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Facing Death?

Dr. Burrito

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Well the iraqi injured and weaponless man sure can't tell his story here anymore  :o  :D

And then the US wonders why certain people get angry ???  :D

And are you/have you been angry about the killings from the "terrorists", you know beheadings of innocent people, etc.......what's your take on that. Geesh, I have to wonder why "certain people" don't get angry about that. Not much outrage concerning these truly innocent deaths if we compare to the current "war zone". So get "angry", no problem, but why you don't express any anger for what these others people did/are doing. I truly don't understand.

I agree with this statement, Who get's angry at the terrorist's. I saw on the news recently that the iraqi people are angry at what they did to Mrs. Hassan.

But now they will blame the American Military. They did not kill this woman. I also saw the video of the Marine shooting the insurgent. But this Man in fighting for his life, Funny how we sit on the sidelines and just get "ANGRY"

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I think it would depend on your particular faith system.

In the case in question.. She being Islamic and Educated, she would/should believe that Allah is the ultimate decision maker and Allah sees into the heart of all people and she would/should have had the faith to know that her fate was great and blessed compared to the eternal fate awaiting her murderers.

In my case I am not so dependent on after life experience. I have seen enough death to accept that it is not an escapable part of life. I accepted a long time ago that somewhere someday when I least expect it. It would get me too. Not something I look forward to and certainly not something that I welcome. I look back at times when, although not inevitable, I felt lucky to have walked away (heart flutter flutter flutter).

I can not say how I would feel if I were faced with almost certain unescapable death and suspended in that situation for a long time as is true with this latest victim of this insane inhumanity we call terror.

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-Going home one day and standing in the living room trying to work out what the bad smell was. Just couldn't figure it out. Thought I'd light a cigarette and sit down to figure it out........ turns out the bad smell was gas.

-Got struck heavily on the head outside a nightclub and blood started pouring out of my ear. Thought I'd only got a few minuted left, FKN pissed myself with fear.

-Fell asleep at the wheel whilst driving a 44 ton truck.

-China airlines 747 flight exploding over Taiwan straights... I was on that flight days before it's demise.

-Several electrocution near misses.

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Facing death...

Just last week, I went to Pattaya Park for the buffet on the top floor, you also get a free attraction park ticket with your purchase, so we stroll over to the ride that shoots you up this tower...We are three but only 2 go...So we have an extra ticket, the first ride goes fine, then as the operators are unbuckling us, we negociate for another go for the two of us for just that one extra ticket....Cool they agree....so the guy goes over to pump up the hydraulic system...Just about to press the button, to shoot us up into the air, then I remembered he unbuckled the safety harness :D ....The guy is all smiles and harnesses me back in..... :o

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i dont know what all the fuss is about regarding the gi who shot the injured iraqi,he was nearly dead anyway, the gi just helped him on his way to paradise, and his 70 virgins, imo,he should get a medal, not punishment

Unarmed in a Mosque and you don't know what the fuss is about, Hellooooooo...it's a war crime. Unatmed in the World Trade Center, by your thinking, the terrorists were just helping the victums on their way to heaven, should they have been given medals as well. I don't think so.. Personally I think both actions are wrong.

The statements made by some here are very troubling coming from people that want to live in a Buddhist country. Possibly some should learn the tenents of buddhism and put them to memory and use.

hi lucama,-nice to talk to you ! surely its better to die from a single shot to the brain , as this iraqi chap received,(thanks to the gi) than to have your throat cut through with a blunt insrument , until your head becomes unattached?(re ken ) hope to hear your reply , cheers , andy ----


What can I say? Reply to what? Unarmed in a Mosque? The "terrorists" seem to have chosen their own religious dwelling, ie, the Mosque, to fight. I'm not there, don't want to be there and thank "God", "Bhudda" or whoever I don't have to be there. To borrow a phrase from somebody, "it's a cold, cruel world". I'm certainly not happy with what's happening (what's happened) on all sides. It's a war, and the so called "rules of war" in this day and age seem to be changing (and not for the better or maybe there aren't any rules anymore).

