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It's Soooo Quiet Now


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Only bright spot is my fav hotel still same price and a bargain at 500bht including breakfast.

Which is? :o

Sawasdee Court, soi to the left across from Soi 10 on 2nd Rd. No lift is the only drawback.

And you could have used Intown Hotel soi 11 for same money with a lift but have to pay for your brekky :D

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I have to agree with the OP.

I just arrived on Saturday and really cannot remember Pattaya ever being this quiet.

Bad luck that i am not alone as there are so many hot looking available girls that it is a crying shame they are going home alone.

I also noticed in the Walking St the other night that the girls are now lined up along the street in the nightime looknig for trade.

Desperate times in fun city.

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A lot of those girls lined-up on walking street are in fact ladymen, because

they are not allowed "in" anywhere else. There was an article in the Pattayamail

no long ago stating that in the 1st quarter of 2008, tourism numbers were down

30%. I can believe it, with the general atmosphere of the place getting unfriendly.

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I just flew inside Russia 'coast-to-coast' and the Russians are all traveling to domestic or European destinations for their summer holidays as they usually do. It's cheaper and the weather is fantastic on the Black Sea coast. The 2 Moscow airports I passed through were very, very busy.

The Russians will be back in Pattaya for their WINTER vacations which, as some seem to have forgotten, is coincident with high-season here and snow in their homeland and most of Europe.

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A lot of those girls lined-up on walking street are in fact ladymen, because

they are not allowed "in" anywhere else. There was an article in the Pattayamail

no long ago stating that in the 1st quarter of 2008, tourism numbers were down

30%. I can believe it, with the general atmosphere of the place getting unfriendly.

I do believe i can tell the difference.

The ladyboys seem to come out later.

1am last night plenty of women lined up along Walking St.

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Tolley Wrote: it is a crying shame they are going home alone

Are you sure that they are going home alone?

Perhaps, the better sentence would be: it is a crying shame they are going home to see XYZ, without any money.

It may come as a surprise to some of the cynics on this board but there are someThai girls that don't have Thai boyfriends .

I have no idea what the percentages are but I know quite a number of girls that don't have Thai boyfriends.

Now they might have mulitple farang sponsors or boyfriends but they don't like Thai men.

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And these ladies who have sponsors dont go with farangs lol lol lol.Sorry you part-timers but your tiracs are being taken care of by us expats lol lol,and cheaper than high season as they are just so horny,miss you long time tilak.

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I just checked the seating for my flight to BKK next week (I have good seats but I'm always looking for BETTER!) and noticed both legs appear LESS THAN half full at 7 days out. Not good for the airlines or the merchants in LOS, but I think I'll have some room to stretch out............

Would not some seats be allocated upon check in? Many people don't know their seat upfront or don't know to ask or don't know how to do it themselves over the net.

For example, Singapore airlines would let only customers who bought their tickets from their own site choose and book seats and food online. All other customes with tickets through agencies, online brokers or discounters - can not use that function.

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And these ladies who have sponsors dont go with farangs lol lol lol.Sorry you part-timers but your tiracs are being taken care of by us expats lol lol,and cheaper than high season as they are just so horny,miss you long time tilak.

The girls i know don't work anymore except for one and she doesn't have a Thai boyfrined or any sponsor or boyfriend at all and she is hot hot hot. BTW She works in Living Doll 1. She is also a very nice girl.

Most of the girls i know did at one time work the bar scene in some shape or form but now have left got married, gone overseas, have farang boyfriends supporting them, have multiple sponsors etc

The ones i know as i said don't have Thai boyfriends. Many are happy to escape the bar scene if they can find a decent guy.

That is not to say there aren't plenty of scammers,deceivers, liars etc in the bar scene with Thai boyfriends but this is a bit of a stereotype and as with all stereotypes not truly accurate.

