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i have been here 1 year and i heard all kinds of stories about thai hospital.

i am 7 months pregnant and i am thinking about giving birth in samui, but don't know which hospital to go is best.

bangkok hospital?

i know they have nice rooms, but do they have nice experienced dr who really know what they are doing in labor room?

thai international?

don't know much abt it, but heard it's not bad.

nathon hospital?

i know the rooms there are not as good as bkk, but i was told if anything bangkok hospital can't deal with, they send to nathon? because they have more drs? is it true?

my thai is limited, so i would prefer the dr can speak good english, clean room and most important, good dr, knows what to do.

i appreciate all advices, especially if u have birth experiences in these hospitals. i think all mums wanna know this.

thanks a lot!

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Both our children were born at Nathon hospital, note that our midwife was located in nathon and she delivered the children at the hospital. English was not an issue since my wife is Thai, but sh spoke good enough English to explain everything I needed to know.

Unfortunately she moved to Trang.


A good friend of ours recently gave birth to a healthy baby girl at the Nathon hospital, very low cost.

Another friend recently gave birth to another girl at the Thai International Hospital near Tesco Lotus, low end cost.

Last year a friend had a baby boy at Bangkok Samui, good place, very expensive.

If you have insurance, the Bangkok Samui sure is comfortable.

If you are on a budget the Thai Inter near Lotus have very friendly and helpful staff and the price is not too bad.

If you are on a critical budget go to the Nathon government hospital, it is still perfectly OK but minus the comfort and not a lot of English spoken.

Chok dee khrup.

Bangkok-Samui is actually running a "special" on deliveries- you should stop in and make an enquiry.

yes, i heard about it, they have promotion until dec 2008,

29000bht for nature birth if u have 3 times check up there before giving birth.

is it a good price? i think it's ok.

but do they have experienced dr? knows what he/she should do?it's most important.

thanks a lot!!


Nathon for me was the best choice, clean & friendly, get a room though, cost is about 1,000 a night. My Mrs gave birth there a few years ago & at the same time 2 other women were shipped up from the private hospitols in Chaweng where they had paid 30,000...after the birth they went back to Chaweng...expensive room for a few days... nurses I found speak reasonably English.

Nathon for me was the best choice, clean & friendly, get a room though, cost is about 1,000 a night. My Mrs gave birth there a few years ago & at the same time 2 other women were shipped up from the private hospitols in Chaweng where they had paid 30,000...after the birth they went back to Chaweng...expensive room for a few days... nurses I found speak reasonably English.

another question, do they have any thing to stop pain? i will do nature birth, but still scared abt the pain.

anyone know?

will these hospital charge for this?

so nathon is 1000b a night for a private room?

how much may cost total?

do i have to go there book the room and dr earlier?



My wife gave natural birth and had something against the pain.

Not sure how to go about making reservations and such in Nathon, since our midwife/doctor took care of that.

They will charge for whatever they do, including painkillers, my wife was insured through her work and we only had to pay for the privat room.

Maybe go there and have a loom with a Thai person, who can help you out translating.


op, have you not been under the care of a doctor/obygn in samui? They will normally advise you so if youhaven't been having regular check ups then I would suggest a check up at any of the hospitals as your first port of call then you can discuss what birthing options that place has & go round & have the same conversation with the others.



Me and my wife had our first child in december in Samui international Hospital. Everything was ok during the whole pregnensy and as long as no complications are there i can strongly recommend that place. Nice staff, good priced, and clean and nice environment. However, our son was born with a dubbel pnemonia and needed respirator. We (first then) learned that only two hospitals (bangkok samui and goverment in nathon) has pediatritians, even though they all deleiver babies. We also discovered that only one (!!!!) hospital has respirators for babies. So we where sent to the government hospital in nathon. Allthough they are struggeling with poor equipment, old and worn buildings, i have to say the skills among the staff seems a bit higher than the rest of the hospitals, probably because they get to practice the real stuff a bit more than the expensive touristplaces. Anyway, we then got sent to another government hospital in surath, witch i did not at all approve of, 50 people sharing rooms is not what i would call a suitible bacteria free environment for a 2 week old baby with a lung-infection. So i transfered my boy to the nearest private hospital, thaksin hospital in surathani.

