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Being Intimidated And Threatened By A Thai - How To React?


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I don't know if this heavy kicking and punching as sugegsted above is realistic. Some of the folks in TV cannot manage more movement than the 7-11 shuffle or the beer bottle lift. What's your advice for them then? Fling a soiled Depends? Uncork the incontinence bag? Toss the rent a date into the way of danger and hope that satisfies the thugs lust for demon blood? Perhaps projectile vomiting?

Street (food) vendors see this often, and are hardened to it.

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Toss the rent a date into the way of danger and hope that satisfies the thugs lust for demon blood?


Depending on how hungry the date is (for food/money/etc) and how generous the "renter" has proven to be, the date could be the most dangerous weapon of all ! :o

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My advice for what it's worth. Maybe not much. Anyway I am a former police officer, very large physically and a former police defensive tactics instructor. Point here is not that I am tough guy, but that I would walk away from such confrontations as there is no point in getting in fights you cannot win. This is a no-win situation for a farang here, whether you are right or wrong. The best case scenario for farang is he ends up paying off the cops. Worst case is he is dead. There are no fair fights here between Thais and farangs on the street. If you had fought with the guy you would have ended up fighting the whole street, and if you beat them all up somehow, someone would shoot or stab you. I am not judging whether you were right or wrong as I was not there. But do yourself a favor and avoid these situations, which more than likely were over about two dollars or so in USD.

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I was attacked without reason two days ago. I was walking in the beginning of soi luacha (pholyhutin soi1). Suddenly a guy kicked me from behind. I didn't even see him so I guess he came out from 7-11 or something. I fell to the ground. Then he punched me in in the face one time. Anyway, it took only a few seconds before three mototaxidrivers came and kicked the guy to the ground and screaming at him.

So the thing that thai always help thais or just standing by then farang gets beaten is not always true.

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Just how do you piss off so many people in such a short time. Just a guess, but it seems likely that you first pissed off the vendors. Don't know how you can do that without being obnoxious. The vendors probably mentioned things to some of the "win" boys, which then put you in their bad books from the get go. Vendors and "wins" as offten very close to each other and watch each others backs.

Try similing. It won't hurt. :D:o

On the contrary, the vendors didn't know me back then, and I didn't know them. It's still like that until today. My guess is, they "don't like" foreigners in this mostly Thai area of Bangkok. Those people have no real income, don't go to work, just walk around without shirt (the men). Only income source in this area is grilling meat. And as for the other situation I asked advice for, it's in no way related, but occured in a completely different area of Bangkok.

But of course I know, that all the Thais actually love us, especially the board members who live in the Dusit and Hilton Hotels..

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If you are 100% confident you can kick his ass, do so. If not, scurrry away and post on this forum. Evidently there are numerous bad arse Thais that are lurking at every corner.

Lived in Thailand for 4 years and never had a Thai raise his voice at me. Where are do all these scary Thais lurk?

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The root of the problem lies deep - but that is a hopeless cause :o

however if for whatever reason you do find yourself in a difficult situation - just pretend to be stupider than stupid- even slightly mildly retarded and docile. They kinda will lose face if they beat up a mentally disabled person.

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I have had a Thai harassing my wife at her small store for a few months now He owns the law firm that our landlord uses and he thinks she should cower at his feet. The first time I asked him not to be rude to my wife. The 2nd time I told him not to come back in the store The 3rd time I sort of threw him out and made a police report. A couple of night later all my car windows were smashed. A few nights ago he showed up with a couple of carloads of thugs. I stepped outside to block him from coming in, he reached around me and weakly punched my wife. As I grabbed him and was about to throttle him his goons pulled guns on me. When the cops came they stayed about 5 minutes, then left. He is maybe a bit bigger, stronger younger than me, and when I went outside we stood there calling each other all the lowest names we could think of and I kept telling him to go one on one. When I had enough and decided to call it a night, his thugs blocked my car and said I wasn't going anywhere unless I apologized. I laughed and said no thanks we'll walk. After a small consultation with my wife, and worried about my daughter home alone, I went out and gave him a very reluctant "sorry" and put out my hand.. he shook it back with a smile on his face, got into the back of his chauffer driven car and left.

Wonder what the prick has up his sleeve for next time

Yes I know most of you think I am wrong, and I should wai his feet

But I prefer to have some self-respect

By the way did I mention we just got a shipment of home made salsa and nachos in

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I was attacked without reason two days ago. I was walking in the beginning of soi luacha (pholyhutin soi1). Suddenly a guy kicked me from behind. I didn't even see him so I guess he came out from 7-11 or something. I fell to the ground. Then he punched me in in the face one time. Anyway, it took only a few seconds before three mototaxidrivers came and kicked the guy to the ground and screaming at him.