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After knowing many owners of gogo bars they say(not me) that 90% minimum of gogo dancers have thai bf/husbands.Thats not a problem for me as i dont go to gogobars or go with gogobargirls.What i do know is that many many thai girls are cheating and paying for drinks for their mates,and because i am a mate i get freebies too.Dont have a gf if you dont live here because most are cheating and most tell me they are cheating.

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After knowing many owners of gogo bars they say(not me) that 90% minimum of gogo dancers have thai bf/husbands.Thats not a problem for me as i dont go to gogobars or go with gogobargirls.What i do know is that many many thai girls are cheating and paying for drinks for their mates,and because i am a mate i get freebies too.Dont have a gf if you dont live here because most are cheating and most tell me they are cheating.

I am sure plenty do but don't know about 90 percent.

As i said before many just stick to farangs and wait for the next farang to come along.

Is this any better or worse?

I don't know.

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you will be suprised how many have thai bf/husband or even barboy b/f.In the uk we call them pimps but the guys are in control.When you go into some beer bars have a look for motorbike taxi drivers outside and watch them looking in to see what is happening.

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you will be suprised how many have thai bf/husband or even barboy b/f.In the uk we call them pimps but the guys are in control.When you go into some beer bars have a look for motorbike taxi drivers outside and watch them looking in to see what is happening.

And what exactly does this riveting piece of Pattaya know how have to do with the OP?

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last week flew with Thai from Heathrow. 747 had approx 70 people out of 300. Everybody and I mean EVERYBODY had a row to themselves and there were empty rows between rows. Interesting I have never seen an 747 like that and sounds like it may be the same ex USA as well

But if you tried to get a seat on their other daily flight, it was probably oversold. This time of year witnesses the end of most summer vacations or 'school holidays' so flights can be ridiculously wait-listed one day and the same flight virtually empty the following day, especially before a destination or departure country's last weekend of school holidays. Even when booking business class travel, I always check the calendar for local holidays to avoid non-availability on a preferred carrier as Coach will invariably be full and then the airlines bump up their frequent fliers to Business and there are no seats left at all.

I think a lot of UK & European vacationers that may have been considering a Far East summer holiday maybe trimmed their plans and took a shorter, cheaper vacation nearer home or stayed at home. Whether they have saved enough to come in December remains to be seen.

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Just stand on the corner of soi 17, south pattaya at 3rd road at about 5:00 p.m. Take your camera and you can snap photos of hundreds of Thai couples heading off for the bars for work. Usually, the Thai man is driving and his g/f/wife is on the back seat.

Then, go for a walk or follow them to the bars on your motorbike and you will see just how many of them are lying to you.

Then, go to the markets in the afternoon or weekends and you will see the same couples shopping together and if you are so inclined, follow them to their apartments where you will see them living together.

Now, isn't it quite strange how they don't wish to bring you to their apartments?? They always say, Where hotel you??? Why? Because they have a Thai man living with them in their rooms.

90% is a fairly accurate figure. Of course, none will ever admit it because that would destroy their business opportunities.

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Just stand on the corner of soi 17, south pattaya at 3rd road at about 5:00 p.m. Take your camera and you can snap photos of hundreds of Thai couples heading off for the bars for work. Usually, the Thai man is driving and his g/f/wife is on the back seat.

Then, go for a walk or follow them to the bars on your motorbike and you will see just how many of them are lying to you.

Then, go to the markets in the afternoon or weekends and you will see the same couples shopping together and if you are so inclined, follow them to their apartments where you will see them living together.

Now, isn't it quite strange how they don't wish to bring you to their apartments?? They always say, Where hotel you??? Why? Because they have a Thai man living with them in their rooms.

90% is a fairly accurate figure. Of course, none will ever admit it because that would destroy their business opportunities.

No wonder you had to leave town for a spell if you felt the need to spy on bar girls so much, take pictures and follow them around 'out of hours' so to speak. Must have been driving you crazy. Maybe still does, eh?

