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When Driving Is Fun In Bkk


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A Day in the Life of Driving in Bangkok

This afternoon I had to drive to the west side of Bangkok to pick up some stuff that we had ordered. When I left our home...which is right across the road from one of Bangkok's best hotels...I noticed that a police led motorcade was just coming down the VIP ramp from the hotel....carrying the Prime Minister of Singapore. There were four cars in the procession, including the leading police car with its flashing dome lights.

"WOW! Why not join them and avoid the traffic!", I figured.

So, I immediately fell in behind this vehicular caterpillar and disguised myself as part of the entourage. It was not difficult as I was a 'farang' (*) driving a new Mercedes S-Class.

It was as if traffic sweepers had been on the road just ahead of us: tuk-tuks and motorcycles had been derailed to the curb, taxis and 'lesser' cars shunted up side streets, our traffic lights were switched to green and the pedestrians were told to defer to our cars.

I wish I could have followed them the whole way to wherever they went....what with the police stopping nuisance traffic everywhere our parade chose to go....but, I had to turn off near The Pen and pursue my own more pedestrian chores. But it was fun while it lasted.

(*) Very few 'farangs' (western foreigners) drive automobiles in Bangkok.

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A very stupid act.

If the police had noticed you would have been in deep SH--

Where do you get the idea that not many farangs drive in Bangkok?

I was not actually part of the parade....just following in its wake.

And, most farangs do not drive cars in BKK. I have lived here for 5 years and I've seen very few of them behind the wheel.

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A very stupid act.

If the police had noticed you would have been in deep SH--

Where do you get the idea that not many farangs drive in Bangkok?

I was not actually part of the parade....just following in its wake.

And, most farangs do not drive cars in BKK. I have lived here for 5 years and I've seen very few of them behind the wheel.

Hi Corkscrew

Maybe you are correct in saying not so many farangs drive in BKK but I have been driving in Thailand generally and BKK for over 3 years now and I either drive my Ford Ranger pick up if I can steal it back from the wife or else it is her 1991 Nissan Sunny.

Up country I am relaxed and enjoy driving but when I get near BKK, I lose all my Jai Yen Yen and grow horns and a tail.

I came down this afternoon and the police were stopping all the traffic and shoving them to the side of the Route 1 just South of Ayuttaya as a Royal Person was coming , actually I think it was one of the Princesses. I suspect you may have have had a problem getting close to that procession as there must have been at least 250 police involved at all the U turns and clearing the traffic both in front and behind.

On the patriotic note she was in a Rolls Royce and not one of the Caddilacs.

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