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Have You Developed Hatred Towards The West?


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After reading a sentence today on thaivisa it made me think that many farangs who live in thailand have delevoped a hatred towards the west.

I must admit i hate the weather in my home country but i wouldnt go as far as saying i hate the west (western style life) just yet anyway.

Does anyone here feel hatred?

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Well, honestly, I used to be a Californian, and now most of them come across as snobbish (as if that is the only place to live). So California is the west, and some of them annoy me now, so I guess the answer is yes!

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OP Are You A Jihadist??

I believe the correct term is Islamic Freedom Fighter (as per BBC) or Soldier of God, and even Beloved of Allah I think is also acceptable. Jihadist has sinister and racist overtones and is not appropriately differential to a struggling minority attempting to overcome unjust societal discrimination.

I certainly don't miss the idiotic PC of the West, but hopefully this phase will correct itself before it becomes completely pussy whipped and subservient to foreign cultures. Otherwise why would anyone hate their origins. Stable politics, rule of law, decent infrastructure etc etc.

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I get fed up with Western hubris & arrogance – some of which is unfortunately on display in Thailand. There is sort of this narrative in the West about how we are so superior and advanced and how we need to impose those supposedly superior values on the rest of the world. When I am in Thailand, I see what total bullshit this notion is.

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Hatred? Why? I was born and raised In Ohio and worked in Kalifornia for five years between 1991 and now. Ohio still holds fond memories. If I NEVER see Southern Kalifornia again, it will suit me fine. I don't hate Southern Kalifornia but I'd rather never see it again.

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I wouldn't say that I'm nationalistic at all, but I love my home country and wouldn't want to come from anywhere else. I also love Thailand, but will never be Thai. My country Ireland is an important part of who I am and so is England because I spent my life from eighteen until thirty there. Ireland, England, and Thailand all have there faults, but not enough to spend my time whinging about these places on an internet forum.

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I must admit i hate the weather in my home country but i wouldnt go as far as saying i hate the west (western style life) just yet anyway.

Does anyone here feel hatred?

When i'm in LOS for an extended period of time my dislike of the British/EU superstate weakens.

But my hatred of the Lib-Lab-Con establishment reaches maximum levels the second i land at Heathrow and see all the immigrants that have now taken over this country in the British passport queue, then i get questioned by some Polish girl about where ive been and where am i going before theyll let me back in. (This is called freedom!)

Furthermore my hatred of the European Union weakens when im in LOS, its a fascist regime and is intent on creating a communist super state and no electorate will stop it, Sarkozy who is a fool and the nicest thing i could wish him is an early death will make sure of this.

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You read one sentence today from one poster, hardly deep research or a consensus. Are you trying to comply with the pleas of certain mods for more intelligent topics?

If so, please try harder. :o

LOL well that one sentence just made me think about writing this thread thats all. No need to get cocky with me!

Mods? who are they? haha

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i have learned to appreciate the west more since living here :o

I used to have extreme Thailand Fever. I was really disaffected with my life in San Francisco and wanted a place that was the opposite of everything I loathed. I let Thailand become a Utopia that was the answer to all that ailed me at home, putting on the so called rose colored glasses to let myself endure my ennui. I got really into studying about Thai culture and language (2 things I don't regret at all by the way)

I have now moved to Thailand and like girlx can see that no place is perfect and I was much to harsh on the USA, my opinion of it has risen dramatically. I am still extremely pissed by my country's current political priorities and idiotic wars but that doesn't cancel out the rest of it that is good.

I was blaming my own problems on the west, it's laws, it's women, it's culture. I do love many things about Thailand and am glad to be here. Some things here are indeed better than the USA. The delicious food might be #1. But I am much more appreciative now that I am a US citizen with access to it's social services, colleges and beautiful clean parks. Quite frankly I'm lucky to be from a wealthy country that can afford to have top quality infrastructure, high paying jobs and the aforementioned. I think Thailand does the best it can with what it has often in charming and amusing ways but it might not have the same offerings as the USA in my lifetime.

I know in a few years I will go back hopefully with a new perspective that doesn't allow my own bitterness to obstruct my ability to see the good things around me. There is a part of me that will always think the grass is greener somewhere else. I know in the future Thailand will not be the land I yearn to live in but a charming place I like to visit. However it might not even be on the top of my list some day.

Edited by wasabi
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But I am much more appreciative now that I am a US citizen with access to it's social services, colleges and beautiful clean parks.

The US has no social services and it's educational system is a joke. I know this because I read ThaiVisa and talk to Europeans regularly. Maybe America has a clean park or two. You can't be from San Francisco, you must be a Republican glued to Fox News.

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But I am much more appreciative now that I am a US citizen with access to it's social services, colleges and beautiful clean parks.

The US has no social services and it's educational system is a joke. I know this because I read ThaiVisa and talk to Europoeans regularly. Maybe America has a clean park or two. You can't be from San Francisco, you must be a Republican glued to Fox News.

A fluffy liberal who is so enlightened and watches CNN and the BBC, please write more posts for us people who dont know better then to watch Fox News, which of all the global news stations is most open to debate despite being from a centre right stand point.

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But I am much more appreciative now that I am a US citizen with access to it's social services, colleges and beautiful clean parks.

The US has no social services and it's educational system is a joke. I know this because I read ThaiVisa and talk to Europoeans regularly. Maybe America has a clean park or two. You can't be from San Francisco, you must be a Republican glued to Fox News.

A fluffy liberal who is so enlightened and watches CNN and the BBC, please write more posts for us people who dont know better then to watch Fox News, which of all the global news stations is most open to debate despite being from a centre right stand point.

Almost every problem in the world today derives from the fact that the Democrats have lost the bulk of the national elections in the US over the past 25-30 years and still there are people defending Fox News. Incredible.

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Not really, I see hatred towards the Thai's alot though

Yes, that is right, middle and upper class Thais are racists, NOT ALL, of course, but it was one of those things that I saw and felt when I was the first time in Thailand(Chiang Mai), now 4 years ago.As far as community goes, we can learn from each other, if open minded, but politics are evoluating in more Nationalistic direction worldwide, that is something to be afraid of...

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