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What Are The Most Wonderful And Horrible Things About Thailand..


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The most wonderful thing about Thailand, for this old Thailand Hand, is the Air Quality; in LA with all the wild fires, I had a hard time breathing at time. The Horrible thing the darn old loud Music, which can be a Killer, case in point just a few weeks ago a young 35 year old Thai fellow was motoring along music blasting at full volume. Poor guy near heard the Train :D:o:D sad but true story.

I don't get this loud loud music in the car either, it must be a youth ego culture thing. They do the same in the UK, drive around summer and winter with the windows wide open and BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM coming out from inside. Back in the '70's it was furry dice hanging from the rear view mirror, names like Wayne and Tracey across the top of the windshield and a bolt on spoiler on the boot (trunk) lid on a Ford Anglia with a top speed of 75 mph downhill with a following wind. Still folks had less money back then.

I don't mind those guys so much it's their life, hearing and death and they move on so's the irritation is short lived. What used to bug me a little was the local's parties with loud music and, even worse, karaoke. But then I'd use it to my advantage, "Darling I just can't take any more of that noise. I'm off down Xxxx's bar for a couple of hours". "But they play loud music in Xxxx's bar". "Yes, but that is the point, they play music". :D

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itd be funny if the guys who hate farang actually hate eachother, each thinking the other is a bigot.

What is even more amusing is the Farangs that think they are Thais. :)

The best thing is the politness and gentle behaviour of the locals

The worst thing is perhaps how the politeness and gentle behaviour disapears when they are behind a stearing wheel.

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We recently moved to a rural village, which upon visiting a few times I thought was peaceful and serene.

HAH, what a laugh! I NEVER get a good sleep, being wakened every morning between 5-7am with blasting loud music from a food vendor, thumping bass from a neighbor, chanting monks, or eardrum-piercing flute music.

I'm serious wondering if I made a major mistake buying land in this village. :) This problem eclipses my usual complaint about the heat and humidity. Not crazy either about all the super-sized bugs and the snakes/scorpions/centipedes and other lovelies.

But otherwise the peaceful cordiality of the Thai people in general is great.

Edited by Lopburi99
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Thai tv IS pretty bad!

so you don't like the story where the cute girl wants to date the cute boy but the parents want her to date the ugly looking fat kid from the rich family to further the parents business interest which ends in the scene where they are running around the jungle shooting at each other and then someone ends up in hospital with the name of the hospital and the phone number prominently displayed in full view of the camera?

what's not to like about that?

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Thai tv IS pretty bad!

so you don't like the story where the cute girl wants to date the cute boy but the parents want her to date the ugly looking fat kid from the rich family to further the parents business interest which ends in the scene where they are running around the jungle shooting at each other and then someone ends up in hospital with the name of the hospital and the phone number prominently displayed in full view of the camera?

what's not to like about that?

Most wonderful: The memory of how it used to be............when it was a good place to be (80s and 90s for me).

Most horrible: The reality of it today.

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Thai tv IS pretty bad!

so you don't like the story where the cute girl wants to date the cute boy but the parents want her to date the ugly looking fat kid from the rich family to further the parents business interest which ends in the scene where they are running around the jungle shooting at each other and then someone ends up in hospital ...

... while simultaneously in the hospital the cute girl's father miraculously regains a pulse after being declared dead by an impostor doctor as his mia noi watches faking sobs, just having been informed the man is actually her father by her crazed arch-enemy identical twin ladyboy brother who was in the next bed being treated for snake bite in the ass during intimacy with an autistic one-armed friend in the grass ... it goes on and on. :)

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I like everything everyone likes.............................

I don't like getting killed so easily and after getting killed so easily that killing getting forgotten so quickly and the lack of justice.

I didn't know they had internet in the next life :)

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best of Thailand is the moderate climate. always cloudy and cool. but not too cold that one needs to buy heating oil.

second best is the infrastructure. electricity supply without blackouts, reliable superfast internet connections with 60mbit speed, roads without any potholes, disciplined and polite drivers, at any government office you can have a small talk in english, french, spanish, german and sign language, residence permit issued at entry showing a thousand dollars cash and of course a stable political environment.

And don't forget the BIB, they are great. When I am riding my motorcycle I often stop to give them a donation in recognition of their great work!!

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I like everything everyone likes.............................

I don't like getting killed so easily and after getting killed so easily that killing getting forgotten so quickly and the lack of justice.

I didn't know they had internet in the next life :D

Well... :D...Firefox...you know... :)

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Thai tv IS pretty bad!

so you don't like the story where the cute girl wants to date the cute boy but the parents want her to date the ugly looking fat kid from the rich family to further the parents business interest which ends in the scene where they are running around the jungle shooting at each other and then someone ends up in hospital ...

