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Whats The Main Thing To Watch Out For Here In Thailand?


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Fat Russians Men in Speedos and Fat Russian Women in Thongs....

And Euro Trash in Pattaya....

Keep an eye out for some stupid 6ft 6inch yank who thinks because he owns a bike and an attractive bird he is cool.

He should be very easy to spot! His name is pipi I think. Last i heard he was riding a little red wagon. Probably the biggest TROLL :o you will ever see. He is a chronic story teller and very delusional. You may want to smash him in the face, but that would be like assaulting someone with a developmental disability.

Don't try to start a conversation, because nothing makes sense to him. It's not his fault. He likes to call people "boy". His vocabulary is underdeveloped, because he has been hit by the stupid stick one to many times.

Enjoy your stay in the LOS.! :D

This Guy is the Farang Dad that I posted about and his Family, check out the pics again on the first page of this post, thats the main one to watch out for here in Thailand. hahahahha...he is a bad ass behind a screen. ...oh and he is from Boston and you know what that means, right?

Mr. PapaRico, What is wrong with you! I've been coming across your rants and posts for a few days now. Please, please tell me you're not really an American! Out of more than 300,000,000 which includes all the people in jail we somehow get you. If you are who you say you are I'm sure most here feel truly sorry for you. If your presence is some kind of cyber joke I think it has run its course. It appears the moderators have taken a few days off.

I personally, IMHO, believe you are a teenager who lives offshore with your single mom. You may have heard of Thailand on the Discovery Channel and may have been through here once but by your writings you know nothing of the culture, history, geography or what you are talking about. My advise to you is stay in school but find another outlet, perhaps Playboy Magazine, for an outlet for your teen angst.

Good luck!

aawwwww...I am sorry, i didnt mean to hurt yor feelings ok? but you can go at me, its ok, I dont care, like i said before, it dosent change a bit about who I am and where I am going,what I have and what I know,what I been through etc. So keep you silly comments to yourself, and dont forget to Call me Mr. like you did from now on, ok? I guess If someone stands up for what they believe here they get punished? I mean its ok for others to bash right? But when the Flashy American does, then he is the bad guy...right? Stay Happy stuck here in your crappy little lives.

Hey Man, I have been reading some of your posts, somethings you say are crazy, I am not saying they are true or not true, but why does everyone hate you? Whats Up?

Because I mentioned that I had materials things, they got mad at the Flashy American,the hate me and envy me, the tried to test me and I replied, because i stand up for what I believe in, because they dont understand how it can be that a young dude can have almost everything, because they are stuck here, not all, but most are, because to them my life is only a dream that they cannot reach, because I keep it real and I am from NY and dont take BS from anyone, no matter where you are from,because I worked my ass off and now i have everyhting and they cant understand that, cause they are old and I am young, cause they are short and i am tall, because I roll with the best in NY, because my job is exciting, because I married a Model, because I type slang ans speak slang and they cant understand, etc, because when I leave to bigger and better things they are still stuck here, should I go on? .......

I see man, ok, well do what you do. Just keep me out your mouth or should I say topics and posts,if you do have all this then good for you, be happy and try to live your life the right way. It looks like no one here, is here to pick fights ( I dont know I am new to this).Some people are not impressed about what you have, I actually know a couple of cats like you back in NY,if all of this is true about what you have, then the only place for you to be and your style of being, is in NY, not In Thailand, people here hardly make a month, what you make in an hour (if what you say is true), they dont really want to hear it. You should take that NY attitude,that does not belong anywhere but NY, and chill.If you are not telling the truth, then get a life.All I am saying my man is:You aint going to make any friends with that attitude outside of the US, I would know.

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Please list things that I should watch out for here in thailand. Good or bad.



Angry obnoxious brits, all ages...

Angry obnoxious thai taxi drivers...

Shallow opinionated Americans

For your record, i am not American, and never had any trouble with them so far.

