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Traffic Policeman Killed By Road Racers


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Thanks for the link to that excellent video. Great stuff.

It would have been better if we see some kids head explode like a watermelon.

Nationwide helmet law & enforce it. No helmet. Bike confiscated. 1000 baht fine. plus towing fees.

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Sunreader: Why the sympathy for the police? a bigger bunch of unpleasant rogues you'd be pushed to find what with their stealing money from motorists and poor manners. They should be leading by example, how many times do they pick on moped riders to line their pockets?

Get real dude. I got no luv for the cops either, but I think it was a cowardly attack and there is no defence for it. The minor hassles we have with the "boys in brown" don't involve us being bashed with baseball bats!

What I don't understand is why no backup???

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Looking closely at that vdo, I think that if the cop in the middle of the road with a bat really wanted to connect with a skull, he could. I mean, it is physics (velocity, speed, momentum etc) but it's not rocket science!! :o

The w*nkers in Belfast used to try and ram-raid cop Land Rovers and wait for a chase, but if they were caught, a slap on the wrists and a bit of a dressing down.

Edited by jamesjdaly
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A race strip will work for some but not others. Some are basically kids with racing in their blood and will be more than happy to do it legally. Others are well on their way to a life of crime and won't, but if the numbers are reduced then you can separate the bad elements from the others.

As far as the baseball bat video, it's sad. It makes the whole thing look like a game and it probably only encourages the real thrill seekers. These racers need to be stopped, not played with or challenged.

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"Killed resisting arrest"

It looks more like murder. It wouldnot make you any better than the ones who killed the police man.

I guess you don't have cop killers in "West Indies".

Bleeding heart liberals make me sick.

So that would make you a sick murderer.

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About a 50 foot long length of piano wire - one end tied to a lamp pole about a meter above ground would stop em.

I just discovered that "sick" applies both ways in your case, how sad.. seen a doc and a shrink lately??

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A race strip will work for some but not others. Some are basically kids with racing in their blood and will be more than happy to do it legally. Others are well on their way to a life of crime and won't, but if the numbers are reduced then you can separate the bad elements from the others.

As far as the baseball bat video, it's sad. It makes the whole thing look like a game and it probably only encourages the real thrill seekers. These racers need to be stopped, not played with or challenged.

Hi Scott and thanks for this. Best post on this one for some time and after yours here I have to say the rest descend into personal back-biting, way off topic.

The REAL racers will go to a real race facility if they are guided, and those facilities DO exist. The others who insist on breaking every law and endangering every other road user deserve whatever the max penalties the law can apply!

I am primarily appalled by the PARENTS of these spotty youths (and their molls) who support them all AGAINST the police!

Secondly, I am appalled by a police force that allows ONE man to go out and confront a whole gang and get killed for doing so.

I am then appalled by the Thai national media who do not blast these lethal morons on the front page. Anyone remember Trink in the 'Bangkok Post' calling them "daredevils", imbuing them with some sort of glamour/glory?

Wake up you Thai alleged 'power brokers'! How can you claim Thailand as a 1st world nation and claim international cred when murderous bikers rule your night time streets? I've never been to a banana republic, but my friends say this doesn't happen there......!

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...I am primarily appalled by the PARENTS of these spotty youths...

Didn't think the video was that clear.

The guy swinging the bat wasn't trying to hit the biker IMHO - if he was, all he had to do was hold the bat at arm's length and let the rider ride into it.

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This was truly an outrage. I've seen these kids racing at 8am on that strip of Vib Rangsit. Sadly it seems to be routine there. So, assuming this wasn't a rig to kill the cop and pin it on the drag racers that are there so frequently, then I hope they catch the guy and sort him out big time! But keep an open mind - When I read the news report I thoght it would conclude with "he was run down by motorbike(s)" but instead it said "strangulation" - well, ok, I guess that could happen. But why - what motive and really?? Stangulation? More investigation needed - Khun Ponrtip??

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...I am primarily appalled by the PARENTS of these spotty youths...

