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Same same, my mother in laws next door neighbor has a newly built house adjoining their shed on sticks, they still sleep in the trees and only go in there to clean it,! :o ....remember fellas if you are building a house in the country you may be lonely in it !..why bother, just buy them a roll of corrogated iron and some wood and some som tum, i guarantee the whole village will love you !

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First time i used the hong nam shed at the bottom of the garden i found it a bit awquard and told my wife there was no lock on the toilet door,she in turn told her mother that relpied " dont worry, we have lived here 35 years and no one has stolen a bucket of sh1t yet ! :o

Built a House some time ago in Buriram (well village outside of)

First Wife now deceased but still maintain contact and support son and Family,

2 Bedrooms........... Mama and Papa still sleep on Floor

Washing Machine......... Still wash by hand after cycle from machine finish

Western Style Toilet....... Papa still cr@ps in feild opposite

Nice shower unit...........There still use scoops

Dining Room area with table and chairs..........still eat on floor

There hound me for car (few years ago)I buy then discover ...........That there cant drive

Buy 2 nice fridges........ still keep unused food under them mini chicken coup things

Always buy bottled water......But there continue to replenish the containers back in fridge with crappy rainwater from outside

Install Air Con....... There still use electric fans

This List can go on and on W.T.F. i still love them :o:D:D

and that's what counts Paul! everything else is irrelevant.

Issan Paul.

Its so refreshing to read a post from someone who obviously still loves his Thai family accepts the culture difference with a grin and has kept taking care of them.

Good on you fella.

Good for you


Country folk are the same everywhere.

When my Ozark ancestors moved from Arkansas to the West Coast (1930's) in a beat-up Model-A Ford, grandma (who had never taken a trip in a car) kept the door ajar and one foot out, dragging the ground the whole way. Somehow it made her feel safer. Went through God-knows-how-many pairs of shoes.

Built a House some time ago in Buriram (well village outside of)

First Wife now deceased but still maintain contact and support son and Family,

2 Bedrooms........... Mama and Papa still sleep on Floor

Washing Machine......... Still wash by hand after cycle from machine finish

Western Style Toilet....... Papa still cr@ps in feild opposite

Nice shower unit...........There still use scoops

Dining Room area with table and chairs..........still eat on floor

There hound me for car (few years ago)I buy then discover ...........That there cant drive

Buy 2 nice fridges........ still keep unused food under them mini chicken coup things

Always buy bottled water......But there continue to replenish the containers back in fridge with crappy rainwater from outside

Install Air Con....... There still use electric fans

This List can go on and on W.T.F. i still love them :o:D:D

Totally realte to all you say Issanpaul - and like you still love them even when father-in-law breaks his leg drunk as a skunk on a motorbike...then we rush him to a Si Sa Ket hospital, have the leg put into a plaster caste then after an overnight stay we bring him back to our village only for him to go visit the local "spirit doctor"...have the plaster removed immediately, given herbs and tree roots to cook and eat to fix the broken leg....now walks with a permanent limp....but still trusts the village doctor more than any trained medical professional....yes you just have to love 'em

My father-in-law is the one who always makes everyone laugh unknowingly most the time. On our last trip he had run out of shampoo and after having a shower came out yakking his wife about someone's shampoo he was using to make do as his own bottle had run out. He complained about no lather and why was he massaging his head with no bubbles for over five minutes with no luck at all. He was really serious at this point and went to get the bottle to show my mother-in-law. Out he comes from the bathroom waving a bottle around in a loud voice only to find all my family drop to the floor in histerics when they see what he had been using to wash his hair. Now I may be naive but I did not know that in Thailand they sell a womens product for washings their private parts and for some reason he had been using this wondering why he could not get any bubbles after rubbing his head vigurously. It was one of those moments where you see someone really embarrassed including my wife's older sister who had left her private shampoo in the cubicle earlier. Some very funny things do and can happen in Isaan to lighten the day.

Ahhh, yes... Lactacyd.

Or as I refer to it, Lactahoy.

First time i used the hong nam shed at the bottom of the garden i found it a bit awquard and told my wife there was no lock on the toilet door,she in turn told her mother that relpied " dont worry, we have lived here 35 years and no one has stolen a bucket of sh1t yet ! :D

Pretty darn funny! :o


Had and interesting one a few weeks ago.

We were going out to check on the wife's "farm" (8 rai of rice paddies, farmed by someone else, "managed" by her ex- father-in law).

We went over to pick him up at his house in my truck (4 door Vigo). We were getting loaded up, I was in the driver's seat. I looked over to see him open the front passenger door, then try to figure out how to tilt/slide the seat so he could climb into the rear seat. :o

I just looked at the wife and said, "I am not saying a thing...".