... while simultaneously in the hospital the cute girl's father miraculously regains a pulse after being declared dead by an impostor doctor as his mia noi watches faking sobs, just having been informed the man is actually her father by her crazed arch-enemy identical twin ladyboy brother who was in the next bed being treated for snake bite in the ass during intimacy with an autistic one-armed friend in the grass ... it goes on and on. :)

I just like the sound effects.....

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Thai tv IS pretty bad!

so you don't like the story where the cute girl wants to date the cute boy but the parents want her to date the ugly looking fat kid from the rich family to further the parents business interest which ends in the scene where they are running around the jungle shooting at each other and then someone ends up in hospital ...

... while simultaneously in the hospital the cute girl's father miraculously regains a pulse after being declared dead by an impostor doctor as his mia noi watches faking sobs, just having been informed the man is actually her father by her crazed arch-enemy identical twin ladyboy brother who was in the next bed being treated for snake bite in the ass during intimacy with an autistic one-armed friend in the grass ... it goes on and on. :)

I just like the sound effects.....

They have Thai TV playing on the TV sets in my gym, and I go in the evening when the biggest rated soaps are on. From what I can tell its a bunch of people screaming at each other for an hour a night.

Although occasionally, for no reason that I can tell, one set of people screaming at each other, that is in no way differentiable from any other set, suddenly gets the attention of all the Thais in the gym, including the staff, and they all stop what they're doing to watch intensely one particular screaming match. I ruin the mood for them by giggling at the overacting and I even got some hard glances when I burst out laughing when an old man took a swan dive out of a wheelchair in response to being screamed at by a young woman.

In all seriousness though I am horrified by what the effect must be on those who grow up exposed to this and whether they view standing in a nice condo screaming at someone, or standing by a Mercedes screaming at someone, or standing outside a trendy restaurant and screaming at someone, as an aspirational life goal.

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They have Thai TV playing on the TV sets in my gym, and I go in the evening when the biggest rated soaps are on. From what I can tell its a bunch of people screaming at each other for an hour a night.

Although occasionally, for no reason that I can tell, one set of people screaming at each other, that is in no way differentiable from any other set, suddenly gets the attention of all the Thais in the gym, including the staff, and they all stop what they're doing to watch intensely one particular screaming match. I ruin the mood for them by giggling at the overacting and I even got some hard glances when I burst out laughing when an old man took a swan dive out of a wheelchair in response to being screamed at by a young woman.

In all seriousness though I am horrified by what the effect must be on those who grow up exposed to this and whether they view standing in a nice condo screaming at someone, or standing by a Mercedes screaming at someone, or standing outside a trendy restaurant and screaming at someone, as an aspirational life goal.

OMG, I actually remember that scene! :D:D

Every night my wife watches the soaps from bed. Sometimes the music and theme singing is quite good (plus the young women are gorgeous) so at least it isn't all bad. But now and then I can't take any more of the trite silliness of the plot or horrible acting and make some snide remark about the quality of Thai TV.

Needless to say we are sleeping back to back that night! :)

Seriously though, and back to topic, the most wonderful aspect of life in Thailand for me is to be able to enjoy a relatively comfortable middle class existence on my very modest pension.

Edited by Lopburi99
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They have Thai TV playing on the TV sets in my gym, and I go in the evening when the biggest rated soaps are on. From what I can tell its a bunch of people screaming at each other for an hour a night.

Although occasionally, for no reason that I can tell, one set of people screaming at each other, that is in no way differentiable from any other set, suddenly gets the attention of all the Thais in the gym, including the staff, and they all stop what they're doing to watch intensely one particular screaming match. I ruin the mood for them by giggling at the overacting and I even got some hard glances when I burst out laughing when an old man took a swan dive out of a wheelchair in response to being screamed at by a young woman.

In all seriousness though I am horrified by what the effect must be on those who grow up exposed to this and whether they view standing in a nice condo screaming at someone, or standing by a Mercedes screaming at someone, or standing outside a trendy restaurant and screaming at someone, as an aspirational life goal.

That, exactly that is Thailand.

Once upon a time there was a political rally at one of the jangwats here and everybody had to go there. It was unspoken obligatory. They had to be seen there. But after they were seen there suddenly they slowly disappeared and the speaker was left alone with a handful of people.

It was 19:00h. TV soap opera time.

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In all seriousness though I am horrified by what the effect must be on those who grow up exposed to this and whether they view standing in a nice condo screaming at someone, or standing by a Mercedes screaming at someone, or standing outside a trendy restaurant and screaming at someone, as an aspirational life goal.

