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Disgruntled Farang Going Home


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:o Doctor John. Love listening to your input, but you are ONLY a partimer, so are not qualified to speak, as such. But I, being a bit pissed, agree with your point.

one might as well be pissed listening to all the drivel spoken on this topic. G/night

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Just sounds like another Farang that came to Thailand with some money, wasted it sitting in a Bar for 7 years and now has to go home.

....and that statement looks as it come from someone with less than seven years experience in the bar still floating on a pink sky.

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Let's face it Thailand is a third world backwater which happens to have cheap food, cheap pussy, nice beaches and sunny weather .

These positives are enough for many people to want to live in Thailand.

However being a third world backwater means that they have endemic courruption, poor infrastructure, no social security, high crime rate and on top of that if you are a farang you have very few legal entitilements.

That is what you have to weigh up as a farang if you decide to live in Thailand.

Up to you.

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Let's face it Thailand is a third world backwater which happens to have cheap food, cheap pussy, nice beaches and sunny weather .

These positives are enough for many people to want to live in Thailand.

However being a third world backwater means that they have endemic courruption, poor infrastructure, no social security, high crime rate and on top of that if you are a farang you have very few legal entitilements.

That is what you have to weigh up  as a farang if you decide to live in Thailand.

Up to you.

A reasonable post.

Corruption: traffic violations cost 100baht on the spot, ok by me

Poor infrastructure: I've got a good road, phone, electricity, what's poor?

No social security: I thought all us foreigners got that from our previous home

High crime rate: Bad situations can usually be avoided with common sense

Legal entitlements: No vote (as if voting in the USA actually influenced politics...if voting could really change things they would outlaw it!), can not own property; keeps the foreign population in check, what other entitlements am I doing without?

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Let's face it Thailand is a third world backwater which happens to have cheap food, cheap pussy, nice beaches and sunny weather .

These positives are enough for many people to want to live in Thailand.

However being a third world backwater means that they have endemic courruption, poor infrastructure, no social security, high crime rate and on top of that if you are a farang you have very few legal entitilements.

That is what you have to weigh up  as a farang if you decide to live in Thailand.

Up to you.


and a cultural backwater without any cerebral stimulas , its great for drunks , airheads , criminals on the run , old pervs ,drug addicts ,wannabe pimps, :o and fat blokes with beer bellies who cant get a shag back home ! :D

and of course those who want to chillout until they drop dead from inactivity :D

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Let's face it Thailand is a third world backwater which happens to have cheap food, cheap pussy, nice beaches and sunny weather .

These positives are enough for many people to want to live in Thailand.

However being a third world backwater means that they have endemic courruption, poor infrastructure, no social security, high crime rate and on top of that if you are a farang you have very few legal entitilements.

That is what you have to weigh up  as a farang if you decide to live in Thailand.

Up to you.

Very well said. If you can hack the third world there are plenty of similar choices ... Philippines, Indonesia, Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil, South Africa. Just choose your language and flavour!

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There’s times I’ve gone home from this office bemused at some of the excuses I’ve seen from some Thai staff at times, only to cover up either extreme bone-idleness or lack of ability. My favourite has to be “You’re not Thai so you don’t understand” – Well, you’re 100% right there. Can you get on with your job now please?

I would have loved to have tried that on my yank boss. Youre not British so you dont understand!

Basically the Thais are pissing everyone off, the UK, US, UN, Malayasia, everyone except Burma who of course have been given huge loans to buy telecommunications equipement from ooo, lets think, what company would that be?

Toksin today even threatened to walk out of the ASEAN conference if they dared to bring up the recent mass murder.

Bunch of xenophobes, who when the current boom is gone, will be blaming everyone else for their problems instead of looking at themselves ( and that analogy fits at all levels in this country down to a personal one )

In general i share ur resentment and anger over Toxin and his fascist nationalistic profiteers clique. However i strongly oppose ur generalisation on xenophobia in the last paragraph and also ur last sentence "and that analogy fits at all levels in this country down to a personal one." (the brackets don’t matter). That being said please note the word ‘u’ henceforth means ‘the reader’.