Not an Iraqy then :o

PS maybe your are an American but just don't like to admit it

Edited by whatsoever
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Fat Russians Men in Speedos and Fat Russian Women in Thongs....

And Euro Trash in Pattaya....

Keep an eye out for some stupid 6ft 6inch yank who thinks because he owns a bike and an attractive bird he is cool.

He should be very easy to spot! His name is pipi I think. Last i heard he was riding a little red wagon. Probably the biggest TROLL :o you will ever see. He is a chronic story teller and very delusional. You may want to smash him in the face, but that would be like assaulting someone with a developmental disability.

Don't try to start a conversation, because nothing makes sense to him. It's not his fault. He likes to call people "boy". His vocabulary is underdeveloped, because he has been hit by the stupid stick one to many times.

Enjoy your stay in the LOS.! :D

This Guy is the Farang Dad that I posted about and his Family, check out the pics again on the first page of this post, thats the main one to watch out for here in Thailand. hahahahha...he is a bad ass behind a screen. ...oh and he is from Boston and you know what that means, right?

Mr. PapaRico, What is wrong with you! I've been coming across your rants and posts for a few days now. Please, please tell me you're not really an American! Out of more than 300,000,000 which includes all the people in jail we somehow get you. If you are who you say you are I'm sure most here feel truly sorry for you. If your presence is some kind of cyber joke I think it has run its course. It appears the moderators have taken a few days off.

I personally, IMHO, believe you are a teenager who lives offshore with your single mom. You may have heard of Thailand on the Discovery Channel and may have been through here once but by your writings you know nothing of the culture, history, geography or what you are talking about. My advise to you is stay in school but find another outlet, perhaps Playboy Magazine, for an outlet for your teen angst.

Good luck!

aawwwww...I am sorry, i didnt mean to hurt yor feelings ok? but you can go at me, its ok, I dont care, like i said before, it dosent change a bit about who I am and where I am going,what I have and what I know,what I been through etc. So keep you silly comments to yourself, and dont forget to Call me Mr. like you did from now on, ok? I guess If someone stands up for what they believe here they get punished? I mean its ok for others to bash right? But when the Flashy American does, then he is the bad guy...right? Stay Happy stuck here in your crappy little lives.

Hey Man, I have been reading some of your posts, somethings you say are crazy, I am not saying they are true or not true, but why does everyone hate you? Whats Up?

Because I mentioned that I had materials things, they got mad at the Flashy American,the hate me and envy me, the tried to test me and I replied, because i stand up for what I believe in, because they dont understand how it can be that a young dude can have almost everything, because they are stuck here, not all, but most are, because to them my life is only a dream that they cannot reach, because I keep it real and I am from NY and dont take BS from anyone, no matter where you are from,because I worked my ass off and now i have everyhting and they cant understand that, cause they are old and I am young, cause they are short and i am tall, because I roll with the best in NY, because my job is exciting, because I married a Model, because I type slang ans speak slang and they cant understand, etc, because when I leave to bigger and better things they are still stuck here, should I go on? .......

I see man, ok, well do what you do. Just keep me out your mouth or should I say topics and posts,if you do have all this then good for you, be happy and try to live your life the right way. It looks like no one here, is here to pick fights ( I dont know I am new to this).Some people are not impressed about what you have, I actually know a couple of cats like you back in NY,if all of this is true about what you have, then the only place for you to be and your style of being, is in NY, not In Thailand, people here hardly make a month, what you make in an hour (if what you say is true), they dont really want to hear it. You should take that NY attitude,that does not belong anywhere but NY, and chill.If you are not telling the truth, then get a life.All I am saying my man is:You aint going to make any friends with that attitude outside of the US, I would know.

