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Well your mr dingdong .......doesn't look like the type that will take the word "NO" easily

I don't know about U.....but I don't want to be tied to the bed!!!, Do U?........and all the red mitten thing too...err what with that :o

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Well your mr dingdong .......doesn't look like the type that will take the word "NO" easily

I don't know about U.....but I don't want to be tied to the bed!!!, Do U?........and all the red mitten thing too...err what with that :o

Oh noooo, sorry teacup, but i dont agree. My previous relationships were with guys who had long hair and had a look you may then also describe as being guys who wouldnt take "no" easy, but were not that way at all. I dont like guys to have bad attitude, but im not put off by 'rough' looks (actually love the anomaly of rough looks and gentle nature :D)

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Well your mr dingdong .......doesn't look like the type that will take the word "NO" easily

I don't know about U.....but I don't want to be tied to the bed!!!, Do U?........and all the red mitten thing too...err what with that :o

Teacup you are one difficult gal to please. They are either too 'gay' looking or potential rapists! Where does Mr teacup fit into this scale?!

And Eek I am with you there. You should see Mr Sabai! Most people think he is mafia wannabe at first glance and then get to know him and realise that he verging on the kotoey, his feminine side of so big!

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Takeshi kaneshiro...?

Now this's a face U can take home to your mom

but a face without "THE BODY" to go along w/ it - then he's not a "REAL MAN" to me

His bottom half may look like a "butterball"! :o

It'snot much to go on, but I wouldn't say butterball at this point. Anyone who can find a topless one wins a medal!


and just one more for luck


Woof (or as my new avatar would say, meow!)

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Due to popular demand

Ok here is ……..Mr. Teacup: just remember he’s mine only!! :D

aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! so handsome, so hot

big thick strong muscled thighs

manly and rugged

around 6 feet, dark auburn hair, bedroom dreamy pale blue eyes "COME HERE BABI", and a kissable mouth

not overly needy or aggressive, but my fighting move is like dusting or scratching to him. -"you are not getting away from me that easily"! .....hehe


Oh...almost forgot.....Smart, a state swimming champion, and gifted pianist (me think)

There!!…….Top that, sisters!!! :o



Models and movie stars are just too bimbo head to me

After a while, you just want to be with the person who never fails to make you smile. :D

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aw, lucky girl teacup. :D

it's funny to see all the different tastes on here. it's good we aren't all going to have to fight over the same super stars. :o

I might be a bit older than some of you ladies but...........Pierce can sail my boat any day!

i had a crush on him when he was on remington steele, when i was a wee lass. :D black hair and blue eyes does it for me every time. (i think he has blue eyes?)

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Models and movie stars are just too bimbo head to me

After a while, you just want to be with the person who never fails to make you smile. :o

Models and movie stars are just a fantasy though not reality. How many 'hot' men do you know who you don't fancy at all? Attraction is way more than model looks. Mr Sabai still tops my list!! Just in case he ever reads this...he he...

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(woah that's big too)

vincent gallo (from buffalo 66) is an example of an imperfect guy i think is hot... not many agree with me though. i saw him on the street in NY once.

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Although i love dark hair, the dark hair/blue eye combo weirds me out, but i think only because i have dark hair and blue eyes. Dont want to be looking at someone who reminds me too much of me.



Woof (or as my new avatar would say, meow!)

indeed! ..and 2 other hot asian guy's:


Chen Chang (first saw him in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon)

And the hottest (i think) award goes to: Ananda Everingham (from 'SHutter' and the new movie 'The Coffin')



But they both have a 'johnny depp' kinda look i think.

ow my images wont load so have to put links :o

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ha- i hung out with ananda everingham in bangkok about 6 years ago- he's ok but kinda wimpy for my tastes. ooh totally agree on chen chang though!

i also have dark hair and blue eyes.

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I think we have a winner in Chen Chang :o


ok..may i veer the topic a little to include the men we like who are generally considered unconventionally attractive..for me has to be guys like Rob Schneider, Gerard Depardieu, Jack Black, Dave Grohl (Foo Fighters)...thinking thinking..im sure there are MUCH more! :D

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I think we have a winner in Chen Chang :o


ok..may i veer the topic a little to include the men we like who are generally considered unconventionally attractive..for me has to be guys like Rob Schneider, Gerard Depardieu, Jack Black, Dave Grohl (Foo Fighters)...thinking thinking..im sure there are MUCH more! :D

Kelly Jones [stereophonics] and the singer of the Incubus...although in his early days, nowadays he looks kinda Ill to me, in more then one way..unfortnatly!

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I think we have a winner in Chen Chang :D

wait wait.....not so fast "eeky"!

I don't even know who Chen Chang is, let me check him out fist..........will be back later, cuz am still working :D


ok..may i veer the topic a little to include the men we like who are generally considered unconventionally attractive..for me has to be guys like Rob Schneider, Gerard Depardieu, Jack Black, Dave Grohl (Foo Fighters)...thinking thinking..im sure there are MUCH more!

Sorry, but "Rob Schneider" looks STUPID (err...can I say "stupid" here on this forum?), me think :o

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