What do u want them poor rural people and city proletarians to do: go on strike become homeless and in the end reincarnate of hunger or unite in labour and social movements go out on the streets to protest make revolution and be shot by the army? When the current boom ends them poor people will suffer first and foremost and they really don't have much choice now and will even have less then isn’t it?

The city proletarians and small farmers aged 30+ who suffered under the last recession (end of the nineties), then in their twenties profoundly resent the Democrat party (except the more South u go which by tradition seems to be more Democratic inclined for some older historic tradition and/or reasons). They simply love Toxin's TRT mainly for two fundamental reasons: 1) At least they are back at work and/or received some monetary benefit in one odd to very questionable form or another 2) the 30baht health scheme coz now at least they know they can afford treatment in case they get seriously ill in need of prolonged and/or intensive treatment.

I know it may all sound sad and discouraging : in 2nd world survival economy people try to survive in the pre-democracy in voting with their stomacs. Most of them are not race-xenophobic. Quite a lot of them are economy-xenophobic i.e. they gladly make nips overpay as much and in some cases even more than falang. But most of them don't approove of the killing army in the South nor of the Muslim violence there. Most of them don't approove of the omni-present corruption large and small and the greed of house-owners loansharks shopkeepers and the practical absence of justice by the law in their daily lifes. Most don't know how to turn that around becoz they understand for the moment it doesn't matter who wins any election coz there ain't no Gandhi or Mandela around for them. Most don't speak about all that but in their hearts feel and know it.

Pointless in trying to argue and convince them the Western way just make them aware on an individual basis grounded on confidence. Don't overdue that would be counterproductive. The word goes around rather well from mouth to ear. Foremost ship ur self-complacency arrogance and cynism one way to farang country in case u brought it with u. They are already overexposed to fascist pigs of their own race they really don't need any more from some other race.

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In general i share ur resentment and anger over Toxin and his fascist nationalistic profiteers clique. However i strongly oppose ur generalisation on xenophobia in the last paragraph and also ur last sentence "and that analogy fits at all levels in this country down to a personal one." (the brackets don’t matter). That being said please note the word ‘u’ henceforth means ‘the reader’.

What do u want them poor rural people and city proletarians to do: go on strike become homeless and in the end reincarnate of hunger or unite in labour and social movements go out on the streets to protest make revolution and be shot by the army? When the current boom ends them poor people will suffer first and foremost and they really don't have much choice now and will even have less then isn’t it?

In general this is a good post and I agree with the essense of it. What can the poor with no rights do? Get shot mostly is right.
Bunch of xenophobes, who when the current boom is gone, will be blaming everyone else for their problems instead of looking at themselves ( and that analogy fits at all levels in this country down to a personal one )

Maybe he/she is refering to how the elite promote 'Thai'ness with racist overtones in order to divide and rule their subjects, and the fact that in an Asian culture passing the buck is second nature when you can loose face. This does happen at every level. This is simply how nationalistic adminisrations run countries to serve their intrests and friends whether it's Shincorp or Enron.

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Let's face it Thailand is a third world backwater which happens to have cheap food, cheap pussy, nice beaches and sunny weather .

These positives are enough for many people to want to live in Thailand.

However being a third world backwater means that they have endemic courruption, poor infrastructure, no social security, high crime rate and on top of that if you are a farang you have very few legal entitilements.

That is what you have to weigh up  as a farang if you decide to live in Thailand.

Up to you.

All this social comment on Thailand from someone who chooses to be in enlightened Saudi Arabia. :o

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"All this social comment on Thailand from someone who chooses to be in enlightened Saudi Arabia. "

Hey it is sunny every day over here....can't beat the weather

No need to worry about early closing times either as there is nothing to close

It is not far from Makkah either

Anyway I don't live in Saudi just work here and live in Bahrain and when the coffers are filled i will go back to live on the north coast of NSW and visit Thailand as a tourist.

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"All this social comment on Thailand from someone who chooses to be in enlightened Saudi Arabia. "

Hey it is sunny every day over here....can't beat the weather

No need to worry about early closing times either as there is nothing to close

It is not far from Makkah either

Anyway  I don't live in Saudi just work here and live in Bahrain  and when the coffers are filled i will go back to live on the north coast of NSW and visit Thailand as a tourist.

