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Media and Demagogues

by Sanitsuda Ekachai

How will this end? Will there be blood? If you did not go to sleep with these questions the day the People's Alliance for Democracy plunged the country into political turmoil, then you are blessed with a steely spirit.

Or you must be an avid fan of TV Channels 3, 5 and 7.

Unperturbed by the real drama on Bangkok streets, they faithfully aired their scheduled programmes _ soap operas, game shows and all.

The premier's demand that the media take his side or be judged as pro-PAD; the PAD's belief that its seizure of NBT was a justified lesson against the government's TV mouthpiece; the bouncing back of NBT, thanks to communications technology, to continue their anti-PAD coverage -- all this is challenging the press' principle of neutrality.

The biggest challenge is perhaps the PAD's rise to power through media tycoon Sondhi Limthongkul's use of his Manager newspaper and ASTV, the news website and satellite TV station.

If you want neutrality from the PAD, forget it. If you want rational discussion, forget it.

But if you want ideological legitimacy and a sense of pride and empowerment, that ordinary people like you can ''save'' the country _ and most importantly the revered monarchy _ from the evils of Thaksin Shinawatra's rule, then the Manager Group, which has broken all neutrality rules, fits the bill.

Is it because media neutrality has become an outdated notion now that society has become too fragmented?

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An excellent article by the ever compassionate and highly intelligent Sanitsuda Ekachai, who probably understands more about the current situation in Thailand than all the posters on this thread put together.

She never pulls her punches, and is as critical of her own employer as she is of others.

I recommend that you all read the full article.

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That article is journalism at its worst. PAD are pure hearted, good, protectors of the Monarchy, saviours of the country, wise and benovolent. If only more people understood. We need a thousand ASTV to propogate the message of truth to the world.

Hail to Sondhi Limthongkul, great leader, and Chamlong, great leader: their wishes are Thailands wishes, their thought's Thailand's thoughts, their heart is Thailand's heart.

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That article is journalism at its worst. PAD are pure hearted, good, protectors of the Monarchy, saviours of the country, wise and benovolent. If only more people understood. We need a thousand ASTV to propogate the message of truth to the world.

Hail to Sondhi Limthongkul, great leader, and Chamlong, great leader: their wishes are Thailands wishes, their thought's Thailand's thoughts, their heart is Thailand's heart.

I was waiting for the Punchline then, but there wasn't one :o

You must be a PAD support to write that.

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PAD are pure hearted, good, protectors of the Monarchy, saviours of the country, wise and benovolent.

If i remember correctly, this is exactly the same jargon which was used by the likes of the Village Scouts and other hard-nut right-wingers in October 1976.

And also, wasn't it Chamlong who took his supporters to the streets in 1992 to challenge the military government and fight for a democratic one. I do understand and agree with a lot the PAD has said, but it does have to be said that there is an abundance of irony, hypocrisy and contradiction involved; on both side of course.

Edited by Stephen Cleary
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What's the use of all the talk and discussions as long the cards can not be played openly on the table?

Does anyone really believe all the hussle is about the PAD against Taksin or Samak or fighting for a reverred institution within a democratic system?

It seems to me that these are (at least two) sides that want systems which are a perversion of democracy. And the real democrats (I'm not referring to the political party which abuses this word) are hiding within the PAD movement and hope that their time will come (which is clearly not now).

There simply will be no democracy in Thailand as long as the media is not allowed to do what should be their job and legal right: report the truth.

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Sadly 'the truth' here is seen from so many angles it lacks any shape.

One man's truth is another damnable lies,

depending on where is chair is placed at the moment.

And it seems like musical chairs in 17/8, at double time, at the moment.

And what a westerner is shown as truth, or sees when observing sans bias,

is often convoluted by the concept of face and the ingrained, ancient,

feudal mythologies barely laid to rest 80 years ago. Maybe NOT laid to rest at all.

We are watching a just post-feudal society at a crossroads.

As the ancient chinese curse goes: "May you live in interesting times."

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That article is journalism at its worst. PAD are pure hearted, good, protectors of the Monarchy, saviours of the country, wise and benovolent. If only more people understood. We need a thousand ASTV to propogate the message of truth to the world.

Hail to Sondhi Limthongkul, great leader, and Chamlong, great leader: their wishes are Thailands wishes, their thought's Thailand's thoughts, their heart is Thailand's heart.

I was waiting for the Punchline then, but there wasn't one :D

You must be a PAD support to write that.

Whole heartedly agree. There mus be a punch line somewhere. :o

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Whole heartedly agree. There mus be a punch line somewhere. :o

or grasp the fact he was taking the piss

Or you must be an avid fan of TV Channels 3, 5 and 7.

