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Lovely Surprise When I Got Back To The Uk-can U Guess What It Was?


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hi guys, back in the uk (n.ireland)to sort out finances etc; so i can come back to los to stay hopefully for good.

been here a couple of months now and today my father arrives to see me with a Custody Warrant in his hand.

it was issued in march and as we dont keep in touch only finding about it now. (same as a ccj in the uk)

you can imagine my surprise.

its from the housing authority saying that i owe them rent from 5 years ago. they went ahead to court and got the warrant without even speaking or communicating with me. they just sent the post to my family address where i havent lived for maybe 10 years or more. Bastar#s.

heres where i need some help. i do have a bank account in my name but with a different address. they dont know where i am so is there any way they can touch this account to withdraw funds?

i dont want to address this problem now as i fly out in 2 weeks but i will sometime. for now i just want to get back to los where i have no worries. i am sitting here now worrying about going to the bank in the morning and finding i cant take my money out or it may be gone. really paranoid and worried at this point.

any advice is as usual very much appreciated.

best regards.

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i do have a bank account in my name but with a different address. they dont know where i am so is there any way they can touch this account to withdraw funds?

best regards.

I am assuming that you did not get a satisfactory response from MoneySavingExpert.com.

If you are leaving for good in 2 weeks just forget about it. If you are not going back the impact on your credit file (and status) is meaningless.

Don't know about N.I. but a ccj just delivers a court judgement in favour of a debtor - it is valueless unless they can attach it to a specific asset (or get the creditor to agree a repayment programme).

This not 'big brother' - no one can touch your bank account without a court order and as they do not have your bank details you are home and dry. Just take your money out and enjoy your new life in Thailand.

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i do have a bank account in my name but with a different address. they dont know where i am so is there any way they can touch this account to withdraw funds?

best regards.

I am assuming that you did not get a satisfactory response from MoneySavingExpert.com.

If you are leaving for good in 2 weeks just forget about it. If you are not going back the impact on your credit file (and status) is meaningless.

Don't know about N.I. but a ccj just delivers a court judgement in favour of a debtor - it is valueless unless they can attach it to a specific asset (or get the creditor to agree a repayment programme).

This not 'big brother' - no one can touch your bank account without a court order and as they do not have your bank details you are home and dry. Just take your money out and enjoy your new life in Thailand.

THANKS chaimai, i was just worried that if they look up my credit report it will give details of my new address via my c/card. does it show your address?

they just seem to be going hel_l for leather in the uk now to get as much as they can back from the little guy. cant believe they are chasing me for something that may have occured more than 5 years ago.

regards. :o

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cant believe they are chasing me for something that may have occured more than 5 years ago.

regards. :o

I think they figure that after 5 years you may be better off financially.

They may find an address on your credit report because this will be picked up from any h.p. or credit card enquiries - but they weren't smart enough to find it when they wrote to you ! "They" maybe a company who has bought, or been given, the debtor book of the housing people and they are in a no lose situation in trying to get something back after 5 years.

I still think you have nothing to fear about your bank account - there are a few (like 4 from memory) reasons where a bank can freeze your account, most of these involve further legal action.

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if you do owe them rent money , instead of sneaking around like a cheap criminal , why dont you pay them for the services i assume you obtained from them and signed a legal contract for.

who can blame them for trying to obtain what is rightfully theirs.

i dont want to address this problem now as i fly out in 2 weeks but i will sometime. for now i just want to get back to los where i have no worries.

to run away owing money , typical attitude of irresponsibility and low morals shown by the weak charactered.

and they are usually the first ones to complain when a baht bus driver short changes them for 20 baht or they feel hard done by by local scamsters.

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I think it would be best to try and settle your affairs before you leave, as you never quite know whether you'll need to make an unexpected return home if events don't work out as planned. If your health fails badly for example, you really don't need the extra worry about returning to face those sort of problems!

