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Make Like Vip Room?


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I think anyone that who makes bigoted posts should immediately be banned.  Who needs people like this here?

Interesting how the least tolerant are the ones who demand tolerance! :o

(Wondering what I have expressed intolerance to in this forum, apart from lawbreakers and people who smoke in airconditioned restaurants. Is there some valid parallel between these people and gays? If so, I can't see it.)

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So If I am looking at one thing and say have a great interest in some threads posted similarly and see something that has a different lifestyle emphasis, it can be a little confronting.

Well, since we're notable and quotable today, here you are again.

What does "a little confronting" mean? Clarify this for us. Does that mean it makes you feel... uncomfortable? Stressed? Unhappy? Enough to justify censoring and shutting off the gay community of the board for yourself? Wow, you're pretty sensitive, aren't you? After all, the General Topics Forum is so... pure. Like those threads about different slang for bonking your girlfriend, and so on. I can see how it would all be overwhelming.

And just how could you be looking at a "thread posted similarly" in the Gay Forum and then "see something that has a different lifestyle emphasis" [from your own]? Or do you mean simply seeing that there IS a Gay forum bothers you? Dear, dear. Certainly we can see from this that you have nothing against gays. Of course if you ARE gay and are simply making this request on behalf of straights, I'll shut up- but that would still seem odd [not to mention a bit bootlicking].

The only apology you're getting from me is that I'm sorry no one told you this isn't the place where gays have to protect straights from their own homophobia (or, if you'd prefer, their discomfort with "confrontingness" from a "different lifestyle emphasis." :o


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Lets have one last attempt at this, "Steven".

And just how could you be looking at a "thread posted similarly"
Umm Steven, a little word called a "Topic". I can imagine you have heard of that word.
Certainly we can see from this that you have nothing against gays. Of course if you ARE gay and are simply making this request on behalf of straights, I'll shut up- but that would still seem odd [not to mention a bit bootlicking].

Maybe there is another point of view "Steven". Consider this, and read it with the best of intentions.

1. I don't like seeing people vilified.

2. I don't like seeing people hated for making a lifestyle decsision, (and I will generalise here) for strong and compelling reasons.

3. I don't like seeing people incite malice against others, simply because they don't share the same opinion.

So you are saying, I must conform to your rule or I cannot post in your forum ?

So Am I gay - no.

Do I care if you are gay - no.

Do I gat annoyed at your attitude to me - YES

Does your attitude make me dislike you - yes

Does your attitude change my attitude to other gay people - NO.

Lets set the agenda a little better. I have had gay friends from Sydney (yes my home town) who have been bashed within moments of death. I have a very strong dislike, of that sort of behaviour. The dislocation of the family and friends, the hurt and grief, simply because of bigotry.

Maybe "Steven" you can now look at the friend or ally you have just turned away.

Why do I say that, you have lept to so many conclusions in what I have said, almost none of it correct. It is clear from what and how you have written that you know I am a homophobe or worse, You know so much without the fact. At the end of the day YOU ARE VILIFYING ME for trying to be moderate.

The only apology you're getting from me is that I'm sorry no one told you this isn't the place where gays have to protect straights from their own homophobia (or, if you'd prefer, their discomfort with "confrontingness" from a "different lifestyle emphasis." 
Oh bla bla bla, I am going to go and weep in my mainstream lifestyle over those words. I am just so very bored with your bitching.

But I will give you the quote of the day.....

Plenty of straight guys have provided input here before.
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I'm not vilifying you, I'm teasing you!


I think if you'll go back and look at the way your post seems, it's not that far in tone from "it bothers me so I don't want to see it." However, in the interests of peace, if I *really* misconstrued this [though I have my doubts], then sorry 'bout that.

In any case, it's not the way I think gays should live anymore- I left home so I could get *out* of the closet!

And if it makes any difference, I like *you* just fine! Straight guy and all!


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:D Ah Steven,

The old chestnut of the spohen word vs the written word.

I will also agree, if you read my post then it can be thought of to be strong and umm, overbearing, is probably the best way of saying it.

And a quote to you again:

In any case, it's not the way I think gays should live anymore- I left home so I could get *out* of the closet!

The sad part of that is gay people, or in fact anyone living "in the closet" or having to hide something, will cause more and more problems.

That is one thing I totally respected about some of my friends in Sydney, who are gay, is, they stood up and said this is me, and I what I am, mostly this was accepted, the sad part is still I have a friend who is part time governement worker and part time "On Scene", he will not tell his oldest friends. That is sad.

You can have a laugh at this;

Just finally, my main occupation is in the Fashion and clothing trade. Think of what an unpleasant place that would be if you were a homophobe.

Well lets put that behind us, have a back slap and move on. Now you know my motives. :o

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2. I don't like seeing people hated for making a lifestyle decsision, (and I will generalise here) for strong and compelling reasons.