And there's that entertainment centre ' Chop Chop ' Square :o

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"All this social comment on Thailand from someone who chooses to be in enlightened Saudi Arabia. "

Hey it is sunny every day over here....can't beat the weather

No need to worry about early closing times either as there is nothing to close

It is not far from Makkah either

Anyway  I don't live in Saudi just work here and live in Bahrain  and when the coffers are filled i will go back to live on the north coast of NSW and visit Thailand as a tourist.

And there's that entertainment centre ' Chop Chop ' Square :D

...or pebble-dash plaza :o or is it stone square? :D

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"All this social comment on Thailand from someone who chooses to be in enlightened Saudi Arabia. "

Hey it is sunny every day over here....can't beat the weather

No need to worry about early closing times either as there is nothing to close

It is not far from Makkah either

Anyway  I don't live in Saudi just work here and live in Bahrain  and when the coffers are filled i will go back to live on the north coast of NSW and visit Thailand as a tourist.

And there's that entertainment centre ' Chop Chop ' Square :D

...or pebble-dash plaza :D or is it stone square? :D

What a sh*thole :o

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This topic reminds me of the German who come to the west of Ireland on holiday, fall in love with the people and the relaxed life style. Next they buy a cottage (small house) here and are going to live the idyllic life.

Within three years they go back home to Germany saying, “the Irish are lazy” “ they don’t keep appointments” “they promise you this and this and don’t deliver” (but go to the pub instead).

So the German had an appointment with the Irish plumber for 11:00 am and at 12:00 the Irish plumber phoned him to say problem with this and that and see you next week….

In other words the things that the German found attractive about the Irish lifestyle (culture) i.e. “relaxed” are the very same things that frustrates him about the place!

If you want “UK with good weather” go to Spain and have fish and chips and fools and horses on TV. Because back in the UK all you will get is a Balti curry with grey sky’s.

Have a Happy…


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"All this social comment on Thailand from someone who chooses to be in enlightened Saudi Arabia. "

Hey it is sunny every day over here....can't beat the weather

No need to worry about early closing times either as there is nothing to close

It is not far from Makkah either

Anyway  I don't live in Saudi just work here and live in Bahrain  and when the coffers are filled i will go back to live on the north coast of NSW and visit Thailand as a tourist.

And there's that entertainment centre ' Chop Chop ' Square :o

Last I heard, Gringos/Farang were not allowed to witness that sort of "entertainment"?

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All this social comment on Thailand from someone who chooses to be in enlightened Saudi Arabia. :o

If he's worried that by moving to Thailand he would miss enlightened Fifteenth Century Saudi cultural activities like stonings and beheadings of adulterous women, hand amputations of thieves, penis amputations of sodomites, eye gougings of peeping toms, forced clitoral disfigurement of young girls by filthy old mullahs, religious riots, and other wonderful acts performed in the name of Allah, all he needs to do is go live in Hat Yai, where it's all happening right now.

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"All this social comment on Thailand from someone who chooses to be in enlightened Saudi Arabia. "

Hey it is sunny every day over here....can't beat the weather

No need to worry about early closing times either as there is nothing to close

It is not far from Makkah either

Anyway  I don't live in Saudi just work here and live in Bahrain  and when the coffers are filled i will go back to live on the north coast of NSW and visit Thailand as a tourist.

And there's that entertainment centre ' Chop Chop ' Square :D

Last I heard, Gringos/Farang were not allowed to witness that sort of "entertainment"?

Unless they kneel down and stare at the ground, ofcourse! :o

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"All this social comment on Thailand from someone who chooses to be in enlightened Saudi Arabia. "

Hey it is sunny every day over here....can't beat the weather

No need to worry about early closing times either as there is nothing to close

It is not far from Makkah either

Anyway  I don't live in Saudi just work here and live in Bahrain  and when the coffers are filled i will go back to live on the north coast of NSW and visit Thailand as a tourist.

And there's that entertainment centre ' Chop Chop ' Square :D

Last I heard, Gringos/Farang were not allowed to witness that sort of "entertainment"?