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hi guys, back in the uk (n.ireland)to sort out finances etc; so i can come back to los to stay hopefully for good.

been here a couple of months now and today my father arrives to see me with a Custody Warrant in his hand.

it was issued in march and as we dont keep in touch only finding about it now. (same as a ccj in the uk)

you can imagine my surprise.

its from the housing authority saying that i owe them rent from 5 years ago. they went ahead to court and got the warrant without even speaking or communicating with me. they just sent the post to my family address where i havent lived for maybe 10 years or more. Bastar#s.

heres where i need some help. i do have a bank account in my name but with a different address. they dont know where i am so is there any way they can touch this account to withdraw funds?

i dont want to address this problem now as i fly out in 2 weeks but i will sometime. for now i just want to get back to los where i have no worries. i am sitting here now worrying about going to the bank in the morning and finding i cant take my money out or it may be gone. really paranoid and worried at this point.

any advice is as usual very much appreciated.

best regards.

How much is it for ? My sis had the same sort of thing happen, she set up a minimum monthly payback, and all was sorted. I recommend that you get it sorted out before you come to Thailand, as you never know when things may go wrong for you here.


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if you do owe them rent money , instead of sneaking around like a cheap criminal , why dont you pay them for the services i assume you obtained from them and signed a legal contract for.

who can blame them for trying to obtain what is rightfully theirs.

i dont want to address this problem now as i fly out in 2 weeks but i will sometime. for now i just want to get back to los where i have no worries.

to run away owing money , typical attitude of irresponsibility and low morals shown by the weak charactered.

and they are usually the first ones to complain when a baht bus driver short changes them for 20 baht or they feel hard done by by local scamsters.

I totally agree, if you owe the money pay up.

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Enjoy the rest of your trip, and wait to contact them when you get back to Thailand.

If the reason is legitimate, then you should clear it up, but you should have ample room to negotiate due to the lapsed time, and your location.

Odds are you can clear it all up, which you should do in any case, but at a relatively small portion of what is owed.

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but at a relatively small portion of what is owed.

why ?

shouldnt a debtor be required to pay the debt in full ?

why should the housing authority have to subsidise someone who just wants to escape his responsibility ?

before paying for air tickets and setting himself up in another country he should have to pay his debts.

how would the original poster react to someone who owed him money and then "fled the scene" ?

Edited by taxexile
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It's up to you if you want to take resposibility for your debts. As a friend of mine likes to say, "some people are fountains and some people are drains". Anyhow, to keep this Thailand related; if you have warrants against you in some other country, please, please, don't come here to Thailand.

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if you do owe them rent money , instead of sneaking around like a cheap criminal , why dont you pay them for the services i assume you obtained from them and signed a legal contract for.

who can blame them for trying to obtain what is rightfully theirs.

i dont want to address this problem now as i fly out in 2 weeks but i will sometime. for now i just want to get back to los where i have no worries.

to run away owing money , typical attitude of irresponsibility and low morals shown by the weak charactered.

and they are usually the first ones to complain when a baht bus driver short changes them for 20 baht or they feel hard done by by local scamsters.

I agree with you also. It's dishonest people that don't pay their bills that cost honest people that do pay their bills more money in higher prices. How can you act like they are going after "the little guy"? They are the victim not you.

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You should really pay your debts, after all you do owe the money don't you?

They have an address, all be it your parents.

Assuming a collection company has bought off the debt the next stage will be for a man to turn up asking for you at said address. We had one turn up (many years back) in a white van with 'XYZ Collections' emblazoned down the side, the reasoning I assume, being to embarrass you into paying. The embarrassment part worked, particularly as he had the wrong address :o

SOME of these companies can be somewhat nasty in their methods (although the industry has been cleaned up over the past few years), you it's in your (and your parents) best interest to cough up.

Obviously if you contest the debt don't pay, but don't leave it alone either, best to start a dialogue and get it sorted. As others have noted, these things have a nasty habit of coming back to bite years later. :D

Edited by Crossy
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If one owes money to a crown corporation or whatever the technical term is in Northern Ireland, can't the public agency then go the next step and register a lien or garnishment against the debtor? I was under the impression that monies owed to a housing authority were treated in the same manner as social assistance benefits that were overpaid or illegitimately gained. The debt is registered and the revenue department is empowered to collect. In the interim, the debt sits incurring the interest penalty. Maybe I misunderstood.

