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Did you ever posted something that you'd regret doing so afterwards? :D

For reasons like:

1-You would think that you had either caused harm to yourself by enclosing information that should not publicly exposed in the cyber world . :D

2- Causing embarrassment or casting undeliberate blunt remarks to others by posting an anti-opinion or a different personal view;that they might take it seriously as a personal insults or offends, to a limit they would consider you as an "enemy". :o

That's all I could remember for now;I hope you'd add up more to this unfavorable "posts" that you had noticed during being a member in TV forum. :D

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Did you ever posted something that you'd regret doing so afterwards? :D

For reasons like:

1-You would think that you had either caused harm to yourself by enclosing information that should not publicly exposed in the cyber world . :D

2- Causing embarrassment or casting undeliberate blunt remarks to others by posting an anti-opinion or a different personal view;that they might take it seriously as a personal insults or offends, to a limit they would consider you as an "enemy". :o

That's all I could remember for now;I hope you'd add up more to this unfavorable "posts" that you had noticed during being a member in TV forum. :D

The only thing I regret is starting to like some members on the basis of their posting and then later being disappointed big time on a new topic that showed their real way of thinking.



Did you ever posted something that you'd regret doing so afterwards? :D

For reasons like:

1-You would think that you had either caused harm to yourself by enclosing information that should not publicly exposed in the cyber world . :D

2- Causing embarrassment or casting undeliberate blunt remarks to others by posting an anti-opinion or a different personal view;that they might take it seriously as a personal insults or offends, to a limit they would consider you as an "enemy". :o

That's all I could remember for now;I hope you'd add up more to this unfavorable "posts" that you had noticed during being a member in TV forum. :D

The only thing I regret is starting to like some members on the basis of their posting and then later being disappointed big time on a new topic that showed their real way of thinking.



Ditto :D , I for once too ,respected few member's posts ; I admired their intellectual builted opinions; then also later ;I was disappointed of their real thinking. Glad to know;that I was not alone to undergo this disappointment.

Did you ever posted something that you'd regret doing so afterwards? :D

For reasons like:

1-You would think that you had either caused harm to yourself by enclosing information that should not publicly exposed in the cyber world . :D

2- Causing embarrassment or casting undeliberate blunt remarks to others by posting an anti-opinion or a different personal view;that they might take it seriously as a personal insults or offends, to a limit they would consider you as an "enemy". :o

That's all I could remember for now;I hope you'd add up more to this unfavorable "posts" that you had noticed during being a member in TV forum. :D

The only thing I regret is starting to like some members on the basis of their posting and then later being disappointed big time on a new topic that showed their real way of thinking.



Ditto :D , I for once too ,respected few member's posts ; I admired their intellectual builted opinions; then also later ;I was disappointed of their real thinking. Glad to know;that I was not alone to undergo this disappointment.

No, I can't say that i have any regrets. Although fairly new to this forum I stand behind everything that i have posted. I know that their are going to be differences of opinion and some people will out right "slam" you at times for what you write, but hey it is a forum and the whole premise behind a forum is to share your views and opinions. Anytime you post something there are going to be people that take your view and others that may thing you are an idiot. Who cares! Imagine if everyone shared the same views? Think of how boring that would be. :(


Interesting to me as I have not had this regret about another poster.

Sometimes, I will admire a poster for a post that we agree on, but when they post stuff that I don't agree with, I enjoy that too, as I like the way they think.

I used to really enjoy Colpyat's posts even though he was a total left-wing liberal type and now I enjoy Jingthing's posts even though I lke tuna and he likes tubesteak. :o


Only on occassion in the past when I have posted p1ssed, I have cringed the next day reading what I wrote, and even been suspended on a couple of occassions.

I don't do that anymore, I don't even turn the computer on any more as I have had similar experiences with emails. I have a post-stick note that I leave in the middle of the screen before I go out now, it reads


Interesting to me as I have not had this regret about another poster.

Sometimes, I will admire a poster for a post that we agree on, but when they post stuff that I don't agree with, I enjoy that too, as I like the way they think.

I used to really enjoy Colpyat's posts even though he was a total left-wing liberal type and now I enjoy Jingthing's posts even though I lke tuna and he likes tubesteak. :D

I wasn't disappointed when those posters shared another view than mine for sure :o ,but I was disappointed when they had showed a color or a view that have nothing at all with their real reality.


I don't recall regretting any of my posts. I do, however, sometimes regret the language/tone of some of my posts and I don't drink and post so that is not to blame. The problem is often that the printed word doesn't carry the emotion of the spoken word despite all the use of emoticons. I don't set out to be intentionally provocative, aggressive, nor abusive (unless someone has posted that way) but sometimes when I reread my post, usually some hours later, I think "doh! that could have been put better".


In most situations you can take back something said in haste.

However, if you write it, it goes on record and could later be used against you.

Better to keep it civil.

Interesting to me as I have not had this regret about another poster.

Sometimes, I will admire a poster for a post that we agree on, but when they post stuff that I don't agree with, I enjoy that too, as I like the way they think.