Where do you get the idea that being gay is some sort of 'lifestyle decision'? Who in their right mind would actually choose to be gay given all the disadvantages?

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Well, I actually came out only 12 years ago.. and many of my friends thought it was a "Lifestyle Decision" then....

However, I'm a believer in the Kinsey Theory that some people can (and do) change in their sexual preferences during their lifetime. I used to be straight (not Bi) and gradually that changed. BUT I felt that it also wasn't in my control.... there was nothing I could do about what was happening to me.


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We're all adults with reasonably good vision. Even computer clutzes like me know to avoid "Hua Hin" and "Sports/Golf/etc" and "Farang girls in Thailand." It's like the channel selector on the TV remote. And if I hit the wrong button and find a discussion of birdies versus turkeys (golf), I just back out without commenting.

So, when a straight person knows the name of the forum is "Gay People" and a gay topic is being discussed, they can behave themselves and take part as a decent, civil, polite person their mother taught them to be.

I heard that it's not wise to go to a Vietnam Vets Recovery Group and begin with, "Boy, that was one bad war, and anybody who went was an idiot!"

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Theres nothing VIP about being gay, theres nothin VIP about the people allowed access 2 the other VIP room either tho...  :D

Perhaps someone should pull there head out of the sand and name them protected forums, as anyone would who hadnt spent more than 5 minutes in thailand would have done in the first place :D


Anyone know what time the VIP national express bus leaves manchester to london @ tommorow  :o  Dream on....

Offensive nickname. Member suspended.

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Where do you get the idea that being gay is some sort of 'lifestyle decision'? Who in their right mind would actually choose to be gay given all the disadvantages?
Well, that is why I said for
for strong and compelling reasons.

I suppose I badly said the "strong and compelling reasons" are the fact you are gay. I was trying to be gentle in my wording, or ethereal. That was all. :D

I suppose I could have said -better and lass gently is You have had a decision forced on you and you have then had to change your lifestyle accordingly.

Same as I am a diabetic, I have had to make a number of lifestyle decisions, I could have not done anything and lived with the concequences.... :o

I was not trying to say, or imply anything else.

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Where do you get the idea that being gay is some sort of 'lifestyle decision'? Who in their right mind would actually choose to be gay given all the disadvantages?

Well, that is why I said for

for strong and compelling reasons.

I suppose I badly said the "strong and compelling reasons" are the fact you are gay. I was trying to be gentle in my wording, or ethereal. That was all. :D

I suppose I could have said -better and lass gently is You have had a decision forced on you and you have then had to change your lifestyle accordingly.

Same as I am a diabetic, I have had to make a number of lifestyle decisions, I could have not done anything and lived with the concequences.... :o

I was not trying to say, or imply anything else.

Sorry for being a bit grumpy. I didn't mean to offend :D

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Same as I am a diabetic, I have had to make a number of lifestyle decisions, I could have not done anything and lived with the concequences....  :o

How do you manage being diabetic in Thailand? Are there good facilities there? Are they reasonably priced?

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I can't find the comment - on this thread or another, probably by Steven - but if one bothers to read the threads and forums about Thai women, having sex with women, etc., YOU might be offended - even if you were straight! Yet those are moderated forums. [sorry, but 'fora' sounds like 'fauna and flora' while riding all those VW Microbi].

We needn't have a separate, locked VIP room. We are what it says we are, and we're not quite as explicit, candid or blatant as the straight men are. In fact, we could be even more frank, but I like it this way.

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I can't find the comment - on this thread or another, probably by Steven - but if one bothers to read the threads and forums about Thai women, having sex with women, etc., YOU might be offended - even if you were straight!  Yet those are moderated forums.  [sorry, but 'fora' sounds like 'fauna and flora' while riding all those VW Microbi]. 

We needn't have a separate, locked VIP room.  We are what it says we are, and we're not quite as explicit, candid or blatant as the straight men are.  In fact, we could be even more frank, but I like it this way.

What is the difference between being either candid or frank ?

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I can't find the comment - on this thread or another, probably by Steven - but if one bothers to read the threads and forums about Thai women, having sex with women, etc., YOU might be offended - even if you were straight!  Yet those are moderated forums.  [sorry, but 'fora' sounds like 'fauna and flora' while riding all those VW Microbi]. 

We needn't have a separate, locked VIP room.  We are what it says we are, and we're not quite as explicit, candid or blatant as the straight men are.  In fact, we could be even more frank, but I like it this way.

What is the difference between being either candid or frank ?

Maybe he meant "Frank" & "Earnest"? :o

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You so funny man!

Take you one hour to think of that funny joke!

Bet all your boys love you!


All my boys love me. As my boyfriend left tonight to go to work, Paul Simon was singing, "Still Crazy After All These Years." He said I'm crazy, but he loves me anyway.

I thought of that joke years ago.

Frankly, my dear, I don't give an oral dam.

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