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Expat Americans - Have You Registered To Vote Yet?


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Yanks should vote McCain/Palin!!! :o

I bet if Iran and North Korea could vote they'd vote McCain/Palin too.

You have GOT to be kidding! Iran and N. Korea would be dancing in the streets if Obama got in. They'd love to have a new weak-kneed, indecisive, and isolationist U.S. president and administration. The N. Koreans just LOVED Clinton and Albright, who together allowed the potential nuclear problem there to materialize. How naive they both were!

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I have a feeling a lot of numbskulls on this forum are going to be voting for 4 more years of Republican nonsense.

Yes McLame is an idiot but at least he's not a communist idiot.

I'll be voting against Barry Barak Haji Hussein Nohope Nobama.

You're part of the reason why the U.S. economy is tanking and is going down the winding path of shitsville. Congratulations on sabotaging your own country.

McCain is not an Arab-oil-pandering lackey, like Bush.

McCain is no idiot, like Bush.

McCain has more experience in his thumb than Obama has in his entire body.

Palin has more executive experience than Obama.

Both are not tow-the-line Republicans, and have more qualifications and histories to effect change than team Obama.

The Dems repetitive efforts to paint him as "another Bush" or "Bush's 3rd term" just shows they have run out of ideas, and have no real comparitive rebutal for Obama vs. McCain.

Obama is a great orator, though, isn't he?

Too bad his record isn't as glittery as his speeches are.

But great speeches are no substitute for a solid record.

If you have been taken in by Obama's flowery speeches, you owe your country a little research into his alliances and associations.

At least McCain doesnt have Hamas supporters on his staff (Hatem El-Hady) like Obama did:




Nor do the Republicans invite a terrorist-sympathizer, Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood supporting, speaker (Ingrid Mattson) to their convention.






Do yourself a favor and research these two characters and their association with Obama.

And do you really believe Obama had "no idea", after 20 years of attending sermons, that his former preacher Rev. Wright was an America-hater? Do you believe he missed all those hate-speaches? for 20 years?? Puh-lease!!!

A vote for Obama will turn the US the way the UK is going - cultural suicide.

You can check with the Brit on what's going on over the pond regarding the erosion of their culture by self-loathing Leftists in the Labor Party.

We need to know Obama better, and time will tell.

In 4 years, Obama will still be quite young to run for the Presidency, at which time he will have 4 times the experience he has today. We know McCain by his long record in the Senate. We don't know much about Obama, who is a first-timer.

Learn a little patience, and get to know Obama over the next 4 years, before voting for someone with questionable ties as the above.

Sounds just like swiftboat.

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I have a feeling a lot of numbskulls on this forum are going to be voting for 4 more years of Republican nonsense.

Yes McLame is an idiot but at least he's not a communist idiot.

I'll be voting against Barry Barak Haji Hussein Nohope Nobama.

You're part of the reason why the U.S. economy is tanking and is going down the winding path of shitsville. Congratulations on sabotaging your own country.

McCain is not an Arab-oil-pandering lackey, like Bush.

McCain is no idiot, like Bush.

McCain has more experience in his thumb than Obama has in his entire body.

Palin has more executive experience than Obama.

Both are not tow-the-line Republicans, and have more qualifications and histories to effect change than team Obama.

The Dems repetitive efforts to paint him as "another Bush" or "Bush's 3rd term" just shows they have run out of ideas, and have no real comparitive rebutal for Obama vs. McCain.

Obama is a great orator, though, isn't he?

Too bad his record isn't as glittery as his speeches are.

But great speeches are no substitute for a solid record.

If you have been taken in by Obama's flowery speeches, you owe your country a little research into his alliances and associations.

At least McCain doesnt have Hamas supporters on his staff (Hatem El-Hady) like Obama did:




Nor do the Republicans invite a terrorist-sympathizer, Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood supporting, speaker (Ingrid Mattson) to their convention.






Do yourself a favor and research these two characters and their association with Obama.

And do you really believe Obama had "no idea", after 20 years of attending sermons, that his former preacher Rev. Wright was an America-hater? Do you believe he missed all those hate-speaches? for 20 years?? Puh-lease!!!

