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I currently have red dots on both inner forearms, and also on my chest.

I've had these before.

I was always told it was "heat rash." A couple of years ago I went to a local doctor who gave me pilss to "take the pressure of of my liver." Regretfully, I didn't ask follow up questions to clarify what the doctor was specifically referring to.

Then, a physician's assistant from the west who was into naturopathic medicine said my liver "might be running hot."

I was then, and am now, drinking 7-9 big bottles of Tiger beer throughout the day, as I'm off work for a week.

The Physician's assistant also ask me if I had a "smelly crotch." (Serious.) I answered yes. There seems to be an odor from my crotch, also.

My question:

Are these red dots on myrelated to my liver? Or is it just heat rash? Or both?

Thanks to anyone who can help.


Okay go to a hospital and have a blood test and don't google your symptoms otherwise you will be a stress basket!. TV is DEFINATLEY NOT the place for a diagnosis :D There is always a fear factor involved but most of the time tests come back normal or a little elevated as the Liver can take a pounding. I have drank all my life since my east European dad used to let me sip his beer at 12 :o . Recently had blood tests and was petrified but Liver came in as perfectly normal.


Sounds like a heated body, or in a literal way of speaking ' a hot body'. I get really hot when I drink too much, and I drink more than you for long periods of time, my body heats up and I get rash on my face. I started drinking Chinese tea with ginger in it, and drink o lot of electralites but the only thing that makes me come right is having a rest for a week . Also extended periods of drinking makes me worry a lot about stupid shit, health wise. It is just too much cheap booze, Asian beer is rubbish, I bet you dont get it at home on your local beer? Ask one of the bar girls what she would suggest for drinking to bring down body heat.


Thanks for the replies. It's appreciated. Sheryl and others have told me to get a blood test. It's as simple as that. I have stop being such a wimp. The liver enzyme test is cheap and close by.

During drinking I also eat a large meal before a drinking session. Then, I eat a small meal about every 3 hours to get something in my stomach and absorb the alcohol.

I basically drink to achieve a "buzz," then continue to maintain that buzz.

Yes, I could likely have a hot body. I do not drink in air-conditioned bars, and often drink on the sidewalk restaurant/bars,cafes to watch street life. This is around 85-90 F as you know.

Thanks for the replies. I need to stop being a wimp and just take the test.


Yes, you do. ANd if the rash is flat (not raised) and not itchy, bertter get a complete blood count with platlets as well to make sure these are not actually what is called "petechiae"which reflects a problem with blood coagulation. (Needn't bother if the rash is raised and/or itchy then it's not petechiae). But regardless, check that liver.

And, of coursem workj on your drinkling problem. But you already know that. :o

Yes, you do. ANd if the rash is flat (not raised) and not itchy, bertter get a complete blood count with platlets as well to make sure these are not actually what is called "petechiae"which reflects a problem with blood coagulation. (Needn't bother if the rash is raised and/or itchy then it's not petechiae). But regardless, check that liver.

Thanks for the reply and help, Sheryl.

The rash dots are 1. raised, and 2. itchy.

And, of coursem workj on your drinkling problem. But you already know that. :o

But is the beer causing this? I am being honest. I know I drink too much beer.

But this rash only happens once or twice per year, during hot season, and only hot season. Therefore, I assume it's because of the heat.


I am seriously not trying to be in denial, but I am not sure if beer is the culprit, or a part of the culprit, or not.


Good for you and your test. The Liver if healthy at birth is remarkable and apart from the heart is without doubt the last thing to go , if your heart was your liver you could drink to be 300 but unfortunately other things get in the way like diabetes, kidney failure , heart attack , alzheimers etc etc :o

Good for you and your test. The Liver if healthy at birth is remarkable and apart from the heart is without doubt the last thing to go , if your heart was your liver you could drink to be 300 but unfortunately other things get in the way like diabetes, kidney failure , heart attack , alzheimers etc etc :o

The beer out here is exceptionally cr*p.

Actually to have been drinking that much I'd say your liver is very strong.

I have recently given up beer and don't care if I never touch another drop. In your case I'd say you have to cut down at least 50% and need to take 2-3 day breaks.

Exercise is also really good.

Good for you and your test. The Liver if healthy at birth is remarkable and apart from the heart is without doubt the last thing to go , if your heart was your liver you could drink to be 300 but unfortunately other things get in the way like diabetes, kidney failure , heart attack , alzheimers etc etc :o

The beer out here is exceptionally cr*p.

Actually to have been drinking that much I'd say your liver is very strong.

I have recently given up beer and don't care if I never touch another drop. In your case I'd say you have to cut down at least 50% and need to take 2-3 day breaks.

Exercise is also really good.

If you are an alcoholic or heavy drinker ,you should be taking vitamin 'B 'Complex , the best one i have found is 'Mega nat 'B ' , i found it in a drug store on the lower floor of 'Carre 4' i used to be a heavy drinker (a quart of whiskey a night)plus some , i then found out i was also 'Bi-polar , so came medication , 2 quarts and a hand full of pills put me in intensive care for 10 days , the doctor told me without the 'B 'tablets i would have been dead for sure , do not drink much any more ( Well , once in a while ) but rest assured i NEVER miss my 'B'vitamin . Go get your blood test any way

Yes, you do. ANd if the rash is flat (not raised) and not itchy, bertter get a complete blood count with platlets as well to make sure these are not actually what is called "petechiae"which reflects a problem with blood coagulation. (Needn't bother if the rash is raised and/or itchy then it's not petechiae). But regardless, check that liver.

