why so many farang come here to meet ladyboys - that's sick, IMO.

My brother in law is a poof - it's a pain in the ass.

Your post sounds very homophobic, sara. Would you consider your brother-in-law to be a pain in his wife's ass if he had anal intercourse with her? Would it seem so sick for farang to come here or to stay home and have intercourse with fully post-op ladyboys with vaginas and large breasts?
I don't understand why so many farang come here to meet ladyboys - that's sick, IMO.

My brother in law is a poof - it's a pain in the ass.

Your post sounds very homophobic, sara. Would you consider your brother-in-law to be a pain in his wife's ass if he had anal intercourse with her? Would it seem so sick for farang to come here or to stay home and have intercourse with fully post-op ladyboys with vaginas and large breasts?

I am homophobic due to my upbringing in Oz and being around normal red-blooded males. He doesn't have a wife, but I suppose anal intercourse is painful for anyone, not to mention unnatural. Ladyboys should have sex with other ladyboys.

Do you think it sick if a horse have sex with a poodle?

I don't understand why so many farang come here to meet ladyboys - that's sick, IMO.

My brother in law is a poof - it's a pain in the ass.

Your post sounds very homophobic, sara. Would you consider your brother-in-law to be a pain in his wife's ass if he had anal intercourse with her? Would it seem so sick for farang to come here or to stay home and have intercourse with fully post-op ladyboys with vaginas and large breasts?

I am homophobic due to my upbringing in Oz and being around normal red-blooded males. He doesn't have a wife, but I suppose anal intercourse is painful for anyone, not to mention unnatural. Ladyboys should have sex with other ladyboys.

Do you think it sick if a horse have sex with a poodle?

This is my personal response, sara (I do not know if you are male or female - does it matter in this discussion? Indeed, does it matter at all?)

What the fcuik does a horse having sex with a poodle have to do with two human beings having sex? Penises fit inside lots of natural body openings, normally and naturally.

Added: whilst I am at it, I never am convinced by people in the perpetrator/gay-bashing category who play the victim. No matter how homophobically the Australian culture raised you, that is no excuse. In my gay opinion.

I don't understand why so many farang come here to meet ladyboys - that's sick, IMO.

My brother in law is a poof - it's a pain in the ass.

Your post sounds very homophobic, sara. Would you consider your brother-in-law to be a pain in his wife's ass if he had anal intercourse with her? Would it seem so sick for farang to come here or to stay home and have intercourse with fully post-op ladyboys with vaginas and large breasts?

I am homophobic due to my upbringing in Oz and being around normal red-blooded males. He doesn't have a wife, but I suppose anal intercourse is painful for anyone, not to mention unnatural. Ladyboys should have sex with other ladyboys.

Do you think it sick if a horse have sex with a poodle?

This is my personal response, sara (I do not know if you are male or female - does it matter in this discussion? Indeed, does it matter at all?)

What the fcuik does a horse having sex with a poodle have to do with two human beings having sex? Penises fit inside lots of natural body openings, normally and naturally.

Added: whilst I am at it, I never am convinced by people in the perpetrator/gay-bashing category who play the victim. No matter how homophobically the Australian culture raised you, that is no excuse. In my gay opinion.

Normally and naturally in humans is sexual intercourse between a male and female, that is what makes us human and seperates us from the animal kingdom.

So what if a human penis fits into a multitude of cavities, my head just happens to fit into an oven, but I`m sure dammed if I am going to stick it in there, although I bet many gays wish I would.

Normally and naturally in humans is sexual intercourse between a male and female, that is what makes us human and seperates us from the animal kingdom.

I have never been to Australia but I can a sure you that in most countries animals tend to breed by intercourse between male and female gender as well. So, male/female intercourse isn´t specific for humans.


The Bible says, in so many words, that the penis fits into the mouth and the anus, naturally and normally. The fact that gay men put their sex organs in each other's places means it is natural and normal. All right, if only ten percent of all human beings have gay sex, then there is at least three times that many more who have the same kind of natural, normal sex with partners of the opposite sex. 'Normal and natural' is not an argument against gay sex, in my personal opinion.