A vote for Obama will turn the US the way the UK is going - cultural suicide.

You can check with the Brit on what's going on over the pond regarding the erosion of their culture by self-loathing Leftists in the Labor Party.

We need to know Obama better, and time will tell.

In 4 years, Obama will still be quite young to run for the Presidency, at which time he will have 4 times the experience he has today. We know McCain by his long record in the Senate. We don't know much about Obama, who is a first-timer.

Learn a little patience, and get to know Obama over the next 4 years, before voting for someone with questionable ties as the above.

Excellent post, ChefHeat. It is so refreshing to read intelligent, factual, informed posts rather than the idealistic, opinionated-without-basis, feel good today/nevermind the long term, name-calling, immature, liberal spin crap we read all the time.

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I have a feeling a lot of numbskulls on this forum are going to be voting for 4 more years of Republican nonsense.

Yes McLame is an idiot but at least he's not a communist idiot.

I'll be voting against Barry Barak Haji Hussein Nohope Nobama.

You're part of the reason why the U.S. economy is tanking and is going down the winding path of shitsville. Congratulations on sabotaging your own country.

McCain is not an Arab-oil-pandering lackey, like Bush.

McCain is no idiot, like Bush.

McCain has more experience in his thumb than Obama has in his entire body.

Palin has more executive experience than Obama.

Both are not tow-the-line Republicans, and have more qualifications and histories to effect change than team Obama.

The Dems repetitive efforts to paint him as "another Bush" or "Bush's 3rd term" just shows they have run out of ideas, and have no real comparitive rebutal for Obama vs. McCain.

Obama is a great orator, though, isn't he?

Too bad his record isn't as glittery as his speeches are.

But great speeches are no substitute for a solid record.

If you have been taken in by Obama's flowery speeches, you owe your country a little research into his alliances and associations.

At least McCain doesnt have Hamas supporters on his staff (Hatem El-Hady) like Obama did:




Nor do the Republicans invite a terrorist-sympathizer, Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood supporting, speaker (Ingrid Mattson) to their convention.






Do yourself a favor and research these two characters and their association with Obama.

And do you really believe Obama had "no idea", after 20 years of attending sermons, that his former preacher Rev. Wright was an America-hater? Do you believe he missed all those hate-speaches? for 20 years?? Puh-lease!!!

A vote for Obama will turn the US the way the UK is going - cultural suicide.

You can check with the Brit on what's going on over the pond regarding the erosion of their culture by self-loathing Leftists in the Labor Party.

We need to know Obama better, and time will tell.

In 4 years, Obama will still be quite young to run for the Presidency, at which time he will have 4 times the experience he has today. We know McCain by his long record in the Senate. We don't know much about Obama, who is a first-timer.

Learn a little patience, and get to know Obama over the next 4 years, before voting for someone with questionable ties as the above.

Sounds just like swiftboat.

Then you obviously haven't taken the time to read the links.

This no "swiftboat"... this is much much more serious, my friend.

Ironic to see some Dem supporters talk about "selfishness of the Republicans" (when they really mean Bush) - As I see it, the selfish one's are those who put their own economic situation over their fellow Americans' security, based on flowery promises of "change" which have yet to be accompanied by a solid plan to effect that change - by a man with questionable ties.

Obama is a talker.

McCain is a "doer".

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Well, memories are short sometimes. Who was in office when our embassies in africa were gettting bombed, barracks in Kobar, Saudi Arabia, ship in Yemen, and the first bombing of the World Trade Center, and the planning of the second attack. GW didn't get us in this situation all by himself.

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There is no reason not to vote. There are many ways to cast your ballot so if you have never voted the fault is your's and not circumstance.

There is an excellent reason for an expat not to vote. Apparently, you can only vote if you register to vote in a state, even though expats do not live in a state. Doing so may expose you to liability for state income tax.

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Can I vote for Nixon, again?

(Doesn't everyone need a 'Tricky Dick' in office?) :o

Didn't we just have one that is (Thank God one the way out!) only difference instead of taking himself out- he decapitated the U.S. at the kneecaps & altered the rest of the world economies as well. Gotta be lonely to to GWB!!!!!

