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Being Intimidated And Threatened By A Thai - How To React?


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How should one react when one is being intimidated (he pounding hand on your shirt in breast height) and threatened by a (masked) Thai motorbike taxi driver, with his gang on the opposite street site? Fight back, make police report, forget it...?

How about verbal abuses aimed at you?

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How should one react when one is being intimidated (he pounding hand on your shirt in breast height) and threatened by a (masked) Thai motorbike taxi driver, with his gang on the opposite street site? Fight back, make police report, forget it...?

How about verbal abuses aimed at you?

Fight back

if you want to be killed

make police report

waste of time

forget it

corect, and walk away :o

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How should one react when one is being intimidated (he pounding hand on your shirt in breast height) and threatened by a (masked) Thai motorbike taxi driver, with his gang on the opposite street site? Fight back, make police report, forget it...?

How about verbal abuses aimed at you?

I havent been here that long, but if you are gonna get Jumped by a bunch of thais, then just try to play it off and make peace as fast as you can,no eye contact and play dumb,maybe give him some money, It all depends on what you did to make him that pissed off,if he is trying to rob you and got a mask on (that would usually means he means business) just give him whatever he wants, you dont want to get shot here and die or go to a Hospital here ,on the back of a pick up truck. If he is just one then scream at him in your native tongue and Handle yours, Man up, dont let him punk you out,but mostly I found that Thais are peace makers, not fighters, farang in the other hand....all you got to do is man up to the situation.

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how did you react ?

First idea - get policeman from police box, but thought of it as waste of time. "Walked" away, called him a mother%$&*er. Calling people names seems to be acceptible in Thailand nowadays. The food sellers outside my apartment building didn't like me from day one and let me know - that's fine with me; all of them, with the exception of one, still haven't sold a baht's worth food to me during the past six months.. :D:o:D

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how did you react ?

First idea - get policeman from police box, but thought of it as waste of time. "Walked" away, called him a mother$#&*er. Calling people names seems to be acceptible in Thailand. The food sellers outside my apartment building didn't like me from day one and let me know - that's fine with me; all of them, with the exception of one still haven't sold a baht's worth food to me.. :D:o:D

you gonna make your life a bit tough, if you want my opinion ....

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how did you react ?

First idea - get policeman from police box, but thought of it as waste of time. "Walked" away, called him a mother$#&*er. Calling people names seems to be acceptible in Thailand. The food sellers outside my apartment building didn't like me from day one and let me know - that's fine with me; all of them, with the exception of one still haven't sold a baht's worth food to me.. :D:o:D

you gonna make your life a bit tough, if you want my opinion ....

If it were me, and I did something wrong to get this reaction,,, in addition to saying sorry I would stop into my nearest 7/11 and pick up a few big beers for the guys to make ammends.

Not sure what you did to solicit this reaction from them, but keep in mind that they have it in their heads that farangs pay more than Thais for the same motorbike ride. You can pay the same as a local, but it will only serve to aggrivate the nerve that you have already touched.

For me, paying 20 Baht instead of 10 or 15 is worth the less headaches IMO. Defuse the situation as soon as you can or move.

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I know this is crazy but most Thais are ridicolously superstitious. If it ever happened to me Id pretend I was casting a spell, guaranteed they'd 'pet pet' their pants :o

might work about half a second...and then you are in for a rough ride ! Don't think they are stupid......

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How should one react when one is being intimidated (he pounding hand on your shirt in breast height) and threatened by a (masked) Thai motorbike taxi driver, with his gang on the opposite street site? Fight back, make police report, forget it...?

How about verbal abuses aimed at you?

I'd never get in a situation like that because I'm not an idiot....

If you do get in a situation like that, you probably are, and deserve whatever you get.

He who lives in glass houses should not cast stones :o

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The food sellers outside my apartment building didn't like me from day one and let me know - that's fine with me; all of them, with the exception of one, still haven't sold a baht's worth food to me during the past six months.. :D:o:D

Thanks for that revealing post, OP!

Based on this reaction from your other Thai contacts, whatever you might have gotten from the motorcycle taxi drivers, you deserved.

