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Areca Lodge Has Race-based Letting Policy?


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What a load of crap! I've known several Indians and they don't have an offensive odor as collective group. Like all people, if someone eats strong flavours like onions and garlic it will eventually come out though their pores when they sweat. Just like garlic will linger in one's mouth for a long time. I have cetrainly been more turned off by smell when a Thai bar girl walks up to me and nearly knocks me off my stool with her spicy garlic breath, or by the many farang I pass when shopping who smell so stongly of body odor that I can only assume they haven't heard about taking showers with soap or using deodorant.

So don't try to tell us that "it goes without question"... Your racist assumption is certainly one to be questioned.

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Some individuals of all nationalities, enthnicities, skin colors, however you want to group them, stink.

There are cultural and dietary differences that make stinky individuals of certain "groups" more or less offensive to those of other "groups".

Bottom line, some people STINK!

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"they" - you are referring to who exactly? About a billion people?

Why is it that racists always use the third person plural pronoun "They" followed by strange or different behavioral patterns that are attributed to vast groups of people whose main distinguishing characteristic is that the color of their skin is different to that of the complainant?

this was an inquiry about a hotels policy on Indian guests.

it has now unearthed a festering coven of racists only too ready to post malicious and unfounded tripe about people who look different to them.

thai Visa - you should be ashamed of allowing this kind of bigotry on your site.

Edited by kedawi
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I read on another forum that Areca Lodge in Pattaya has a racist letting policy. Has anyone experienced this?

I know some guest houses and condo won't rent to Thais! I had a friend who lived in a condo owned by an Indian. The owner would not allow any thais to come in even though they were to friends of people who lived there. Needless to say my friend quickly moved out.

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I read on another forum that Areca Lodge in Pattaya has a racist letting policy. Has anyone experienced this?

I know some guest houses and condo won't rent to Thais! I had a friend who lived in a condo owned by an Indian. The owner would not allow any thais to come in even though they were to friends of people who lived there. Needless to say my friend quickly moved out.

Hmmmm...but only white Westerners can be "racist"...nobody else is.

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"they" - you are referring to who exactly? About a billion people?

Why is it that racists always use the third person plural pronoun "They" followed by strange or different behavioral patterns that are attributed to vast groups of people whose main distinguishing characteristic is that the color of their skin is different to that of the complainant?

this was an inquiry about a hotels policy on Indian guests.

it has now unearthed a festering coven of racists only too ready to post malicious and unfounded tripe about people who look different to them.

thai Visa - you should be ashamed of allowing this kind of bigotry on your site.

You posted an 'inquiry' fully aware that you would get some responses contrary to your views.

Now you are claiming that you have 'unearthed a festering coven of racists' (whatever next, dual pricing for farangs?) and demanding that TV should be similarly affronted and apologize to you?

I am surprised that nobody has accused you of being a troll, especially when trying to distance yourself with that opening line "I read on another forum..."

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And they really do stink...maybe a combination of their diet and the fact that they are a quite hairy race of people, which causes an excess accumulation of body odor.

now thats racism.....of the worst kind.

I'd disagree. It goes without question that a good number of them do stink & diet probably does have a significant part to play in it. A friend of mine is married to an Indian - she doesn't stink, she doesn't eat typical Indian food & she's very westernized.

What a load of crap! I've known several Indians and they don't have an offensive odor as collective group. Like all people, if someone eats strong flavours like onions and garlic it will eventually come out though their pores when they sweat. Just like garlic will linger in one's mouth for a long time. I have cetrainly been more turned off by smell when a Thai bar girl walks up to me and nearly knocks me off my stool with her spicy garlic breath, or by the many farang I pass when shopping who smell so stongly of body odor that I can only assume they haven't heard about taking showers with soap or using deodorant.

So don't try to tell us that "it goes without question"... Your racist assumption is certainly one to be questioned.

I'm sorry, but it does go without question & it's not a racist assumption - it's a non racist fact - for whatever reason, South Asians in general seem to have a bigger body odour problem than other ethnicities. It might not be politically correct, but quite frankly, I could not care less - I call things as they are.

As for garlic breath - I haven't a problem with garlic, but I certainly take issue with farangs who fail to observe good hygiene. Not looking after ones self is a sign of disrespect - I always turn out immaculate & I expect others to bestow the same courtesy upon me.

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I’m a visitor to this country - as are most of the posters I suspect, I spend almost all my work time in this country at the moment and thought it would be interesting to engage in some of the local forums...however this Pattaya forum has got to house some of the most outrageous views on race I've ever come across. If you expressed these views in my work place you'd be sacked.

In some countries you'd even be prosecuted.

the sad thing is that some of you don't seem to realise how racist your views are......judging smells and people by a set of criteria such as "I don't like curry" is laughable.

I posted a resolution to the initial question myself - everyone else seemed much more interested in slagging off my fellow countrymen and my relatives.

If someone insults me because of my "race" or color, it saddens me because I know they are fools and dangerous fools too. I really feel sorry for people who think that "Indians stink" etc.....your life is so blinkered.

Edited by kedawi
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We have some 30 or so Indians working in my office. From time to time we are adding new staff to the payroll as our situation changes.

During the past year, we have hired at least two of them that I would not allow into my office after the first visit. They (the 2 in question) stank to high Heaven with body odor and the smell lingered long after they left.

They were counselled by one of their superiors and, after a short time, were presentable and no longer stank.

Now they may enter my office.

Am I racist? The PC police will probably say I am, but so what. I don't have to endure the smell any longer.

Edit in: I had a delicious beef curry last night for dinner so it wasn't that. Of course it was a Thai prepared dish. :o

Edited by chuckd
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Japanese are called Khun Yipon, or Japanese people. Chinese are called Khun Jean, or Chinese people.

Westerners are called farang or foreigner. I guess it is too hard to call someone American, British, German and so on....

or, even harder to call them by their name.....

So, simply classify all of them as farang.

Not true.

More to do with not knowing which country or continent a farang / foreigner comes from.

If the Thai concerned knows what country the foreigner / farang comes from they will (sometimes, depending on the situation) refer to them as kon amerigah / saharat, kon ungrit, kon yerman, kon farangces, kon orstralia, kon ye-poon, kon indiuh, kon jean, kon gao-lee etc, etc.


Soundman. :o

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