I have my own kind of advansed medical history over the last 2 years and quite alot of experience of thai hospitals by now. I would say, if we are having another child or if we get sick i would either aim for bangkok or go to surathani Thaksin hospital. Even the goverment hospital in Bangkok is ok. Bangkok hospital in Bangkok is very good. And Thaksin in surath is the first hospital in the south where i felt like i actually was meathing real doctors and got real answers. And it is not expensive either.

To the op, i guess there are many succesful deleiverys in samui hospitals, but when thing go wrong i dont know, i just dont feel safe. Also my own medical experiences and the things they told me in for instans Bangkok samui hospital (allthough i admit its fansy) have made me wonder how thai doctors are schooled. For instans an "orthopaedist" in Bangkok samui hospital told me on an x_ray 2 months ago, that my blodcirkulation in my hip was dead from alcohol drinking and i should never drink again and needed operation. I now went to a real hospital in sweden and the vascular problems was solved with medication in a week. Besides he told me that alcohol is actually good for bloodcirkulation and would like to know what kind of medical investigations the thai doctor taken part of that the rest of the world didn´t know about.

To sum it up: Thaksin hospital in surathani. Or go to Bangkok. But offcourse thats only one mans oppinion.


I had to get a procedure done, Thai Inter refered me to Thaksin hospital in Surat.Going to the operating theatre, I had to pass the maternity ward.From my observation,Looked very professional.

Just to comment further on whar Mattias said about the doctors, first rate,my 2 doctors spoke fluent englosh , so did the nurses in the operating area.

As for cost, I'll give you an example, seen a specialist,procedure,another specialist,medicine 4,800 Baht,when Thai Inter checked for me with Bangkok international 12,000 just for the procedure ++++++++++++ & then the results had to be sent to Bangock for analysis.

Maybe go there and have a loom with a Thai person, who can help you out translating.

Look or room? :o

Look, indeed.


Me and my wife had our first child in december in Samui international Hospital. Everything was ok during the whole pregnensy and as long as no complications are there i can strongly recommend that place. Nice staff, good priced, and clean and nice environment. However, our son was born with a dubbel pnemonia and needed respirator. We (first then) learned that only two hospitals (bangkok samui and goverment in nathon) has pediatritians, even though they all deleiver babies. We also discovered that only one (!!!!) hospital has respirators for babies. So we where sent to the government hospital in nathon. Allthough they are struggeling with poor equipment, old and worn buildings, i have to say the skills among the staff seems a bit higher than the rest of the hospitals, probably because they get to practice the real stuff a bit more than the expensive touristplaces. Anyway, we then got sent to another government hospital in surath, witch i did not at all approve of, 50 people sharing rooms is not what i would call a suitible bacteria free environment for a 2 week old baby with a lung-infection. So i transfered my boy to the nearest private hospital, thaksin hospital in surathani.

I have my own kind of advansed medical history over the last 2 years and quite alot of experience of thai hospitals by now. I would say, if we are having another child or if we get sick i would either aim for bangkok or go to surathani Thaksin hospital. Even the goverment hospital in Bangkok is ok. Bangkok hospital in Bangkok is very good. And Thaksin in surath is the first hospital in the south where i felt like i actually was meathing real doctors and got real answers. And it is not expensive either.

