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As purchasing Viagra/Cialis/Kamagra from pharmacies is illegal surely the point is moot.

Can anybody tell me which pharmacy sells heroin?


Most pharmacies here and around the world stock opiates (e.g heroine)...it is used in various forms just ask wich medicine has it....I'm sure they'll oblige.

Nah- they don't. You'll get benzodiazepines, some derivates of ephedrine, hard-on drugs and some musclerelax. Opiates are class 1 and sold   "only" by the bib and friends. 

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Hi Guys

anyone know any Pharmacies in BKK where I can get good price viagra/cialis/kamagra?

Amongst some of my older friends, we have had a spike in heart attacks, a couple of guys have passed away rather early (late fifties, early sixties).

In conversations with one fellow, he is flat out positive it has to do with Viagra. He said, "Huggybear when you get to be my age (65) and you think you can have sex with your twenty-something girlfriend all the time, you are crazy. Twice, maybe three times a week, o.k.,you start popping those viagras to try and do it every night, and of course it's a load on the old ticker".

What do you guys think?

They lower blood pressure and if your body is not up to it - you die!!

At least get a blood test and a blood pressure test b4 you start to take them.

(Blood pressure test taken!!!) :o

They lower blood pressure and if your body is not up to it - you die!!

At least get a blood test and a blood pressure test b4 you start to take them.

(Blood pressure test taken!!!) tongue.gif

Good advice.

If you´re not impotent, but are simply no longer the youngest of men and merely require a "boost" to get you going, then I consider viagra/kamagra as ideal. I´ve been taking a third of a pill (from chemists in Bangkok) for some years now before sex - not because I´m stingy but simply because a whole pill gave me an uncomfortably (!!!!) hard penis and created a slight headache afterwards. With a third of a pill (you can cut them up into 3 parts quite easily with a sharp knife) I have a great erection and enjoy it tremendously each time (so does my wife.................. :o ). Never yet suffered a heart attack (I´m 55) or side affects....... :D

You should consider.

What stops you from having a natural erection?

If it's due to a poor vascular system, or some underlying medical condition, then taking viagra could aggravate your situation.

Viagra, taken with blood pressure medication, can also dangerously lower your blood pressure, playing havoc with your health.

The best way to maintain healthy erections is to regularly exercise, quit smoking, mimimise alcohol intake, maintain a healthy diet, and relax regularly. Viagra should never be used as a way of overcoming the results of a poor lifestyle.

There's nothing wrong with taking products like Viagra and Cialis if you're otherwise well and you've sought medical supervision.

This is what "Impotence Australia says about viagra for women:

Viagra should not be taken by women.

It is not licensed for use in women and its safety in women has not been tested.

As they say in Thailand: "Up to you".

As for heart attacks, you only need to have one. You can also have low or high blood pressure without being conscious of it.

I´m extremely fit (been exercising 3-4 times a week at a fitness centre for years now and regularly cycle 50-80 km at an average of 24 kph), have perfectly normal blood pressure, have never smoked, rarely drink alcohol, eat mainly thai food and lots of salad and never mentioned that I don´t get normal erections. I certainly do!! The third of a pill merely makes the "sessions" more intense and prolonged. A third of a pill occasionally won´t harm anyone................. and if I do pop off that way, well............. can anyone tell me a better way to go??????? :D

Hi Guys

anyone know any Pharmacies in BKK where I can get good price viagra/cialis/kamagra?

Amongst some of my older friends, we have had a spike in heart attacks, a couple of guys have passed away rather early (late fifties, early sixties).

In conversations with one fellow, he is flat out positive it has to do with Viagra. He said, "Huggybear when you get to be my age (65) and you think you can have sex with your twenty-something girlfriend all the time, you are crazy. Twice, maybe three times a week, o.k.,you start popping those viagras to try and do it every night, and of course it's a load on the old ticker".

What do you guys think?

I think the guys looking for or using viagra here are too young to need it , either they have serious health problems or the twenty something G/F is not a good enough turn on for them , I can give them several years and have absolutely no need for it on a daily basis , but then , my lady turns me on just looking at her with a twinkle in her eye .

I think the guys looking for or using viagra here are too young to need it , either they have serious health problems or the twenty something G/F is not a good enough turn on for them , I can give them several years and have absolutely no need for it on a daily basis , but then , my lady turns me on just looking at her with a twinkle in her eye .

Over indulgence in booze (brewers droop) might be contributing for some Dumball.

Definitely a bad cocktail in the long term.

I think the guys looking for or using viagra here are too young to need it , either they have serious health problems or the twenty something G/F is not a good enough turn on for them , I can give them several years and have absolutely no need for it on a daily basis , but then , my lady turns me on just looking at her with a twinkle in her eye .

Over indulgence in booze (brewers droop) might be contributing for some Dumball.

Definitely a bad cocktail in the long term.

Sorry to be a bore , but your English is not up to the par of the forum (Here ye , here ye ) , you mispelt(mispelled) the middle word , should read 'Cocks tale ' .

Hi Guys

anyone know any Pharmacies in BKK where I can get good price viagra/cialis/kamagra?

You might want to check with your local MD first, ie; health and safety reasons first. Just a thought. :o:D


I just don´t agree with all this pansylike concern for other people´s health........... I´ll say it again.... if you´re not impotent but just want an extra kick, take a third of a tablet............it´s perfectly sufficient and offers all the results that anyone would be looking for (i.e. a solid and long-lasting erection!!!), without the side-effects of a headache or whatever. If you ARE impotent, then go to the doctor by all means to have viagra prescribed.. .... or try a third of a pill first of all... the problem may just be in the head!!!!! :o


To avoid unplesant side effects, start with a small dose...25mg. If you're young, that should be plenty, and you can always bump it up of needed, but wait at least an hour before bumping. 10yrs experience with v has taught me that trick.

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