I used to really enjoy Colpyat's posts even though he was a total left-wing liberal type and now I enjoy Jingthing's posts even though I lke tuna and he likes tubesteak. :D

I wasn't disappointed when those posters shared another view than mine for sure :o ,but I was disappointed when they had showed a color or a view that have nothing at all with their real reality.

Is there an example to these postings zaza?


I do admit that I strongly regret my first naive posts :o

I committed horrible "immature' posts;few of them had irrupted a kind of "misunderstanding" of my nature or even lead to accuse me of trolling ;due to double meaning that might stand for e.g."' using open-minded",honestly; I never knew that it can be used as a "nasty" term too :D

I still got bashed by my honest friends here on forum, for committing "under-age" posting.


Occasionally, when drunk.

I also find myself sometimes spending 45 mins / 1 hour on on a long winded rant, only to decide after all that work, that making the post would not actually be a good idea.

I plan to remedy it by getting a life and getting out more, rather than sitting at the computer with a few beers like a sad act.

Did you ever posted something that you'd regret doing so afterwards? :o

Of course I have, probably more times than I would care to remember. I'm as human as the next person, as have faults just as everyone else does. If I'm guilty of anything, it's for being too open and honest in lieu of being more discretionary, and for having a quick temper and low tolerance threshold when tired and frustrated.

But what the heck? TV is a well-moderated forum with a lot of diverse opinions. Everyone is entitled to their own "wrong" opinion. :-) Disagreement and dialog is almost always better than mass or forced consensus, or not having the freedoms to express one's opinion without fear of retribution.


I once PM’d a guy who was asking for advice on how to get a job in Thailand – He claimed to be working in the same industry. I foolishly included my own personal email address in my PM.

I received a series of emails from him – Firstly effervescent thanks for the advice I had given and then rapidly moving via insistence that I had some responsibility to introduce him with my employers (I hadn’t said who they were) to rabid curses because I wouldn’t get him the job I seemingly owed him.

That wouldn’t put me off giving my email in a PM in the future, read my thread on ‘Useful information received from TV and TV Members’ – but I’m a lot more careful these days.

There is an awful lot of spite and envy around TV and more than a few ‘Nutters’ – I think we are all well advised when told ‘Be Careful with what you post’.

There is no better example of the risks here than introducing one’s wife on ThaiVisa – It is the classic TV No No!

Every time I come across a thread from some guy introducing his wife on TV (by that I mean opening a discussion where his wife is the subject) I think to myself – “You are going to regret this sunshine” – Such discussions invariably turn nasty.

I plan to remedy it by getting a life and getting out more, rather than sitting at the computer with a few beers like a sad act.

I only sit with one beer at a time, maybe I should also have a couple more on the go for the extra company?

I wish

1. I could delete my own posts.

2. It would be possible to vote to delete other posts....

I wonder how one gets to the elevated ranks of moderator? And while I'm off the topic, is there a list showing the grades of membership and the number of posts required to "advance" to the next level? From what I can tell it's quantity and not quality which counts.

Did you ever posted something that you'd regret doing so afterwards? :D

For reasons like:

1-You would think that you had either caused harm to yourself by enclosing information that should not publicly exposed in the cyber world . :D

2- Causing embarrassment or casting undeliberate blunt remarks to others by posting an anti-opinion or a different personal view;that they might take it seriously as a personal insults or offends, to a limit they would consider you as an "enemy". :o

That's all I could remember for now;I hope you'd add up more to this unfavorable "posts" that you had noticed during being a member in TV forum. :D

Not yet on here, but I have in other forums


About every 4th post I write, when I read it over I think who gives a s-hit and then don't post it. Although a few probably were posted that were of no interest to anyone.

I just read this one and thought the same thing but will post it anyhow.


My only regrets are associated with topics like the Vietnam War or ladyboys...which I often take too personally. I sometimes overreact to something a poster will write and respond with something that I regret later. So for anyone that I have offended, I am truly sorry...even if you probably deserved to be called a limp-dicked motherf*****r at the time. :o

My only regrets are associated with topics like the Vietnam War or ladyboys...which I often take too personally. I sometimes overreact to something a poster will write and respond with something that I regret later. So for anyone that I have offended, I am truly sorry...even if you probably deserved to be called a limp-dicked motherf*****r at the time. :D

Were there ladyboys in the Vietnam war :o


I don't recall regretting any of my posts. I do, however, sometimes regret the language/tone of some of my posts and I don't drink and post so that is not to blame. The problem is often that the printed word doesn't carry the emotion of the spoken word despite all the use of emoticons. I don't set out to be intentionally provocative, aggressive, nor abusive (unless someone has posted that way) but sometimes when I reread my post, usually some hours later, I think "doh! that could have been put better".

Well posted, Phil.

This is a good OP and I will be interested to see how it goes but I can already see a couple of folks 'taking the 5th' (as in not fessing up).

I tend to walk pretty softly both in my life and on these forums and have never been suspended nor even warned. I did, however post one comment in which my humor went a bit over the top and the post was removed but I thanked the moderator because I would have deleted it myself if I could have. It was a takeoff on a famous Jewish comedian of long ago but a particularly sensitive member took offense. I tried to make up but apparently I am still a butthead.