To the op, i guess there are many succesful deleiverys in samui hospitals, but when thing go wrong i dont know, i just dont feel safe. Also my own medical experiences and the things they told me in for instans Bangkok samui hospital (allthough i admit its fansy) have made me wonder how thai doctors are schooled. For instans an "orthopaedist" in Bangkok samui hospital told me on an x_ray 2 months ago, that my blodcirkulation in my hip was dead from alcohol drinking and i should never drink again and needed operation. I now went to a real hospital in sweden and the vascular problems was solved with medication in a week. Besides he told me that alcohol is actually good for bloodcirkulation and would like to know what kind of medical investigations the thai doctor taken part of that the rest of the world didn´t know about.

To sum it up: Thaksin hospital in surathani. Or go to Bangkok. But offcourse thats only one mans oppinion.

Please for your babys sake,go to Nathon.

Im sure you dont wanna say "i should have listened to people's advice" at the end.

They are maybe lowering their price right now,but believe me for your babys sake,its not worth.

Hmmm,someone told me after my baby died "I thought expensive means good service but its not".

I had experienced at Bangkok Samui,Thai International and in Nathon.

Thai International is good too but I strongly recommend you to go Nathon.

It's never about money,its all about our baby.

Go to Nathon.The Government Hospital,it maybe sound weird because this is a cheap Government Hospital,

but I assure you,they have a lot of experience.They deliver a lot of babys every month-safely,and Bangkok Hospital is not even close.

Im happy for you!!!

Maye Bangkok Hospital owns a very nice facility,but thats not what every mommy's want.

Of course we want to be in a safe clean place but on top of that-we want our baby safe and sound.

I wish I could turn back time.

And I wish I had someone like me now talking like this to you.

Now all i have left is my babys pillow that i hug everytime i remember him.Im still recovering.

Tell me more about your baby,when he is out!!! :-)


Sorry, i forgot to end the previous post by telling you guys the happy ending of the story. Despite the problems in the beginning my boy is now alive and well and turning 8 months in a week from now.

Good luck to the op however you decide to do.



My wife gave birth 8 months ago in Samui. Honestly, if she becomes pregnant again, I think we will go back to the home country for the delivery... I prefer not to give too many details about our situation on a forum, but if the OP prefers, she can PM me.

Things you have to check very carefully are :

* do they provide Epidural Anesthetic (not evident)

* if so, or normal anesthetic is needed (for a ceasarian) , is it done by a qualified person ? (believe it or not : our gynecologist in one of the private hospitals advised me to go to Bangkok Hospital since their anesthesist was on a holiday, so a nurse would have to do it) Unfortunately, we went to Thai International as we thought they are OK.

* if you prefer a natural delivery, better buy a gun you can point on the doctor, private hospitals really don't like it ! (for money reasons) In our case, Thai International performed one and we now have 100 % proof that there was absolutely no medical reason for it.

* check if the husband is allowed to be present. It seems that this is not evident in Thailand. I had to wait outside (ok, I admit, watching my wife being operated is not my biggest wish, and here they do a ceasarian under complete narcosis anyway, so no need for me to give moral support). What was really frustrating for me was the fact that I saw the doctor all the time outside the operation room while he was supposed to be in.

My wife gave birth 8 months ago in Samui. Honestly, if she becomes pregnant again, I think we will go back to the home country for the delivery... I prefer not to give too many details about our situation on a forum, but if the OP prefers, she can PM me.

Things you have to check very carefully are :

* do they provide Epidural Anesthetic (not evident)

* if so, or normal anesthetic is needed (for a ceasarian) , is it done by a qualified person ? (believe it or not : our gynecologist in one of the private hospitals advised me to go to Bangkok Hospital since their anesthesist was on a holiday, so a nurse would have to do it) Unfortunately, we went to Thai International as we thought they are OK.

* if you prefer a natural delivery, better buy a gun you can point on the doctor, private hospitals really don't like it ! (for money reasons) In our case, Thai International performed one and we now have 100 % proof that there was absolutely no medical reason for it.

* check if the husband is allowed to be present. It seems that this is not evident in Thailand. I had to wait outside (ok, I admit, watching my wife being operated is not my biggest wish, and here they do a ceasarian under complete narcosis anyway, so no need for me to give moral support). What was really frustrating for me was the fact that I saw the doctor all the time outside the operation room while he was supposed to be in.

