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Olympics - No Live Coverage In English ?


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To all whingers, wailers and moaners

In England I was able to watch the Tour de France live, the Vuelta a España, the Giro d'Italia, the Tour de Suisse, all the Spring Classics and the World Champiopnship. Now I just get the potted highlights of the Tour de France and the highlights of the Tour of Langkawi. Vuelta & Giro? I'm lucky if CNN or BBC mention them.

Now, which do I prefer - watching the cycling or my life in Thailand? There's no contest! Which do you prefer - Thailand or the Olympics?

To the posters who have mentioned track & field and competitive swimming - how many threads have there been on these activities in the past 12 months?

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To the posters who have mentioned track & field and competitive swimming - how many threads have there been on these activities in the past 12 months?

Maybe because there hasn't been an Olympic Games in the past 12 months!

Yes, there are World, European and National Championships as well as many international athletics meetings but it's the Olympics that really capture the imagination of the masses.

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Is there a general forum for the inadequacies of True? I recently called them to subscribe. I wanted two set-top boxes so I could watch the footie in one room while the wife and kids watch whatever else in another. Here's the deal they offered:

1 set-top box/Gold pkg = 2000 baht (deposit), NO INSTALLATION COSTS, 1,500 baht/mth rental

2 set-top boxes/Gold Pkg = 4000 baht (deposit), **3000 BAHT** installation costs, 2,000 baht/mth rental.

3000 baht EXTRA if you buy MORE from them....3000 baht less if you buy less...I'm not a business student or anything, but isn't this a model to discourage sales rather than increase them???

Plumping for the one box only at the moment (likely as not in the future the avoidance of arguments will outweight the extra cost and I'll do it anyway), when I called to arrange installation they told me, SORRY, but the last tenant of that house (a "Mr Somchai", I'm not kidding...) didn't pay his bill worth 4,800 baht. There's no UBC for me unless I PAY HIS BILL.

Ha ha ha! You're having a laugh, right?

No. Apparently, bill's apply to houses not to individuals...so, any of you guys renting and paying for UBC, my suggestion is don't worry about settling up when you leave, they'll just take it off the next sucker who comes in after you.

Time for a change of management?

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These forums constantly knock the philippines but I tell you their Sky cable leaves UBC standing, better channels and cheaper !!!

Are any other satellite services available here?

I think we could get a signal from an American satellite service like Dish Network or Direct TV. Has anyone tried it?

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If you have high speed internet you can watch it on your computer, I dont have any cable but I watch all the PPV boxing events and the Basketball friendlies the US are playing for free. All you need is atleast 1.5 at the very least. You can download the TVU player or Sopcast

http://myp2p.eu/index.php?part=sports is also a sports guide for all major sports, they have TVU, Sopcast channels guide. Also they at times just have a media player stream at times were you dont have to download anything.

You are welcome

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Seems to be a lot of farangs including myself who subscribe toTRUE(and by the way in my case only for the live English football) and pay a lot of money by local standards ,when we now discover that TRUE have in fact ignored even mention of the Olympic games in their magazine etc let alone any coverage with English commentary.

As part of the TRUE package they stream some of the Thai Channels. so presumably there will be coverage of the games on those channels albeit with Thai commentary and no English commentary alternative?

Does anyone know?

There must be a significant percentage of TRUE subscribers who do not speak good enough or any Thai, so once again in my view they are being treated shabbily.

Edited by R123
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Seems to be a lot of farangs including myself who subscribe toTRUE(and by the way in my case only for the live English football) and pay a lot of money by local standards ,when we now discover that TRUE have in fact ignored even mention of the Olympic games in their magazine etc let alone any coverage with English commentary.

As part of the TRUE package they stream some of the Thai Channels. so presumably there will be coverage of the games on those channels albeit with Thai commentary and no English commentary alternative?

Does anyone know?

There must be a significant percentage of TRUE subscribers who do not speak good enough or any Thai, so once again in my view they are being treated shabbily.