Of course the US economy had the highest growth and lowest unemployment of any of the G7 nations (the developed world) until about a year after the Dems took over both houses of Congress, but go ahead and ignore the man behind the curtain.

Think about this . as most of my friends with 6 digit figure incomes can no longer pay for their homes & vehicles due to lack of houses being built & sold.They lost it all.

Sounds to me like your 'friends' cannot stay within a reasonable budget and spend more than they make. (A big problem with the majority of Americans being in debt up to their <deleted> with the credit cards.) Maybe they should have bought something that was suitable instead of trying to beat the Jones'.... I have seen way too much in Colorado, where I had lived, folks without any children buying 5,000 sq ft homes with three car garages....Why?

Edited by dingdongrb
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There is no reason not to vote. There are many ways to cast your ballot so if you have never voted the fault is your's and not circumstance.

There is an excellent reason for an expat not to vote. Apparently, you can only vote if you register to vote in a state, even though expats do not live in a state. Doing so may expose you to liability for state income tax.

Only if you make over $80k per year (according to current tax laws).

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Well, memories are short sometimes. Who was in office when our embassies in africa were gettting bombed, barracks in Kobar, Saudi Arabia, ship in Yemen, and the first bombing of the World Trade Center, and the planning of the second attack. GW didn't get us in this situation all by himself.

Memories are indeed short often, but does anybody remember back when President Reagan sent the U.S. Marines into Grenada (supposedly to "protect" some American students :o ) and booted out the Cubans who were beginning to infiltrate and take over the democratic government of this Caribbean island country? I was there at the time and I could see what was taking place, and it was serious, serious my friends, believe me. In my humble opinion, Reagan was one of the greatest of American presidents because he stopped Grenada from becoming Communist, complete with a geographically strategic presense (air base, etc). He possessed great wisdom and insight in this profoundly important issue. He did what needed to be done, he did it quickly and decisively and, yes, he did it without counsulting the U.N. (Thank God!), which in my opinion is little more than a head-in-the-sand, incredibly inept, "talk tank". Trust me, the western hemisphere would be nothing like it is these days without Ronald Reagan. (My opinion, I am sure many will disagree).

Could McCain or Obama EVER have performed as Reagan did? McCain - maybe, but Obama - DEFINITELY NOT!

Edited by Lopburi99
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if you ran a business & showed an absolute hideous loss ........

Instead of blaming a President or any other political officer have you ever stopped to think that perhaps it may be due to your product, quality of product, cost of product, or company managers that attributed to business losses???? But hey it's always easier to blame others.

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There is no reason not to vote. There are many ways to cast your ballot so if you have never voted the fault is your's and not circumstance.

There is an excellent reason for an expat not to vote. Apparently, you can only vote if you register to vote in a state, even though expats do not live in a state. Doing so may expose you to liability for state income tax.

Only if you make over $80k per year (according to current tax laws).

$87,600 USD for 2008 returns....

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if you ran a business & showed an absolute hideous loss ........

Instead of blaming a President or any other political officer have you ever stopped to think that perhaps it may be due to your product, quality of product, cost of product, or company managers that attributed to business losses???? But hey it's always easier to blame others.

I agree mostly with you dingdongrb, but almost all businesses were completely innocent when the horrible economic consequences of outsourcing occurred. I believe stockholder greed, which placed limitless pressure on ever-increasing stock prices had a large role in causing and fueling this problem. Outsourcing almost singlehandedly brought down the Information Technology (IT) industry in the U.S., causing job losses in the hundreds of thousands, maybe even millions. You all know what I am talking about. How many times have you called a help or support desk hotline and it was answered by somebody scarcely able to speak English?

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There is no reason not to vote. There are many ways to cast your ballot so if you have never voted the fault is your's and not circumstance.

There is an excellent reason for an expat not to vote. Apparently, you can only vote if you register to vote in a state, even though expats do not live in a state. Doing so may expose you to liability for state income tax.

Only if you make over $80k per year (according to current tax laws).

$87,600 USD for 2008 returns....