Anyway, a little more to topic, 3 weeks ago I had a "few too many" and tried to get back home on the motorcycle. Did a "slow speed" crash that resulted in minor bike and personal body damage. Because of the beers consumed I didn't have any immediate death thoughts, but after the fact, it indeed humbles my thoughts about afterlife, and thinking to not be so "STUPID" in the future.

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Had surgery on my brain a few years ago. I had cyst on the brain. that gave me headaches for about a year. Had to sign forms regarding the dangers of the surgery.ie paralisis, brain damage etc. Lucky i came out with nothing wrong and the headaches cured.

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Fell out of a moving car when I was about 4, rolled off the road and into the ditch (on a bend) so didn't get run over by the oncoming traffic. I suffered a massive bump to the head. Probably the closest I came to death (that I know of), but at the time I didn't realize.

In case anyone is interested the car was doing about 45 miles per hour (I tumbled to a stop within about 5 or 10 seconds).

Think my Mum and Dad almost died of fright when they saw me bouncing along the road behind them too, if they count.

Actually now I can remember a whole bunch of farm accidents that I was involved in when i was younger..... ######, I'm lucky to be alive.

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Well the iraqi injured and weaponless man sure can't tell his story here anymore  :o  :D

And then the US wonders why certain people get angry ???  :D

And are you/have you been angry about the killings from the "terrorists", you know beheadings of innocent people, etc.......what's your take on that. Geesh, I have to wonder why "certain people" don't get angry about that. Not much outrage concerning these truly innocent deaths if we compare to the current "war zone". So get "angry", no problem, but why you don't express any anger for what these others people did/are doing. I truly don't understand.

The beheadings are equally as sick. We should be equally as outraged when a white hostage is beaheaded as when an unarmed and wounded Iraqi man is casually shot in the heart by US marines. But somehow, there is far less sympathy for the Iraqi. Its not difficult to see why there is so much hatred of the US in the Middle East.

Well i'm not in the midle east, neither of muslim religion, neither of arab origin.

It's pretty simpel why the sympathy is For iraqi people.

Iraq didn't invade the us....The US invaded iraq under false pretenses because of a vendictive president who wanted to settle daddy's score. Period

Don't start with the war on terror , iraq was related bla bla ... it US garbage patriotic nonsense for idiots to believe.

So you are saying everyone is an idiot who doesn't believe the hate mongering vitriol you are spewing? Nice to have an open mind and insult many at the same time. Do you know the definition of "hypocrisy"?

Islamic schools have been teaching hatred for non muslims for 30 years. It is time for that to stop.

And spare us your hate america rhetoric as it's not appropriate here. We've it all heard it ad nauseam.

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So you are saying everyone is an idiot who doesn't believe the hate mongering vitriol you are spewing? Nice to have an open mind and insult many at the same time. Do you know the definition of "hypocrisy"?

Islamic schools have been teaching hatred for non muslims for 30 years. It is time for that to stop.

And spare us your hate america rhetoric as it's not appropriate here. We've it all heard it ad nauseam.

How isn't it appropriate? If you are talking about the thread I agree.

In Thaivisa it is totally appropriate. Doesn't matter how you look at it. The GI was badly trained that he shot the guy, but it's a war that dubya asked for, in fact insisted on.

Hard to work out what to feel about the people having their heads lopped off in terms of the GI shooting the Iraqi soldier. Maybe if one wasn't happening the other wouldn't occur? You have to ask where the cycle stops. Let's face it Israel, which is a more developed country than Iraq by some large amount, still hasn't got the intelligene to work out "stopping has to start with one person saying enough".

Iraq won't change anything. Cheney gets the money his company needs and the US gets the discounted oil it needs, so really all is well with the part of the world that means anything (to America).

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So you are saying everyone is an idiot who doesn't believe the hate mongering vitriol you are spewing? Nice to have an open mind and insult many at the same time. Do you know the definition of "hypocrisy"?

Islamic schools have been teaching hatred for non muslims for 30 years. It is time for that to stop.

And spare us your hate america rhetoric as it's not appropriate here. We've it all heard it ad nauseam.

How isn't it appropriate? If you are talking about the thread I agree.

In Thaivisa it is totally appropriate. Doesn't matter how you look at it. The GI was badly trained that he shot the guy, but it's a war that dubya asked for, in fact insisted on.