So, if a fully post-op ladyboy wishes to have sex with a man, that is a hetero relationship. Thailand has a percentage of ladyboys which may be normal for a tolerant society.


I suspect basic economics is behind this....it seems the worse the Thai economy gets, the higher the number of lb's. Perhaps due to a lack of other job ops Would make a good PhD thesis for someone.....and may I add that the worse the Aussie economy gets, the faster the sheep run!

If you sleep with a lady boy then you are a poof, no doubt about that, its a bloke, and if a bloke sleeps with a bloke then that means he is gay.

No if's or buts about it

Don, I think you've got issues.

He might have "issues", but he is right about this! :o

The Bible says, in so many words, that the penis fits into the mouth and the anus, naturally and normally.

Never heard that before. Where does it say that?

The Bible says, in so many words, that the penis fits into the mouth and the anus, naturally and normally.

Never heard that before. Where does it say that?

Leviticus 18:22 , when mentioning man-man sexual intercourse, refers to it "as a man lies with a woman." Anal and oral heterosexual intercourse, therefore, is described as normal or natural. In my opinion. The only place that the Bible refers to anal and oral heterosexual intercourse, it is normal or natural for a man and a woman to do (assuming it is not forced, and is among adults). So, you married gentlemen can have those kinds of sex with your wife, without any sin. :o

Now, back to ladyboys in Thailand.


In the animal world there is a lot of variation. Millions of species live a sexual irregular life, except for a few intercourses during the time of the brood. There are a few species that have a leader who drives away all other males and is the only one to reproduce. There are many ways to release sexuel tension and homosexuelity you can see often in nature.

In the human world we have develloped a sexual moral that used to teach that only a life-long, monogame man/woman relation is normally, naturally. Today the moral is loosening and other kind of relationships become more accepted.

In Thailand people are -in my view- a little bit less alianated from nature, they have never develloped such an unnatural, restricting, rigid sexual moral. So in Thailand there is more sexual freedom and variation possible. In the west generally male normes and values are dominant, in Thailand female normes and values are more important. In the west many girls want to be a man, try to accomodate to a patriarchal society, Thailand is more the opposite. In the west heridity is generally in the male line, in Thailand it is traditionally in the female line, when marrying a man moves to live in the house of the woman. A society whit male dominance has generally a restricted sexual freedom, especially for woman. In a society where woman are more important sex is more free.

In the animal world there is a lot of variation. Millions of species live a sexual irregular life, except for a few intercourses during the time of the brood. There are a few species that have a leader who drives away all other males and is the only one to reproduce. There are many ways to release sexuel tension and homosexuelity you can see often in nature.

In the human world we have develloped a sexual moral that used to teach that only a life-long, monogame man/woman relation is normally, naturally. Today the moral is loosening and other kind of relationships become more accepted.

In Thailand people are -in my view- a little bit less alianated from nature, they have never develloped such an unnatural, restricting, rigid sexual moral. So in Thailand there is more sexual freedom and variation possible. In the west generally male normes and values are dominant, in Thailand female normes and values are more important. In the west many girls want to be a man, try to accomodate to a patriarchal society, Thailand is more the opposite. In the west heridity is generally in the male line, in Thailand it is traditionally in the female line, when marrying a man moves to live in the house of the woman. A society whit male dominance has generally a restricted sexual freedom, especially for woman. In a society where woman are more important sex is more free.

I am sorry, but I think you have this wrong.

Thailand is a VERY MALE DOMINATED society! Women are very oppressed here. It is not a paradise for most Thai kathoeys!

Perhaps this spells this out better than I have the capability of doing:

This strange phenomenon - largely unknown in the West, where active and passive homosexuals are generally equally disparaged - suggests that the predominant pattern of male sexuality in Thailand is not so much anti-homosexual as anti-woman, in the sense that dominant male sexuality is implicitly regarded as being more valid than female sexuality. Consequently, it may be that kathoey - passive male transvestites - suffer less opprobrium from being homosexual than from their ascribed feminine status.