Then only 7,600 is taxable, I believe... that is, if its all "on the books".

Not a big deal if you're pulling in that kind of cash.

If not all of it is documented (as in going through the Thai income tax system), then no worries, you can vote and just declare what is documented.

If it is all documented through the Thai tax system, you may not be able to hide this from the IRS forever.

If you get caught... its bad news.... really bad news.

Edited by ChefHeat
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I have a feeling a lot of numbskulls on this forum are going to be voting for 4 more years of Republican nonsense.

Yes McLame is an idiot but at least he's not a communist idiot.

I'll be voting against Barry Barak Haji Hussein Nohope Nobama.

You're part of the reason why the U.S. economy is tanking and is going down the winding path of shitsville. Congratulations on sabotaging your own country.

McCain is not an Arab-oil-pandering lackey, like Bush.

McCain is no idiot, like Bush.

McCain has more experience in his thumb than Obama has in his entire body.

Palin has more executive experience than Obama.

Both are not tow-the-line Republicans, and have more qualifications and histories to effect change than team Obama.

The Dems repetitive efforts to paint him as "another Bush" or "Bush's 3rd term" just shows they have run out of ideas, and have no real comparitive rebutal for Obama vs. McCain.

Obama is a great orator, though, isn't he?

Too bad his record isn't as glittery as his speeches are.

But great speeches are no substitute for a solid record.

If you have been taken in by Obama's flowery speeches, you owe your country a little research into his alliances and associations.

At least McCain doesnt have Hamas supporters on his staff (Hatem El-Hady) like Obama did:




Nor do the Republicans invite a terrorist-sympathizer, Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood supporting, speaker (Ingrid Mattson) to their convention.






Do yourself a favor and research these two characters and their association with Obama.

And do you really believe Obama had "no idea", after 20 years of attending sermons, that his former preacher Rev. Wright was an America-hater? Do you believe he missed all those hate-speaches? for 20 years?? Puh-lease!!!

A vote for Obama will turn the US the way the UK is going - cultural suicide.

You can check with the Brit on what's going on over the pond regarding the erosion of their culture by self-loathing Leftists in the Labor Party.

We need to know Obama better, and time will tell.

In 4 years, Obama will still be quite young to run for the Presidency, at which time he will have 4 times the experience he has today. We know McCain by his long record in the Senate. We don't know much about Obama, who is a first-timer.

Learn a little patience, and get to know Obama over the next 4 years, before voting for someone with questionable ties as the above.

Sounds just like swiftboat.

Then you obviously haven't taken the time to read the links.

This no "swiftboat"... this is much much more serious, my friend.

Ironic to see some Dem supporters talk about "selfishness of the Republicans" (when they really mean Bush) - As I see it, the selfish one's are those who put their own economic situation over their fellow Americans' security, based on flowery promises of "change" which have yet to be accompanied by a solid plan to effect that change - by a man with questionable ties.

Obama is a talker.

McCain is a "doer".

First let me clear the air I am not a democrat. I have been a registered rep. as of 1976. I just can't believe any one would get roped into believing that Mccain is a leader among men. his record certainly speaks for himself as a devout follower of the Bush policies. as far as a doer very questionable. i doubt any leader since the 80's don't have a clue about a computer. You want a guy that can not even E mail to lead you. I still don't get it. & i am not saying that Obama is the answer but I welcome anyone that has a better answer other than more debt. & more deaths from a losers war....All wars are a losing battle anyway. The last war (still going-live the ever ready bunny) was supposed to be funded by the Iraqi's oil, not the U.S.'s lifeblood & besides do you really feel the U.S. is safer now, especially after making many new enemies. when it is all over we all know it will be the same in the Mideast as it was many years back when we are out. I would rather see a president that is bold enough to rebuild the U.S. instead of making money on oil interest.Is that not what this war is all about?

At least with the democrats they tend to spend the money at home instead of squandering it on wars.

call me crazy but Mccain would be a little Geo All over again . look at his policy directives. Meet the new boss the same as the old boss. Besides most Republicans know if you want to pay much fewer taxes hire a good accountant.