Hard to work out what to feel about the people having their heads lopped off in terms of the GI shooting the Iraqi soldier. Maybe if one wasn't happening the other wouldn't occur? You have to ask where the cycle stops. Let's face it Israel, which is a more developed country than Iraq by some large amount, still hasn't got the intelligene to work out "stopping has to start with one person saying enough".

Iraq won't change anything. Cheney gets the money his company needs and the US gets the discounted oil it needs, so really all is well with the part of the world that means anything (to America).

You want to spew vitriolic hate mongering do it here:


Otherwise spare us the rest of us the tired worn out anti-american cliches, Last I checked this isn't a political forum.

I'll be glad to rip you a new orifice over at the bearpit if haven't been banned today!

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So you are saying everyone is an idiot who doesn't believe the hate mongering vitriol you are spewing? Nice to have an open mind and insult many at the same time. Do you know the definition of "hypocrisy"?

Islamic schools have been teaching hatred for non muslims for 30 years. It is time for that to stop.

And spare us your hate america rhetoric as it's not appropriate here. We've it all heard it ad nauseam.

How isn't it appropriate? If you are talking about the thread I agree.

In Thaivisa it is totally appropriate. Doesn't matter how you look at it. The GI was badly trained that he shot the guy, but it's a war that dubya asked for, in fact insisted on.

Hard to work out what to feel about the people having their heads lopped off in terms of the GI shooting the Iraqi soldier. Iraq won't change anything. Cheney gets the money his company needs and the US gets the discounted oil it needs, so really all is well with the part of the world that means anything (to America).

You want to spew vitriolic hate mongering do it here:


Otherwise spare us the rest of us the tired worn out anti-american cliches, Last I checked this isn't a political forum.

I'll be glad to rip you a new orifice over at the bearpit if haven't been banned today!

First of all i don't hate americans, mostly i feel sorry for types like you with limited outlooks on life :D. I also feel sorry for muslims with limited outlooks as well :D

Maybe if one wasn't happening the other wouldn't occur? You have to ask where the cycle stops. Let's face it Israel, which is a more developed country than Iraq by some large amount, still hasn't got the intelligene to work out "stopping has to start with one person saying enough".

I see Ice understands what i mean :D . Sorry to be "In your face" Kasi. But in the end everthing, everybody is responsible for it's/his/hers own actions.

The US wants cheap oil and support middle east politics this way ... :o I'm just saying you're creating your own mess. Just sorry to see other people getting caught up in it. It only comes from a limited Brain use... yours... your presidents.... more then half of your voting population....

PS: Most cliches are very true :D

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More "near death experiences".

1. Late at night, drunk, stumbling home and pressganged by the ex together with a friend of her's onto the motorcycle. Ridden at a million miles an hour 5 km south, where I'm told mafia are waiting to shoot me.

I was scared!! Couldn't get off the bike. Got a slap or two. but still alive.

2. Up in buriram with the ex's family. she's demanding 10,000 Baht. Told her to go forth and multiply. Machete came out and i placed my arms on the stone table and told her to cut my hands off. Fortunately, she didn't. Again, I live to tell the tale.

I don't want any more of these scares!!

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So you are saying everyone is an idiot who doesn't believe the hate mongering vitriol you are spewing? Nice to have an open mind and insult many at the same time. Do you know the definition of "hypocrisy"?

Islamic schools have been teaching hatred for non muslims for 30 years. It is time for that to stop.

And spare us your hate america rhetoric as it's not appropriate here. We've it all heard it ad nauseam.

How isn't it appropriate? If you are talking about the thread I agree.

In Thaivisa it is totally appropriate. Doesn't matter how you look at it. The GI was badly trained that he shot the guy, but it's a war that dubya asked for, in fact insisted on.

Hard to work out what to feel about the people having their heads lopped off in terms of the GI shooting the Iraqi soldier. Iraq won't change anything. Cheney gets the money his company needs and the US gets the discounted oil it needs, so really all is well with the part of the world that means anything (to America).

You want to spew vitriolic hate mongering do it here:


Otherwise spare us the rest of us the tired worn out anti-american cliches, Last I checked this isn't a political forum.

