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What Do People Think Of The Dual Pricing In Thailand


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I know many people have differing views on this topic, but I would very much like to hear what other people views are.

I have just returned from a trip to Doi Inthanon National Park. As many would know the entry fee for Thai nationals is 40baht, whereas foreigners pay 400baht (1000% more).

My own view is that is that it is highly unfair, as it automatically assumes that ALL thai people are possibly poorer than ALL foreigners, so the foreigners therefore somehow subsidise the Thais, and is a 1000% mark-up fair at that. Was interested to see that with all the extra money they earn of the back of foreigners, they couldn't even erect a few information signs in languages other than Thai.

One thousand percent more? You are saying that park gate people suggested you pay 40,000 bhat to get into the park? No one has suggested that your math might be a bit off! Polite folks here on TV!

Never mind! Another view? Okay?!

I have never been charged more than the "Thai rate" at any national park (or zoo). I have a Thai driver's license. And I knew how to smile even before I had a Thai driver's license and had my teeth fixed.

I don't let silly little burrs get under my saddle (most of the time).

There are preferential pricing plans all over the universe. Ever had a "senior discount?" Deal with it!

It seems that there are also a lot of very cheap charlies among the foreigner community in Thailand who post here who make ignorant (un- or ill-informed) comments upon the integrity of Thais without having the foggiest idea of various preferential practices from whence they came.

BUT, there is a web site for people who care! Check out:


It might be "down" when you first try it due to an overload of hits, but keep at it!

Edited by Mapguy
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I think it's fantastic I think they should charge me another 200% more!

honestly, what do you think the reply would be?

As for Mandalay, never had the problem the one time I went. But just say "Farang yuu nai? Mai hin farang" or Where is the farang, I don't see one.

Also for restaurants, even just learning Thai numbers can save you a few baht and when you call people on it it teaches a nice lesson in humility.

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"As for Mandalay, never had the problem the one time I went. But just say "Farang yuu nai? Mai hin farang" or Where is the farang, I don't see one."

its so painful when you over hear stuff like this being spoken - if your thai language skills are that basic than just keep your mouth shut. "mai hin farang"? seriously? why not just say "me same same you. i pay same you pay. ok? no good me pay more you... you will look just as stupid saying that as you do saying "mai hin farang".

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I know many people have differing views on this topic, but I would very much like to hear what other people views are.

I have just returned from a trip to Doi Inthanon National Park. As many would know the entry fee for Thai nationals is 40baht, whereas foreigners pay 400baht (1000% more).

My own view is that is that it is highly unfair, as it automatically assumes that ALL thai people are possibly poorer than ALL foreigners, so the foreigners therefore somehow subsidise the Thais, and is a 1000% mark-up fair at that. Was interested to see that with all the extra money they earn of the back of foreigners, they couldn't even erect a few information signs in languages other than Thai.

One thousand percent more? You are saying that park gate people suggested you pay 40,000 bhat to get into the park? No one has suggested that your math might be a bit off! Polite folks here on TV!

Never mind! Another view? Okay?!

I have never been charged more than the "Thai rate" at any national park (or zoo). I have a Thai driver's license. And I knew how to smile even before I had a Thai driver's license and had my teeth fixed.

I don't let silly little burrs get under my saddle (most of the time).

There are preferential pricing plans all over the universe. Ever had a "senior discount?" Deal with it!

It seems that there are also a lot of very cheap charlies among the foreigner community in Thailand who post here who make ignorant (un- or ill-informed) comments upon the integrity of Thais without having the foggiest idea of various preferential practices from whence they came.

BUT, there is a web site for people who care! Check out:


It might be "down" when you first try it due to an overload of hits, but keep at it!


You are very correct, no one has suggested that my math is incorrect, because it isnt (40 x 1000% = 400). That really is simple 3rd grade math. If you are going to correct someone and make a point of it, "Polite folks here on TV", you might want to make sure you are correct yourself. Instead, all you do is make yourself look a littler bit foolish and emabress yourself amongst the more educated Tv folk

Never mind, another view Okay

But there is a website for people who care;

http://www.easymaths.com/ :o

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Maybe they should have failed me in third grade maths because i would maintain it is actually 900% more.

Touche ...

My point was the extreme difference of 10x the Thai price 900%/1000% ...

ps. I would like to be Magpuy's Bank Manager though

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I thought I had seen this before. I'll make it brief so I don't repeat myself.