Unless they kneel down and stare at the ground, ofcourse! :D

It is a party. Don't lose your head. :o

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Well, I go away for a while and look what happens! :o:D Nice to see the myopic posters still at it with their go home if you dont like it crap!!

I too have chosen to return home, and am having a wonderful time with a nice big house, lots of room, being able to get what I want when I want without being ripped off or having to bribe everyone in sight.. I love my car, appreciate the fact that if I stick to the limit I wont be paying any more bribes or road taxes, the fact there are laws here I can actually understand is a nice change!

I never went to Thailand for the women, I went for work, I was never a overstaying tourist teaching English, I never married a Thai woman, and didnt bring one home! I am happy to visit SE Asia, see my business aquaintences, and enjoy a break in Thailand, but really, besides being able to drive like a lunatic, there was not much holding me there.

Bars were not my scene, Thai women were not my scene (and no I am not gay you morons!) and I can do much better in business back home, enough to be able to live better than in Thailand, and still travel a few times a year, what more could one want?? My home consists of absolutely top notch beaches and national parks less than 3 hours away, ski fields the same distance, cold winters and hot summers, and I love it.

Food is not expensive here, in fact groceries here are cheaper, much better quality, and the selection is top notch. I can get any food I want, my partner can buy any asian ingredient, vegetable or spice her heart desires, aswell as a nice big T-Bone steak when the desire is there.

It will be interesting to see what happens to LOS in the next few years...

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Well, I go away for a while and look what happens!  :o  :D  Nice to see the myopic posters still at it with their go home if you dont like it crap!!

I too have chosen to return home, and am having a wonderful time with a nice big house, lots of room, being able to get what I want when I want without being ripped off or having to bribe everyone in sight.. I love my car, appreciate the fact that if I stick to the limit I wont be paying any more bribes or road taxes, the fact there are laws here I can actually understand is a nice change!

I never went to Thailand for the women, I went for work, I was never a overstaying tourist teaching English, I never married a Thai woman, and didnt bring one home! I am happy to visit SE Asia, see my business aquaintences, and enjoy a break in Thailand, but really, besides being able to drive like a lunatic, there was not much holding me there.

Bars were not my scene, Thai women were not my scene (and no I am not gay you morons!) and I can do much better in business back home, enough to be able to live better than in Thailand, and still travel a few times a year, what more could one want?? My home consists of absolutely top notch beaches and national parks less than 3 hours away, ski fields the same distance, cold winters and hot summers, and I love it.

Food is not expensive here, in fact groceries here are cheaper, much better quality, and the selection is top notch. I can get any food I want, my partner can buy any asian ingredient, vegetable or spice her heart desires, aswell as a nice big T-Bone steak when the desire is there.

It will be interesting to see what happens to LOS in the next few years...

You went home. Do you write for the Australian Tourist Commission ? You should.

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I lived and worked in Thailand for a few years, then returned to Hong Kong for another few, am now financially secure and my Thai wife and I life in Australia. Because she is a few years younger than me, and our money is in shares that she doesn't really understand, I always assumed that we would cash up our assets in Australia and go back eventually to live in Thailand.

She has two aging parents and three younger sisters, all still unmarried.

But she insists that we should stay in Australia. She believes that I will live longer here...we certainly notice the pollution and the chemicals in the food etc when we visit LOS.

As for me, I know that I would miss a lot about Australia, although the ever-increasing capabilities of the internet and associated technology help, I would be cut off from good newspapers, good television etc. On the other hand, my wife could have domestic help.

Maybe one day we will end up there.

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Letters Page

The Nation

Looks like it's time for expat residents to move on

If you're Thai, it's okay to shoot two unarmed, innocent tourists to death,

admit to it and get bail because you need to "take care of your family". But if

you're farang, you'll get a death sentence for being caught with less than five

ounces of drugs.

If you're Thai, you can routinely rip off well-meaning foreign tourists in a

variety of business or state-sponsored ways. But if you're farang, you'd face an

immediate lawsuit.

If you're Thai, you can broadcast any kind of Buddhist programme 24 hours a day.