Whatever the mechanism, if the debt is registered in the "system" and if there has been a default judgement, surely this would be reflected when the debtor goes for the clean bill of health letter from the UK authorities when the debtor seeks to obtain his resident visa for Thailand?

Is it really worth the hassle of having a debt hanging over one's head? As the OP must have enough money to move to Thailand "forever", then surely there is more than enough to pay off this obligation. right? On the other hand, if there isn't enough money to do so, then the likelihood of the stay being "forever" is unlikely as one must prove financial wherewithall in order to obtain the resident visa. The OP could then find himself back in Northern Ireland and in need of housing assistance. If there was an unpaid debt, it is unlikely the housing folks would assist.

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Myself and my x owned a shop some years back, and there was approx 400 pounds owing on an old Council Tax bill, anyway they traced it back to myself because the shop was in Joint names (this bill was from approx 10 years previously)

I contacted them and told them that I was now divorced and my x got the shop premises in the share out, but because my name was on the title deeds, they would not let it drop, and I feared they might put a court order or send bailiffs to my cottage that I own.

So I contacted them through emails and arranged to pay them 50 pounds per month - online. It is now paid off, thank goodness, and I managed to get the 400 pounds from my x.

I am glad I sorted it out, now I can sleep peaceful at night times and know that all is ok back at home in case I ever have to return one day.

Maybe it would be a good idea to contact them, and make them an offer and pay it monthly, you never know what might happen in the future, and it would put a stop to your worrying.

Its far to easy to pack up and take off to the Land of Smiles, but better to sort your affairs out back at home first, then you can enjoy.

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I agree with what most of you are saying here..pay your debts

But it got me thinking about if the boot was on the other foot.If the Gov/Auth had been overpaid(which happens all the time)would they hunt you down to give it back? do they not have a time limit on claims made against them? like 3 or 5 years?


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if you do owe them rent money , instead of sneaking around like a cheap criminal , why dont you pay them for the services i assume you obtained from them and signed a legal contract for.

who can blame them for trying to obtain what is rightfully theirs.

i dont want to address this problem now as i fly out in 2 weeks but i will sometime. for now i just want to get back to los where i have no worries.

to run away owing money , typical attitude of irresponsibility and low morals shown by the weak charactered.

and they are usually the first ones to complain when a baht bus driver short changes them for 20 baht or they feel hard done by by local scamsters.

Now that is the pot calling the kettle black for somebody who has a username as taxexile which implies for me anyway that he doesn't want to pay his taxes!!!

He didn't ask for a lecture on paying his finances did he he asked for useful infomation..of which you havent got any

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hi guys, back in the uk (n.ireland)to sort out finances etc; so i can come back to los to stay hopefully for good.

been here a couple of months now and today my father arrives to see me with a Custody Warrant in his hand.

it was issued in march and as we dont keep in touch only finding about it now. (same as a ccj in the uk)

you can imagine my surprise.

its from the housing authority saying that i owe them rent from 5 years ago. they went ahead to court and got the warrant without even speaking or communicating with me. they just sent the post to my family address where i havent lived for maybe 10 years or more. Bastar#s.

heres where i need some help. i do have a bank account in my name but with a different address. they dont know where i am so is there any way they can touch this account to withdraw funds?

i dont want to address this problem now as i fly out in 2 weeks but i will sometime. for now i just want to get back to los where i have no worries. i am sitting here now worrying about going to the bank in the morning and finding i cant take my money out or it may be gone. really paranoid and worried at this point.

any advice is as usual very much appreciated.

best regards.

Oh sorry, can't be bothered to read anything else after this but, How Is This Thailand Related.

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hi guys, back in the uk (n.ireland)to sort out finances etc;

Well do it then and pay the debt.

I think this thread should be closed for two reasons

1. The only reference to Thailand is the OP want to do a runner from his responsibilty and grace Thailand with his presence, which we don't really need.

2. He is asking for advice on how to avoid a legal responsibility.

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