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2 Ladies Steal Gold


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One of my neighbors ole lady would pull the same scam. Except the necklace kept on falling off her neck. After the third time i didn't even want to know about it. His girl fessed up to my girl in light talking she sold one of the necklaces & sent the money back home. It is an old scam with a slightly different twist. Darkling (monkeys ass) would you be a dear & buy me a new one I love you mak mak! I wouldn't believe it the U.S. & I sure wouldn't buy the lame story & by the way the banks do have cameras watching all transactions) Don't eat that fudge grannie that ain't Chocolate!

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lesson number 2 dont get an account where you can withdraw more than 20,000 baht a day,(which i thought you couldnt anyway)

That's where you're mistaken! Just withdraw at the same ATM twice (=40,000 baht), then use another ATM, start all over...

Also, may I add: don't believe all the bull that your girlfriend tells you! She may have sold it, just to get new jewellery from you, following her sobbing... :o

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'crocken' [/size]date='2008-08-02 13:25:41' post='2122273']

I have heard about these ladies that some how get gold and money from people by putting some cream on their wrists.

Well this happened to my girl friend in Sakon Nakhon yesterday in big C at 5pm.She and her friend went from big C to their car in the car park when 2 well dressed ladies asked them to come back inside to eat with them in the food court....thats all they can remember till the police tried to wake them from some kind of trance.they then realised they had their gold taken 5 baht (75,000baht)in total ,and 20.000 baht from my g/f acc,and 100,000 from her friends acc.the police showed them the cctv from big C and they saw them selves take the ladies to the ATM take money out and give to them.they dont remember any of this.the police told them these 2 ladies had done the same last week in Udon Thani same style and at big C their too.so be warned tell your ladt friends not to wear their gold out in public.they took 200,000baht in less than one hour.

I've never heard such a "Crocken" of "kee" in all my life. Where is the OP by the way? Working on the next exotic plot no doubt.

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i know this is soooo off topic. but does anybody know the thai script for "conquer all lifes flaws" or something really similar to that? much help is needed thanks.

I take it you haven't found the 'Thai Language' forum yet then?

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This is all over Thailand. Here on Phuket a woman told me her sister was recently visited by a man and two women up in Chiang Mai who 'put something in her drinking water' and accompanied her to her bank where she, the sister, withdrew 500k and gave it to them. She also told me an employee of hers was 'just touched on the arm' by an Indian gentleman, and gave him 500 baht (bit cheaper, that one :o ).

If you speak to any Thai (usually the women, it has to be said) ALL of them have similar stories. Beats me how they can be so easily taken when some of them have such a reputation for being somewhat er, duplicitous, themselves. But I don't doubt for one minute that they themselves believe it. Whatever it is :D

This is an urban legend around KL a few years back now. But both arguments have strong points never the less.

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..lesson number 2 dont get an account where you can withdraw more than 20,000 baht a day,(which i thought you couldnt anyway) ...

Mine's set at 40,000 baht/day and/or 3 transactions per day. But I had an emergency once and managed to get 80,000 out in 10 minutes - 40k at 5 minutes to midnight and another 40k at 5 minutes past. :o

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..lesson number 2 dont get an account where you can withdraw more than 20,000 baht a day,(which i thought you couldnt anyway) ...

Mine's set at 40,000 baht/day and/or 3 transactions per day. But I had an emergency once and managed to get 80,000 out in 10 minutes - 40k at 5 minutes to midnight and another 40k at 5 minutes past. :o

That emergency wasn't when someone put cream on your wrists I hope. :D

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When I was 10 years old I use to go around with my friends ringing neighbours door bells and then running away.

I never heard anybody call me a TROLL :D

That's because you'd already run away... :o

//reason for edit:// Not telling! :D

Edited by Marvo
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This board must be full of trolls replying to the OP :D

Rophynol is indeed widely used in Thailand by thieves.

A friend got drugged in Bagkok and woke up in a small hotel room he never visited before, he only had a few 100's stolen, he never carries more on him.

He was sick for 7 days tough, I went to a hosptital with him to have him checked out (drugging was confirmed) and I brought him to Sangklaburi to recover from the drug (Sangklaburi was on my travel schedule, so I just took him with me) It took a while for him to recover, he looked really bad the first days, could hardly eat and drink, walk straight, seemed to me he lived in some kind of mist)

When I needed to withdraw 100K I just did it with 5 withdrawals at the same ATM 3 years ago, took less than 10 minutes, luckily banks put a limit on withdrawals now

My GF got robbed from a gold chain, that was some years BEFORE I knew her (small remark for the numerous TROLLS on this board :o )

She was waiting at a bus station when a woman walking by lost a gold bracelet, an other woman picked up the bracelet and asked my gf if she saw the woman who lost the chain and then asked to run after the woman and give back the bracelet. So all was great, the woman who lost the bracelet wanted to thank both "finders" and offered a meal. In a taxi they went. The taxi never got to a restaurant. The trolls will have guessed by now how this story ends?

Moral of this story?

Never acknowledge people on the streets for ANY reason.

Don't forget this: the use of Rophynol is an urban myth.

Bendix where are you?