But if you're farang, you'll be investigated for "dividing the Thai people" with

a 20-second Christian commercial.

If you're Thai, you could come to my country, buy land, own a business and

obtain citizenship. But if you're farang, you cannot own a business, or buy

land, or obtain residency, even if you're married, without extravagant amounts

of money, money, money.

If you're Thai, you can use public funds to "lend" money to another country,

which in turn buys your monopolised product. But if you're farang, you would be

put in jail for such an obvious and outrageous conflict of interest.

If you're Thai, you will scurry into the first elevator and take the down lift,

even if everyone needs to go up. But if you're farang, you'll calmly wait for

the next, empty elevator going up.

If you're Thai, you will no doubt be forced to stay in this sadly and rapidly

deteriorating nation. But if you're farang, you can leave. And after seven years

of this utter nonsense, I am.




Maybe had these rules & regulations been put into operation in the UK decades ago then it might be a decent place to live in again. As it is it is overrun with foreigners who have MORE rights than the British. I love Thailand,the Thai people and the Thai way of life even if I do sometimes rant and rave at them. But one thing I do remember is that it is their country and I am just a visitor. I have lived all over the world,and if it wasn't for the different traits and quirks it just wouldn't be worthwhile visiting the forgein places I love. And of course it might be more gratifying returning to my country of birth once in a while.

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Seem like most of you are missing the point he was writing about. The constant double standards that exist in Thailand

It’s funny how some of you talked down to him. When a lot of you have bitched about the same things. Most of you have become to Thai to see what is going on in front of your face.

The simple fact that you are blasting him is; you agree that the Cop who killed the two tourists should be on bail to take care of his family??

You like the fact that you will get ripped of if you are not Thai. You like all the things he said and it does not bother you.

It seems that most of you would like Thailand to stay repressed.

At this rate I can see Thailand in a few years will only have two types of farangs; People who can’t make it on in their home, and tourists.

None of which will help Thailand make the jump to the next level in the world.

The only way Thailand will grow is to have farangs come and teach a deferent way of thinking and to make it simpler for big companies to come and start there.

The comments made are really sad. I have a lot of Thai friends in the states and they said it was simpler to start in the US and Briton than it is for a farang to get started in Thailand.

Are you that inept to sanction this? Or are you just protecting the fact that you can live with a partner that is 20 years your JR. and survive on pensions that are meek?

The funny thing is I found my self intellectually board, the level of conversation was pitiful. I am not talking only about the Thai. The cultural lack of critical thinking is something that need to change.

My ex used to dislike me for forcing him to think outside the box. Now after 8 months he ‘s a producer on an English speaking talk show. Has only a 4 year degree and because he can think about everything that is going around him he has MBA working for him. BTW he is only 26 I am 34

But that is all not trying to insult or talk down to anyone however some of the things you said are just off enough I need to call you on it.

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You went home. Do you write for the Australian Tourist Commission ?  You should.

Maybe I should, then again my feelings towards my country have always been well known, whats your story puncepong? Put up or shut up I say. You think I am a troll? get real, get a life maybe!

Thailand is going to be an interesting place over the next few years, all you blind bigots might get a big shock, then again it might stay exactly the same as it has been the last 10 years, who cares to predict??

As for Australia there are plenty of things to gripe about, same as anywhere in the world, I have a better quality of life here right now, and have the right to say it too! If the day comes that Thailand could give me a better quality of life then I would consider living there again, I am open to options always, unlike some in here!

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You went home. Do you write for the Australian Tourist Commission ?  You should.

Maybe I should, then again my feelings towards my country have always been well known, whats your story puncepong? Put up or shut up I say. You think I am a troll? get real, get a life maybe!

Thailand is going to be an interesting place over the next few years, all you blind bigots might get a big shock, then again it might stay exactly the same as it has been the last 10 years, who cares to predict??

As for Australia there are plenty of things to gripe about, same as anywhere in the world, I have a better quality of life here right now, and have the right to say it too! If the day comes that Thailand could give me a better quality of life then I would consider living there again, I am open to options always, unlike some in here!

Thats DR. to you !

I think he can tell you what you have the right to say here . :o

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