My advice: Go back to the scene of the potential crime, search them out, then take your medicine like a man. Darwinian Selection should sort things out from there. :D

Edited by toptuan
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As explained by my former Thai teacher, they are uneducated mongrels who were probably never even taught manners, pity them, look down on them and don't give them the satisfaction of recognising their existence. The cowardly worms would never fight fair one on one anyway. Stay away from them.

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How should one react when one is being intimidated (he pounding hand on your shirt in breast height) and threatened by a (masked) Thai motorbike taxi driver, with his gang on the opposite street site? Fight back, make police report, forget it...?

How about verbal abuses aimed at you?

I'd never get in a situation like that because I'm not an idiot....

If you do get in a situation like that, you probably are, and deserve whatever you get.

He who lives in glass houses should not cast stones :D

I do live in a glass house, which is why I don't cast stones, which is why I'd never get in a situation where I'm being threatened, which is why I am not an idiot.

Excellent ! :o:D

haha, i agree!

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how did you react ?

First idea - get policeman from police box, but thought of it as waste of time. "Walked" away, called him a mother%$&*er. Calling people names seems to be acceptible in Thailand nowadays. The food sellers outside my apartment building didn't like me from day one and let me know - that's fine with me; all of them, with the exception of one, still haven't sold a baht's worth food to me during the past six months.. :D:o:D

Why's that then? Seems you have a knack of getting along with the locals. What did you do/say to get the taxi driver so irate? Second thoughts, think we can guess :D

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Alot of stupid assumptions being made. How would you know it is really the poster's fault? Perhaps the moto boys are are the idiots (not unheard of). I haven't had conflicts with Thais that I can't avoid, and to me, that is the key tactic to avoid trouble here: AVOIDANCE. Well, you live there, and unless you move (you might have to) you do have to have a tactic. I would try doing nothing. I would ignore the aggressive gestures. I would acknowledge their existence with some neutral eye contact, but I would present a calm and cool, poker faced, response and see if over time they calm down as well as they aren't getting any response. I am not sure if this is really the best way, but that is what I would do. If that didn't work, I think you better move, or you might get murdered. In any case, it sure wouldn't occur to me to call the police, unless I had a big wad of cash I felt like throwing away.

Edited by Jingthing
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The food sellers outside my apartment building didn't like me from day one and let me know - that's fine with me; all of them, with the exception of one, still haven't sold a baht's worth food to me during the past six months.. :D:o:D

Thanks for that revealing post.

Based on this reaction from your other Thai contacts, what ever you might have gotten from the motorcycle taxi drivers, you deserved.

My advice: Go back to the scene of the potential crime, search them out, then take it like man. Darwinian Selection should sort things out from there. :D


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how did you react ?

First idea - get policeman from police box, but thought of it as waste of time. "Walked" away, called him a mother%$&*er. Calling people names seems to be acceptible in Thailand nowadays. The food sellers outside my apartment building didn't like me from day one and let me know - that's fine with me; all of them, with the exception of one, still haven't sold a baht's worth food to me during the past six months.. :D:o:D

I'm still not clear why the masked Thai taxi driver is pounding on your chest and intimidating you........???? You then mention you have not bought a baht's worth of food from them? Hmmmmmm.......rarely do I see moto taxi drivers selling food.

Then you say the people didn't like you from day 1.........why?

Sounds to me like you are "making the bed you sleep in". Tread carefully Bond, continue on your current path and you are not long for this world.

Edited by huggybear
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Alot of stupid assumptions being made. How would you know it is really the poster's fault? Perhaps the moto boys are are the idiots (not unheard of). I haven't had conflicts with Thais that I can't avoid, and to me, that is the key tactic to avoid trouble here: AVOIDANCE. Well, you live there, and unless you move (you might have to) you do have to have a tactic. I would try doing nothing. I would ignore the aggressive gestures. I would acknowledge their existence with some neutral eye contact, but I would present a calm and cool, poker faced, response and see if over time they calm down as well as they aren't getting any response. I am not sure if this is really the best way, but that is what I would do.

Hardly think the assumptions 'stupid' based on the fact that the OP's managed to piss off every food vendor for God's sake, when was the last time a Thai food vendor refused to serve you! And the fact he walked off calling the taxi guy a MF tells you an awful lot about his character don't you think?

