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Had a farang mate caught drink driving at the Kamala police check.

Out of curiosity, what is the standard practice re payment? It cost him 30,000bht. Which to me sounded a lot. Is it automatic deportation if convicted through the courts?

And yes, he knows he shouldn't have been drinking and driving, and yes, he should have caught a taxi or paid a driver. So please spare me the goodie two shoes replies. What's done is done.

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Had a farang mate caught drink driving at the Kamala police check.

Out of curiosity, what is the standard practice re payment? It cost him 30,000bht. Which to me sounded a lot. Is it automatic deportation if convicted through the courts?

And yes, he knows he shouldn't have been drinking and driving, and yes, he should have caught a taxi or paid a driver. So please spare me the goodie two shoes replies. What's done is done.

Did he pay 30,000 baht and then get back in his car and drive? How did they determine he was "over the limit". Did they have a breathalizer on hand?

I think this is good news though if the police start to give consequences for drunk driving, of course to both foreigners and locals. But only if it results in increased safety.. as in no you cant get back in your car and drive or motorbike. Not if it is just corruption.


Was that price, 30,000 to make the problem go away? No other follow up?

Seems like a suitable 'reminder' to the driver without the loss of licence and liberty.

If the driver baulks at the price - could have been much worst in an accident.


Roadside stops and 'on the spot' fining seems the new money maker.. 10 - 20k if you plead poverty, on an old scooter, speaking a bit of Thai.. 15 - 25 if your in a car.. Those seem the norm.. 30 is the most I have heard so far but perhaps hes been WAY WAY over the limit

If you dont pay, you get arrested, stay in police holding cells until court discharge system next morning or monday I guess.. The 'usual' court fine seems to be 3 - 5k for a drink driving but there is always the (slim) chance you could get blacklisted, its entirely within thier power if they wish.

The reports I have heard (3 people now fined) all say they had a breathalyser but that a) the police were unsure how it worked b ) it was uncalibrated and god knows what reading it was giving c) that it was an obvious 'pay us directly to not have ploblem' situation.. Given the police can legally keep 30% of fines doesnt take it to even be tea money to help thier salary bottom line. I am told you can insist on a doctor for a blood reading but dealing with police at night drunk ?? I wouldnt advice insisting on your rights.

Yes all people I know once paid were told to drive home 'carefully' after.. One person opted to sit it out and do the court route, expat who has been here a while and was offended by the fine amount.


Thanks for the feedback everyone. Yes, he was breathalysed and I'm not sure how it was handled etc. Yes, it was a pay and it will go away. The alternative was to be taken to Phuket police station, which apparently is a harder place to negotiate a settlement.

I come from Australia which has become a Police state. Speed, red light cameras & booze buses EVERYWHERE. And the governments and do gooders say it's for the safety of the people, that's BS. It's purely revenue raising.

I'd hate to see Thailand go in that direction. Phukets a tough place to drive but I'm pretty sure most accidents and deaths are not caused for farangs enjoying a few beers. Suppose there's no money in cracking down on poor driving and unlicensed drivers.


LininLOS is a bit out of date. Last month the law was changed, and now a foreigner going through the courts faces a 50k fine and deportation.

I got done last week in my car, the coppers took me to the police station and were baying for blood. Luckily my lawyer is well connected and it ended up costing me 10k (plus 5k for getting her out of bed). The BiB were visibly gutted - I've never experienced such venemous hatred towards me as I did that night.

Also it was a Saturday, so they showed me the cell I would be staying in until Monday when it went to court. Before all the holier than thou start, this was probably the 2nd time in 3 years that I have driven my car after a few beers. Serves me right, and I agree, but 90% of Thai drivers are over the limit at midnight - they won't bother stopping them as they know they have no cash.

I hope this serves as a word of warning to some people, I know many expats who regularly drink and drive, and they (as well as me) thought there was no consequence, but times are a changing.


"LininLOS is a bit out of date. Last month the law was changed, and now a foreigner going through the courts faces a 50k fine and deportation.

I got done last week in my car, the coppers took me to the police station and were baying for blood......"

