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Livin In The Village Or Livin In Pattaya?


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After reading many stories of murder, suicide etc in thailand of foreigners most seem to happen in the village or pattaya.

So guys where is the most dangerous place to live out of these two?

Me personally i would say the village, aint much protection around there if people take a disliking to you!

Your thoughts?

Ps im looking for advice im quite happy here in bkk

Edited by b00
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Boo,i wouldnt live in the vilages as i feel that you are not as safe.Only stayed for a few days on a couple of occasions and didnt feel threatened but not much to do is there.Give me tropical Pattaya any day with all the amenities you need,especialy if sick.

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Are those the only two choices you are considering? I would say you should broadin your horizons a bit. Quite a contrast between Pataya & a rural village, although it seems many Farang gents wind up in one or the other, neither are my cup of tea, nor is Bangkok.

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After reading many stories of murder, suicide etc in thailand of foreigners most seem to happen in the village or pattaya.

So guys where is the most dangerous place to live out of these two?

Me personally i would say the village, aint much protection around there if people take a disliking to you!

Your thoughts?

Ps im looking for advice im quite happy here in bkk

Give me the city anyday where you can move around pretty much unoticed and mingle with the crowd. I think that farangs who live in the villages have too much of a high profile because they will be in a minority. Its so easy to be despised by the locals purely because of your comparative wealth even if you do nothing to upset the neighbours.

Happy in Bangkok.

Cheers, Rick

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Are those the only two choices you are considering? I would say you should broadin your horizons a bit. Quite a contrast between Pataya & a rural village, although it seems many Farang gents wind up in one or the other, neither are my cup of tea, nor is Bangkok.

Not at all mate,

A village? why on earth would i want to move there? middle of know where and everyone thinks im a millionare? causes problems straight away!

Pattaya, i couldnt think of a place worse on the planet!

If i didnt live in bangkok i would live in thailand.

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Are those the only two choices you are considering? I would say you should broadin your horizons a bit. Quite a contrast between Pataya & a rural village, although it seems many Farang gents wind up in one or the other, neither are my cup of tea, nor is Bangkok.

Not at all mate,

A village? why on earth would i want to move there? middle of know where and everyone thinks im a millionare? causes problems straight away!

Pattaya, i couldnt think of a place worse on the planet!

If i didnt live in bangkok i would live in thailand.

I thought that Bangkok was in Thailand mate!

Cheers, Rick

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I would live in a village if I had a helicopter. Or if there was a high speed rail system express to get me in to the city. I am very happy living in the suburbs of Bangkok as im away form the city centre nonsense, and it’s a hel_l of a lot safer and peaceful walking around here. so I would personally think living in pattaya would be more dangerous, especially if you gave your self a high profile.

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Are those the only two choices you are considering? I would say you should broadin your horizons a bit. Quite a contrast between Pataya & a rural village, although it seems many Farang gents wind up in one or the other, neither are my cup of tea, nor is Bangkok.

Not at all mate,

A village? why on earth would i want to move there? middle of know where and everyone thinks im a millionare? causes problems straight away!

Pattaya, i couldnt think of a place worse on the planet!

If i didnt live in bangkok i would live in thailand.

I thought that Bangkok was in Thailand mate!

Cheers, Rick

Lots of spelling mistakes tonight, its the chang, i mean i wouldnt live in thailand. lol

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After reading many stories of murder, suicide etc in thailand of foreigners most seem to happen in the village or pattaya.

So guys where is the most dangerous place to live out of these two?

Me personally i would say the village, aint much protection around there if people take a disliking to you!

Your thoughts?

Ps im not looking for advice im quite happy here in bkk

You only have to read some of the recent posts to see just how dangerous it can be in the villages. It seems that there is very little protection especially from the Police.

City life for me!

Cheers, Rick

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After reading many stories of murder, suicide etc in thailand of foreigners most seem to happen in the village or pattaya.

So guys where is the most dangerous place to live out of these two?

Me personally i would say the village, aint much protection around there if people take a disliking to you!

Your thoughts?

Ps im looking for advice im quite happy here in bkk

I mean im NOT looking for advice.

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Are those the only two choices you are considering? I would say you should broadin your horizons a bit. Quite a contrast between Pataya & a rural village, although it seems many Farang gents wind up in one or the other, neither are my cup of tea, nor is Bangkok.

Not at all mate,

A village? why on earth would i want to move there? middle of know where and everyone thinks im a millionare? causes problems straight away!

Pattaya, i couldnt think of a place worse on the planet!

If i didnt live in bangkok i would live in thailand.

I thought that Bangkok was in Thailand mate!

Cheers, Rick

Sorry mate could'nt resist it. Happy changing!

Cheers, Rick

Lots of spelling mistakes tonight, its the chang, i mean i wouldnt live in thailand. lol

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middle of know where and everyone thinks im a millionare? causes problems straight away!

I've learned to act, look and spend like I am not a millionaire.

I can tell you, years of practice have made me pretty dam_n convincing :o

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middle of know where and everyone thinks im a millionare? causes problems straight away!

I've learned to act, look and spend like I am not a millionaire.