Unperturbed by the real drama on Bangkok streets, they faithfully aired their scheduled programmes _ soap operas, game shows and all.

but this is so atypical

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We'll be fighting in the streets

With our children at our feet

And the morals that they worship will be gone

And the men who spurred us on

Sit in judgement of all wrong

They decide and the shotgun sings the song

Meet the new boss

Same as the old boss

I'll tip my hat to the new constitution

Take a bow for the new revolution

Smile and grin at the change all around me

Pick up my guitar and play

Just like yesterday

Then I'll get on my knees and pray

We don't get fooled again

Meet the new boss

Same as the old boss

song by "the who" from about 30 years ago.

:o:D plus ca change

Edited by taxexile
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PAD are pure hearted, good, protectors of the Monarchy, saviours of the country, wise and benovolent.

If i remember correctly, this is exactly the same jargon which was used by the likes of the Village Scouts and other hard-nut right-wingers in October 1976.

I thought it bore a striking resemblance to the fascist propaganda used by their minions to describe the Spanish Falange, the Romanian Iron Guard, the Italian Fascists and the Croatian Ustasha.

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Good article. I believe the pro-PAD comment was something called sarcasm (or taking the piss). :o

I have been dumbfounded by the pro-PAD postings on that other thread, a power grab with a different hand in the till. At least they admitted they want to do away with the importance of elections by appointing a large percentage of government instead. Appointed by them presumably.

Good quote from "The Who", seems though there are plenty on this forum who will get fooled again.

Many despots appear as salvation in the face of a bad regime, only later to turn out worse. Problem is though when they secure power they change the rules so it is very hard to get rid of them.

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What's the use of all the talk and discussions as long the cards can not be played openly on the table?

Does anyone really believe all the hussle is about the PAD against Taksin or Samak or fighting for a reverred institution within a democratic system?

It seems to me that these are (at least two) sides that want systems which are a perversion of democracy. And the real democrats (I'm not referring to the political party which abuses this word) are hiding within the PAD movement and hope that their time will come (which is clearly not now).

There simply will be no democracy in Thailand as long as the media is not allowed to do what should be their job and legal right: report the truth.

I think it's Einstein who once said : " Blind faith in authority is the worst enemy of truth"

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Yes, good article. The part about news becoming big business is also true in the western world, I'm sorry to say. Too often, it seems, news in the US caters to either those with the most money or to the lowest common denominator. News has now become "entertainment". mad.gif

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As usual, a very perceptive article from Sanitsuda of the dangers of falling for the charms of a media demagogue, rather than seeing the wood for the trees. However, I get the feeling that the PAD supporters (and would-be supporters) are on the whole a more canny bunch politically that the Thaksinites and won't let themselves "get fooled again", at least not to the same degree that Thaksin pulled the wool over the eyes of so many with his lies and empty promises. If it does just go back to square one with another bunch of crony capitalist, authoritarians in power, should PAD pull off the incredible feat of unseating Samak and Co, then it will not all entirely have been in vain, as at least PAD have done a pretty good job of exposing the depth and breadth of Toxin's and his cohorts' crimes, which for sure would not have occurred if everyone had sat at home, watching Channel 7 soaps and Samak's cookery programme, pretending all was well in the corridor's of power. They've given many people a taste of particpatory politics and peaceful protest in action, which was never available under TRT.

Having said that, Thailand is still teetering on the brink of an abyss, if hotheads and pig-nosed thugs are allowed to prevail. Fingers crossed that sanity prevails in the end and the tension is diffused before blood is spilled.

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As usual, a very perceptive article from Sanitsuda of the dangers of falling for the charms of a media demagogue, rather than seeing the wood for the trees. However, I get the feeling that the PAD supporters (and would-be supporters) are on the whole a more canny bunch politically that the Thaksinites and won't let themselves "get fooled again", at least not to the same degree that Thaksin pulled the wool over the eyes of so many with his lies and empty promises. If it does just go back to square one with another bunch of crony capitalist, authoritarians in power, should PAD pull off the incredible feat of unseating Samak and Co, then it will not all entirely have been in vain, as at least PAD have done a pretty good job of exposing the depth and breadth of Toxin's and his cohorts' crimes, which for sure would not have occurred if everyone had sat at home, watching Channel 7 soaps and Samak's cookery programme, pretending all was well in the corridor's of power. They've given many people a taste of particpatory politics and peaceful protest in action, which was never available under TRT.

Having said that, Thailand is still teetering on the brink of an abyss, if hotheads and pig-nosed thugs are allowed to prevail. Fingers crossed that sanity prevails in the end and the tension is diffused before blood is spilled.

