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Tuesdays Shooting Outside Carrefour (Update)


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As I am sure most of you have heard, Lala (Isobel, our 15 month old daughter) was shot outside of Carrefour on Tuesday afternoon, but is now making a speedy recovery, more so than both Nee and I.

For those who have not heard, we were leaving the Superhighway exit of Carrefour just before 3pm on Tuesday afternoon, when within 5 to 10 metres the curb side passenger window exploded. We both looked round in shock and I noticed a small round hole at the bottom of the window, and said 'we have been shot!'. We both looked at Lala who was screaming but initially seemed ok, but as Nee tried to console her blood started to stain the left hand side of her dress. This was without doubt the worst moment of both our lives. A motorbike rider who had witnessed 'several people shooting at each other' stopped and jumped in to direct us to the nearest hospital. Neither of us could think straight at the time.

We went straight to the McCormick hospital where Lala was taken into emergency. We were not admitted, but a couple of the nurses had to leave in tears. (made it worse for us) I phoned the British consul and they were great at coming straight down and helping translate for me. Nee and I were in pieces and the press everywhere taking video and pictures did not help.

The doctor explained to us that they had taken a first set of X-rays but could not find the bullet, maybe it was in her back. After more X-rays they could still not find it. He explained that rather than a round hole that he would expect from a bullet, Lala had a 2 cm deep gash in her chest and there were bits of plastic in it. I suggested we looked at the car, and it was there we found what appeared to be a bullet lodged in the infant chair shoulder harness. (later confirmed by the police to be a 9 mm bullet).

The medical staff are calling it a miracle, the harness stopped the bullet passing through from left to right at chest height, and almost certainly killing her.

Lala has been stitched up and released from hospital yesterday and seems to be fine. Nee and I however are really struggling coming to terms with almost losing her.

Both the local and tourist police are investigating the incident. Anyone with any information could pass it on to them, or the British Consulate who are aware a British girl has been shot in Chiang Mai.

I think we are up to receiving visitors, would be a nice distraction, just call first.

I have attached a couple of photos. The mobile phone picture shows where the bullet almost came through the harness.

Lala, Iain & Nee





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my goodness. you were certainly being watched over on Tuesday. i hope you all recover from the shock of this disgusting incident soon, and that you can live your lives normally in the near future.

she is one lucky little girl.

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As I am sure most of you have heard, Lala (Isobel, our 15 month old daughter) was shot outside of Carrefour on Tuesday afternoon, but is now making a speedy recovery, more so than both Nee and I.

For those who have not heard, we were leaving the Superhighway exit of Carrefour just before 3pm on Tuesday afternoon, when within 5 to 10 metres the curb side passenger window exploded. We both looked round in shock and I noticed a small round hole at the bottom of the window, and said 'we have been shot!'. We both looked at Lala who was screaming but initially seemed ok, but as Nee tried to console her blood started to stain the left hand side of her dress. This was without doubt the worst moment of both our lives. A motorbike rider who had witnessed 'several people shooting at each other' stopped and jumped in to direct us to the nearest hospital. Neither of us could think straight at the time.

We went straight to the McCormick hospital where Lala was taken into emergency. We were not admitted, but a couple of the nurses had to leave in tears. (made it worse for us) I phoned the British consul and they were great at coming straight down and helping translate for me. Nee and I were in pieces and the press everywhere taking video and pictures did not help.

The doctor explained to us that they had taken a first set of X-rays but could not find the bullet, maybe it was in her back. After more X-rays they could still not find it. He explained that rather than a round hole that he would expect from a bullet, Lala had a 2 cm deep gash in her chest and there were bits of plastic in it. I suggested we looked at the car, and it was there we found what appeared to be a bullet lodged in the infant chair shoulder harness. (later confirmed by the police to be a 9 mm bullet).

The medical staff are calling it a miracle, the harness stopped the bullet passing through from left to right at chest height, and almost certainly killing her.

Lala has been stitched up and released from hospital yesterday and seems to be fine. Nee and I however are really struggling coming to terms with almost losing her.

Both the local and tourist police are investigating the incident. Anyone with any information could pass it on to them, or the British Consulate who are aware a British girl has been shot in Chiang Mai.

I think we are up to receiving visitors, would be a nice distraction, just call first.