Probably about 5%

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All these farangs who complain about True/UBC not having the right or enough English language this or that are so full of themselves. Like most fatangs in the Kingdom, they really think they are more important than they really are. Always talking about the money they pay for this and that...like it is a significant part of a particular company's or the Thai economys revenues. Not!

And all you sports junkies...get a life why don't you?

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I think a lot of it is to blame on UBC/TRUE. I will give the following reasoning:

- the monthly subscription price of around THB 1500 is quite a hefty one compared to other commodities here

- the price difference between cable (also around 10 English programs) and UBC/TRUE is quite substantial

- UBC knows perfectly well how to differentiate in prices (see their different packages)

- As far as I know there is a special channel for Japanese customers (NHK ?) at extra cost

- As far as I remember there were some sort of pay-per-view channels especially for boxing and I think it was for some cricket matches a while ago

So why does UBC/TRUE not provide the Olympics perfectly with English commentary at a pay-per-view basis. Everybody would be happy, the one who is sport addicted gets English language and UBC/TRUE extra money. As outlined above UBC/TRUE has the means and knowledge how to do it.

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I think a lot of it is to blame on UBC/TRUE. I will give the following reasoning:

- the monthly subscription price of around THB 1500 is quite a hefty one compared to other commodities here

- the price difference between cable (also around 10 English programs) and UBC/TRUE is quite substantial

- UBC knows perfectly well how to differentiate in prices (see their different packages)

- As far as I know there is a special channel for Japanese customers (NHK ?) at extra cost

- As far as I remember there were some sort of pay-per-view channels especially for boxing and I think it was for some cricket matches a while ago

So why does UBC/TRUE not provide the Olympics perfectly with English commentary at a pay-per-view basis. Everybody would be happy, the one who is sport addicted gets English language and UBC/TRUE extra money. As outlined above UBC/TRUE has the means and knowledge how to do it.

But only a idiot would pay them any money for a subscription.

I can watch any channel I dam want for free, even the PPV events.

You only need a decent broadband connection

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- the monthly subscription price of around THB 1500 is quite a hefty one compared to other commodities here

Yeah, but you want to watch foreign channels in foreign languages, what has it got to do with "other commodities" here, like somtam

- the price difference between cable (also around 10 English programs) and UBC/TRUE is quite substantial

Those cables often broadcast pirated channels, or free to air channels, or really cheap channels. No ESPN or HBO, or Olympics in English, legally.

So why does UBC/TRUE not provide the Olympics perfectly with English commentary at a pay-per-view basis.

TV Pool has exclusive rights on broadcasting Olympics here. UBC simply cannot buy another license, and even if they did, prices would be so high that it'd be cheaper for you to fly to China and watch it there live instead. Olympics license cost probably more than UBC's total revenue for a year.

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So why does UBC/TRUE not provide the Olympics perfectly with English commentary at a pay-per-view basis. Everybody would be happy, the one who is sport addicted gets English language and UBC/TRUE extra money. As outlined above UBC/TRUE has the means and knowledge how to do it.

Get it through your heads, all. Learn how these things work instead of blaming a satellite cable company for all your life problems. If they tried to get them, they were outbid. End of story. They don't have the broadcasting rights so your argument and all the extra nonsense doesn't really matter. Their hands are tied due to the contract that the company that BOUGHT the rights signed with the Olympics.

Are any other satellite services available here?

I think we could get a signal from an American satellite service like Dish Network or Direct TV. Has anyone tried it?

Nope, that's impossible, sorry. The only way to do that would be to buy Dish or DirecTV in the U.S. and set up a slingbox on it. Then you can watch your TV on a computer anywhere in the world. Google slingbox for more information.

And all you sports junkies...get a life why don't you?

Please tell me your favorite hobby and then I will go tell you to get a life. :o

Edited by Jimjim
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To the posters who have mentioned track & field and competitive swimming - how many threads have there been on these activities in the past 12 months?

Maybe because there hasn't been an Olympic Games in the past 12 months!