In other words, homosexuality, like heterosexuality, is still basically seen as a "man" sexually dominating a "woman", albeit a surrogate female or "woman of the second type". Of course, what "women of the first type" - that is, the real thing - think of this interpretation is another matter - but it should at least give pause for serious thought.


These sort of questions just lead to more questions... :o

I once asked this to a Thai language teacher at Chulalongkorn University. She quite seriously said that she had heard it might be linked to the high level of hormones in chickens... As a teacher and at one of the country's finest establishments I'm sure that "must" be the answer... :D

So think very carefully before you next order your Thom Ka Gai, and give the Gai Yang a miss now and again when you're ordering your som tam and sticky rice... :D

BTW No doubt some people will now be ordering double helpings, and that's their right as well! :D


I would say that the history of concubines & mia noi's at the very top of thai society has had an influence on this type of freedom,kind of says to people that its ok to be or go this way.

There is many a western bloke over here who would not think twice about sleeping with a prostitute over here in los,but wouldnt dream of doing the same thing back home because of the increased social stigma attached.

What was that Stephen Fry quote?-"What people do with their bottoms is their own business"??


I am sorry, but I think you have this wrong.

Thailand is a VERY MALE DOMINATED society! Women are very oppressed here. It is not a paradise for most Thai kathoeys!

I know life is not easy for most kathoeys. Thailand is develloping - qua sexual morals- in the direction of the west.

In my view the country side is traditionally more feminine. (Buddhist) religion and state (politics) are a later devellopment and are traditionally more male. Animism is more female.

If you google on "dowry, India", you can see what male dominance is. Thailand is different. If you read the following article on the dowry and the vision of a Thai antropologist on the issue it may clear up things:

“So why is the Thai dowry paid to the woman whereas the rest of world does it, or did it, differently?” I asked him, sitting atop a stool in a room stacked full of books and newspapers. Speaking English impeccably well he replied, “Land in Thailand is usually taken care of by the woman, or inherited by the woman. It is usual for the man to move in with her family after marriage, whereas in Western and Chinese cultures the woman will move in with the man and he will take care of her and the land. She will pay to be part of his wealth and his family status. Thailand is the opposite.

( http://www.chiangmainews.com/ecmn/viewfa.php?id=1650 )

Firstly, I must say the use of your <snip> <snip> was amusing.....

Second, I too have thought about this subject and came to this conclusion, FWIW.

Looking around the world at places that do have transgender populations - there appears to be a correlation with the country's lattitude; Thailand, Philippines, Brazil....

Not 'good' science maybe - but an observation.

You've a real knack for picking up the humour. I missed that one... :D

I don't mind them at all. Sometimes it's nice to reach around and think you've gone through... :D

Had to think about that for a moment... :o


After all this talk of LBs i ended up in Simons Bar, on walking street, last night. I feel really dirty today - but not to worry as i will get over it, always do :o

I dont consider myself gay as i dont fancy men. However i dont mind helping out LBs when they are busy :D

Since the Stone Age, it has been debated as to what makes a person into a homosexual.

A question for all you geniuses out there: is homosexuality also prevalent amongst mammals other than humans in the animal kingdom?

my dogs are gay.

i have caught them in the act many times.

Presumably they were born in LOS?

Dressing up sees to be a thai trait, mothers put makeup on thier kids be it a boy or girl, similarly thia's drees their dogs in clothing? The dogs got a f..king fur coat on already! 80-90 tempatures ,&lt;deleted&gt; is up with them?

Roy gsd

The Don: But fact is a fact, ladyboy's a not female, no matter how you cut it. (or tuck it)

Funny thing is they don't give a brown shark what you think! :o

Lets all just be ourselves and enjoy life.

Don do ladymen say ka, krap or ka krap at the end of their sentences

CRAP is the word they use most I guess !

roy gsd

If a dog licks his own balls is that considered gay? or even if you licked your own?