But all three of us had a good laugh after she explained it to him.

The OP's first post was good.........but after that, has'nt it gone slighly down the drain :o

Agree Bergen,

OK Lets get back to initial thread ,

Any TV Members that have similar experiances? Past and Present? :D

No similar experiences but would like to say, as has been said previously, that your continued support and love for the family is refreshing. But, given what you've said about the lack of use for the "western" type things you've provided might indicate that you've gone far enough in that department. Seems like continued love and concern is all that is required and you're obviously on point with that. Oh, one other thing. Don't buy any more cars for folks who can't and have no interest in driving. :D

Some years ago in Ubon we passed tesco/lotus and I asked my wife if it was open.

She replied: yes open .................but not yet :o

Went to a shop after seeing a copy of The Australian newspaper on a stand...darn, was yesterdays....

"Do you have todays copy?"

"You Want?"....."yes please."

"OK, come back tomorrow"

Some years ago in Ubon we passed tesco/lotus and I asked my wife if it was open.

She replied: yes open .................but not yet :D

Went to a shop after seeing a copy of The Australian newspaper on a stand...darn, was yesterdays....

"Do you have todays copy?"

"You Want?"....."yes please."

"OK, come back tomorrow"

That is funny I just told my wife as this is typical thai attitude everything is tomorrow. Ha Ha :o:D


I can relate with all that has been said, it is funny sometimes and then you think, what we have always taken for granted, they have never had, especially with the refrigrators, I bought 2, one for my wife to be and one for Mama and Papa, every time I go home, they are empty; except for the rain water in water bottles, food is still stored in the cubbards beside the refrigerator. my wife to be has had food poisioning 4 or 5 times and still will not put the food in the refrigerator unless I am home.

I think it is very respectful of you for continuining to take care of your in laws, I love Isaan, I will be going home next week to my new home and my wife to be will be my wife next Sunday.

My father-in-law is the one who always makes everyone laugh unknowingly most the time. On our last trip he had run out of shampoo and after having a shower came out yakking his wife about someone's shampoo he was using to make do as his own bottle had run out. He complained about no lather and why was he massaging his head with no bubbles for over five minutes with no luck at all. He was really serious at this point and went to get the bottle to show my mother-in-law. Out he comes from the bathroom waving a bottle around in a loud voice only to find all my family drop to the floor in histerics when they see what he had been using to wash his hair. Now I may be naive but I did not know that in Thailand they sell a womens product for washings their private parts and for some reason he had been using this wondering why he could not get any bubbles after rubbing his head vigurously. It was one of those moments where you see someone really embarrassed including my wife's older sister who had left her private shampoo in the cubicle earlier. Some very funny things do and can happen in Isaan to lighten the day.

:D:D Brilliant!

My f-in-l is not quite the same level of joker as yours, but he still makes me laugh occasionally. Like the time we took him to a hotel to see our daughter/his grand-daughter perform in a ballet up on the 5th floor. It was a bit like Crocodile Dundee going to New York for first time and discovering all these modern contraptions he'd never seen with his own two eyes. It transpired he'd never used a lift before and was fascinated with how by pushing a button and standing still we could effortlessly move up 5 floors. He kept talking about it like it was some kind of miracle and we humoured him as if it was.

As soon as we had our back turned, the old bugger was off playing in the lift like a 10 year old, going several times from the basement to the 6th floor and jumping out just to check he really had moved from point A to B without doing a thing. I think he still remembers that lift far more than the actual ballet, which he fell to sleep in the middle of -mouth wide open and snoring! :o

This story is brilliant, reminded me of the mother in law talking about her friend seeing a lift for the 1st time, took her shoes off before she walked in then was surprised she couldn't see them when they arrived on the next floor...classic. Still has them rolling around when they talk about it!!


All those things sound so true. Almost like I am back seeing them myself.

My wife convinced me to place elaborate security screens/bars on the windows of the family's new house. She explained that they would not otherwise open the windows which to me defeated the purpose of having windows that open. So on go the bars and everyone is happy. A month later while my wife was visiting she was complaining about the heat at night. I asked if there was an issue with the windows and she said NO, they are closed. It seems that with or without the bars the windows are shut. She said that her mother does not think steel bars will stop the criminals. I asked her to tell her mother that the windows themselves are only glass and have even less of an obstacle to criminals. Her mother stated that they were locked windows though :o I should have just put in Glass Bricks and saved all the money on the glazer and security screen installations.

Needless to say after a quick trip to Ubon, my wife was soon enjoying cool nights with a couple AC units installed.