So the thing that thai always help thais or just standing by then farang gets beaten is not always true.

At last a vocie of reason amongst all the crud!

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If you are 100% confident you can kick his ass, do so. If not, scurrry away and post on this forum. Evidently there are numerous bad arse Thais that are lurking at every corner.

Lived in Thailand for 4 years and never had a Thai raise his voice at me. Where are do all these scary Thais lurk?

In many Tv'ers minds but in reality almost nowhere.

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Thailand is one of the least violent countries I have been to from what i have experienced myself (which will of course differ to others).

If I compare your average British high street on a Saturday binge drinking night or strolling though a Paris project housing estate or the slum areas of LA - well I would take TL everytime.

I think the other point is pick your battles wisely. If a confrontation occurs no matter where you are, you walk away or if you think you can kick the other guys butt you stick your ground or you play the diplomatic approach and try to reason, be it bangkok, london or moscow.

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as many others have pointed out, at laest two ways to appoach and handle such situation:

a.) be tough, kick the life out of the leader first, then out of any body still around - saves you training classes....certainly be prepared to have to prove these skills to an ever growing number of people anywhere, at any time of the day!


b.) play the "sissy" an sort off, stay away, non confrontational attitude, keeps you safe and sane, and above all away from getting ever deeper into territory you may findvery hard to get out of alive of this!

and after all, for what, your little ego isn't your country, let 'em look and pound their chest, may he thinks he is Jonny Weissmueller as Tarzan - one never knows... :o

The "Mask" would have send me giggling all the way home...empty eggshells, but nevertheless they can prove life threatening any time, at any situation, anywhere in the world!

Edited by Samuian
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I too have been attacked by a Thai without provocation and a similar thing happened. The local motorbike taxi boys. came running from across the soi and beat the shit out of the Thai who did it. I was simply sitting down in a food shop minding my own business, not talking to anyone, when an empty soda bottle came crashing down on my head. Not those whimpy new bottles. This happened about 15 to 20 years ago when they used really thick glass bottles. I was "dazed and confused".

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Carry a can of Mace in your pocket when you are out and about on the streets, especially alone at night. When a guy like this starts the aggression, pull of his mask and spray him liberally in the face. He won't be doing that again.

Stand up to him like a man and teach him a lesson. Far to many people here running scared from anyone who confronts them.

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Carry a can of Mace in your pocket when you are out and about on the streets, especially alone at night. When a guy like this starts the aggression, pull of his mask and spray him liberally in the face. He won't be doing that again.

Stand up to him like a man and teach him a lesson. Far to many people here running scared from anyone who confronts them.

And here I was thinking that you were going to recommend a much more violent approach (like shooting him in the face with an explosive-tipped arrow, or ramming a 15" knife though his guts, or uncovering a .50 cal machinegun on the back of your 125cc Hinda Wave and letting him (and anyone else in the neighbourhood) taste a hail of hot lead) ! :D

But Mace ? Rambo must be mellowing in his old age ! :o

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Thailand is one of the least violent countries I have been to from what i have experienced myself (which will of course differ to others).

This statement also differes from all avaliable crime and murder statistics, which are far higher than any western country.

Bangkok also has its bad neighborhoods, and they are as bad as in Paris or LA.

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Just how do you piss off so many people in such a short time. Just a guess, but it seems likely that you first pissed off the vendors. Don't know how you can do that without being obnoxious. The vendors probably mentioned things to some of the "win" boys, which then put you in their bad books from the get go. Vendors and "wins" as offten very close to each other and watch each others backs.

Try similing. It won't hurt. :D:o

On the contrary, the vendors didn't know me back then, and I didn't know them. It's still like that until today. My guess is, they "don't like" foreigners in this mostly Thai area of Bangkok. Those people have no real income, don't go to work, just walk around without shirt (the men). Only income source in this area is grilling meat. And as for the other situation I asked advice for, it's in no way related, but occured in a completely different area of Bangkok.

But of course I know, that all the Thais actually love us, especially the board members who live in the Dusit and Hilton Hotels..

Okay, so the motorcycle taxi guys and the vendors are unrelated incidents. But there IS something both have in common. They both involved you.

