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Missing Person- Please Help


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Hey everyone,

I am really sorry to use this forum like this.

My girlfriend just moved back to Chiang Mai about 3 weeks ago.

Now she is missing.

I don't live in Chiang Mai. In fact I am not even in Thailand.

So I have not been able to get anyone to help me on this.

I believe something is wrong, because we talk to each

other every day either on skype, or google talk, or at

least with emails.

I have not heard anything from her since last Wednesday.

When I try to call her mobile phone, it has a busy signal.

I need for someone who knows Thai to speak with police

and see if they know something.

Maybe I shouldn't put her information here, publicly.

I'll put mine.

If you think you can help, please send me an email.

or chat with me on Google Talk. You can also use skype.

Skype id jerry.waxman

Thank you,

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Gravelrash is right. Don't get too worried.

Are you really serious?

He has not heard from the girl for 5 days when their contact pattern was daily.

OK, there is in assumption that she has gone back home from working in a bar somewhere. This leads to a further assumption that jerryw may have lost his turn and she will be back in touch when the roundabout next stops.

However, that may not be the case and if I felt 100% secure about my g/f's fidelity then I would be gravely concerned about not being able to contact her. Maybe more background information would shed more light on it.

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