Hmmm,not the first time i've heard stories about this.

Yup good idea,i think its better if you go back home, thats what my husbands plan too after what happened to me here.

I agree with you its not advisable to give more info online.

But on my part I would say,if the doctor obeyed us when we said that we want the baby out now,maybe my baby would be alive now.

We ordered cesarean to avoid financial problem if there is Emergency Cesarean.

But instead they were all laughing saying "dont worry your wife can surely make it with normal delivery".

We could see that the contraction of the baby was very strong, we are sure that the baby is coming out that day,

but you know what the doctor said, "dont worry,its false labor".

Suddenly I couldn't breath anymore, the baby didn't get enough oxygen too, he poop inside, and drink that filhy green water already.

Which was the ground of all the infection and now, my only love is gone.


i am so sorry to hear the sad story. please take care.

yes, the only thing a mum want is her newborn baby is safe.

right now, i am doing checkup in a clinic, but soon need to move to the hospital i decide to have labor.

i gave my fist child nature birth, so this one i wanna do the same. that's true, i never heard so many c-plan before. but on this island.


all the best to all the families.


I just want to add to this to be careful of birth "packages" advertised at Bangkok Samui Hospital. In our case the bill turned out to be way, way over the agreed rate. Granted there were some additional complications with the birth but they never kept us in the loop despite me asking constantly (no one had a clue). It was a major hassle to get a detailed itemized bill and when I finally did the charges were just ridiculous for every tiny service and item they provided (which I might add we didn't ask for mostly).

All in all the service and standard medical treatment is excellent but the way they underhandly pile on riduculous charges and the hopeless administration makes me want to avoid the place.

I just want to add to this to be careful of birth "packages" advertised at Bangkok Samui Hospital. In our case the bill turned out to be way, way over the agreed rate. Granted there were some additional complications with the birth but they never kept us in the loop despite me asking constantly (no one had a clue). It was a major hassle to get a detailed itemized bill and when I finally did the charges were just ridiculous for every tiny service and item they provided (which I might add we didn't ask for mostly).

All in all the service and standard medical treatment is excellent but the way they underhandly pile on riduculous charges and the hopeless administration makes me want to avoid the place.

Have to add that Bangkok samui is very negotiable. Also after you are done you can get the bill down. About a year or so ago i went there and they where going to do 10 (i think) different tests on my blood. I asked for the costs and a nurse showed me a paper wich at the bottom said 3500. We agreed on the price. When i came to the cachier she said "12 500 sir!". I said "no way!". I asked to see the manager or the plce, who came, and i explained to her that the nurse gave me the oppinion it was going to be 3500. Turned out all of the tests where listed on the paper with price after and 3500 was only the bottom one, but the way she had it writen down, plus her speaking and pointing ws missleading me. Anyway, the manager understood after i told her that there is no way to pull this with me. She took the bill from 12500 baht down to 6200 in about 5 minuites talk.

I been in Bangkok hospital in Bangkok. Very proffessional place btw. I asked them how many places they are represented in. He said a few places (dont remember them) but not samui. I told him that they have one in samui aswell. He said "yeah i know, but the one in samui we dont consider a real hospital".

Well, after some experience i´m with him in a way. Still it´s better than nothing off course. They do save some lifes up there every year. For emergensies i will keep using them. But whenever i have the choice to leave the island i will never hersitate. Bangkok or at at lest surath. For sure.


My friends gave birth at Thai International Hospital about 14 months ago. 40,000 baht by caesarean section. A couple months later, when their baby was sick they went back. Apparently there is a 'first time charge' tacked on if you're new to the hospital. They were going to charge this for the baby's visit. The couple said, "But she was born here!" Thai Inter wouldn't give in and my friends went to Nathorn, swearing never to go back to Thai International again.