I can tell you, years of practice have made me pretty dam_n convincing :o

Doesnt matter if you dress in cheap clothes, dont present yourself well or spend your money wisely, Im pretty sure those village folk would still think you come from a land where money grows on trees, :D

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Blimey, is it that demented Irish leprechaun again? ("jfk", mrcheshire"?)

Seems to have discovered that a capital letter is required at the beginning of a new sentence. Also has worked out how to upgrade his star rating. Well done! Improvements in leaps and bounds.

As a free bit of grammatical advice, try using I instead of i in future.

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Blimey, is it that demented Irish leprechaun again? ("jfk", mrcheshire"?)

Seems to have discovered that a capital letter is required at the beginning of a new sentence. Also has worked out how to upgrade his star rating. Well done! Improvements in leaps and bounds.

As a free bit of grammatical advice, try using I instead of i in future.

What the fuc_k?

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What the fuc_k?

Yep, must be him.

Well im english so I dont think I can be.

Now piss off, holding the shift button down when I type I annoys me.

Go look for your lover somewhere else.

Edited by b00
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How big is said village? :D

I should imagine that if you were "the only gay bloke in the village",then it maybe quite dangerous. :o:D

You know the villages in talking about! maybe the guys who live there started off in pattaya? maybe they can post on here and tell us which ones the scariest?

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Village life can be fun. I lived in a village for quite a while and was always made to feel welcome and never threatened at all. BKK was, well, full of rip offs IMHO. Now I am in town I still do not feel threatened not have I ever felt threatened in Pattaya or when I have been to Phuket.

Maybe it is down to the foreigners attitude no matter where they live?

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You summed it up nicely, G54. Two completely different places - a remote Issan village and Pattaya. I have lived in both. Pattaya was fun 5 years ago - but I don't know whether it's me or Pattaya - but one of us (maybe both) have changed. Issan village - the real Thailand - love it. Accepted from Day 1 and treated well - never ripped off.


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Are those the only two choices you are considering? I would say you should broadin your horizons a bit. Quite a contrast between Pataya & a rural village, although it seems many Farang gents wind up in one or the other, neither are my cup of tea, nor is Bangkok.

Not at all mate,

A village? why on earth would i want to move there? middle of know where and everyone thinks im a millionare? causes problems straight away!

Pattaya, i couldnt think of a place worse on the planet!

If i didnt live in bangkok i would live in thailand.

I can't understand why you are asking?

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Bit of a wide choice Pattaya or the village, provincial town/city or village would have allowed more margin for alternative views. Pattaya you either love or hate, no middle ground, village life is pretty much the same. But as for safety that, certainly in Pattaya, depends on your attitude and your business interests, if any, including business associates and competitors. Aside from the suicides, farangs that get into bother in Pattaya tend to have p1ssed somebody off either intentionally or otherwise. This is easy to do if you swagger round beer bars p1ssed up into the early hours of the morning. It is also very easy to do in business worldwide let alone in Pattaya the only difference being Pattaya "businessmen", Thai and farang, tend to be less law abiding characters than other parts of the country.

I've never lived in village, stayed a few times for a few nights, and never encountered any bad feelings but I think the isolation would get to me in the end. That and the fear that any medical attention I might need would be not so easy to find.

I've lived in Pattaya for many years and never once got into any bother. Seen a few bouts of fisticuffs between drunken punters but they are more usually cuddling contests rather than real fights. There are about six bars I frequent when I'm in town, there are a few I'll go to occassionally, there are a few I avoid because I don't identify with the characters that do use them, and there are the rest that have no real appeal to me.

What I do like is that should I require medical attention a Baht bus will get me to the PIH in a few minutes anytime I need it. Also should I ever fall to the craving for good old stodge like pie, chips and peas it is available at any number of places even if, when I get it, I go right off the idea.

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I don't exactly live in 'the village", but I do reside in Issan. Having lived in BKK. and comparing the two, I would not trade Issan for BKK. and I certainly do not consider "sleaze by the sea' (pattaya) to be a safe area, nor is it even remotely representative of Thailand.

I have never felt threatened in Issan, whether in the 'city' areas or the villages. You are more likely to get riped off or become a victim of crime in the major tourist areas as opposed to the provinces.

BKK: good for a weekend

pattaya: A waste of time

Samui: Great place 10-15 years ago. Now a tourist trap where you find more farangs than Thais.

Provinces: Home!

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As much as I love the peaceful tranquility in our favourite isaan village, the under surface threat of danger is always there, back in the last century years before yorky had even heard of surin on a balmy november evening I was witness to a murder, if the pistol had not have jammed I would have been dead too!! and for what? a case of mistaken identity,it does not matter where you are in todays thailand, the threat of violence or some form of retaliation is always bubbling just under the surface if a thai feel wrongly treated or slighted. I am not saying this threat is not there in other countries,I just feel that behind that friendly tuk tuk or taxidrivers smile a threat is also hidden :o

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You could live in my wife's village (Sa Kaew), a collection of about 9 houses, no shop- just the mobile pick up variety, no mains water, nil street lighting & telephone lines and be a recluse quite easily. No one would bother you at all!!!

Better to live in a sizable provincial town with decent amenities. Mine only 3 hours from Bangkok a 'run ashore' every couple of months, just what the doc ordered.

Piccy of my last visit to Mum in Laws on 'Mothers Day', the trucks mine!


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