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Pad Vs. Samak: Who Do You Favor?


Do you support PAD's effort to topple Samak?  

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Samak was voted in by the people. Let democracy be democracy and let them keep the loon. 19 military coups in Thailand since WWII says something about the way government is done here. Don't see anything changing, but for that reason I would like him to stay. In fact, I might make some enemies here, but I am also a Thaksin supporter.

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Yippee, a poll!

I thought old Samak put on a reasonable performance tonight, in English. I bet 99.9% of the posters here couldn't have done as good in Thai. :o - and that includes me.

I don't like him, I don't think democracy works in Thailand and I haven't a clue what should replace it.

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Until corruption is weedled out at all levels, any election is going to be suspect. If the people at the bottom stopped paying lip service to it, and let it run it's course. Perhaps people would finally do the jobs they are supposed to, without the back handers. Not that I will hold my breath.

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instead of investigative jornalism exposing the gold shop owner who is selling 18 carat gold marked as 22 carat.....or the ses-pit lorry double pricing for their service or shit left behind......get to know what the politicians are really up to .....by creating a real independent "no strings"free press in Thailand then investigate The politicians,...... then put it to a democratic vote...!!!!!!!! SIMPLE.

Edited by dee123
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Until corruption is weedled out at all levels, any election is going to be suspect. If the people at the bottom stopped paying lip service to it, and let it run it's course. Perhaps people would finally do the jobs they are supposed to, without the back handers. Not that I will hold my breath.
:o WELL DONE MOSHA..... AT least there is one guy here on Thai visa with a brain.......as for the rest? Poll;my brain hurts Edited by dee123
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Even though I don’t agree what PAD is doing lately, nonetheless they did at least expose some of the corrupt officials that are siphoning this country wealth. As for Prime Minister Samak, he is more a ruffian, instead of a country statesman.

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Even though I don’t agree what PAD is doing lately, nonetheless they did at least expose some of the corrupt officials that are siphoning this country wealth. As for Prime Minister Samak, he is more a ruffian, instead of a country statesman.

And I thought he was a television chef. :o

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They are all out for their own ends. This country is woefully backward in so many ways and sadly doesn't know how to deal with democracy. The people can be bribed into doing what the money men want and those that don't need bribing stamp their feet like spoiled children. The rich people here want to keep their boots on the necks of the poor. PAD or SAMAK, different T shirts, that's all.

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Even though I don’t agree what PAD is doing lately, nonetheless they did at least expose some of the corrupt officials that are siphoning this country wealth. As for Prime Minister Samak, he is more a ruffian, instead of a country statesman.

And I thought he was a television chef. :o

That’s why he is delivering his asshol_e mouth to the NCCC to investigate his cooking shit.

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spot on with you post i feel.Until the rich stop wanting so much power then Thailand will never be democratic.Until the rich realise they are in the minority and cannot throw their dummies out if they dont get there own way,then thailand will always be third world.

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It's completely laughable that i group calling themselves the "People's Alliance for Democracy" would attempt to stage a coup against the democratically elected leader. It's so backward i don't even know where to start.

I don't have a problem with buying votes; the market will take care of itself. If you're completely sh*t at running the country no amount of money will buy the election.

* Winning elections though violence, destroying ballots, etc..(Mugabe style).. is a different story, and i don't agree with this.

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Until the rich stop wanting so much power then Thailand will never be democratic.Until the rich realise they are in the minority and cannot throw their dummies out if they dont get there own way,then thailand will always be third world.

In that case we're in for a very, very long wait.


They may be numerically in the minority, but when it comes to MONEY they are in the 99.999% majority.


Edited by 12DrinkMore
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Samak was voted in by the people. Let democracy be democracy and let them keep the loon.

This is not democracy. No free press. Corruption. A large percentage of uneducated people. Democracy is not possible with these conditions.

Besides this. Ever since 9/11 the media in the world has been so corrupted that almost no real democracy is really left in the world.

Just look at the Georgian-Russian conflict. Somehow the media is able to portray Russia as "the bad guy" while the fact that Georgia started a war using artillery and bombardments on civilians in South-Ossetia is completely ignored.