Another issue is that they really push Caesarians a lot in Thailand. Realize that this makes each additional delivery more dangerous, rather than less dangerous with natural child birth.

OT is what I found about Bangkok Hospital gouging. I ran into the same hassle with the price they told me before admission, and the bill presented when everything was through. A little discrepancy of 50,000. They said it would cost about 30,000 and billed me for 80,000. I spent 2 hours griping, and they brought it down to 50,000.

Another time they gave me a special medication at 800 baht per pill. That was so much I only bought 10 of them. When I ran out I found I could buy the exact same (non-generic) pill for 80 baht at a normal pharmacy without prescription. Well, they were adding a new wing on the hospital, after all!




I understand your dilema about choosing a hospital. I gave birth to a very healthy strong baby girl in Nathon Hospital just over two years ago. I had a long labour and came very close to having an emergancy c- section but luckily enough my little girl decided to appear just in time. I was up and running again after a few days after giving birth naturally. I organised to have a private room there for the few days I stayed there Ok so it was basic but clean It had aircon a tv fridge bathroom kettle and a sofa for my partner to crash out on with me. The only mistake i made was that I wanted to try have an all natural labour but at one stage it got a bit much and i was crying for pain relief. My mistake I was told very camly that " i had to have ordered it two weeks ago" I stupidly presumed it would be there for me if I needed it. In the long run I was happy that i took no drugs as my daughter was so strong and alert from day one.

Whatever you decide will work out. I have heard of situations where women have gone to private hospitals only to be transfered to Nathon at some stage during the labour. I wish u and ur baby all the best and try not to stress about it That will do u and your baby no good at all Best of luck.



I also gave birth to a girl for about 13 months ago in Bangkok Hospital Samui.

I started going to a local clinic in Nathon. The doctor in that clinic usually works at Nathon hospital.

Everything went well but I had a feeling that something wasnt right.

She didnt take urine samples every time and when I finally requested it it showed that I had a urin infection and had to take antibiotics for it.

We later went to Thai international hospital (opposite from Tesco chaweng) and they were good.

Their equippment was a little bit old and they told me that if I wanted any anesthesia during labour it would cost me more and they would have to send for it from outside.

After that we decided to go for a check up at Bangkok Hospital.

They have the latest equippment and we even got a cd with pictures of our baby.

Bandon hospital has unfortunately a general bad reputation. European insurance companys have them on their banning list for reasons I dont know.

I know there are lots of storys about Bandon (we usually sa Abandon) Hospital and I am not sure if they are true or not.

Never went there because our european insuranceagent told us not to.

I gave birth the natural way with no anesthesia other than the usual IV they give. From the time I arrived at the hospital, it took me 5 hours.

Another thing that is different from europe is that in Thaiiland doctors always make a small cut when they see that the babys head is about to come out.

In europe the midwifes usually press warm towels (in the area beteween the vagina and the "back door") to prevent mothers from breaking or tearing to much.

I asked them not to cut but the doctor said that they do so to prevent the mother from breaking and to save time.

I warmly recommend Dr. Jaa at Bangkog hospital. She is truely the best.

We had no problem regarding the payment. We payed what we agreed to before. 39 000 baht if I remember correctly.

The "giving birth program" they offered at Thai Inter was even more expensive than the one at Bkk Hospital.

They say that Thai inter have higher rates than Bkk hospital now. All because people THINK Bkk hospital is the most expensive one and then they go to Thai inter instead to save money.

If you have any other questions about giving birth at Bkk Hopspital Samui, feel free to send me a PM.

Take care!


Ps. No I dont work for Bkk hospital, but I have lived on the island for over 2 years and with this islands accident record, I have seen a lot. /ds.