I'm having a hard time understanding why the food vendors didn't like you from day one. Your money is as spendable as anyone else's, unless you said or did something that was out of line. It doesn't take much effort to be sociable with people. And even if you don't hold any real conversation apart from ordering your food, how you present yourself (being friendly) can make a big difference. It's also hard to understand why some motorcycle taxi driver would come up to you out of the blue and start pounding his hand on your shirt for no reason.

I'm not saying there aren't any punks in Thailand. But unless the guy was drunk or spaced out on yaa baa, it's not that hard to get along. But what happened that caused him to approach you in such a way? What did he say to you? What did you say to him? You're asking for some advice but leaving a LOT of details out.

You said: "But of course I know, that all the Thais actually love us, especially the board members who live in the Dusit and Hilton Hotels." Maybe that's part of the problem, seeing these people as low life that are beneath your 'dignity' to associate with. You need to loosen up a bit, especially if you're living in an area that's mostly Thai. If you're going to live in certain areas, you need to adjust and adapt yourself to those areas.

Perhaps your best bet is to move to a completely different area and try to start out with the locals in a friendlier way


Edited by AmeriThai
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And here I was thinking that you were going to recommend a much more violent approach (like shooting him in the face with an explosive-tipped arrow, or ramming a 15" knife though his guts, or uncovering a .50 cal machinegun on the back of your 125cc Hinda Wave and letting him (and anyone else in the neighbourhood) taste a hail of hot lead) ! :D

But Mace ? Rambo must be mellowing in his old age ! :o

or why not a 12 Gauge Pump action gun close up - just blowing his head to shrapnel because he thumbed his fist in "front of you" from the other side of the road, on his chest... and wearing a balaclava a s many do to protect themselves from the sun....

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If you are 100% confident you can kick his ass, do so. If not, scurrry away and post on this forum. Evidently there are numerous bad arse Thais that are lurking at every corner.

Lived in Thailand for 4 years and never had a Thai raise his voice at me. Where are do all these scary Thais lurk?

In many Tv'ers minds but in reality almost nowhere.

Of course the appropriate action when confronting motorcycle taxi drivers (or irate tuktuk drivers) is to playfully slap them on top of their heads one by one......

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And here I was thinking that you were going to recommend a much more violent approach (like shooting him in the face with an explosive-tipped arrow, or ramming a 15" knife though his guts, or uncovering a .50 cal machinegun on the back of your 125cc Hinda Wave and letting him (and anyone else in the neighbourhood) taste a hai

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Better avoid confrontation with any Thai, especially the lower uneducated ones like food venders or soi motorcyclists. Here, they view life is cheap...not much a meaning to them, thus, they can harm you without thinking about the consequences.

I wouldn't feel safe to live where the unfriendly venders and tough thugs hang around next to your building.

Get out now!

Tinkerbell,Tinkerbell, Tinkerbell.what a load of tosh that is.Educated and hi-so shoot you and get away with it time and time again.These guys are motorbike taxi not mafia.The guy has done something wrong and should address this issue.I go out for a few beers and the taxi guys know my name now because i trat them with repsect and we have a good laugh too.

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I have kicked the shit out of two Thai teckies and got away with it both times. Every one of my friends was telling me to get ready for a drive by but they never drove by. That was three years ago and five years ago.

I hate Thai boys, in general.

My next-door neighbor is in this mid-thirties, just like a little girl with his temper tantrums, breaking and throwing things and hitting his wife. He's next.

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I have kicked the shit out of two Thai teckies and got away with it both times. Every one of my friends was telling me to get ready for a drive by but they never drove by. That was three years ago and five years ago.

I hate Thai boys, in general.

My next-door neighbor is in this mid-thirties, just like a little girl with his temper tantrums, breaking and throwing things and hitting his wife. He's next.

...until you do it to the wrong one - and then you get fecked up good.

If you want to play naklaeng here, you better have enough "Thai boys" to back you up.

Over the years here i knew enough idiots who thought they can play naklaeng - all of them went to far that one time...

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Where did so many people come up with the idea that every Thai man, especially those driving taxis or tuk tuks, or doing motorcycle taxi service, are such tough guys? They are just people.

Yes there is the commonly-held belief that if you have reason to fight with a Thai man you will have to fight all of his friends as well...for the most part, that is bullshit also. Several Thai men stood by and did nothing when I thumped on one of their friends (bigger than me, BTW)...that was after they stood by and did nothing when he started beating on his wife. YMMV.

And do you honestly think that every taxi driver, tuk tuk driver, or motorcycle taxi rider is so well-connected that they are willing to simply kill anyone who crosses them? Get real.

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