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I know this is crazy but most Thais are ridicolously superstitious. If it ever happened to me Id pretend I was casting a spell, guaranteed they'd 'pet pet' their pants

ha, i am going to practice that

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Alot of stupid assumptions being made. How would you know it is really the poster's fault? Perhaps the moto boys are are the idiots (not unheard of). I haven't had conflicts with Thais that I can't avoid, and to me, that is the key tactic to avoid trouble here: AVOIDANCE. Well, you live there, and unless you move (you might have to) you do have to have a tactic. I would try doing nothing. I would ignore the aggressive gestures. I would acknowledge their existence with some neutral eye contact, but I would present a calm and cool, poker faced, response and see if over time they calm down as well as they aren't getting any response. I am not sure if this is really the best way, but that is what I would do.

Hardly think the assumptions 'stupid' based on the fact that the OP's managed to piss off every food vendor for God's sake, when was the last time a Thai food vendor refused to serve you! And the fact he walked off calling the taxi guy a MF tells you an awful lot about his character don't you think?

Yes, it was a mistake to lose one's temper in this kind of situation, especially when you are stuck dealing with them again. They won't forget. Occasionally I do lose my temper with Thais, and it is a human thing to do in the heat of the moment. It doesn't make us idiots to be human.

This being Thailand, the Thais will almost always win in these conflicts. That doesn't mean they are always right or always wrong. Same with us, we are not always right or always wrong. Real life is much more a grey area, but of course you need to be careful here if you want to stay healthy.

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Just how do you piss off so many people in such a short time. Just a guess, but it seems likely that you first pissed off the vendors. Don't know how you can do that without being obnoxious. The vendors probably mentioned things to some of the "win" boys, which then put you in their bad books from the get go. Vendors and "wins" as offten very close to each other and watch each others backs.

Try similing. It won't hurt. :D:o

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i suggest you don't listen to the scared guys here.

When i lived in bangkok, i had my fair share of motorbike taxi drivers(and normal taxi) trying to make me pay farang price on small rides, or bringing me to the wrong place and asking for more money when we get back at the right place because it took longer..

I always make them stop me no where near a motorbike taxi gang. when they get mad, well i counter react with the same anger and dominant posture close to them...

they usually piss off with the real amount of money and leave you alone.

it's not because thais are too weak to fight 1 on 1 (Even though they claim that their muay thai is a godlike martial art lol) that you should let them get away with it, just outsmart them and make them be 1on1 when they want to fuc_k with you.. they'll get lose face 1on1 and leave.

should'nt happen too often though.. in 6months i have only met 1 mean and angry motorbike taxi driver (although i got lost twice.. the others smiled twice and they never aksed for more) and about 2 retarded real taxi drivers but they were totally drugged

again, dont need to fight.. just need to keep your ground, fight back for those that are too scared to keep their dignity

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I have a question.

Are we the OP's only friends?

> The food sellers outside my apartment building didn't

> like me from day one and let me know...

There must be a reason for this, I think the full story is missing.

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i suggest you don't listen to the scared guys here.

When i lived in bangkok, i had my fair share of motorbike taxi drivers(and normal taxi) trying to make me pay farang price on small rides, or bringing me to the wrong place and asking for more money when we get back at the right place because it took longer..

I always make them stop me no where near a motorbike taxi gang. when they get mad, well i counter react with the same anger and dominant posture close to them...

they usually piss off with the real amount of money and leave you alone.

it's not because thais are too weak to fight 1 on 1 (Even though they claim that their muay thai is a godlike martial art lol) that you should let them get away with it, just outsmart them and make them be 1on1 when they want to fuc_k with you.. they'll get lose face 1on1 and leave.

should'nt happen too often though.. in 6months i have only met 1 mean and angry motorbike taxi driver (although i got lost twice.. the others smiled twice and they never aksed for more) and about 2 retarded real taxi drivers but they were totally drugged

again, dont need to fight.. just need to keep your ground, fight back for those that are too scared to keep their dignity

Great advice !..... That I will certainly NOT follow, as it is a sure shortcut to the hospital or even worse...

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