Edited by tartempion
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He never said it cost him anything.

They probably didn't know they were on camera. If they did know, and that's the best they could come up with (In a way, it's believable 'cause most of them are in a trance or oblivion), then they didn't think it through. This is also typical of them. Where's the OP to answer some questions?

I see he's here so, how did they react to the film, and do you think the police were in on it?

Erh hello,it didn't actually happen.

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Rophynol also known as Flunitrazepam.

A benzodiazepine drug that is illegal in the US but is used elsewhere as a hypnotic and in anesthesia. It is popularly known as the "date rape drug" because its ability to cause semiconciousness and memory blackouts has led to its association with unwanted sexual encounters.

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Do you seriously think Rophynol works by simply applying it to the skin? I don`t.

Again, this is nothing but a gambling wife`s excuse.

see the OP's comment:

"2 well dressed ladies asked them to come back inside to eat with them in the food court....

Smells Rophynol in food/drinks. easy to do when you're two scammers.

Remember the Pattaya drug/prostitution gang arrested for using drugs a few years back, seems they used some drugs (Rophynol?) on their nipples to wack out the customer?

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He never said it cost him anything.

They probably didn't know they were on camera. If they did know, and that's the best they could come up with (In a way, it's believable 'cause most of them are in a trance or oblivion), then they didn't think it through. This is also typical of them. Where's the OP to answer some questions?

I see he's here so, how did they react to the film, and do you think the police were in on it?

Erh hello,it didn't actually happen.

(Shhhhhh! - don't tell everybody, some people think this is for real)

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I have seen several people get hit with this. a few times at Robersons, and at Mbk . I was talking to a Thai policeman about it one day who lives in my condo building . He says most of the time the police will never look at surveillance tapes. Takes to much time. Guess it not that big a thing to them as most of the Girls hit is wearing a lot of Gold, They think ther girl will keep working and get more.

Some of the ladies I know still want gold but dont wear it out anymore. I wonder how long before this starts happening to flangs,

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Rophynol also known as Flunitrazepam.

A benzodiazepine drug that is illegal in the US but is used elsewhere as a hypnotic and in anesthesia. It is popularly known as the "date rape drug" because its ability to cause semiconciousness and memory blackouts has led to its association with unwanted sexual encounters.

Can we put this one back in the silly box. Doubt I have ever seen such bulls##t " my friend was sick for 7 days, doping was confirmed etc, et al:"

Benzodiazepine drugs are not absorbed topically.

Rohypnol is a particlar problem for law enforcement agencies, difficult to find in toxicology screens after 7 hours let alone after 7 days.

Its trade name is unfortunate leading people to believe its a "hypnotic" drug, its actually more of a cosh, administered (via mouth, not a magic cream) to someone who has no tolerance to benzodiazepine compounds, (valium is another) it will rapidly put someone into a stupor followed by sleep.

Good drug for rapists, less useful for when you want to escort someone to a cash point and ask them to remember their Pin number.

I've seen numerous variants of this story over the years (a while back hookers would rub Potion X on their nipples and you would wake up robbed of your possesions etc) and if anyone can track down this magical drug I assure you I can promise you incredible riches, it promises a drug delivery system that is the holy grail of the pharmaceutical industry, its worth billions, why the hel_l are these people wasting it for a few thousand baht in Big C ?

Mods, if you don't put this one to bed I'll start up an" SAS trained Thai killer hamsters " thread, couldn't be any sillier :o

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Lesson number 1, never buy gold for your gf

lesson number 2 dont get an account where you can withdraw more than 20,000 baht a day,(which i thought you couldnt anyway)

lesson number 3 dont go with strange ladies you have just met in car park for a bite to eat.

Anyway you cant be serious can u?

And I may add:

Lesson number 4 tell your lovely not to wear gold in Isaan as it is stupid to do so.

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Can we put this one back in the silly box. Doubt I have ever seen such bulls##t " my friend was sick for 7 days, doping was confirmed etc, et al:"

Mods, if you don't put this one to bed I'll start up an" SAS trained Thai killer hamsters " thread, couldn't be any sillier :o

So you are saying what happened to my friend is kwaishit, good you know so much then.

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Can we put this one back in the silly box. Doubt I have ever seen such bulls##t " my friend was sick for 7 days, doping was confirmed etc, et al:"

Mods, if you don't put this one to bed I'll start up an" SAS trained Thai killer hamsters " thread, couldn't be any sillier :o

So you are saying what happened to my friend is kwaishit, good you know so much then.

What I was saying that these drugs do not work topically (applied to the skin).

Whichever way you administer these drugs "they went to a food court etc" the effect is the same, this is not as portrayed in movies or tv, can we talk real life ? You will lose your motor functions, the ability to walk to a cash point etc,LONG/b] before you will lose your cognitive abilities that allow you to draw out this money, if I was in a queue at an atm behind someone on Rohypnol I would expect to be there a very long time.

In fact if we go back to the original "kwaishit" as you so rightly named it, I would think why escort two obviously drugged women to an atm in a shopping centre to extract their money when you could have just asked them for the Pin numbers ?

So no, I don't believe the story, more fool if you do.

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