I went back to the UK to have my first daughter, but stayed here to have my second in Nathon hospital 5 months ago. The treatment I received in Nathon was better than in the UK( i was ejected from the hospital within 20 hrs of giving birth with no idea what i was doing regarding feeding/bathing etc - the staff at Nathon are so lovely)!! Dr Pisanu is professional, caring and I couldn't recommend him highly enough. OK, so the surroundings at Nathon Hospital aren't so lovely (the private rooms are fine) but no price can be placed on being able to trust the people who are taking care of you and delivering your baby safely. I have several friends (farang and Thai) who have also had a really positive experience giving birth at Nathon hospital.

I hope you find the right place for you and good luck with your new baby !!


This was my experience.

My first son was born in koh samui hospital with normal delivery 5years ago.

cost was around B6000.- 3days 4nights( not sure may be 2 nights) with private room.

It cost was so good,but I have to takecare almost everything by myself. That time thai-mother(not in-low ,just takecare my family)

stayed with me, so she helped everything for baby and me.

If I stayed alone, I didn't know what shold I do. I couldn't understand thai well.

The midwife was young and sometimes angry because of my breath was bad. so I was scary.

2nd son was born in Thai international hospital.

Doctors and nurse were friendly enough.

The cost was around 23000.- for 3nights 4days with normal delivery.

regarding check up, they don't ask too much tests,only normal check up. I think it is enough for me.

That time baby come very fast, so I could not go to delivery room. I gave birth at room. ( they say this was a first time to delivery in the room…)They care so good and enough.

3rd time I also use thai inter.

unfortunatelly, The day when I constractions started, the doctor went to bangkok for business, so the doctor adviced me, go to nathon,But I don't use nathon this time, because 5years ago I scared.

So I went to bangkok hospital, because my friend use their package around B35000.-

But I should had to go to Nathon.

They only thinking money I think. Their equipment is new and good qualily, but human hospitality is ????

constraction started, so I have to birth sure, but the doctor said, if you take this test, you have to pay around B3000.- is this possible?

I have to say Yes, because my baby want to born now!

I ask staff, my friend use package, so I want to use your package also,but before I had not come check up here, so they don't have my record so I couldn't use package. and I ask cost for delivery, they cannnot say soon, after I entered delivery room, the staff said to my husbund, the cost will be around 140000.- for only delivery and stay 2nights.

It was too expensive for us. so he called thai-mother and she negotiatied , and then staff say around 50000.- for 2nights.

Before delivery I told to doctor I wantd to take tubal sterilization.

But the delivery cost was too high, so I decied take this another hospital.

When the doctor ask me you want to take this or not?

I say no, but doctor say, why you don't take?

You have already 3 children, so you are too enough,do you want to more?

I hated to speak doctors and nurses. they only think money, own commission. The doctor ask me personal things alot. but thai inter don't ask personal things at all.

next day evening, accounting staff come to see me, bring the bill,the bill was around 57000.-

she said if you want to stay until tomorrow morning, you have to pay more 20,000bath. We couldn't understand their cost. so I came back home only 24hours. I could walk, eat everything normal and baby was small(2600g) but very fine, so I could that. But if something happend,I don't want to think… after I went to thai inter for injection for baby.

This is a just my opinion, the doctor of thai inter, he is not so old but he have experience, he don't say a lot, the doctor bKK hosptal depend on data.

So before decide hospital, you should go some hospitals for using package.

Sorry for my poor English and hope understand.

  • 1 month later...

thanks so much for all the reply.

after all, i went to bkk hospital samui had a look and chat with nurses...my friend came with me, but both she and i were not very impressed.. i would like to go there because it's closer to lamai and easier for my family and friends to visit me and will have more people to look after me and they may speak better english compare other hospitals. but the main thing i worry abt is they only have

16 nature delivery and 22 c baby per year....

i am thinking abt go to nathon... i only have 1 month to go to due day, can i book a private room or can't book ? or do they have any

pain relief for nature birth? because i had my first one naturly but used pain relief so i didn't feel much pain during that 10 hours,i would

like to try give birth naturelly this time but just in case that i can't handle the pain...what kind of pain relief they got?anyone know?

thanks a lot!!

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