Still what ever way you want to vote is your right as well as my decision is mine . This time around I believe the votes will show the country has lost faith in the republican "business as usual way" I know most of my friends from middle to upper class are fit to be tied with a party that used to cater to special interests(theirs) & now the only interest they have is their own agenda. History is proving that now The proof is in the pudding. The last administration is decending from their master & chief. that says a lot!

and don't be a sheep & believe the media hype. Look at the track record. all Mccain did was follow behind George. That is not a leaders role.

and I am not saying that Obama is the savior either. I just want to see a shift of behavioral pattern instead of a walk into the stone age & believe he has a much better chance at doing it to. I just don't feel the love or strength that Mccain exhibits.

As for who is more knowledgable,lets face it the presidents roll is more of a puppet to their advisors. It comes down to who one believes is really in touch with the people they serve. Won't get fooled again.

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I have a feeling a lot of numbskulls on this forum are going to be voting for 4 more years of Republican nonsense.

Yes McLame is an idiot but at least he's not a communist idiot.

I'll be voting against Barry Barak Haji Hussein Nohope Nobama.

You're part of the reason why the U.S. economy is tanking and is going down the winding path of shitsville. Congratulations on sabotaging your own country.

McCain is not an Arab-oil-pandering lackey, like Bush.

McCain is no idiot, like Bush.

McCain has more experience in his thumb than Obama has in his entire body.

Palin has more executive experience than Obama.

Both are not tow-the-line Republicans, and have more qualifications and histories to effect change than team Obama.

The Dems repetitive efforts to paint him as "another Bush" or "Bush's 3rd term" just shows they have run out of ideas, and have no real comparitive rebutal for Obama vs. McCain.

Obama is a great orator, though, isn't he?

Too bad his record isn't as glittery as his speeches are.

But great speeches are no substitute for a solid record.

If you have been taken in by Obama's flowery speeches, you owe your country a little research into his alliances and associations.

At least McCain doesnt have Hamas supporters on his staff (Hatem El-Hady) like Obama did:




Nor do the Republicans invite a terrorist-sympathizer, Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood supporting, speaker (Ingrid Mattson) to their convention.






Do yourself a favor and research these two characters and their association with Obama.

And do you really believe Obama had "no idea", after 20 years of attending sermons, that his former preacher Rev. Wright was an America-hater? Do you believe he missed all those hate-speaches? for 20 years?? Puh-lease!!!

A vote for Obama will turn the US the way the UK is going - cultural suicide.

You can check with the Brit on what's going on over the pond regarding the erosion of their culture by self-loathing Leftists in the Labor Party.

We need to know Obama better, and time will tell.

In 4 years, Obama will still be quite young to run for the Presidency, at which time he will have 4 times the experience he has today. We know McCain by his long record in the Senate. We don't know much about Obama, who is a first-timer.

Learn a little patience, and get to know Obama over the next 4 years, before voting for someone with questionable ties as the above.

Sounds just like swiftboat.

Then you obviously haven't taken the time to read the links.

This no "swiftboat"... this is much much more serious, my friend.

Ironic to see some Dem supporters talk about "selfishness of the Republicans" (when they really mean Bush) - As I see it, the selfish one's are those who put their own economic situation over their fellow Americans' security, based on flowery promises of "change" which have yet to be accompanied by a solid plan to effect that change - by a man with questionable ties.

Obama is a talker.

McCain is a "doer".

First let me clear the air I am not a democrat. I have been a registered rep. as of 1976. I just can't believe any one would get roped into believing that Mccain is a leader among men. his record certainly speaks for himself as a devout follower of the Bush policies. as far as a doer very questionable. i doubt any leader since the 80's don't have a clue about a computer. You want a guy that can not even E mail to lead you. I still don't get it. & i am not saying that Obama is the answer but I welcome anyone that has a better answer other than more debt. & more deaths from a losers war....All wars are a losing battle anyway. The last war (still going-live the ever ready bunny) was supposed to be funded by the Iraqi's oil, not the U.S.'s lifeblood & besides do you really feel the U.S. is safer now, especially after making many new enemies. when it is all over we all know it will be the same in the Mideast as it was many years back when we are out. I would rather see a president that is bold enough to rebuild the U.S. instead of making money on oil interest.Is that not what this war is all about?