I'll be glad to rip you a new orifice over at the bearpit if haven't been banned today!

First of all i don't hate americans, mostly i feel sorry for types like you with limited outlooks on life :D. I also feel sorry for muslims with limited outlooks as well :D

Maybe if one wasn't happening the other wouldn't occur? You have to ask where the cycle stops. Let's face it Israel, which is a more developed country than Iraq by some large amount, still hasn't got the intelligene to work out "stopping has to start with one person saying enough".
I see Ice understands what i mean :D . Sorry to be "In your face" Kasi. But in the end everthing, everybody is responsible for it's/his/hers own actions.

The US wants cheap oil and support middle east politics this way ... :o I'm just saying you're creating your own mess. Just sorry to see other people getting caught up in it. It only comes from a limited Brain use... yours... your presidents.... more then half of your voting population....

PS: Most cliches are very true :D

Again I'll invite to look up the word "hypocrite" since you so freely accuse me and a host of others of narrow mindedness and stupidity.

You think you are having original thoughts when in fact you are just aping anti-bush and anti american talking points. Perhaps you are the one who should try thinking for yourself.

Regarding the shooting incident in Fallujah perhaps you should look up in the geneva convention about when a combatant is feigning death. Especially when you consider how readily these terrorists will sacrifice themselves to take you out. You can pop off all the mainstream media baloney you want but don't mistake it for having an original thought.

You can call me stupid and narrow minded all you want but that doesn't make you smart.

While you're looking up the word "hypocrite" read the definition of "sanctimonious" as well.

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Perhaps would it be better if he had stopped for a few hours and have a discussion with his mates on what to do next before pulling the trigger, hopefully coming up with a better solution, that is to "slowly behead the wounded terrorist with his mates while yelling god is great"?

Just a thought!!!

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Is there such thing in the world as "a hypocrite understanding the meaning of the word hypocrite"?

You have as point. When a person is very busy thinking how smart he is and how impossibly stupid the rest of us are the meaning of the word "hypocrite would very likely escape him.

It's also interesting how a person will jump on a mainstream media bandwagon and mistake that for intelligence and original thought.

Let's all line up behind old Danny Rather and repeat what he has to say! :o

Did I hear some say "tiresome"? :D

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Perhaps would it be better if he had stopped for a few hours and have a discussion with his mates on what to do next before pulling the trigger, hopefully coming up with a better solution, that is to "slowly behead the wounded terrorist with his mates while yelling god is great"?

Just a thought!!!

I don't think that is in the marine corps code of conduct!

It is a clear violation of geneva convention rules for a combatant to fake his death.

That marine acted appropriately. Period. He may very well have saved his life and that of those around him. He should be given a medal for crying out loud. Not investigated. What a crock of media hyperbole. People who jump on that without thinking are doing just that "not thinking".

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look at that Bushite imbecile  :o


put down the rifle and Ill kick you skinny ass!  :D

Really, this is the Bush type - so sad!

anyway  :D

Sorry. My first reaction to your post is I think you are very unfair. I guess I would categorize myself as a "Bush type", but neither do I look like the first picture, I don't act like the second. Yes a few "Bush types" might fit your conveyed profile, but you are sadly mistaken to think that we are all like that.

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hi lucama,-nice to talk to you ! surely its better to die from a single shot to the brain , as this iraqi chap received,(thanks to the gi) than to have your throat cut through with a blunt insrument , until your head becomes unattached?(re ken ) hope to hear your reply , cheers , andy ----

What is this? They are murderers. We are murderers. But at least we kill more efficiently?

Such a sad state of affairs.

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Facing death experience?

Last week I went with a BG half my age and 100 times fitter than me. She went like a steam train and I thought I was going to die cos my heart was pumping so fast :D

Seriously :o

Some years ago I took a trip in a small prop-plane over the Pyrenees mountains between France and Spain. Got caught in a bad thunderstorm and the plane got lost in the mountains. Other passengers (not BRITISH!!), were screaming and praying, since it looked likely that we would all die. Me (being BRITISH!), resigned myself to my fate and stoically read the in-flight magazine whilst awaiting my end....

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