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It's completely laughable that i group calling themselves the "People's Alliance for Democracy" would attempt to stage a coup against the democratically elected leader. It's so backward i don't even know where to start.

It seems the world seems to have forgotten what democracy means. They don't teach it in schools anymore or something?

Democracy is more than just having elections!

If a government does not act in the best interest of the people and does not do the will of the people, then it is not democratic.

Neither does propaganda and corruption make a democracy.

It seems elections seems like the magic word to be accepted by the "international community". So even Egypt has elections... Only really ignorant people would call Egypt a democracy.

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It seems the world seems to have forgotten what democracy means. They don't teach it in schools anymore or something?

Democracy is more than just having elections!

If a government does not act in the best interest of the people and does not do the will of the people, then it is not democratic.

Neither does propaganda and corruption make a democracy.

It seems elections seems like the magic word to be accepted by the "international community". So even Egypt has elections... Only really ignorant people would call Egypt a democracy.

Isn't one of the duties of a civics-minded person to engage in the overthrow of a corrupt government?

Excerpted from 'The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America'

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. —

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

Edited by way2muchcoffee
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I want Samak out. However, the election process needs to be reformed as well to prevent a repeat of this sad episode. Parliament members should be required to get a majority of the vote rather than just a plurality. They should hold runoff elections with the top two parties in the common event that neither gets 50% of the vote in a district. No more parties getting 36% of the vote forming a government and attempting to alter the constitution and pardon criminals. Similarly they could have a voting system like in Australia, where you rank parties according to preference. This would prevent a repeat of the last election, where 65% of voters voted for parties claiming to be anti PPP, yet the 35% minority ended up in power.

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I am no expert but from the outside all i can see is the following

A government is formed after winning an election. Said government is considered corrupt by its equally corrupt opponents.

Corrupt opponents manipulate certain groups and effectively stage a Military coup.

Military coup leaders are also corrupt. Pressure from outside eventually pushes for another open election.

Second election takes place and original party under a new name win again.

Literally within days of the election result the equally corrupt opponents are again unhappy and foment protests eventually leading to violence in the hopes of sparking another military coup.

Seems to me PAD are NOT democratic unless they win. They are just as corrupt as the incumbents but are not as good at winning votes. Happy to resort to violence and to use intimidation and fear to gain their own ends.

Neither side are angels but the Incumbent government have the mandate to be there. Nobody else does.

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I am no expert but from the outside all i can see is the following

A government is formed after winning an election. Said government is considered corrupt by its equally corrupt opponents.

Corrupt opponents manipulate certain groups and effectively stage a Military coup.

Military coup leaders are also corrupt. Pressure from outside eventually pushes for another open election.

Second election takes place and original party under a new name win again.

Literally within days of the election result the equally corrupt opponents are again unhappy and foment protests eventually leading to violence in the hopes of sparking another military coup.

Seems to me PAD are NOT democratic unless they win. They are just as corrupt as the incumbents but are not as good at winning votes. Happy to resort to violence and to use intimidation and fear to gain their own ends.

Neither side are angels but the Incumbent government have the mandate to be there. Nobody else does.

well said !

about the whole buying vote thing;

1) we're talking about Thai's here, think ! if it would really work as simplistic as some believe ... they would take money from both side's and vote for the third party !!

2) so ... it's not about buying votes, it's to get them to vote; there are 2 buses at the villages; they decide first for who they will vote and then they take the according bus, and only get paid for the expenses; to be able to eat and stuff, it's not buying votes, it's about getting your voters to the polling stations, especially for those who work in the big city, but have to vote in the little village, without the extra money, they wouldn't be able to vote at all ... in other words; it actually ads to the democracy (ok, just saying that to stir things up a bit :o)

but think about it; if it was just that simplistic they would take money from both sides and vote for whomever they want !!

so, to those who keep claiming PPP only won by buying votes; please, stop spreading your simplicities around

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by creating a real independent "no strings"free press in Thailand then investigate The politicians.

That's SUPER!!!!!!!!!

I like puppies and warm sunny days at the beach too!!!!!

So are you going to pay the journalists salaries? Are you going to put up the millions to finance this noble endeavour?

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