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Is Phuket Safe?


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I`m supposed to be going to Phuket in December, but will all the crap thats currently going on over there, is it likely to be safe then?

This sort of shit really does my head in, especially when they reply on tourism so much for their own livelyhood.

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I`m supposed to be going to Phuket in December, but will all the crap thats currently going on over there, is it likely to be safe then?

This sort of shit really does my head in, especially when they reply on tourism so much for their own livelyhood.

Stick to your plans. Other than the issues brought on by the airport closure, things are quite normal here on the island. In any case, by December it should all be sorted out. If it makes you feel less exposed, buy trip insurance for the event of another airport closure.

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Whilst it is very difficult to predict the future I have to say judging by past experiences that you will be safe here if you abide by all the normal commonsense travel advice.

Your query is a bit like me asking you if I will be taken by a shark off Cottesloe come November ?

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I already have the insurance from last month as I had paid for the trip, so hopefully all will be well.

After all the year prior there were bombings near the place, the year before that bird flu, then sars. Oh well I seemed to have come out of those years unscaved....

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I will be flying (touch wood :o ) this Saturday so calm down dear December visitor :D

So leaving this political tremoil aside, what is the weather and sea forecast for the next 5 days? :D I want to do some sailing in Phang Nga bay

weather has been rather unstable the last few days.

A weatehr cam of Karon Beach and a live cloud radar of Phuket and Phang Nga bay can be seen here: http://hotel-travel-phuket.com/articles/weather/

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Not to stray off topic too much but my part of Phuket is definitely not safe - the house whose foundations were undermined last year by the mud slide and which has been hanging precariously off the side of the ravine near Beverly Hills, has finally had enough and yesterday it decided to take the plunge. Fortunately it didn't take any part of the complex I live in with it.

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sure. the news like to sensationalise the troubles in the deep south. i cant tell you how many visitors to the hotel i worked at in phuket would ask me about safety.

stick to your plans. you are highly unlikely to be mixed up in any of these sorts of things.

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Not to stray off topic too much but my part of Phuket is definitely not safe - the house whose foundations were undermined last year by the mud slide and which has been hanging precariously off the side of the ravine near Beverly Hills, has finally had enough and yesterday it decided to take the plunge. Fortunately it didn't take any part of the complex I live in with it.

oh wow. i am shocked that they didnt demolish the house a while ago. i hope that nobody was injured when it came down.

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I presume CM must be in the block in front ?? I wouldnt live there for any money.. Just look at the exposed footings..

The whole block in front was evacuated long time ago, and now the basement is just a shell with a micro piling project trying to stabilise the foundations. This project been ongoing some months.

CM does not live in that building.

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