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I asked my Mrs about this {adept in black magic} and she said go to the local temple and ask, also you have to be very precise on what magic is bothering you,

It could be that your wife/gf will never have child, or your house will be struck with lightning, or the tap water is poision, there are many scenarios.

Tell the forum what the problem is for more help.




To be honest I dont know. I have some experience with unusual situations so I have been asked to find a monk who can identify if the attack is authentic and then advise what measures to take if it is authentic.

The guy with the problem is in Pattaya and his ex gf claims to have got a Khmen magician in Buriram to curse him somehow. This is not at all surprising to me as I know they use a lot of magic there, usually to attract a favourable partner and get money.

In this particular case the guy is troubled by nasty ghosts / spirits.

I have seen (or aware of) advanced adepts deal with malicious problems in different ways. Some can clear in the astral / causal plane with thought alone. Others with lesser skills use techniques or are assisted by angels to clear the problem, or offer advise to solve the problem.

Perhaps your partner could advise of a particular temple in Pattaya or Bangkok to try.

Thanks for the response.


I'd recommend a psychiatrist, for you, him and anyone else involved that believes this rubbish.

It's 2008, not the middle ages.

Please read the opening line in the first post. you have nothing to offer and have no understanding of the subject so why waste time?



I don’t really know or believe to much about this black magic stuff but I wanted to let you know my small experience and I hope it might help you.

My wife greatly believes in black magic and we spotted the neighbors trying to take pictures of me. My wife thinks that they will use this to do some sort black magic on me or us. This happened about 2 months ago.

My wife was really worried about this and as if by coincidence an old spiritual man from Cambodia came by the house. Now this man has some history with the family over the years and only seems to pop up when there is some fear of black magic in the family. So this guy was the answer to all our problem!! ( I still don’t know what the problem was as I am a skeptic when it comes to black magic)

I ended up with some sort of protective string around my waist. It’s a red string with some beads on it. I am supposed to wear it all the time to protect me against the black magic. After a week of pleasing my wife I asked how long I was supposed to wear this. The answer was that I should keep it on until it drops of. My thought was that this can take 10 or more years so I said no no no. the compromise was to hang the string by our bed.

Well I am not sure if this helps you but over the last two months no bad things have happened.

Best of luck



Because, trust me, the solution will require money. Lots of it.

I can handle your problem at the Wat nearest me and beam the solution over. I just need the name of the Wat closest to the sendors or recipients of the BM.




please search the issaan forum ; a long time ago my husband gave a recommendation of a wat etc for someone who had to deal with similar problems (yaa saang) ; he spent considerable time and trouble to call long distance and get info which i posted... of course we never heard from the OP... so this time, just search, there have been several threads, u will have to read thru all the doubters and irevalant remarks, but there is info there.

mostly though u have to go to the older (elder) people that hang around wats/or a monk and ask... and if u are falang, no one will really bother to tell u.. so u may need a thai friend to ask around for u...



please don't add any unwanted comments

in the case of a black magic attack from Buriram. Which temples / monks have experience in resolving these issues.



Honestly Basil are you for real ?

There was a thread just a week or so ago from someone wanting us all to wave fairy wands to ward off voodoo or whatever..... it appears to have worked (I certainly waved my wand....) as the OP hasn´t related any more horrific tales. Perhaps we can all get together here and wave our wands....... or get your resident fairy to do it for you. Hey... I´m deadly serious..... 1....2.....3.... all together now.......WAAAAAAve....... :o


If your friend truly belives in that kind of stuff' then the first port of call (so my wife tells me) would be his local temple to stay there for seven days or have the elders help out in some way by offering advice. That is on the assumption that the bad spirits he refers to are not the ones he's drinking down the local bar in pattaya. It could be just a woman's veilled threats there is no way for him to know for sure if she has actually visited a black witch to do harm and he might be thinking about it that much that he's sending himself paranoid.


The two cases i have seen so far have involed both girls from Buri Ram leaving voodoo like dolls hidden behind mirrors in the rooms of the intended recipients, also with them letting their ex know that a curse had been placed on them. Has it worked? well the one I kept in touch with hasnt had the best of luck with things but how to know if its connected.


its like asking a roman catholic bishop who can do an exorcism. somewhere down stream there is a specialist.

never trust no-one that needs lots of money. a small donation or offering of food for the family is enough.

kenk3z seems to have had the short straw somewhere?

this thread is asking a specific question, LOOK


My rule number three here in Thailand is to keep a low profile. I would advise you to leave Thai things to the Thais. I do accept their superstitions but feel it is best to keep my mouth shut about them.


Yes they nearly all are into the magic If my wife does something bad her family will take her to another village and have magic put on her to remove the bad spirits they all believe in it .

I have yet to see any improvemrnts following such a trip


Your friend should concentrate on getting well.

Anything he needs short of medication, he can do himself.

Drinking too much and worrying are not the answer.

(Not that you have said he is drinking too much, it's just a 'given' for farangs in Pattaya).

Get him to try exercise, swimming, Tai Chi, Yoga etc.


I'd recommend a psychiatrist, for you, him and anyone else involved that believes this rubbish.

It's 2008, not the middle ages.

No further comments...

Yes they nearly all are into the magic If my wife does something bad her family will take her to another village and have magic put on her to remove the bad spirits they all believe in it .

I have yet to see any improvemrnts following such a trip

This might be off topic but binnsy what sort of bad things does your wife do?


basil i answered now do your homework; for those that dont believe, your perogative. those that do, so what...

my husband doesnt quite believe and yet doesnt discount: his answer is: he personally has never seen a ghost, but u never know... same as with people that believe in their religous rigamaroles....

korat has a wat which i think we posted the name of... that the monk there deals with this stuff... but as gary posted: if u arent thai, stay out of the way just be the observer.

there is a lot of info in thai on the web 'kong', kaata and the like, more then u could possibly want to know...


israel (the land with the most mumbo jumbo actually)

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