Wow, this is amazing. I was always under the impression you had to be SUPER mao, like bobbing the head drunk to get hassled. I mean, a year and a half ago, I was on a motorbike, girl onboard, beer in hand, headed home and had a cop stop for a road running race that was beginning at about 4 in the morning.

Cop and girl chatted, I sat there drinking my beer, and when it was clear he waved us on.

Wow, this is amazing. I was always under the impression you had to be SUPER mao, like bobbing the head drunk to get hassled. I mean, a year and a half ago, I was on a motorbike, girl onboard, beer in hand, headed home and had a cop stop for a road running race that was beginning at about 4 in the morning.

Cop and girl chatted, I sat there drinking my beer, and when it was clear he waved us on.

As I said, the law has recently been changed for foreigners. But also as was mentioned earlier, in the West this is just a revenue raising exercise, which I think the BiB are starting to realise. I'm sure 99.9% of the time you won't have a problem, but I won't be chancing it again.


probably only happens to the old brits that seem to have to scream and act obnoxious when they are drunk

I know so many people around here that drink everynight and none of them have ever been stopped. most of those 'roadcheck' spot are just a reason for police officers to sit down outside of the station and throw down some cigs/beers

have to be really obnoxsious on your car/motorbike to be seen by them

probably only happens to the old brits that seem to have to scream and act obnoxious when they are drunk

I know so many people around here that drink everynight and none of them have ever been stopped. most of those 'roadcheck' spot are just a reason for police officers to sit down outside of the station and throw down some cigs/beers

have to be really obnoxsious on your car/motorbike to be seen by them

Well as I'm a young Brit, and not obnoxious, that kinda blows your dimwit theory out of the water.


My friend was nabbed on Chit Lom Road. He had to go to Lumpini Police Station. Same story with Breathalizer...the officers kept messing with it, changing batteries, trying on themselves, etc. My friend was stringing it along, not doing it properly, etc etc. He was able to call his Thai g/f to the station, where she negotiated with the nice officers. My friend's g/f tried the Breathalyzer at one point...it showed her at .08, and she had not had a drink for a couple of days. The officers kept threatening him with "go to hospital, take out blood"...he said, "That is what we will do then". That threw them off that he would say that, he says it was obvious that was *not* what the officers wanted to do...it would screw up their payday.

End result? My friend sent his g/f out with his ATM card, he had to be put in a cell with an ugly ladyboy for about 20 minutes, the g/f came back with the money, out the door they went.

25,000 baht, no paper, no record.

I would call that reasonable, vs sitting in jail, going to court, paying some fine there anyway, possible deportation, at least a paper trail.

I had a DUI several years ago in USA. By the time I paid the fine, paid my attorney, paid to get my DL back after the revokation, plus having to drive test both car and motorcycle again, two trips to testing station, three court appearances, periodic visits for nine months to the probation officer, etc etc etc, the costs were most certainly over 1000 USD (40,000 THB at that time).

Edit: bad math...1000 USD = 40,000 THB in 2004.

I had a DUI several years ago in USA. By the time I paid the fine, paid my attorney, paid to get my DL back after the revokation, plus having to drive test both car and motorcycle again, two trips to testing station, three court appearances, periodic visits for nine months to the probation officer, etc etc etc, the costs were most certainly over 1000 USD (400,000 THB at that time).

Did you mean 10,000 USD ? or 40,000 THB ? Which .....


I heard (or read) that recently Thailand introduced a penalty points system for driving offence, with loss of driving license after a set amount of points.

P.S. I'll be screwed if they start using speed radars on Phuket Island. Never seen them here, but was caught (with radar) about 10 years back in Krabi province. On spot 500 baht fine, with official receipt. No hint of ask for tea money, all very jovial, and I did not even have Thai or International license back then, just an old UK one.

LininLOS is a bit out of date. Last month the law was changed, and now a foreigner going through the courts faces a 50k fine and deportation.

The law changed ?? Source please..

Otherwise who told you ?? Police who wanted the bribe or lawyer you paid to engineer the bribe ??