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Hmmm innovator have you ever been to a thai bg's room? Most share a room with 4/5 other birds....thats prob about 90% (thats the real reason they don't want to go to their room because lets face its not very nice when you share it with so many other ladies)

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I just checked the seating for my flight to BKK next week (I have good seats but I'm always looking for BETTER!) and noticed both legs appear LESS THAN half full at 7 days out. Not good for the airlines or the merchants in LOS, but I think I'll have some room to stretch out............

Would not some seats be allocated upon check in? Many people don't know their seat upfront or don't know to ask or don't know how to do it themselves over the net.

For example, Singapore airlines would let only customers who bought their tickets from their own site choose and book seats and food online. All other customes with tickets through agencies, online brokers or discounters - can not use that function.

Indeed, you are correct. There may also be some that are set aside but not actually sold by agents and consolidators which ultimately will leave empty and unsold.

It was more a personal observation from prior flights this year. In March, May and July the majority of the seats were spoken for by this same time but the seat maps are quite open yet only a few days from departure this time.


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Innovator,the best place is soi 7 about 3-4pm when all the thai bf take lady work.I think some on here dont believe you because somebody tell them porkies lol.I am no threat to the bg and they know i dont do short time so they speak honest with me and the tales they tell about their thai bf and farang sponsor/bf i nearly pee myself.I even ask how they can lie so well they say buddha help them,when they pray by the bar lol.The girls always say i love him too much,i miss him so much,then you want short time sexy man lol,this is work the bf is something else.

There must be hundreds of farangs that have bought me drinks and they dont even know it lol.

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A friend of mine started to see a golf caddie and cut a long story short he said he would take her to england for a year or 2.I had heard she was married and she denied it and my mate stopped talking to me for a while.Then i was told she had a divorce to show the papers and arranged with her hubby to stitch him up big and then come home rich.You guys out there dont ever knock bargirls as being dishonest there are ladies all over,and whats the saying,i wouldnt have a bargirl as gf .


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I stay at a modest apartment in the central area. Mostly long-term farangs but for reasons I'm

still not sure of (I think low occupancy rates actually) They've started letting a lot of thais crash

there and pay by the day. What I'm seeing with many are thai pimps who don't work only send

the girl off to work everyday. In some cases the guys are working in boy bars but they're not

gay apparently? The problem isn't really the girls to my mind, it's the hordes of young, lazy males

that will do anything to get their hooks in a girl for the income, sex they don't want to pay for, a

chance at a free room, whatever. taxi drivers, thugs, boy bar workers, it's a very big category.

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How did we go from "It's So Quiet in Town" to a constant litany of "VETERAN'S" who wish to clue us in about those naughty, naughty bargirls and their tricks? :o

Most of us posting to this string have probably been around the block and understand some of the pitfalls is we were to be so silly as seek romance in Fun Town.

But thank you for your words of wisdom! :D


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The pimps have all the girls lol.

is that better.

Okay, so you're saying that 90% of the girls have boy friends or husbands they are living with.

If I'm only hiring them on as casual labor i.e. by the hour or by the day why would that fact really bother me? :o


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Well WiSteve:

If you seem to be 'in the know', along with the other bashers, then why is everyone defending these business girls?

I think it is better to be honest and admit that we all know what is going on and we choose to ignore it and enjoy the sex.

OK. Honesty is better than defending something that you know so little about.

Again, if you don't speak Thai, then don't speak out about a subject that you know so little about.

I think it is better to say, "Many of the b/g have pimps or b/fs and choose to work in the bar to get money to support these guys".

Then, the farangs can say..."Yes, we know that these are business transactions and we would never be so stupid to buy one of them a house/land/buffalo/car/gold/motorbike/condo/marriage/ fill in the blanks.

So, if you are in the group that purchased a home in a ladies name, then I feel sorry for you and all of the other kwais online.

Perhaps, one reason why the town is so quiet is because the word has finally soaked into the farangs heads that most of the girls are simply playing you and they got tired of sponsoring them and left town.

Fortunately for me, I was never an investor or sponsor of one of these angels.

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