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Tourist Visa Expiring Soon

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I currently have a tourist visa that will expire tomorrow. I know I have the option of going to immigration on Monday and pay 1900 baht for another 30 days. Would I have to pay the 500 overstay fee on top of that.

Also, I would like to go for a border run in Burma. I have used 88 days of my 90 days with the visa excemption stamps within the last 6 months. I have a ticket booked to go back to the United States on the 11th of August. Do you think immigration in Mai Sai will give me stamp for any amount of days with my proof of departure in a week? Do I get any leverage since I previously entered on a tourist visa?

If there is no way of getting a stamp in Mai Sai, any news on the consulate in Ho Chi Minh City and Vientienne. I appreciate your help

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1. Yes.

2. You would only get another 2 days, as you already used 88 days. It is unclear if you would receive an extention on a visa exempt entry, after having used up all your days. If they give an extension they will give it for a maximum of 7 days, at a cost of 1900 baht. You could try it tomorrow, as it avoids an overstay. But otherwise just get an extension for your tourist visa, cost the same and will be no problem.

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Thanks Mario...

I just may do that, just trying to squeeze in some shopping before I go back home. Would they give me that extension at the border or do I have to go to immigration after? Do you know anything about the consulate status in Ho Chi Minh? I heard there has been a bit of a scam operation taking place there.

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An extension must be applied for at an immigration office, not at the border.

If you go tomorrow you can cross the order and avoid an overstay, but for the extension you will have to wait till Monday. Problem is if you leave the country, you can no longer apply for a extension of stay on your tourist visa. So then you will need to get an extension of stay on a visa exempt entry and it is not sure if they will give you that after having used up your 90 days. So it might be wise to take an overstay and apply for an extension on your tourist visa on Monday. Costs 500 baht extra, but might save you a visa run. You will get a mark in your passport for overstay, but so far it hasn't any consequences.

If you want to try and get an extension of stay on a tourist exempt entry and it is refused, go to vientanne, Laos.

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Thanks for the info...

I heard from someone that once you get your tourist visa, your 90 day count starts over. I don't think that is true. Does anyone know about this?

I started my visa exemption runs on March 9 and accumulated 88 days within 3 months. I then got a tourist visa which I am under now, that will expire today. I would like to do a border run, but not sure how the border people will handle this.

I have been told by Mario they will stamp me for 2 days only. Will they give me a stamp if I show proof of my onward travel to the US on August 11th?

Thanks so much for your help.

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Thanks for the info...

I heard from someone that once you get your tourist visa, your 90 day count starts over. I don't think that is true. Does anyone know about this?

I started my visa exemption runs on March 9 and accumulated 88 days within 3 months. I then got a tourist visa which I am under now, that will expire today. I would like to do a border run, but not sure how the border people will handle this.

I have been told by Mario they will stamp me for 2 days only. Will they give me a stamp if I show proof of my onward travel to the US on August 11th?

Thanks so much for your help.

its a bit unclear to as what you actully have thats why mario is saying ony 2 days and extention of 7!!!

if you have a "tourist visa" not visa exemt wich it sounds to me like you have you can get 30 days at imigration as tou sujest, then do 3x border runs, that you taken care of for 4 months.

further info if you need it and to make sure we give you 100% advice put all ya dates etc (no personal stuff) on here.



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1st exempt stamp - March 9 to April 7 - departed Thailand on April 6

2nd stamp April 6 to May 5 - departed on May 4

3rd stamp May 4 to June 2nd - Overstayed 2 days - departed on June 4th.

Toursit Visa - June 5th to August 3rd.

That is where I am at now.

well you can get 30 days at immigration as you earlier sujested "on Monday and pay 1900 baht for another 30 days. Would I have to pay the 500 overstay fee on top of that.

yes 500 a day, ive been before on a monday and they havent charged this, so you may get lucky same same ????

all that 90 out of 180 days dosnt apply to you as you are on a tourist visa.


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houseofgooch, with the details you provided I have made the attached calculations, with the following result:

1. You have already used up 90 visa-exempt days during your current 6-month period. Note that the periods is 6 months, not 180 days.

2. Your current 6-mont period started on 9 March 2008 and will end on 8 September 2008.

3. Your next 6-month period will start on the date of your first entry after 8 September 2008. This means that 9 September 2008 is the earliest date that you can again enter without a visa.

There have been posts by some members saying that despite having used up the maximum of 90 visa-exempt days they were given 7 days permission to stay when they entered again without a visa during the same 6-month period. However, you cannot count on this and there may have been other cases where the tourist was denied an additional visa-exempt entry.




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