"There has been a significant dip in the number of tourists entering the country, according to government officials. Share values on the Thai stock exchange have fallen by nearly 25 per cent since the recent wave of protests began three months ago. Earlier yesterday, Mr Samak refused to bow to public pressure, insisting in a televised broadcast that he would not resign. “I, the prime minister, have come to office in the appropriate way and I won’t resign,” he said, referring to last year’s election that was won by his People’s Power Party. “I will not back down. I will rule this country and will lead it through all of its problems,” Mr Samak said."

not sure what is credible news coming out at this time... anyone have good sourec for relable news?

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The premier's demand that the media take his side or be judged as pro-PAD; the PAD's belief that its seizure of NBT was a justified lesson against the government's TV mouthpiece; the bouncing back of NBT, thanks to communications technology, to continue their anti-PAD coverage -- all this is challenging the press' principle of neutrality.

Ever since PPP infiltrated Channel 11 and converted it to NBT the amount of pro government bias is, according to NBT insiders, at higher levels than ever seen before (even during the TRT era).

- airtime awarded to friends and colleagues only

- neutral shows called into the PM's office to discuss what pro govt stories are to be discussed

- all shows now going past an internal censor

- advertising and sponsorship changes again to favour PPP supporters

- rebranding directly led by the then PM Office Jakopop Penkair (since convicted by a neutral court of Lese Majeste without even taking into account the speech in USA which was delivered in Thai and confirming the intent of the speech here)

Much as I dislike the PAD and their attempts to claim support for the monarchy, there should be no question that since losing ITV and the attempts at PTV, PPP basically have taken a channel supposedly owned by the country, and converted it to a party political mouth piece.

There is basically very little neutrality in Thai media. Two sides...truth lies somewhere in the middle. Only issue is money buys media, and for years now, TRT/PPP control enough supporters and enough advertising budgets plus a budget to sue....so you have not seen 'a fair and balanced view' as Fox might say for many years now.

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That article is journalism at its worst. PAD are pure hearted, good, protectors of the Monarchy, saviours of the country, wise and benovolent. If only more people understood. We need a thousand ASTV to propogate the message of truth to the world.

Hail to Sondhi Limthongkul, great leader, and Chamlong, great leader: their wishes are Thailands wishes, their thought's Thailand's thoughts, their heart is Thailand's heart.

I was waiting for the Punchline then, but there wasn't one :D

You must be a PAD support to write that.

Whole heartedly agree. There mus be a punch line somewhere. :o

here it is:


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"Few have as much guts as Sanitsuda Ekachai, leading Thai journalist at the Bangkok Post, to tell it like it is, even if she might ruffle a few feathers - Quote by John Fernquest -

Excerpts from the OP link* by Sabaijai, written by Khun Sanitsuda Ekachai post-13995-1220655998.jpg

That changed when media tycoon Sondhi Limthongkul and his Manager Group became a match for Thaksin.

How Mr Sondhi and the PAD have misused popular support to whip up hatred and danger of violence through racist and royal nationalism, is another matter, however.

One privilege of my having grey hair has been the chance to watch changes in journalism over the years.

The early generation of journalists were primarily intellectuals and free-spirited fighters against military dictatorship.

Despite the poor income and unstable career, journalists enjoyed public respect because their dream for justice and democracy struck a chord with the populace.

As politics and the economy opened up, the mass media grew to become big business. Ironically, the more stable journalism became as a profession, the more was the media's tendency to play safe to protect business interests at the cost of the ideology of old.

Reporting anger from the ground against state and business power, for example, is seen as one-sided. Giving meaning to the news is seen as losing neutrality.

Most newsrooms are happy with ping-pong journalism, unable to tell readers what is really going on. Media neutrality is reduced to mean merely quoting both supporters and opponents.

With the public's hunger for truth, ideology and change unmet by the watchdogs, is it people's fault if they turned to the PAD's rousing rhetoric?

What is happening at the Government House boils down to a clash of elite interests which won't lead to any structural changes for a just society. And no matter how the conflict ends, the challenge for media will continue.

With the internet revolution, citizen journalism and explosion of blogs, there will be plenty of opinions and little room for facts and neutrality. If the media do not understand their role and public expectations, remain stuck in business interests and overlook the anxieties and fears of ordinary people, they will have no power to counter such demagogues as Thaksin Shinawatra and Sondhi Limthongkul.


What intelligence, what wisdom ! :o


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That article is journalism at its worst. PAD are pure hearted, good, protectors of the Monarchy, saviours of the country, wise and benovolent. If only more people understood. We need a thousand ASTV to propogate the message of truth to the world.

Hail to Sondhi Limthongkul, great leader, and Chamlong, great leader: their wishes are Thailands wishes, their thought's Thailand's thoughts, their heart is Thailand's heart.

I was waiting for the Punchline then, but there wasn't one :D

You must be a PAD support to write that.

Whole heartedly agree. There mus be a punch line somewhere. :o

Methinks the implied punchline is "Sieg Heil!"

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