Didn't think the video was that clear.

The guy swinging the bat wasn't trying to hit the biker IMHO - if he was, all he had to do was hold the bat at arm's length and let the rider ride into it.

I agree jetset the Police were only playing and had no intention of knocking them off their bikes. In my opinion they could stop this if they really wanted to and now that there has been a Police mans life lost, i think that they may have more incentive to do so.


Cheers, Rick

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I did not kill traffic police officer : street racer

BANGKOK: -- A street racer suspected of beating to death an on duty traffic officer said he's innocent.

He told police late last night the officer collapsed and there was no attack by illegal street racers, he asserts.

A post mortem shows officer Samrit Taemthong, 51, suffered a heart attack.

Weerayuth Suaroj and Soros Kaewiad, both 25, responded to police pleas for information and went to Phaholyothin police station on Friday.

In the early hours of Friday, Samrit responded to a report of illegal street racing on Vibhavadi Rangsit Road. He was seen falling to the ground by one witness and others saw him after he collapsed.

The witnesses reported young men fleeing the scene and abandoning the vehicle next to which Samrit was found dead. Samrit suffered bodily injuries and there were signs he'd been strangled.

Weerayuth Suaroj, the abandoned vehicle's owner, says he lent it to Soros, who admits beฌing involved in illegal road racing.

"After walking around the van, he just collapsed unconscious. I was scared. I decided to run away," Soros said.

Metropolitan Police commissioner Asawin Saikwan says no one has been charged with any crime, but the investigation continued.

Police will view closed circuitcamera recordings taken from around the crime scene.

A policeman who attended the incident said four witnesses "just saw Samrit lying on the ground. Then they saw four young people fleeing in a four door pickup".

Four others were detained at the scene; Sirichok Suriyan, 37, Prasert Meethavorn, 29, and two young men. They have each denied involveฌment and the latter three have been released.

Sirichok remains in custody on possible drugs charges.

Samrit was a devoted traffic policeman. "He's a good man. He works hard and is always ready to help others," supervisor Captain Paitoon Roobkham says.

"It's regrettable such a good man has to die like this."

Wife Ornusa can't believe such a "big hearted man" adored by others is dead. "Colleagues and people loved him".

-- The Nation 2008-08-15

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They should at least go down for failure to provide assistance. A call to 999 migfht have saved his life.

But no - they chose the honorable course & ran away.


All those knee jerk posts made you look pretty silly, didn't they?  :o

Hey genius. I was commenting on the story as written.

Shoddyass journalism isn't my responsibility.

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Since when does a man show signs of head trauma and strangulation from having a heart attack?

Heart attack, dizzy, leans to the front and bumps head onto pick-up truck.

On the way down his neck badge gets caught on the rusty tailgate corner, hangs there from his badge for a minute or two until it breaks and everyone flees.

Hits head again but on the pavement or sidewalk edge.

Shit happens everywhere and all the time.

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Hey genius. I was commenting on the story as written.

Shoddyass journalism isn't my responsibility.

Can you please point us to which shoddyass journalist said this:

"It would have been better if we see some kids head explode like a watermelon."

and this:

" About a 50 foot long length of piano wire - one end tied to a lamp pole about a meter above ground would stop em."

and finally:

"Execute the vermin scum."

Or was that just shoddyass posting :o

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A few pints of oil on the road would soon stop this

This was my initial response as well. Then again, what's wrong with putting in speed bumps every 100 meters or so?

I do agree with one of the earlier posts about providing an outlet, such as authorized racing at an airport strip. Unfortunately, this approach usually only gets involvement from who I would call "serious" racers. All of the reckless thrill seekers and gamblers would likely stay on the street, just like they do in the US and many other countries.

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Serve and protect? Cynicism at its best.

We serve and protect OURSELVES is more appropriate.

It would be easy to say that RTP are rotten to the core - but it is the core that is rotten.

My immediate reaction on reading that the cause of death was myocardial infarction was that some phu yais kid was involved.

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