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Railway Strike Completely Paralyzes North


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I remember when the air traffic controllers went on strike in the US paralyzing the entire transport system and damaging the national economy. Reagan ordered them back to work while negotiating - those that didn't were fired. Problem solved; never happened again.

but that works in the USA only.

No, it works in every country where the government actually respects and enforces the rule of law.

Obviously not the case here in Thailand, at every level.

yes Germany worked very well in the second worldwar also Stalins Sovjet. Nothing was illegal it was law and enforcing the law.

Shoot that Jew, it is law.

If it is law it is legal and OK....

And different than the German example PPP was not even democratic elected as the EC ruled that today

Quite an astute comparison... Did you actually go to school in Europe H90? Just curious where you acquired your historical knowledge and ability to think so critically.

yes I went to school at Adolfs homeland

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