It was only a few weeks back that the farang guy went through the courts.. Over a month tho...


When will you all get your heads around the fact that 30,000 baht is a huge amount of money for a Thai, even a lowly cop. That amount is insane, and when one of you pays it, everyone pays it because now it's the status quo. However, serves you bloody right for driving pissed out of your heads. Som nom na.

I heard (or read) that recently Thailand introduced a penalty points system for driving offence, with loss of driving license after a set amount of points.

P.S. I'll be screwed if they start using speed radars on Phuket Island. Never seen them here, but was caught (with radar) about 10 years back in Krabi province. On spot 500 baht fine, with official receipt. No hint of ask for tea money, all very jovial, and I did not even have Thai or International license back then, just an old UK one.

From what I have heard, the points system only applies in BKK, to licenses issued in BKK

LininLOS is a bit out of date. Last month the law was changed, and now a foreigner going through the courts faces a 50k fine and deportation.

The law changed ?? Source please..

Otherwise who told you ?? Police who wanted the bribe or lawyer you paid to engineer the bribe ??

It was only a few weeks back that the farang guy went through the courts.. Over a month tho...

It was my lawyer who told me. She has done loads of work for me in the past, and I have no reason to doubt her, especially after reading some of the hefty fines other posters have paid. Trying to find a written law in LOS is a bit like looking for rocking horse sh1t, sorry but she is my only source.

When will you all get your heads around the fact that 30,000 baht is a huge amount of money for a Thai, even a lowly cop. That amount is insane, and when one of you pays it, everyone pays it because now it's the status quo. However, serves you bloody right for driving pissed out of your heads. Som nom na.

Oh yeah, now how exactly would someone do that. "Look here you lowly cop. I'm not paying that amount...." Guess what, the balls in the cops court. Yes, if you have a Thai friend or lawyer they maybe able to negotiate but if you don't and don't speak the language I think his options were limited.

So saying he has begun a status quo is unfair.

And who said he was pissed out of his head? Another do gooder who knows everything.

probably only happens to the old brits that seem to have to scream and act obnoxious when they are drunk

I know so many people around here that drink everynight and none of them have ever been stopped. most of those 'roadcheck' spot are just a reason for police officers to sit down outside of the station and throw down some cigs/beers

have to be really obnoxsious on your car/motorbike to be seen by them

Not true at all...

Kamala police often check both ends of the road, the bottom of the hill by mountain view bar and the police box at the other end.. They also stop check at the box between Kamala and Kalim.. Kathu Also often has a check..

This isnt about being polite, or speaking Thai, or being falling down drunk.. They have learnt its a money maker and farang faces make big money..

The silly thing is they usually go home about 2 or 3 just before the bars close..

When will you all get your heads around the fact that 30,000 baht is a huge amount of money for a Thai, even a lowly cop. That amount is insane, and when one of you pays it, everyone pays it because now it's the status quo. However, serves you bloody right for driving pissed out of your heads. Som nom na.

Oh yeah, now how exactly would someone do that. "Look here you lowly cop. I'm not paying that amount...." Guess what, the balls in the cops court. Yes, if you have a Thai friend or lawyer they maybe able to negotiate but if you don't and don't speak the language I think his options were limited.

So saying he has begun a status quo is unfair.

And who said he was pissed out of his head? Another do gooder who knows everything.

You dont demand anything.. Hardly ever productive in a negotiation..

However, pleading poverty, letting it drag out a bit, making it obvious your not a tourist, all will take the worst off the bill.. Then perhaps your ATM only spat out 20k after they took you there expecting 25.. What are you to do ?? Cant get any more !!! Or maybe you have 10k you can lay your hand on instead of the ATM scene..


I understand the points system on Thai licenses is country wide.. Vary rarely do points go onto the license, I think thats when you go to court and not when you pay 'on the spot' payments, hence not often.


