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Scamp's Next .....................


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When and where is Scampy's next leaving do?

Who cares? it's boring i dont know why he doesnt just go back to the UK for a while. :o

That's abit arsh Mama Noodles is it not?

If honest is mistaken for harsh, then yes it is harsh.

I'm not so sure you really mean this.Have you had a bad evening?

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where ever the next do is, who ever goes will be buying the beers!

I got him drunk last week and then gave him 500 baht (another one) and my mate had to make him buy me a beer out of it. One way with scampy and that is free!

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When and where is Scampy's next leaving do?

Who cares? it's boring i dont know why he doesnt just go back to the UK for a while. :D

That's abit arsh Mama Noodles is it not?

If honest is mistaken for harsh, then yes it is harsh.

I'm not so sure you really mean this.Have you had a bad evening?

A bad evening? No, it is only the afternoon now.

The thing that makes me say this is the fact that it seems to be many comments from people who know the guy saying he is a free loader or a bum.

Sorry if you think this is an acceptable way to behave but i dont think he should continue to make a fool of himself any longer.

Noodles. :o

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When and where is Scampy's next leaving do?

Who cares? it's boring i dont know why he doesnt just go back to the UK for a while. :D

That's abit arsh Mama Noodles is it not?

If honest is mistaken for harsh, then yes it is harsh.

I'm not so sure you really mean this.Have you had a bad evening?

A bad evening? No, it is only the afternoon now.

The thing that makes me say this is the fact that it seems to be many comments from people who know the guy saying he is a free loader or a bum.

Sorry if you think this is an acceptable way to behave but i dont think he should continue to make a fool of himself any longer.

Noodles. :o

Now that is arsh seeing as you never met the chap.

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From reading his posts and others about him it is quite easy to form a good idea about him.

Yes he sounds like a nice guy.

Yes he has spent over 20,000 pounds sterling (B1.5million) travelling around SE Asia, and now is living hand to mouth and borrowing money he cant pay back.

Is this a good lifestyle choice?

What is wrong with thinking he should go back to the UK and sort his life out?

Thailand will still be here when he is ready to give it another go.


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where ever the next do is, who ever goes will be buying the beers!

I got him drunk last week and then gave him 500 baht (another one) and my mate had to make him buy me a beer out of it. One way with scampy and that is free!

Sounds like so many Farang that I have met in Pattaya over the years, hanging on and hanging on, they eventually end up with no friends at all because they are always on the want.

This guy should have gone home a long time ago. Unless he is into doing some risky illegal business, he has no chance of getting out of the rut he is in, not if he stays in Thailand that is.

A lot of the drug smugglers that get caught in Bangkok are just like that, guys that are skint and cannot face going back to their own country with their tail between their legs, so they ended up desperate enough to take a chance working as a Mule, maybe most will get away with it, but what a bummer when they get caught.

I cannot understand why a person will not go back to a country where they can earn a good wage when they have nothing in Thailand. :o

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I wish Scamp would say something to me. I wonder if he realises I could be a good friend to him back in Blighty (his return clearly inevitable).

I say this because I know what it's like coming back with nothing (after my Hong Kong debacle) and being alone without friends or Family. I'd hate to se Scamp like that. He'll need an understanding friend.

Perhaps his position isn't as bad as he'd have us believe re. kin and friends.

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When and where is Scampy's next leaving do?

Who cares? it's boring i dont know why he doesnt just go back to the UK for a while. :D

When and where is Scampy's next leaving do?

Who cares? it's boring i dont know why he doesnt just go back to the UK for a while. :D

That's abit arsh Mama Noodles is it not?

If honest is mistaken for harsh, then yes it is harsh.

When and where is Scampy's next leaving do?

Who cares? it's boring i dont know why he doesnt just go back to the UK for a while. :D

That's abit arsh Mama Noodles is it not?

If honest is mistaken for harsh, then yes it is harsh.

I'm not so sure you really mean this.Have you had a bad evening?

A bad evening? No, it is only the afternoon now.

The thing that makes me say this is the fact that it seems to be many comments from people who know the guy saying he is a free loader or a bum.

Sorry if you think this is an acceptable way to behave but i dont think he should continue to make a fool of himself any longer.

Noodles. :o

Why even bother posting? Do you know personally if these things you say are true? Do you base your opinions of people on other people's opinions? Would you believe what most of these nutcases say around here?

Were ya harsh? Nah...misinformed, obnoxious, clueless....yes. :D

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When and where is Scampy's next leaving do?

Who cares? it's boring i dont know why he doesnt just go back to the UK for a while. :D

When and where is Scampy's next leaving do?

Who cares? it's boring i dont know why he doesnt just go back to the UK for a while. :D

That's abit arsh Mama Noodles is it not?

If honest is mistaken for harsh, then yes it is harsh.

When and where is Scampy's next leaving do?

Who cares? it's boring i dont know why he doesnt just go back to the UK for a while. :D

That's abit arsh Mama Noodles is it not?

If honest is mistaken for harsh, then yes it is harsh.

I'm not so sure you really mean this.Have you had a bad evening?

A bad evening? No, it is only the afternoon now.

The thing that makes me say this is the fact that it seems to be many comments from people who know the guy saying he is a free loader or a bum.

Sorry if you think this is an acceptable way to behave but i dont think he should continue to make a fool of himself any longer.

Noodles. :o

Why even bother posting? Do you know personally if these things you say are true? Do you base your opinions of people on other people's opinions? Would you believe what most of these nutcases say around here?

Were ya harsh? Nah...misinformed, obnoxious, clueless....yes. :wub:

What's up with this Scampy fetischism you're all into??? :D

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What's up with this Scampy fetischism you're all into???  :D

you know how soap operas attract a certain sort of viewer, those with a lack of...

and on an unrelated topic.... if you <deleted> up the quoting , press the edit button and go back and clean it up, its not hard - is all very logical - and makes it a lot easier to read. will rant on about those posters who like the pretty colours and large fonts later :D:D:o

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Igotworms and I are movie buffs.

He's seen more than me but we've both seen the film 'Cool Runnings' which is about a Jamaican bobsleigh team competing in the Calgary Winter Olympics.

What does this have to do with Thailand I hear you ask?

Well, Don Chale who was the movies lighting director on the Calgary team, his brother has a Thai wife - she's from Khon Kaen.

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hmm, hes been drunk in Hua hin, then down to Phuket for a bit more drinking, and now Samui for another drink, travelling round Thailand on the pXss with always that same "1000 baht left". Wish I was that skint. :D

He'll be in the maldives next week looking for work. Or is there no thaivisa members there? lol. :o

For a guy that is trying really really hard (honest guv) to find work in Thailand, seems to spend a lot of time in the pub. I think most people have worked out on here that he's full of shXt.

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hmm, hes been drunk in Hua hin, then down to Phuket for a bit more drinking, and now Samui for another drink, travelling round Thailand on the pXss with always that same "1000 baht left".  Wish I was that skint.  :D

He'll be in the maldives next week looking for work.  Or is there no thaivisa members there? lol. :D

  For a guy that is trying really really hard (honest guv) to find work in Thailand, seems to spend a lot of time in the pub.  I think most people have worked out on here that he's full of shXt.

You're awful opinionated for someone with three posts. :o

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