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I recently underwent surgery to repair an Abdominal Aortic Anerysm here in Bangkok. After the surgery I was told that everyting went well and I was released 5 days later. During my first follow-up visit, I was told tha an accident occured during the surgery an My spleen had to be removed. I have yet to learn what the acciden was.

I was told at the time that this was no problem, I really did not need a spleen. My later resach on the internet makes me believe that losing a spleen is not somthing to be taken lightly.

I know Thailand does not have the same medical malpractice venues as in Americ or other western countries. I also know that payouts are consideraby less for situations like this.

Some have told me that I should try to negotiate a settlement myself with the hospital and Dotor. Has anyone out there run into this situation before. Can .anyone recommend a lawyer for this type of situation.

Any help or suggestions wld be greatly appreciated


Afraid I have not heard of anyone dealing with this is Thailand but believe you are correct re the best option being to negotioate a settlement...chances of getting anything via a lawsuit are near nil and the aggravation would be immense.

Also, frankly, you have not suffered that much damage. Odds are that you will live just as long and just as healthily as you would have with your spleen intact. Wihout permanent damage to show, your case isn't very strong. But if what occurred was indeed the result of an "accident" (which would probably be that the surgeon inadvertently nicked something which caused bleeding which they had to remove the spleen to control) then you may be able to get something by way of settlement. Especially if your stay in the hospital was prolonged as a result.


Sheryl, Thanks for the response. I am about to this same point, I do not want the agravation. I consider myself very lucky to have been able to detect the anuerysm to begin with and get it taken care of. It was quite large when discovered (about 6.2 cm dia.). I am back to an active and healthy lifestyle. Again Thanks for yor input to my question and all the other responses you so gratiously give. :o

OK you know you have got to get your "Pneumovax" if you haven't already.

I have read this and will be getting that one soon. Also understand I should be dillegent about Flu shots. Internet makes me believe I should be doing other things also, especially should anykind of infection develpope. Dr. here have been less than open about what I need. I am returning to the States for a month in October, and will check with my Doctors there also. I do not want to be on ay kind of long term antibiotics, as some WEB sites suggest. I worry more about some of the tropical deseases over here, now that I live here. Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

I have read this and will be getting that one soon.

I know this is off topic but please use normal font sizes unless you are emphasizing a word or phrase.


  • 2 weeks later...

You may want to have a look at Thailand's new Consumer Protection law which makes it easier for victims of medical malpractice to file legal actions against doctors and health service providers in Thailand. Apparently many doctors are worried about it. There is also an article just posted on the Internet that looks at medical tourism from a legal perspective: www.thailawforum.com/Medical-Malpractice-Thailand.html

I have read this and will be getting that one soon.

I know this is off topic but please use normal font sizes unless you are emphasizing a word or phrase.


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