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Just read this in BP's postbag. Anyone heard anything on this ?

Murder in Bangkok

On July 24 at about 5.30pm, I witnessed an event in Bangkok that has left me shaken. It has changed the way I view Thailand.

It was a double shooting and a possible murder cover-up. I say "possible murder" because uniformed police were involved and I can't be certain the bodies were dead, but judging from the number of shots heard, the amount of blood and the lack of movement from the bodies, I assume they were dead.


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Why would a possible police involvement in a killing change anyone's view of living in Thailand. Just a few short years ago, there were over 2500 extra-judicial police killings of "drug dealers" and that didn't' seem to faze anyone (Thai or farang)?

Why would a possible police involvement in a killing change anyone's view of living in Thailand. Just a few short years ago, there were over 2500 extra-judicial police killings of "drug dealers" and that didn't' seem to faze anyone (Thai or farang)?

I would imagine it is different when you actually see it happen.

Why would a possible police involvement in a killing change anyone's view of living in Thailand. Just a few short years ago, there were over 2500 extra-judicial police killings of "drug dealers" and that didn't' seem to faze anyone (Thai or farang)?

How do you know it didn't phase anyone? Anyone = 100%. Some Thais don't like it but feel powerless. Most westeners I believe (hope) would have found it utterly disgusting. But the moment a westener living here would have publicly opened their mouth about it, they'd be gone (maybe for good).


Obviously the OP and the guy who wrote the letter to the Bangkok Post didn't see the movie cameras. They were filming, how gullable can people be?

Light, camera, over-reaction. :o

Why would a possible police involvement in a killing change anyone's view of living in Thailand. Just a few short years ago, there were over 2500 extra-judicial police killings of "drug dealers" and that didn't' seem to faze anyone (Thai or farang)?

How do you know it didn't phase anyone? Anyone = 100%. Some Thais don't like it but feel powerless. Most westeners I believe (hope) would have found it utterly disgusting. But the moment a westener living here would have publicly opened their mouth about it, they'd be gone (maybe for good).



I read this in Bangkok Post ‘postbag’ too. I also found it to be quite an amazing story. We will have to wait until tomorrows paper to see if there is any follow up story.


surly there must have been more eveidnce, or at least someome would have captured an image or video on there mobile phone, as this is not exaclty a quite area?

have they not got CCTV in that area?

I read this in Bangkok Post 'postbag' too. I also found it to be quite an amazing story. We will have to wait until tomorrows paper to see if there is any follow up story.

Follow up story? Are you familiar with journalism in Thailand? All i'm saying is i wouldn't count on it.

Why would a possible police involvement in a killing change anyone's view of living in Thailand. Just a few short years ago, there were over 2500 extra-judicial police killings of "drug dealers" and that didn't' seem to faze anyone (Thai or farang)?

I suggest you go view a murder and see if it doesn't "shake you up" about life in general. Get some sense while you're at it.


Bang-bang out go the lights.

It wasn't a coverup ( clean up) so I expect they were on the run and the cops caught up with them. Thais don't usually just pickup dead bodies and race off unless they are from the Bone Wagon Foundations ( body snatchers).


Must have been some great special effects to fake a growing pool of blood.

and someone afterwards there mopping the blood up..................

Just a reminder of the country we live in, every time it seems there are steps forward, the banana republic takes two steps back.

I read this and was very disturbed, I hope someone somewhere investigates and makes public what happened.


This happens in the UK all the time... :o

I would expect this happens on almost a daily basis somewhere in the country, just not usually in the bright lights of central BKK.


Certainly feasible.

The prominent lawyer, Somchai Neelaphaijit, was abducted on a very busy Ramkhamhaeng Road in front of many witnesses. No video or pictures of his abduction exists.

The death of a couple of nobodies is certainly possible by comparison.

If it did happen, there will be something on Thai language webboards. Generally however, no official police statement means no coverage of a crime in the Thai press.

This happens in the UK all the time... :o

People shot dead and their bodies whisked away without any crime scene investigation? I think you'd find that were that happening all the time in the UK, the public, the press and the media in general would be demanding some answers.

This happens in the UK all the time... :o

People shot dead and their bodies whisked away without any crime scene investigation? I think you'd find that were that happening all the time in the UK, the public, the press and the media in general would be demanding some answers.

No shit sherlock, I was taking the piss out of the rose tinted glasses brigade... :D

This happens in the UK all the time... :o

People shot dead and their bodies whisked away without any crime scene investigation? I think you'd find that were that happening all the time in the UK, the public, the press and the media in general would be demanding some answers.

No shit sherlock, I was taking the piss out of the rose tinted glasses brigade... :D

No worries Watson.

Keep up the good work for the piss-taking brigade.

This happens in the UK all the time... :o

People shot dead and their bodies whisked away without any crime scene investigation? I think you'd find that were that happening all the time in the UK, the public, the press and the media in general would be demanding some answers.

No shit sherlock, I was taking the piss out of the rose tinted glasses brigade... :D

No worries Watson.

Keep up the good work for the piss-taking brigade.

oi oi

I was kidding with my last post btw. I have no idea about a movie or not but if this was mythbusters, I say it's plausible.

If so the Post editor who decided to print the letter is certainly an idiolt.


Still no follow up in the Bangkok Post. This is really weird. I felt sure that there would at least be a follow up post in the ‘Post Bag’ section. I might write something myself, except I don’t have the original article anymore to reference. Maybe a few of us should write in and see if we can get our piece printed.

I read this in Bangkok Post 'postbag' too. I also found it to be quite an amazing story. We will have to wait until tomorrows paper to see if there is any follow up story.

Follow up story? Are you familiar with journalism in Thailand? All i'm saying is i wouldn't count on it.

Indeed, see Post page 3 today (Sunday) . . .and you think any reporters are gonna follow up a police execution? the police don't get arrested...they become ministers of interior here.

you have seen a few drug war hits???

yup few got shot up in my old apartment complex right after the order was out. then later on 2 where shot outside a internet cafe me and my friends where playing game. A bit of a naughty area of bkk . mostly late teens early 20 had a lot of police patrol after that. less then 10 mins they cleaned those messes up.

Haven't seen anything latterly thou.

Still no follow up in the Bangkok Post. This is really weird. I felt sure that there would at least be a follow up post in the 'Post Bag' section. I might write something myself, except I don't have the original article anymore to reference. Maybe a few of us should write in and see if we can get our piece printed.

just go to the Post online "Back Issues" tab, here you go:


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