A dog licks its own balls because it can. :o It's actually just one small vertebrae that stops humans from doing this, and I'm convinced that we will evolve more spinal flexibility and finally achieve this lofty goal.

When we do, there will probably be a lot of empty bars in the Kingdom.

Now there's an idea for a new surgical procedure... :D

Just to clarify, are you talking about adding a vertebrae or taking one away... :D

No doubt some people would then feel the need to differentiate between the small % of the population bron with this ability, and those that were surgically altered... :D

I wonder how keen The Dons senses would be... ones a girl ones a boy....

I suspect he will agree wih me, if its not got a menstration cycle then I would rather walk

roy gsd

If you sleep with a lady boy then you are a poof, no doubt about that, its a bloke, and if a bloke sleeps with a bloke then that means he is gay.

No if's or buts about it

Don, I think you've got issues. Settle down, the old red blooded aussie boy in you needs a worldly lesson. Growing up on an Aust farm I had the same indoctrination as you. Fortuneately I wised up and opened up my eyes to the world once I travelled. 20 yrs latter I still love beautiful women and have no intention of sleeping with a lady boy. What I have got heaps of is empathy and understanding without the need to be judgemental for gays, transexual and the like. If your anything like your avatar, then I hope you get over the need to constantly prove your a bloke, unless you have some doubts!!! Maybe that's your own fight, but once you accept that guy that do guys are people, ladyboys are people, straights are people, I certainly hope you don't continue the need to promote the old "poof stuff" slugging match.

My girlfriend is beautiful, and so is her older sister "Beer". Beer just happens to be a ladyboy. She started dressing up around the age of 8!!!!! Through high school until now she has done nothing but follow the life of a girl. My gf witnessed this first hand on a daily basis. The bottom line is she was born like this. Count your lucky stars that you were not blessed with these genes, I dare say a Sydney gym might not be the best place for you to hang out if it was LadyBoy Don!!! Beer is a beautiful person, I wish her the best in finding a soul mate as very few ladyboys do.

I note fromyou avitar you live in the twilight zone, presumably thats near uranus?

Not sure advice from a sheep farmer counts for much, you might also like Beer, but I'll stick with the Brandy and coke


roy gsd

roy gsd


Most folks in the West are still hung up on polarity, like there is no middle ground, only two opposite genders, anatomically and psychologically. No. Sexual orientation and attraction is a continuum, a spectrum on which even you may not be at the extreme end. Most of our Western thinking is shaped by a Church which is/was homophobic for no good reason.

///PS, added: I have no idea what happens to old ladyboys. I doubt they go in for commercial sex more than the straight Thai girls or the gay Thai guys do. I doubt that many more die of HIV than those last two groups do. Until somebody does a proper statistical survey of several thousand ladyboys over the age of 30, we do not know and should not speculate.

The idea of a spectrum or continuum is the one that mostly fits my own thoughts on this.

The debate also often gets polarised in the same way as the genders themselves, and there seems a need to classify and categorise it in to black and white, with things like "once a man always a man", vs "woman's brain in a man's body". I don't really buy either explanation. For the former there's usually an exception to most rules and I rarely believe concepts like "never" and "always" hold for much. For the idea of a brain being male or female... well it's just a brain.

I'm pretty sure given a couple of billion people on the planet, there's men, women, heteros, homos, gays, lesbians, TVs, TGs with every overlapping permutation you can think of, and probably a few more to come in the future... :o , so at the end of the day trying to catologue and classify seems for the most of it a waste of time...That's one thing Thais generally do better than your average westerner in just taking things as they are.

To me probably a reason there are more TGs in Thailand than most places is that Thais don't generally seem to attach much importance to the "categories", so the lines are just what they are...blurred. Thais often don't feel that same need to explain everything and find all the answers, particularly in a single lifetime... :D

PeaceBlondie's spectrum concept also suits my way of thinking, and means I just get on with life, not really attaching that much importance to it. Though it is interesting sometimes... :D


BTW To minority groups in general, or the other end of the scale: I'm well aware that if you are gay, a TG, a TV or whatever it will be important to you. I'll respect that, but please also bear in mind my right to just treat you like anyone else and de-emphasise the whole thing and not find it important.