I have also had very good luck connecting with many members via PM then personal email who have become valued friends. I have never filed a report on anyone but I object to bashing Thais, women, farangs, inappropriate personal attacks; you know, the common-sense forum rules stuff.

All in all, I am happy to be a member and TV has added to my Thailand experience in many, many ways. :o

I once PM'd a guy who was asking for advice on how to get a job in Thailand – He claimed to be working in the same industry. I foolishly included my own personal email address in my PM.

I received a series of emails from him – Firstly effervescent thanks for the advice I had given and then rapidly moving via insistence that I had some responsibility to introduce him with my employers (I hadn't said who they were) to rabid curses because I wouldn't get him the job I seemingly owed him.

That wouldn't put me off giving my email in a PM in the future, read my thread on 'Useful information received from TV and TV Members' – but I'm a lot more careful these days.

There is an awful lot of spite and envy around TV and more than a few 'Nutters' – I think we are all well advised when told 'Be Careful with what you post'.

There is no better example of the risks here than introducing one's wife on ThaiVisa – It is the classic TV No No!

Every time I come across a thread from some guy introducing his wife on TV (by that I mean opening a discussion where his wife is the subject) I think to myself – "You are going to regret this sunshine" – Such discussions invariably turn nasty.

Since you had mentioned this topic :(

What would you say about my {ex-ever-forever-lover} who had posted the picture of his better-half in another forum at some stupid thread (show-us-your-partner) with a picture :D she is/was dead gorgeous;wearing revealing top and a glass of red wine in her hand :D (who with the right state of mind would/could send a picture; so personal so special to be seen by every Tom, Dick and Harry on here?. :D

I bet he regrets the moments of sending it now; cause the date and the note(I am proud to marry this ....beauty :o ) beside that (wife)'s picture ; showed a period of time when he supposed to be divorced from a hateful person since 2 years :D

I have never filed a report on anyone but I object to bashing Thais, women, farangs, inappropriate personal attacks; you know, the common-sense forum rules stuff.


hey! :o you had bashed me in my other thread and insulted my rubber nose, did you forget? :D

I will never ever forgive you! :D

you will pay for it ,PENO :D:(

Not yet on here, but I have in other forums

......soon you'll regret using your avatar as far as I could tell :o

Since you had mentioned this topic :(

What would you say about my {ex-ever-forever-lover} who had posted the picture of his better-half in another forum at some stupid thread (show-us-your-partner) with a picture :D she is/was dead gorgeous;wearing revealing top and a glass of red wine in her hand :D (who with the right state of mind would/could send a picture; so personal so special to be seen by every Tom, Dick and Harry on here?. :D

I bet he regrets the moments of sending it now; cause the date and the note(I am proud to marry this ....beauty :o ) beside that (wife)'s picture ; showed a period of time when he supposed to be divorced from a hateful person since 2 years :D

You must be psychic. I have a feeling you will regret this post in the morning... :D

Since you had mentioned this topic :P

What would you say about my {ex-ever-forever-lover} who had posted the picture of his better-half in another forum at some stupid thread (show-us-your-partner) with a picture :D she is/was dead gorgeous;wearing revealing top and a glass of red wine in her hand :( (who with the right state of mind would/could send a picture; so personal so special to be seen by every Tom, Dick and Harry on here?. :D

I bet he regrets the moments of sending it now; cause the date and the note(I am proud to marry this ....beauty :o ) beside that (wife)'s picture ; showed a period of time when he supposed to be divorced from a hateful person since 2 years :D

You must be psychic. I have a feeling you will regret this post in the morning... :P

am not sure about the psychic thing :D but might share some virtues of a psycho :D:burp:

I once PM'd a guy who was asking for advice on how to get a job in Thailand – He claimed to be working in the same industry. I foolishly included my own personal email address in my PM.

I received a series of emails from him – Firstly effervescent thanks for the advice I had given and then rapidly moving via insistence that I had some responsibility to introduce him with my employers (I hadn't said who they were) to rabid curses because I wouldn't get him the job I seemingly owed him.

Hmm, that perhaps explains something I was wondering about. I have found quite a number of TV'ers don't respond to PM's, even ones who are quite prolific posters. I thought it was/is a bit spooky - maybe they were really caught up in the anonymity that TV offers. I always try to make very clear the point of the contact - in my case this generally being research for my book.

Can't really understand not replying to PM's (or where appropriate revealing your actual identity) .... TV is hardly a hotbed of terrorism or paedophilia, but guess some folks just like to keep it as a separate and discrete part of their lives.

Now, d'oh, I realise they were thinking I was spooky too :o


Life is too short to wake up with regrets. So love the people who treat you right. Forget about the one's who don't. Believe everything happens for a reason. If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.

My only regrets are associated with topics like the Vietnam War or ladyboys...which I often take too personally. I sometimes overreact to something a poster will write and respond with something that I regret later. So for anyone that I have offended, I am truly sorry...even if you probably deserved to be called a limp-dicked motherf*****r at the time. :D

Were there ladyboys in the Vietnam war :D



Well there was this one Captain....hehehehe.

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