Did my question mention anything about the Olymoic Games? Thank you for pointing out that the Olympics are not an annual event. Just think, I'm 60 next month and never realised that the Games are not held annually! :o

Yes, there are World, European and National Championships as well as many international athletics meetings but it's the Olympics that really capture the imagination of the masses.

If it did 'capture the imagination', it released it as soon as the Games ended.

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No one from the US calls themselves a "Yank". If you really are an American, and I have doubts, Cathyy, you have some self loathing issues it seems :o

You can complain all you want about US coverage of the games, but I'm sorry, I am sick of watching only boxing, taekwando and women's weight lifting that is shown exclusively on Thai TV. Several years back, though, it was only boxing, so I guess there has been some progress made :D So much for gymnastics, track&field and swimming.... you know, events that are actually fun to watch?

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No one from the US calls themselves a "Yank". If you really are an American, and I have doubts, Cathyy, you have some self loathing issues it seems :o

You can complain all you want about US coverage of the games, but I'm sorry, I am sick of watching only boxing, taekwando and women's weight lifting that is shown exclusively on Thai TV. Several years back, though, it was only boxing, so I guess there has been some progress made :D So much for gymnastics, track&field and swimming.... you know, events that are actually fun to watch?

The Thais seem to only broadcast the events in which their countrymen (women) appear to excel in. And that being boxing, weight-lifting, etc.... For the USA athletes, we seem to excel in almost every event, thus the reasons why more events are displayed.

Can't blame the Thais as it is their television networks.

GO USA!!!!! Bring home the GOLD! :D

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I have no doubt there will be saturation coverage, all in English, on the Supersports channels, plus ESPN which is transmitted from the S African network. So many of the bars will have it, as will my home :o

You may find the the free to air coverage in Thailand will include an alternative soundtrack in English, as do some of the UK football games covered here. Not very likely, but who knows?

Also, for those in the Pattaya area, you will find that some of the local cable companies (like the BTV where I live) do carry some foreign sports channels, such as SS2 from S Africa, and Eurosport, so another potential olympic outlet in English for some.

If TV sports coverage is an important part of your lives - as it is for me - then do your homework and get a dish installed that will receive the SA network.

Nothing is straight forward in Thailand so be prepared :D

Yes Mobi. I agree taht with a little bit of homework its not hard to get this service. I have it too. BUT are you aware that this Olympics is being shown in HD?????? I dont have it yet as its just started in SA but soon many progs will be in High DeF.

I assume that we can pick this up with a settop box costing 200 quid.. ( PVR too ) but Im still figuring how to get one from SAfrica without paying stupid Thai Taxes!

Is anyone on this forum from SAfrica / Can bring it over


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I asked this before...and got no answer.... so I'll try again now...

If folks believe an outlet for the Olympic broadcasts in Thailand is the Supersports network, what venues (bars/pubs/restaurants, etc...) in the BKK are known to carry this service???

Or.... more broadly, has anyone seen any advertising about any such businesses promoting their carrying some kind of full Olympics coverage... as a means of drawing customers???

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The Thais seem to only broadcast the events in which their countrymen (women) appear to excel in. And that being boxing, weight-lifting, etc.... For the USA athletes, we seem to excel in almost every event, thus the reasons why more events are displayed.

Can't blame the Thais as it is their television networks.

GO USA!!!!! Bring home the GOLD! :D

Well, I find that the Thais, in general, don't really care about the games, except for the Cinderella stories of winning a medal and making money that way. So, yeah, I can't blame them for only showing events that Thais are good at... too bad those events are as boring as sin! After decades of only watching dull events, I don't blame Thailand for showing general apathy to the Olympic games as a whole. It's just sad that the games will finally be in the same general time zone and all we will get is the same crappy coverage :o

And yes, goooo USA! (Although China looks dominant this year, yikes)

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(Although China looks dominant this year, yikes)

I am sure since hosting they are going to do their best and try to dominate. But I am wondering besides diving, badminton, table tennis, and gymnastics what other events do you suppose they might dominate at?