Thanks for the reply and help, Sheryl.

The rash dots are 1. raised, and 2. itchy.

And, of coursem workj on your drinkling problem. But you already know that. :o

But is the beer causing this? I am being honest. I know I drink too much beer.

But this rash only happens once or twice per year, during hot season, and only hot season. Therefore, I assume it's because of the heat.


I am seriously not trying to be in denial, but I am not sure if beer is the culprit, or a part of the culprit, or not.

What strikes me is that you've said the rash is raised, itchy, and can appear under the arms or on the chest. I have a rash that crops up like that now and then and I don't drink at all. It can appear more often when the weather is hot, but it can also appear when it's cool. If tests show you are otherwise healthy, then you might try applying hydrocortizone cream (1%) to see if that helps clear it up. For me it takes a few days for it to start disappearing. What I have is eczema.

If you are an alcoholic or heavy drinker ,you should be taking vitamin 'B 'Complex

I take a multi-vitamin & mineral (Kirkland brand) with breakfast.

I also take Vitamin-B complex pills and break them in half, and take them every 2.5 hours at night. Yes, it's a good idea. Especially for the Thiamen.

you might try applying hydrocortizone cream (1%) to see if that helps clear it up.

Yes, I've taken this before. It tends to work, but I am avoiding the "steriod" creams and what not. Good point though, AmeriThai.

you might try applying hydrocortizone cream (1%) to see if that helps clear it up.

Yes, I've taken this before. It tends to work, but I am avoiding the "steriod" creams and what not. Good point though, AmeriThai.

The main question was whether or not your rash may have anything to do with beer drinking. Not necessarily. Your description of the symptoms sound a lot like mine, although it could be something completely different for you. The main thing is not to let youself leap to unknown conclusions and worry about it too much. And as others have suggested, if it's a bit worrisome to you, then by all means you should see a qualified physician so you'll know exactly what the cause is. From the sounds of it, you might not need the blood work done. You might want to see a qualified dermatologist.

I see you're using Kirkland products, which are available at Costco. You might also want to include their Fish Oil Concentrate Softgels with Omega-3. Kirkland's is 1000 mg per softgel. There are other brands that state 1000 mg, but when you read the Supplement Facts, the "serving size" calls for 2 softgels to obtain the 1000 mg.

Not sure why you were asked if you have a stinky crotch. You said it does though. It might be your underwear. Boxers allow for better air circulation which might help.

you might try applying hydrocortizone cream (1%) to see if that helps clear it up.

Yes, I've taken this before. It tends to work, but I am avoiding the "steriod" creams and what not. Good point though, AmeriThai.

The main question was whether or not your rash may have anything to do with beer drinking. Not necessarily. Your description of the symptoms sound a lot like mine, although it could be something completely different for you. The main thing is not to let youself leap to unknown conclusions and worry about it too much. And as others have suggested, if it's a bit worrisome to you, then by all means you should see a qualified physician so you'll know exactly what the cause is. From the sounds of it, you might not need the blood work done. You might want to see a qualified dermatologist.

I see you're using Kirkland products, which are available at Costco. You might also want to include their Fish Oil Concentrate Softgels with Omega-3. Kirkland's is 1000 mg per softgel. There are other brands that state 1000 mg, but when you read the Supplement Facts, the "serving size" calls for 2 softgels to obtain the 1000 mg.

Not sure why you were asked if you have a stinky crotch. You said it does though. It might be your underwear. Boxers allow for better air circulation which might help.

Yes, I take 2 fish oil from Kirkland w/ breakfast and 2 more with lunch. I used to take 6 per day but I don't want to run out of my supply too early.

As for the underwear, I don't wear undies in the tropics.

If you are an alcoholic or heavy drinker ,you should be taking vitamin 'B 'Complex

I take a multi-vitamin & mineral (Kirkland brand) with breakfast.

I also take Vitamin-B complex pills and break them in half, and take them every 2.5 hours at night. Yes, it's a good idea. Especially for the Thiamen.

For vitamen/mineral suppliment , i add 'Royal D"' to my drinking water , my vitamen 'B' is in capsual form , 2 500mg per day .

Hydrocortisone 1% works well on many skin ailments , better than Garamycin .

You might also want to include their Fish Oil Concentrate Softgels with Omega-3. Kirkland's is 1000 mg per softgel. There are other brands that state 1000 mg, but when you read the Supplement Facts, the "serving size" calls for 2 softgels to obtain the 1000 mg.

I don't think any softgels contain 1,000mg of Omega-3. Rather many contain 1,000mg of fish oil of which Omega-3 is just one part (e.g. 30%).