I have attached a couple of photos. The mobile phone picture shows where the bullet almost came through the harness.

Lala, Iain & Nee

Has the international media been made aware of this?

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I had not really planned on posting anything, we are all over joyed at the outcome.

We are however both starting to get angry at the lack of any action what so ever.

It was translated to me by the British Consol that the police would want a statement from me though it could wait a day. Two days later no contact from the police at all.

Tourist police - obviously an '''accident'''???? 'Probably some people hunting birds?' - at chest height shooting 9 mm's across the Superhighway???

We have now heard, all be it 2nd hand, that the Carrefour security guard (collecting parking tokens) had seen and heard shooting, not reported it, and let customers exit the car park into gunfire!!!

Just would like to know what is going on. There must be security camera footage etc.

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I as well did not hear about this tragic news. I am very happy to hear that your little one is doing fine. I hope they find the thugs that did this and get them off the streets.

It comes too close to home as we live in CM, frequent the same Carrefour, and have a 2 year old as well.

I could imagine what the feeling was like when this occurred as my heart races just when my little one gets her vaccination shots.

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I'm so glad that you all came out of this OK. It's an amazing survival story and one that I shall use to enforce the seatbelt rule in my own houselhold

I am trying to picture the location. Leaving Carrefour, one passes first the two driveways entering that business development area, then Index, then a few shophouses before the entrance to Payap, correct? Can you recall where your window shattered. Can't blame you if you don't recall--you had more important things on your mind.

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Tourist police - obviously an '''accident'''???? 'Probably some people hunting birds?' - at chest height shooting 9 mm's across the Superhighway???

That's what they said about the Canadian scientist shot last year, outside the Dhara Devi Hotel. I didn't believe them then either.

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wasnt an canadian doctor shot in similar circumstances recently in chiang mai ?

the police response is disgraceful , but not surprising.

amazed that they didnt fine you 500b for driving a car with a broken window.

This was exactly the accident they have quoted!

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I'm so glad that you all came out of this OK. It's an amazing survival story and one that I shall use to enforce the seatbelt rule in my own houselhold

I am trying to picture the location. Leaving Carrefour, one passes first the two driveways entering that business development area, then Index, then a few shophouses before the entrance to Payap, correct? Can you recall where your window shattered. Can't blame you if you don't recall--you had more important things on your mind.

We pulled over just past the first driveway. whats that, 10 to 20 m utside Carrefour?

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A truly horrifying story with a happy ending.

I am not sure what "coming to terms" means. But I can say that "could have, would have, should have" gets you nowhere. You were in the wrong place at the wrong times, and unfortunately the innocent sometimes are harmed.

You could have lost your daughter, or she could have been seriously injured. Instead you have your daughter intact with a relatively minor injury. Thank <deity> and put it behind you.

You, your wife, and your daughter are truly blessed.

Updates as events warrant, please.

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Im sure there are really no words to express your relief! Im so glad for this happy outcome in a most terrible situation. I hope your daughter will not remember this incident well when she is older, and i hope your wife and yourself recover well.

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I think no other Thaivisa post has hit me harder than this one; what a nightmare.

Probably the best thing to do is treat it as such (a nightmare) and out of this whole thing focus on the very last picture you posted of your girl with the excellent staff of McCormick.

Pursuing anything will get you nowhere. The only other option besides sighing a deep sigh or relief, counting your blessings and getting on with things is facing the truth that Thailand is a fun country if you're young (at heart) and like fun, but no place to raise a family. Because if it's not a bullet then it's some other completely backward lack of the most basic safety considerations in just about everything.

Really, those are your choices. I don't know what I would do. (I have a young daughter as well) I'm basically in the same situation.

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I posted the mail to all our friends in the Uk and world wide and got a similar and shocked response..

The story will likely be published in The Sun (UK) tomorrow. They have agreed to pay any fee to Chiang Mai Mother and Child Hospital, and I will ask for McCormick to be added to that.

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It sends shivers up my spine just reading your story and I am so happy that your little girl is okay!

We too use that Carrefour on a weekly basis.

I sure hope a little more effort is made by the police to find out what happened. An innocent little girl was shot with a 9mm handgun! That is pretty serious even for the wild west of Thailand.

Is the British consulate making any effort to ensure something happens?

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