Roadside stops and 'on the spot' fining seems the new money maker.. 10 - 20k if you plead poverty, on an old scooter, speaking a bit of Thai.. 15 - 25 if your in a car.. Those seem the norm.. 30 is the most I have heard so far but perhaps hes been WAY WAY over the limit

The reports I have heard (3 people now fined) all say they had a breathalyser but that a) the police were unsure how it worked b ) it was uncalibrated and god knows what reading it was giving c)

Was thinking about this the other day LiL after reading about the guys on the other forum.

Do the MIB know how to use these breathalyzers and what are they calibrated to ?

How much blood alcohol.What is the legal limit here?Is there a legal limit.

I have to come up to Kamala a few times a month to see people and usually have a few beers.Not mao 3-4 beers.

If I was stopped would I be over their limit.


I had read on a different forum a few years back that went something like this:

'Bangkok, the only place in the world where you can be in a convertible rental car at 2 am driving 160 km/h with the top down, singing 'Born Free' at the top of your lungs, drunk as a skunk, get pulled over by the police, and they let you go for $10 USD."


at the early hours i really really doubt they'll notice you're a farang if you're not wearing flip flops with tropical flowerly shorts and a manchester jersey...

Everytime i have been out at night in phuket i brought with me a long sleeve, some long pants or long shorts and real shoes... pretty good way to get left alone and to avoid robbers anyways

When will you all get your heads around the fact that 30,000 baht is a huge amount of money for a Thai, even a lowly cop. That amount is insane, and when one of you pays it, everyone pays it because now it's the status quo. However, serves you bloody right for driving pissed out of your heads. Som nom na.

Oh yeah, now how exactly would someone do that. "Look here you lowly cop. I'm not paying that amount...." Guess what, the balls in the cops court. Yes, if you have a Thai friend or lawyer they maybe able to negotiate but if you don't and don't speak the language I think his options were limited.

So saying he has begun a status quo is unfair.

And who said he was pissed out of his head? Another do gooder who knows everything.

Aw c'mon. Tell your 'friend' to not pay that silly amount, help out his fellow farang, and take one for the team.

When will you all get your heads around the fact that 30,000 baht is a huge amount of money for a Thai, even a lowly cop. That amount is insane, and when one of you pays it, everyone pays it because now it's the status quo. However, serves you bloody right for driving pissed out of your heads. Som nom na.

Oh yeah, now how exactly would someone do that. "Look here you lowly cop. I'm not paying that amount...." Guess what, the balls in the cops court. Yes, if you have a Thai friend or lawyer they maybe able to negotiate but if you don't and don't speak the language I think his options were limited.

So saying he has begun a status quo is unfair.

And who said he was pissed out of his head? Another do gooder who knows everything.

Aw c'mon. Tell your 'friend' to not pay that silly amount, help out his fellow farang, and take one for the team.

Nope...he did what every one of us will do when it is down to it...take care of number one.


Roadside stops and 'on the spot' fining seems the new money maker.. 10 - 20k if you plead poverty, on an old scooter, speaking a bit of Thai.. 15 - 25 if your in a car.. Those seem the norm.. 30 is the most I have heard so far but perhaps hes been WAY WAY over the limit

The reports I have heard (3 people now fined) all say they had a breathalyser but that a) the police were unsure how it worked b ) it was uncalibrated and god knows what reading it was giving c)

Was thinking about this the other day LiL after reading about the guys on the other forum.

Do the MIB know how to use these breathalyzers and what are they calibrated to ?

How much blood alcohol.What is the legal limit here?Is there a legal limit.

I have to come up to Kamala a few times a month to see people and usually have a few beers.Not mao 3-4 beers.

If I was stopped would I be over their limit.

Thailand is .50 (as per Euro measures) 0.05 as per 1000 (US measurements)..

Thats about average.. UK is .35 but with a built in cautionary .05 so you can blow a .40 (0.04) and its no court but a registered caution.. USA is .80 (0.08)..

3 - 4 beers should trigger a 0.05 then again I had a belly full with whiskey chasers in uk once and blew a 0.039 and deserved worse. Depends a lot on size of person, speed of consumption and if you have eaten or not.. In the first world if you fail always insist on a blood test, one may be under the other.

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