As for staying fit - eat a balanced diet but don't overeat, do lots of physical exercise (e.g. an hour a day - see http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/7530345.stm), get enough sleep, drink in moderation (or not at all), don't smoke, etc. It's all very simple, it's not rocket science. Only you and nobody else is in charge of your body and mind. I think the part that most people have a problem with is the exercise not the food (do enough exercise and you can still enjoy junk food!). They make life difficult for themselves by choosing boring exercise activities - no wonder they give up! Many people also make the mistake of prioritizing making money above taking care of themselves (mentally and physically).

You might also want to include their Fish Oil Concentrate Softgels with Omega-3. Kirkland's is 1000 mg per softgel. There are other brands that state 1000 mg, but when you read the Supplement Facts, the "serving size" calls for 2 softgels to obtain the 1000 mg.

I don't think any softgels contain 1,000mg of Omega-3. Rather many contain 1,000mg of fish oil of which Omega-3 is just one part (e.g. 30%).

As for staying fit - eat a balanced diet but don't overeat, do lots of physical exercise (e.g. an hour a day - see http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/7530345.stm), get enough sleep, drink in moderation (or not at all), don't smoke, etc. It's all very simple, it's not rocket science. Only you and nobody else is in charge of your body and mind. I think the part that most people have a problem with is the exercise not the food (do enough exercise and you can still enjoy junk food!). They make life difficult for themselves by choosing boring exercise activities - no wonder they give up! Many people also make the mistake of prioritizing making money above taking care of themselves (mentally and physically).

I wrote "with" to mean they contain or include Omega-3. Mine contains 1000mg Fish Oil with 300mg Omega-3. Some fish oil softgels don't include it. But I agree, I don't know of any with 1000mg of Omega-3 either. Thanks for correcting a possible misunderstanding.

Good for you and your test. The Liver if healthy at birth is remarkable and apart from the heart is without doubt the last thing to go , if your heart was your liver you could drink to be 300 but unfortunately other things get in the way like diabetes, kidney failure , heart attack , alzheimers etc etc :o

The beer out here is exceptionally cr*p.

Actually to have been drinking that much I'd say your liver is very strong.

I have recently given up beer and don't care if I never touch another drop. In your case I'd say you have to cut down at least 50% and need to take 2-3 day breaks.

Exercise is also really good.

If you are an alcoholic or heavy drinker ,you should be taking vitamin 'B 'Complex , the best one i have found is 'Mega nat 'B ' , i found it in a drug store on the lower floor of 'Carre 4' i used to be a heavy drinker (a quart of whiskey a night)plus some , i then found out i was also 'Bi-polar , so came medication , 2 quarts and a hand full of pills put me in intensive care for 10 days , the doctor told me without the 'B 'tablets i would have been dead for sure , do not drink much any more ( Well , once in a while ) but rest assured i NEVER miss my 'B'vitamin . Go get your blood test any way

For those posters currently in the latest post "can alcoholics drink normal again" , some have noted if you can return to normal drinking , you were not an alcoholic to begin with .Would you say this original post by myself does not show i was AN ALCOHOLIC ?

My post shows in the new thread that i have indeed learned how to drink in a normal manner , but it is self imposed and controlled , you have to be your own master in this , no one can do it for you , only assist and advise . Wishing all you drunks in self denial the best of encouragement , You and only you can do it , but you must first admit honestly to YOURSELF that you have a problem , you may listen , but never hear the advise of others no matter how sincere they may (appear) to be .


"Liver spots" are not raised or itchy and do not occur on the "inside" skin of the forearm. They are brown "blotches" from one to several mm in diameter and not symptomatic.

The other skin condition associated with alcoholic liver disease is "spider hemangioma"; google images for that; it is fairly easy to diagnose. This is a vascular problem rather than a skin one.

Give yourself a break from the booze too, anyway and have the liver fucntions checked out..

See a dermatologist to get the correct diagnosis and treatment. Do not use steroid creams before seeing the doc as it will make the diagnosis more difficult.

"Liver spots" are not raised or itchy and do not occur on the "inside" skin of the forearm. They are brown "blotches" from one to several mm in diameter and not symptomatic.

The other skin condition associated with alcoholic liver disease is "spider hemangioma"; google images for that; it is fairly easy to diagnose. This is a vascular problem rather than a skin one.

Thanks, FBN.

My red dots are not similar to what you've described above. Also, because of dialy rain during the last 3-4 days, the temperature has cooled and these red dots are gone. This does not necesarrily mean that the red dots are gone because/i] of the lower temps, but they may be.

As previously noted, I get these red dots during hot times of hot season.

Give yourself a break from the booze too, anyway and have the liver fucntions checked out..

See a dermatologist to get the correct diagnosis and treatment. Do not use steroid creams before seeing the doc as it will make the diagnosis more difficult.

Sheryl has given good advice like you are: how long do I stay off of the beer before a liver test? Couple of days? I think 2-3 days.

I've been to the doctor for the creams. They were steroidal. I don't use them anymore.

Thanks again to all.



Don't get tense it is common in certain age my friend had also suffered from this.In my opinion you drink lots of water daily and avoid eating food which contains high calories of food.I suggest you to avoid alcohol i also suggest you to visit a skin specialist.

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