I don't see the problem with dual pricing anywhere. Thailand seems to go over the top sometimes, and they're very partial to Thais. The Thais are very good at sizing someone up. Do they or don't they have money? Will they or won't they pay more? I'm not into buying high ticket items here, but I won't argue over being overcharged a few Baht. I get a kick out of the joy they have over beating a farang for less than a dollar. Watch the way you carry yourself. I've seen people pay triple pricing.

Dual pricing happens everywhere. In my home city, if you're a resident of a nearby neighborhood, you can pay less than someone from a different neighborhood for certain things. I'm not sure about places run by the government, but I know it's been discussed elsewhere.

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I know many people have differing views on this topic, but I would very much like to hear what other people views are.

I have just returned from a trip to Doi Inthanon National Park. As many would know the entry fee for Thai nationals is 40baht, whereas foreigners pay 400baht (1000% more).

My own view is that is that it is highly unfair, as it automatically assumes that ALL thai people are possibly poorer than ALL foreigners, so the foreigners therefore somehow subsidise the Thais, and is a 1000% mark-up fair at that. Was interested to see that with all the extra money they earn of the back of foreigners, they couldn't even erect a few information signs in languages other than Thai.

One thousand percent more? You are saying that park gate people suggested you pay 40,000 bhat to get into the park? No one has suggested that your math might be a bit off! Polite folks here on TV!

Never mind! Another view? Okay?!

I have never been charged more than the "Thai rate" at any national park (or zoo). I have a Thai driver's license. And I knew how to smile even before I had a Thai driver's license and had my teeth fixed.

I don't let silly little burrs get under my saddle (most of the time).

There are preferential pricing plans all over the universe. Ever had a "senior discount?" Deal with it!

It seems that there are also a lot of very cheap charlies among the foreigner community in Thailand who post here who make ignorant (un- or ill-informed) comments upon the integrity of Thais without having the foggiest idea of various preferential practices from whence they came.

BUT, there is a web site for people who care! Check out:


It might be "down" when you first try it due to an overload of hits, but keep at it!


You are very correct, no one has suggested that my math is incorrect, because it isnt (40 x 1000% = 400). That really is simple 3rd grade math. If you are going to correct someone and make a point of it, "Polite folks here on TV", you might want to make sure you are correct yourself. Instead, all you do is make yourself look a littler bit foolish and emabress yourself amongst the more educated Tv folk

Never mind, another view Okay

But there is a website for people who care;

http://www.easymaths.com/ :o

Well put "richoz"

But then some of the posters are like the monkey's "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil" and bury their heads in the sand.

And they talk about "cheap charlies" I couldn't give a rat's a, about a few baht (or dollars) but I don't liked to be ripped off in any language.

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"As for Mandalay, never had the problem the one time I went. But just say "Farang yuu nai? Mai hin farang" or Where is the farang, I don't see one."

its so painful when you over hear stuff like this being spoken - if your thai language skills are that basic than just keep your mouth shut. "mai hin farang"? seriously? why not just say "me same same you. i pay same you pay. ok? no good me pay more you... you will look just as stupid saying that as you do saying "mai hin farang".

I'm sorry maybe I will just have to have to wai your feet and then give up speaking the language. Then I can leave the country because I am not as good as someone else.


And I with 3rd the comment about "it's not the money, but the ideal"

Edited by BlackArtemis
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Ulysses G and John B Good....

You hit the nail on the head. It is not about paying a few extra baht. I cringe myself when I see people trying to screw the locals out of a few baht. At the end of the day if I pay a few baht more for something, and it puts food on someones table, then I am more than happy. It is just the blatant discriminatory cash-grab that I have a problem with. 40baht for Thais/400baht for others is just disgusting.

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The way I see it, dual pricing is a good thing.

I have community spirit, and will therefore offer a rough guide to dealing with dual pricing.

1) If the person collecting the fees in question is a remotely attractive woman, take this as an opportunity to bed her. You can't do that by turning purple and squabbling over a few baht. Turn your protest into an invitation: "But I live in Thailand! Right in Lanna Lake Land Paradise and Club. Ever been there? It's nice. I have a jacuzzi. That's Italian for take off your clothes and drink wine. Want to try it? What's your number...." If you are even slightly charming, there is an 80% conversion rate.

2) If, as in some cases, the above cannot be applied, because the fee collector is not to your liking, think up some menial task for him or her to perform on the spot. For example, you may have driven some distance to reach the park or monument. Your car may need a wash or an oil change. Or perhaps you simply need someone to carry your bags to the waterfall or bungalow. Pay the higher fee, but demand service. You come out on top, again.

