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PAD says no to talk with Govt (The Nation, Saturday)

The leaders of the People's Alliance for Democracy Saturday insisted in their demand for the government to resign, saying they will not participate in a talk with the government.

Speaking at a press conference Chamlong Srimuang and Somsak Kosaisuk said the PAD would not talk with the government although Senate Speaker Prasobsook Boondech offered to mediate the negotiation.

Chamlong said the five PAD leaders have not been contacted by Prasobsook so far......

Right, the PAD considers itself as an equal spokesman for running the government of Thailand. When will the PAD realise that Thailand consists of more than 10% (=Chinese) of the country, and that the remaining (90%) population also have a say in the day-to-day operations of this country? Sont.., Cha....., etc., go somewhere you are appreciated. Given your Confucian system-of-morals and Ching-Dynasty heritage, do apply your moralistic values to the present powers-at-be, namely Khun Samak and this present MAJORITY-ELECTED government. In other words, PRACTICE what your historical heritage and system of values teaches you, unless your only concern is power, which is probably the case.


I am against what PAD has done and thought that the elected government should not resign, however, the military has refused to support the government against the illegal protesters, so it is only a matter of time.

Samak has no real power anymore and very few bargaining chips. It is time to give up.


Please do not post multiple threads regarding the PAD. There are enough threads running that you could easily post your news/opinion in one of those.

Might I suggest the News Clippings forum?





The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw


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