At least with the democrats they tend to spend the money at home instead of squandering it on wars.

call me crazy but Mccain would be a little Geo All over again . look at his policy directives. Meet the new boss the same as the old boss. Besides most Republicans know if you want to pay much fewer taxes hire a good accountant.

Still what ever way you want to vote is your right as well as my decision is mine . This time around I believe the votes will show the country has lost faith in the republican "business as usual way" I know most of my friends from middle to upper class are fit to be tied with a party that used to cater to special interests(theirs) & now the only interest they have is their own agenda. History is proving that now The proof is in the pudding. The last administration is decending from their master & chief. that says a lot!

and don't be a sheep & believe the media hype. Look at the track record. all Mccain did was follow behind George. That is not a leaders role.

and I am not saying that Obama is the savior either. I just want to see a shift of behavioral pattern instead of a walk into the stone age & believe he has a much better chance at doing it to. I just don't feel the love or strength that Mccain exhibits.

As for who is more knowledgable,lets face it the presidents roll is more of a puppet to their advisors. It comes down to who one believes is really in touch with the people they serve. Won't get fooled again.

The war didn't make the US any new enemies.

They were there all along.

If you know anything about the MidEast, you should know this.

As you say about the pres. being a puppet to his advisers ... that line of thinking should negate any worries you might have regarding McCain's leadership ability... and should send up a bunch of red flags when you look at some of the people Obama has surrounded himself with -- see links above.

Please... please... give Obama 4 more years to show us who he really is.

Edited by ChefHeat
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if you ran a business & showed an absolute hideous loss ........

Instead of blaming a President or any other political officer have you ever stopped to think that perhaps it may be due to your product, quality of product, cost of product, or company managers that attributed to business losses???? But hey it's always easier to blame others.

I agree mostly with you dingdongrb, but almost all businesses were completely innocent when the horrible economic consequences of outsourcing occurred. I believe stockholder greed, which placed limitless pressure on ever-increasing stock prices had a large role in causing and fueling this problem. Outsourcing almost singlehandedly brought down the Information Technology (IT) industry in the U.S., causing job losses in the hundreds of thousands, maybe even millions. You all know what I am talking about. How many times have you called a help or support desk hotline and it was answered by somebody scarcely able to speak English?

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if you ran a business & showed an absolute hideous loss ........

Instead of blaming a President or any other political officer have you ever stopped to think that perhaps it may be due to your product, quality of product, cost of product, or company managers that attributed to business losses???? But hey it's always easier to blame others.

I agree mostly with you dingdongrb, but almost all businesses were completely innocent when the horrible economic consequences of outsourcing occurred. I believe stockholder greed, which placed limitless pressure on ever-increasing stock prices had a large role in causing and fueling this problem. Outsourcing almost singlehandedly brought down the Information Technology (IT) industry in the U.S., causing job losses in the hundreds of thousands, maybe even millions. You all know what I am talking about. How many times have you called a help or support desk hotline and it was answered by somebody scarcely able to speak English?

Hey Lop... I hear what you say, but it's not all IT... The doors have opened with the 'Free Trade Agreement'.. This and as you say, greedy board members and CEOs, has required most American manufacturing to take their business overseas. The labor is cheaper and there are many more tax incentives in the 'Free Trade Zones' that are setup. With the higher and higher taxes in the USA for businesses, companies cannot compete unless they take manufacturing overseas. It was not one President that allowed this to happen but many politicians. As well as some greedy Americans - Unions = Want $75 and hour to change a freakin light bulb..

How do I know this?? I have been working many years here for these American companies!! (With expat wages and loving every minute of it.)

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I started this thread to remind Americans to register to vote.

It wasn't my intention to set you off b1tching like a bunch of spoiled brat school girls.

That will teach you to start another thread.... :o

By the way, do those school girls have on short skirts?? Hmmmmm

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I started this thread to remind Americans to register to vote.

It wasn't my intention to set you off b1tching like a bunch of spoiled brat school girls.

LOL. What did you expect?

The US election this year is a hot topic.