Never mind him, i guess he is from Brownsville, Sunset Park or something

Edited by aehn
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Because I mentioned that I had materials things, they got mad at the Flashy American,the hate me and envy me, the tried to test me and I replied, because i stand up for what I believe in, because they dont understand how it can be that a young dude can have almost everything, because they are stuck here, not all, but most are, because to them my life is only a dream that they cannot reach, because I keep it real and I am from NY and dont take BS from anyone, no matter where you are from,because I worked my ass off and now i have everyhting and they cant understand that, cause they are old and I am young, cause they are short and i am tall, because I roll with the best in NY, because my job is exciting, because I married a Model, because I type slang ans speak slang and they cant understand, etc, because when I leave to bigger and better things they are still stuck here, should I go on? .......

Hey Papa

When I read your posts two words come to mind - Mouth Breather.

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Dont forget the sick bufalows....they are usually followed by a diminishing of your finances.

The most important thing to watch out for in tourist areas and guesthouses are other farangs.

The best thing in Thailand is (or was when I lived there) the local people.

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Fat Russians Men in Speedos and Fat Russian Women in Thongs....

And Euro Trash in Pattaya....

Keep an eye out for some stupid 6ft 6inch yank who thinks because he owns a bike and an attractive bird he is cool.

He should be very easy to spot! His name is pipi I think. Last i heard he was riding a little red wagon. Probably the biggest TROLL :D you will ever see. He is a chronic story teller and very delusional. You may want to smash him in the face, but that would be like assaulting someone with a developmental disability.

Don't try to start a conversation, because nothing makes sense to him. It's not his fault. He likes to call people "boy". His vocabulary is underdeveloped, because he has been hit by the stupid stick one to many times.

Enjoy your stay in the LOS.! :D

This Guy is the Farang Dad that I posted about and his Family, check out the pics again on the first page of this post, thats the main one to watch out for here in Thailand. hahahahha...he is a bad ass behind a screen. ...oh and he is from Boston and you know what that means, right?

Mr. PapaRico, What is wrong with you! I've been coming across your rants and posts for a few days now. Please, please tell me you're not really an American! Out of more than 300,000,000 which includes all the people in jail we somehow get you. If you are who you say you are I'm sure most here feel truly sorry for you. If your presence is some kind of cyber joke I think it has run its course. It appears the moderators have taken a few days off.

I personally, IMHO, believe you are a teenager who lives offshore with your single mom. You may have heard of Thailand on the Discovery Channel and may have been through here once but by your writings you know nothing of the culture, history, geography or what you are talking about. My advise to you is stay in school but find another outlet, perhaps Playboy Magazine, for an outlet for your teen angst.

Good luck!

aawwwww...I am sorry, i didnt mean to hurt yor feelings ok? but you can go at me, its ok, I dont care, like i said before, it dosent change a bit about who I am and where I am going,what I have and what I know,what I been through etc. So keep you silly comments to yourself, and dont forget to Call me Mr. like you did from now on, ok? I guess If someone stands up for what they believe here they get punished? I mean its ok for others to bash right? But when the Flashy American does, then he is the bad guy...right? Stay Happy stuck here in your crappy little lives.

Hey Man, I have been reading some of your posts, somethings you say are crazy, I am not saying they are true or not true, but why does everyone hate you? Whats Up?

Because I mentioned that I had materials things, they got mad at the Flashy American,the hate me and envy me, the tried to test me and I replied, because i stand up for what I believe in, because they dont understand how it can be that a young dude can have almost everything, because they are stuck here, not all, but most are, because to them my life is only a dream that they cannot reach, because I keep it real and I am from NY and dont take BS from anyone, no matter where you are from,because I worked my ass off and now i have everyhting and they cant understand that, cause they are old and I am young, cause they are short and i am tall, because I roll with the best in NY, because my job is exciting, because I married a Model, because I type slang ans speak slang and they cant understand, etc, because when I leave to bigger and better things they are still stuck here, should I go on? .......

I can assure you this post is not written by an american maybe someone from an other country who calls america home but the langauge matter is not even good american slang. :o
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Avoid TV flamers!

Indeed, above all else you may want to avoid wasting your time reading past the first page of any TV thread as they seem to all inevitably degenerate to a pissing contest. I should take my own advice.