One of the the things I like about Thailand, is that even though for the most part there is a complete lack of equality, which I dislike - I find I can just get on with treating people equally, without having it rammed down my throat... :D

For those that feel a strong need to categorise either way: The irony is if you keep pointing out you're no different than anyone else and we're all the same, the fact that you keep pointing it out makes you different... For those who feel a strong need to point out they are different the fact that you have to keep pointing it out so people notice probably means you're wrong :D

The Bible says, in so many words, that the penis fits into the mouth and the anus, naturally and normally.

Never heard that before. Where does it say that?

Leviticus 18:22 , when mentioning man-man sexual intercourse, refers to it "as a man lies with a woman." Anal and oral heterosexual intercourse, therefore, is described as normal or natural. In my opinion. The only place that the Bible refers to anal and oral heterosexual intercourse, it is normal or natural for a man and a woman to do (assuming it is not forced, and is among adults). So, you married gentlemen can have those kinds of sex with your wife, without any sin. :o

Now, back to ladyboys in Thailand.


Can't say that's convincing to be honest. Then again I'm not that convinced by the Bible anyway, but that's another story... :D I wasn't aware of that particular quote, though obviously at some point, someone with strong views on the subject has felt a need to justify themselves in the Bible for some reason.

The much wider known opposing view comes from Sodom and Gomorrogh, that god in her infinite wisdom felt a need to put an end to sodomy. So anyone saying the Bible thinks it's "natural" needs to reconcile this one.

{BTW: Personally I reckon god just got rid of Sodom because the people in the city were white unlike her black self. The rest of it has just got distorted and manipulated over the centuries by those Guys in the Vatican who appropriately enough for this thread wear black dresses yet tell us all what we should and shouldn't be doing with our own gender issues. We all know why they really wear those black dresses with red and crimson sashes}.

{BTW2: Can anyone enlighten me as to what the Gomorroghs got up to? And is it worth a try? Sodomy doesn't really melt my butter to be honest, but I'd like to keep an open mind on this Gomorroghing. I wonder if I've been doing it and just don't know... :D }

The Bible says, in so many words, that the penis fits into the mouth and the anus, naturally and normally. The fact that gay men put their sex organs in each other's places means it is natural and normal. All right, if only ten percent of all human beings have gay sex, then there is at least three times that many more who have the same kind of natural, normal sex with partners of the opposite sex. 'Normal and natural' is not an argument against gay sex, in my personal opinion.

So, if a fully post-op ladyboy wishes to have sex with a man, that is a hetero relationship. Thailand has a percentage of ladyboys which may be normal for a tolerant society.

THe bible was written by men of the cloth, todays men of the cloth have a history of homosexuality, forget the word gay thats just spin.

A homosexual is a homosexual end of story.

The word Gay is now being adlterated to mean "good as you" rather than its historical reference to Gaiety,"which is the state of being cheerful and full of fun" ( ref Oxford Dictionary) unfortunate last word in thailand I know!

The word homosexual has been around for centuries and is the correct word to use.

When I see an orange I know its an orange , so when someone tries to convince me its an apple I usually tell em to f..k off before I get the hump with their piss taking.

What people chose to do in the privacy of thier own home is thier own business, but the fact is homosexuality is a perversion from the norm, homosexuals are a very small group and yet the media provides a platform for the promotion and expression of such views in a manner that is often heavily biased in their favour.

I am not anti homosexual, but neither do I consider shirt lifting to be "natural", keep your sex lives private and the same goes for the hetro's too.

As for the bible I am sure the catholic church in particular would have saved millions in compensation and vunerable (often young) people would have been much safer if Priests had been obiged to wear their trousers on back to front rather than

their shirts.

The late founder of the Pattaya Ophanage said he agreed with me on that point.

Roy gsd

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