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I have no doubt there will be saturation coverage, all in English, on the Supersports channels, plus ESPN which is transmitted from the S African network. So many of the bars will have it, as will my home :o

You may find the the free to air coverage in Thailand will include an alternative soundtrack in English, as do some of the UK football games covered here. Not very likely, but who knows?

Also, for those in the Pattaya area, you will find that some of the local cable companies (like the BTV where I live) do carry some foreign sports channels, such as SS2 from S Africa, and Eurosport, so another potential olympic outlet in English for some.

If TV sports coverage is an important part of your lives - as it is for me - then do your homework and get a dish installed that will receive the SA network.

Nothing is straight forward in Thailand so be prepared :D

Yes Mobi. I agree taht with a little bit of homework its not hard to get this service. I have it too. BUT are you aware that this Olympics is being shown in HD?????? I dont have it yet as its just started in SA but soon many progs will be in High DeF.

I assume that we can pick this up with a settop box costing 200 quid.. ( PVR too ) but Im still figuring how to get one from SAfrica without paying stupid Thai Taxes!

Is anyone on this forum from SAfrica / Can bring it over


The company that supplied me with my "dreambox" may have them. He stocks all this kind of stuff - although maybe we'll have to wait a while.

My sister and Brother-in-Law live in Jo'burg and are due to come for a visit either late this year or early next - so if all else fails....

I'll be in the Philippines for the start of the Olympics, so good to know they've got good coverage there, and thence back to Pattaya to enjoy it on the Super Sports channels :D

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(Although China looks dominant this year, yikes)

I am sure since hosting they are going to do their best and try to dominate. But I am wondering besides diving, badminton, table tennis, and gymnastics what other events do you suppose they might dominate at?

Thats 4 sports which is pretty impressive dont you think. Plus they tend to win a few medals in athletics but not much and a few here and there all over the place.

But your way of thinking you could say that about any country

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I asked this before...and got no answer.... so I'll try again now...

If folks believe an outlet for the Olympic broadcasts in Thailand is the Supersports network, what venues (bars/pubs/restaurants, etc...) in the BKK are known to carry this service???

Or.... more broadly, has anyone seen any advertising about any such businesses promoting their carrying some kind of full Olympics coverage... as a means of drawing customers???

I would imagine places like the Office Bar &The Londoner (Soi 33 area), The Robin Hood (Sukhumvit), The Hare and Hound (Washingtoin Square), the Huntsman (Landmark), who all carry the South African Satellite service, would almost certainly provide olympic sports coverage. There are several more on Soi 33 but their names escape me.

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(Although China looks dominant this year, yikes)

I am sure since hosting they are going to do their best and try to dominate. But I am wondering besides diving, badminton, table tennis, and gymnastics what other events do you suppose they might dominate at?

Thats 4 sports which is pretty impressive dont you think. Plus they tend to win a few medals in athletics but not much and a few here and there all over the place.

But your way of thinking you could say that about any country

Four sports out of twenty eight. That's not too impressive and 'diving' is only a portion of the 'aquatics' competition. As far as 'athletics', you've got to be kidding me?? The only time the Chinese can run fast is when it is lunch time, boarding for the plane or boat has been called, or if they are running from someone they have just burglarized.

Like I said before, GO USA, bring home the GOLD!!!

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(Although China looks dominant this year, yikes)

I am sure since hosting they are going to do their best and try to dominate. But I am wondering besides diving, badminton, table tennis, and gymnastics what other events do you suppose they might dominate at?

Thats 4 sports which is pretty impressive dont you think. Plus they tend to win a few medals in athletics but not much and a few here and there all over the place.

But your way of thinking you could say that about any country

Four sports out of twenty eight. That's not too impressive and 'diving' is only a portion of the 'aquatics' competition. As far as 'athletics', you've got to be kidding me?? The only time the Chinese can run fast is when it is lunch time, boarding for the plane or boat has been called, or if they are running from someone they have just burglarized.

Like I said before, GO USA, bring home the GOLD!!!


The medal ladder for the 2008 olympics are

1st. Australia

2nd. China






12th USA

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