Mother-in-law wanted a green lawn like what she sees on Television so my wife being the good daughter has a lawn installed so it looks like a golf course. I then hear a few weeks later about how much the neighbor's cow likes the new grass. :D Good thing turf is inexpensive in Ubon and easy to replace.

Gotta love them though for sure

Mike in Seattle


On one holiday my wife and I decided to take her mom and dad around bangkok to see the sights for a few days. When we checked into the hotel to stay over night her Mom and Dad put their shoes unknown to us outside the room in the corridor. Next day they asked us what had happened to their shoes and we found staff at the hotel had thrown them out in the rubbish. Next day first job for us was to go down the market to buy a couple pairs of shoes for the inlaws. I think they left them outside the room thinking they were at home and good manners to leave dirt outside the door. Tickles me sometimes what they get upto....

Built a House some time ago in Buriram (well village outside of)

First Wife now deceased but still maintain contact and support son and Family,

2 Bedrooms........... Mama and Papa still sleep on Floor

Washing Machine......... Still wash by hand after cycle from machine finish

Western Style Toilet....... Papa still cr@ps in feild opposite

Nice shower unit...........There still use scoops

Dining Room area with table and chairs..........still eat on floor

There hound me for car (few years ago)I buy then discover ...........That there cant drive

Buy 2 nice fridges........ still keep unused food under them mini chicken coup things

Always buy bottled water......But there continue to replenish the containers back in fridge with crappy rainwater from outside

Install Air Con....... There still use electric fans

This List can go on and on W.T.F. i still love them :o:D:D

Very similar to my experience in Kham Tu Kla.

In our case the toilet (hole in the floor) was used in preference to the paddock next door, only toilet paper wasn't required.

I must admit soaping your a$$ felt much cleaner than wiping/smearing with paper. Cheaper too. :D

I must admit soaping your a$$ felt much cleaner than wiping/smearing with paper. Cheaper too. :o

Have some toothpicks handy to clean under your finger nails.


Just spoke to my teeluk, the village was surrounded by water last night (village is about 8 km from KK down road 2) the fish in the dam have been washed away by the rain, mai bpen rai, they will buy new little fish and restock the dam.

the rice is OK

meanwhile, you can buy fish for 10 baht a kilo!

Issan attitudes and people rock!

Just spoke to my teeluk, the village was surrounded by water last night (village is about 8 km from KK down road 2) the fish in the dam have been washed away by the rain, mai bpen rai, they will buy new little fish and restock the dam.

the rice is OK

meanwhile, you can buy fish for 10 baht a kilo!

Issan attitudes and people rock!

i know what you mean, my Mrs is over in KK at present, well 20 km out, and the water was flowing down the street "welly welly angry water" she said, but her and the mother in law were out catching fish and crabs as they swam by the front of the house!! (this is the mother in law who finds it very hard to walk normally but can wade through flooded streets!!!)..

None of this panicking about the flood water and any damage, she was jealous of the kids who were swimming along the road!!!!

Some years ago in Ubon we passed tesco/lotus and I asked my wife if it was open.

She replied: yes open .................but not yet :D


thats a suprise to me, I thought the standard Issan Ladies response was " you ask too many questions" :o:D

roy gsd

OK, I can relate to all of that, but crapping in the field????????????? <deleted>?

My wife did that in Broadstairs :o

If that was the field opposite the crown and thisle at I think I knew her years ago.

Presumably she was pinching cabbages and got took short? :D

roy gsd

OK, I can relate to all of that, but crapping in the field????????????? <deleted>?

My wife did that in Broadstairs :D

If that was the field opposite the crown and thisle at I think I knew her years ago.

Presumably she was pinching cabbages and got took short? :D

roy gsd

Just to get even, I did the same on Pee Pee island just behind where they shot The Beach. Wifie even stood guard. I suppose if anyone stumbled on it, they'd have thought De Caprio had stayed behind. :o:D

OK, I can relate to all of that, but crapping in the field????????????? <deleted>?

My wife did that in Broadstairs :D

If that was the field opposite the crown and thisle at I think I knew her years ago.

Presumably she was pinching cabbages and got took short? :(

roy gsd

Just to get even, I did the same on Pee Pee island just behind where they shot The Beach. Wifie even stood guard. I suppose if anyone stumbled on it, they'd have thought De Caprio had stayed behind. :D:D

So Pee Pee Island should now be known as Poop Poop Island :D:D:o

I suppose if anyone stumbled on it, they'd have thought De Caprio had stayed behind.

I believe you meant to say "De Crapio." Spelling error overlooked. :o

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