PS - Seriously take precautions about mosquitoes. Dengue is fairly common this year. I don't wish it on anyone after just finishing up with DHF.


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Do NOT drink local spirits like 'lao khao','mehkong','sang som' etc. Trust me on that!

And here is to all the racists,

from whatever hole you're from:

Take a hike !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As, if it matters where you're from!!!


if you're from the US; it might matter, hmmmmm........ :o lol

Edited by frankman
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Fat Russians Men in Speedos and Fat Russian Women in Thongs....

And Euro Trash in Pattaya....

Keep an eye out for some stupid 6ft 6inch yank who thinks because he owns a bike and an attractive bird he is cool.

He should be very easy to spot! His name is pipi I think. Last i heard he was riding a little red wagon. Probably the biggest TROLL :o you will ever see. He is a chronic story teller and very delusional. You may want to smash him in the face, but that would be like assaulting someone with a developmental disability.

Don't try to start a conversation, because nothing makes sense to him. It's not his fault. He likes to call people "boy". His vocabulary is underdeveloped, because he has been hit by the stupid stick one to many times.

Enjoy your stay in the LOS.! :D

This Guy is the Farang Dad that I posted about and his Family, check out the pics again on the first page of this post, thats the main one to watch out for here in Thailand. hahahahha...he is a bad ass behind a screen. ...oh and he is from Boston and you know what that means, right?

Mr. PapaRico, What is wrong with you! I've been coming across your rants and posts for a few days now. Please, please tell me you're not really an American! Out of more than 300,000,000 which includes all the people in jail we somehow get you. If you are who you say you are I'm sure most here feel truly sorry for you. If your presence is some kind of cyber joke I think it has run its course. It appears the moderators have taken a few days off.

I personally, IMHO, believe you are a teenager who lives offshore with your single mom. You may have heard of Thailand on the Discovery Channel and may have been through here once but by your writings you know nothing of the culture, history, geography or what you are talking about. My advise to you is stay in school but find another outlet, perhaps Playboy Magazine, for an outlet for your teen angst.

Good luck!

aawwwww...I am sorry, i didnt mean to hurt yor feelings ok? but you can go at me, its ok, I dont care, like i said before, it dosent change a bit about who I am and where I am going,what I have and what I know,what I been through etc. So keep you silly comments to yourself, and dont forget to Call me Mr. like you did from now on, ok? I guess If someone stands up for what they believe here they get punished? I mean its ok for others to bash right? But when the Flashy American does, then he is the bad guy...right? Stay Happy stuck here in your crappy little lives.

Hey Man, I have been reading some of your posts, somethings you say are crazy, I am not saying they are true or not true, but why does everyone hate you? Whats Up?

Because I mentioned that I had materials things, they got mad at the Flashy American,the hate me and envy me, the tried to test me and I replied, because i stand up for what I believe in, because they dont understand how it can be that a young dude can have almost everything, because they are stuck here, not all, but most are, because to them my life is only a dream that they cannot reach, because I keep it real and I am from NY and dont take BS from anyone, no matter where you are from,because I worked my ass off and now i have everyhting and they cant understand that, cause they are old and I am young, cause they are short and i am tall, because I roll with the best in NY, because my job is exciting, because I married a Model, because I type slang ans speak slang and they cant understand, etc, because when I leave to bigger and better things they are still stuck here, should I go on? .......

Some people just have a knack for being unlikable. Papi you fit into that group very nicely.

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This thread is about giving someone advice on the good and bad things which he might encounter is Thailand. It should not be taken as prompt for hate mail between farangs. Mods to the rescue, please.

One good thing - when you get too hot (and you will), go the nearest 7-eleven (they are everywhere) and spend the next 10 mins choosing a couple of bahts worth of chewing gum ( or nothing, just leave) - the AC is brilliant!