Both Dems and Reps are anxious to see the end of the Bush era.

BTW, I did register and thanked you for the tip. :o

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if you ran a business & showed an absolute hideous loss ........

Instead of blaming a President or any other political officer have you ever stopped to think that perhaps it may be due to your product, quality of product, cost of product, or company managers that attributed to business losses???? But hey it's always easier to blame others.

I agree mostly with you dingdongrb, but almost all businesses were completely innocent when the horrible economic consequences of outsourcing occurred. I believe stockholder greed, which placed limitless pressure on ever-increasing stock prices had a large role in causing and fueling this problem. Outsourcing almost singlehandedly brought down the Information Technology (IT) industry in the U.S., causing job losses in the hundreds of thousands, maybe even millions. You all know what I am talking about. How many times have you called a help or support desk hotline and it was answered by somebody scarcely able to speak English?

Hey Lop... I hear what you say, but it's not all IT... The doors have opened with the 'Free Trade Agreement'.. This and as you say, greedy board members and CEOs, has required most American manufacturing to take their business overseas. The labor is cheaper and there are many more tax incentives in the 'Free Trade Zones' that are setup. With the higher and higher taxes in the USA for businesses, companies cannot compete unless they take manufacturing overseas. It was not one President that allowed this to happen but many politicians. As well as some greedy Americans - Unions = Want $75 and hour to change a freakin light bulb..

How do I know this?? I have been working many years here for these American companies!! (With expat wages and loving every minute of it.)

Hi Ding -

Wow, you played those cards well.....congrats!

About the Free Trade Agreement/Zones, etc, the concepts make some sense but we just aren't able to pull them off. Immensely complex world trade issues are almost impossible to correctly grasp and comprehend, and even harder to manage in a manner which results in benefits to Americans - arguably an impossible, futile challenge. But good luck to people working on it who are far smarter than I.

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I started this thread to remind Americans to register to vote.

It wasn't my intention to set you off b1tching like a bunch of spoiled brat school girls.

Hey GuestHouse, lighten up!

Your reminder worked! Came through loud and clear!

Now we're just having a good time, lots of ideas, opinions, not too many nasties, ... a good thread!

Edited by Lopburi99
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There is no reason not to vote. There are many ways to cast your ballot so if you have never voted the fault is your's and not circumstance.

There is an excellent reason for an expat not to vote. Apparently, you can only vote if you register to vote in a state, even though expats do not live in a state. Doing so may expose you to liability for state income tax.

Only if you make over $80k per year (according to current tax laws).

That exclusion ($87k, I think) applies only to earned income. Expat retirees, for example. may have 401k, pension, capital gains, dividend or interest income that could thereby be exposed to state income tax.

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Aw, what the heck, so long as we are talking politics instead of voting registration....

I stopped voting Republican when an Australian pediatrician convinced me that Reagan was already senile, a bad father and grandfather, and a bloody warmonger. Later I realized the Republican party truly was primarily the voice of the military-industrial complex that a five star general warned us about, on his way out of the White House, even moreso than the Democrats. Then a village idiot from my adopted state, an absolute loser, got elected and re-elected, and he insisted on starting a war in Iraq we never should have been in. So G W Bush is a baby-killer, and what do you think McCain was doing when he got shot down in Viet Nam?

Oh, as for registration and voting. I tried it last election, and failed. The ballot I sent to Texas was so poorly written that the Thai P.O. sent it back to me, and I did not resend it. Besides, with our glorious electoral college system, I have always been on the wrong side of Texas voters and my current vote for Democratic candidates is worthless.

I am no great fan of Obama. I just do not trust Republicans, after having been one until 1984. Usually, government is the enemy. Government is the Nationalist-Nazi war machine that kills people like Jesus.

I will let some other mod decide about closing this thread. Ain't American politics great? :o

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What has this got to do with Thailand? Just because you Americans are living here does not make this a Thai issue

I believe you are suffering from what is known as pot/kettle syndrome. I don't believe Evel Knievel had a lot to do with Thailand either. :o

The topic is for Americans living/working in Thailand and how to register and effects probably a few thousand of us.

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