3) Steal. Now, ordinarily I am an upstanding guy, but when I am the victim of high economic crime, I adopt more of an "eye-for-an-eye" approach to justice. OK, so you pay more to enter a national park or temple, but once inside, look at what you have access to! Rare plants, endangered species. Garden needs some ferns? Patio needs a new ancient religious ornament? Need some dried tiger penis to spice thing up with the missus? It's all there for the taking.

4) Finally, pull the old "I have nothing but Euros" trick, and make a long face. After quick calculation and on-the-spot currency conversion, you may be able to actually MAKE MONEY off the transaction. I hear you can come out 900-1000% ahead of the game depending on your 3rd grade math skills. (Best tried while wearing a "Tin Tin in Vietnam" t-shirt).

Thank me now, thank me later, either way is fine. See you on Doi Inthanon!

Edited by Puwa
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The way I see it, dual pricing is a good thing.

I have community spirit, and will therefore offer a rough guide to dealing with dual pricing.

1) If the person collecting the fees in question is a remotely attractive woman, take this as an opportunity to bed her. You can't do that by turning purple and squabbling over a few baht. Turn your protest into an invitation: "But I live in Thailand! Right in Lanna Lake Land Paradise and Club. Ever been there? It's nice. I have a jacuzzi. That's Italian for take off your clothes and drink wine. Want to try it? What's your number...." If you are even slightly charming, there is an 80% conversion rate.

2) If, as in some cases, the above cannot be applied, because the fee collector is not to your liking, think up some menial task for him or her to perform on the spot. For example, you may have driven some distance to reach the park or monument. Your car may need a wash or an oil change. Or perhaps you simply need someone to carry your bags to the waterfall or bungalow. Pay the higher fee, but demand service. You come out on top, again.

3) Steal. Now, ordinarily I am an upstanding guy, but when I am the victim of high economic crime, I adopt more of an "eye-for-an-eye" approach to justice. OK, so you pay more to enter a national park or temple, but once inside, look at what you have access to! Rare plants, endangered species. Garden needs some ferns? Patio needs a new ancient religious ornament? Need some dried tiger penis to spice thing up with the missus? It's all there for the taking.

4) Finally, pull the old "I have nothing but Euros" trick, and make a long face. After quick calculation and on-the-spot currency conversion, you may be able to actually MAKE MONEY off the transaction. I hear you can come out 900-1000% ahead of the game depending on your 3rd grade math skills. (Best tried while wearing a "Tin Tin in Vietnam" t-shirt).

Thank me now, thank me later, either way is fine. See you on Doi Inthanon!

Thats too funny.. Well done..

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I couldn't give a rat's ass about a few baht (or dollars) but I don't liked to be ripped off in any language.

That's it exactly! :o

It is not getting ripped off when you are told the price and have the choice to pay it or not, is it?

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If I go to the corner store and they tell me a coffee is 30 baht for me, but 300 baht for everybody else in the store, yes, I would probably think of it as larceny. :D

Exactly UG

How's this for an example, you take a Thai family out to Doi Inthanon (mum, dad and two teenagers, who even though they have lived in Chiangmai all their lives haven't got as far as Chom Tong let alone Doi Inthanon) and they hit you with this grand larceny.

Sure you have two choices, tell the a'hole (I know it's not his fault) to stick it where the sun don't shine (and <deleted> everyones day) or do you pay as I have done.

Whatever, it still stinks. And for all the goodie two shoes who talk about "cheap charlies" how many of you have put your hand in your pocket and donated thousands of baht to places like Vieng Ping Orphanage or sponsored a Thai child for ten - fifteen years. :o

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Maybe they should have failed me in third grade maths because i would maintain it is actually 900% more.

Touche ...

My point was the extreme difference of 10x the Thai price 900%/1000% ...

ps. I would like to be Magpuy's Bank Manager though

Frankly, I think you'd rather be my vintner. And, of course, one should not post past one's bedtime. The message was posted at 1 AM! Doubly groggy!

You are absolutely right on with percentages. But, if not my math, I'll still stand by the points made.

Now, I think I'll go take a little nap!

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I know many people have differing views on this topic, but I would very much like to hear what other people views are.

It's a form of progressive taxation and I support progressive taxation. The rich should pay more and should pay at a higher rate as well. At a first approximation, farangs are much richer than Thais. It's not fair for farangs to pay as little as Thais.

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