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Because I mentioned that I had materials things, they got mad at the Flashy American,the hate me and envy me, the tried to test me and I replied, because i stand up for what I believe in, because they dont understand how it can be that a young dude can have almost everything, because they are stuck here, not all, but most are, because to them my life is only a dream that they cannot reach, because I keep it real and I am from NY and dont take BS from anyone, no matter where you are from,because I worked my ass off and now i have everyhting and they cant understand that, cause they are old and I am young, cause they are short and i am tall, because I roll with the best in NY, because my job is exciting, because I married a Model, because I type slang ans speak slang and they cant understand, etc, because when I leave to bigger and better things they are still stuck here, should I go on? .......

If it wasn't for these anonymous forums, some folks wouldn't have a wonderful and exciting imaginary life. Anyone with such a life as above wouldn't need to brag about it.

Is this character a reborn or brand new poster? With 114 posts in a little over 3 weeks, He(?) must have a lot of time to kill.

No jealousy here, I'm an American (from the USA) and lived most of my life in the heart of NYC.

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There's plenty of sensible advice from people here. Just keep your wits about you, and don't do anything that you wouldn't do back home.

There are plenty of people who will only be to happy to rip you off, Thais and Farangs. Once you've been here a while you will find that there are some really good people here, but as with chossing friends in your own county, do it because you like them, not because they're from the same country.

Now that the imbecile Peepeerico has now been banned, and sent to bed by his mummy without any supper, this thread may get back on track.

Edited by mrtoad
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Please list things that I should watch out for here in thailand. Good or bad.


BK :o

Don't buy smokes at the border market in Aranyaprathet!! The vendors approaching you work hand in hand with the Thai narcotics section. These cartons of smokes are blackmarket and have no tax paper on them.Like me you get arrested and have to pay a 40 000 baht fine. STAY CLEAR!!!!

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I'm not sure I agree with the bit about avoiding other farangs.

We're a sort of dispanded group of rebels out here and the chance to catch up with other expats I quite enjoy.

Don't get into any business deals though, that's definitely good advice.

Thai or farang: watch out whats going on with your money might be a better way to put it, or am i missing the point, please enlighten me....

Also, what are TV burners, stumped on that one......

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Don't walk under coconut trees.

Don't even think of running a bar.

Don't invest in anything that eats or needs maintenance.

Never accept a marriage proposal or an invitation to dinner downtown from a Thai without making sure he or she is a childless


Always wear a hard hat, whether your bike is idling or not.

If a Thai calls you "my brother", run for the hills.

Don't commence drinking before midday, and then only moderately.

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Black Toyota Vigos with tinted windows; buses that would be condemned ANYWHERE (well, with maybe the exception of India) else in the world; soi dogs if you're motorcycling; Mercedes driven by teenage hi-so <deleted> if you take the bus and have to wait at bus stops; balconies (seems to have quite a few 'suicides' from those innocous devices); un-grounded electrical outlets; street vendors that don't cook your food crispy; street vendors at any point after 0900 (food is still sort of fresh up until then); any girl who's id says she was born after 2533; if you're into 'pumping' money into the local economy, getting seriously involved with a girl who gets dropped off/picked up by her brother/cousin; learning the phrase 'mai pet' if you don't want any spiciness in your food or 'pet noi' if you want a little; bottled water is cheap!; L&M are perfectly good substitutes for Marlboros at a significant savings (both are made in the Phillipines); gold is not something you buy for a fling, it will just be sold or pawned and most likely if you return the last bit of money you sent will be put toward getting it out of hock leaving your darling tilak without any money when you arrive; locating a good hospital--most provinicial hospitals are sub-par--the Bangkok chain is rather good.

These should get you going.

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Despite you thinking that you are not here for company of the fairer sex, that will be the single most thing that will be a source of trouble for you. It's inevitable, unavoidable and universal. Most of what you see and hear will not be as it seems. Even thai people that you consider friends sometimes lie or keep the truth from you. You'll have a great time fumbling your way forward. Keep your wits about yourself and you'll be fine.


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