Yep. I'm sure they would all be better off with Eastenders, Coronation Street and Brookside, then you could relate to them, and they would have an aspirational goal in life, right ?

The fact that you don't understand any of the Thai soaps pales into insignifigance, the Thai people that like them are what in your opinion ? Any more delusional than the hundreds of millions of people all over the world who follow soap operas, each pertaining to their own countries ?

You don't understand Thai soaps, therefore they must be crap. right ?

You think people that grow up on Coronation Street, Eastenders or Brookside, or in your case maybe even Crossroads are enlightened ? :D

Thai comedy is totally different to UK comedy for example, it does not mean that the Thai people who find Thai comedy funny are inferior to a UK guy finding UK comedy funny. it's just different, and you don't understand it.

Maybe you should be " Horrified " at something worth being " Horrified " at, maybe you can start with the crap that some people spout on internet forums.

Personally. I'm horrified. :)

Edited by Maigo6
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The most wonderful thing about Thailand.....it has to be the Beaches and Islands. They are so beautiful. I have been from Byron Bay Australia (is that how you spell byron bay?) to Utila Honduras and back. But Thailand has I think in my opinion has the most beautiful I have seen.

Now the most horrible thing for me has to be The Traffic and Drivers.wow.

Everything and everything

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In all seriousness though I am horrified by what the effect must be on those who grow up exposed to this and whether they view standing in a nice condo screaming at someone, or standing by a Mercedes screaming at someone, or standing outside a trendy restaurant and screaming at someone, as an aspirational life goal.

Yep. I'm sure they would all be better off with Eastenders, Coronation Street and Brookside, then you could relate to them, and they would have an aspirational goal in life, right ?

The fact that you don't understand any of the Thai soaps pales into insignifigance, the Thai people that like them are what in your opinion ? Any more delusional than the hundreds of millions of people all over the world who follow soap operas, each pertaining to their own countries ?

You don't understand Thai soaps, therefore they must be crap. right ?

You think people that grow up on Coronation Street, Eastenders or Brookside, or in your case maybe even Crossroads are enlightened ? :D

Thai comedy is totally different to UK comedy for example, it does not mean that the Thai people who find Thai comedy funny are inferior to a UK guy finding UK comedy funny. it's just different, and you don't understand it.

Maybe you should be " Horrified " at something worth being " Horrified " at, maybe you can start with the crap that some people spout on internet forums.

Personally. I'm horrified. :)

None of the western soaps have the level of violence that I see in Thai soaps. In fact, in the UK the level of violence is very contentious and subject to scrutiny. There are many Thai soaps I've seen that in the UK could not be shown before the 9 p.m. watershed due to the level of violence. Maybe its supposed to be "humorous" violence I see repeated in every Thai soap and I'm missing the joke, but I guess I'll just have to defer to someone who knows everything in Thailand better than everyone else and knows that everything in Thailand is just about perfect on that subject.

Honestly, have you EVER watched a selection of Thai soaps? As I find it hard to believe that anyone who had could seriously make that post.

And what is this huge chip you have on your shoulder that if someone doesn't like something about Thailand they must be racist and think they're superior to Thais? I don't really like spicy food so now go ahead and have a rant about how Thai food is totally different to Western food and just because I don't understand Thai food I think Thais are inferior for eating spicy food and that I think that Thais should eat McDonalds instead. Seriously, get a grip

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I don't really like spicy food so now go ahead and have a rant about how Thai food is totally different to Western food and just because I don't understand Thai food I think Thais are inferior for eating spicy food and that I think that Thais should eat McDonalds instead.

OK, here we go..............

Look, just because Thai people like spicy food and you don't it don't mean that Thai people are inferior, it just means that you don't like spicy food, I'm quite sure they would find Toad in the Hold bland without lashings of hot stuff, now c'mon, get a grip !!!! You ain't in Maidstone anymore !!! Or do you think they should all eat McDonalds, just cos you like it ? :)

Was that OK ? :D

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.........................Honestly, have you EVER watched a selection of Thai soaps? As I find it hard to believe that anyone who had could seriously make that post.


Have seen many over the years and can't watch it longer then 5 minutes, because everything is unbelievable banal, the story, the lights, the actors...everything. But I sure accept the fact that Thais love it. It's 100% up to them and I don't care at all. Can't change the powers to be with the educational system here.

And they accept the fact, that I like to watch Tarantino and Led Zeppelin. So what's the problem here?

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I guess Terminator, Rocky, Rambo, James Bond, The Matrix and the X Files are totally unbelievable too, but westerners sure do lap it up.

I love Thai soaps simply because I understand them. :)

BTW, Tarantino and The Led are also favourites.

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