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A Dog Has Bitten Me


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I love dogs but hate dogs on my street that bite me.

I also don't want reprucussions from my neighbors.

Here is what I have discovered. (But I'm not confessing anything here.)

Rat poison in meat: makes the dog bloat for a few days but usually does not die.

Clorox left in a tin on the side of the road.

The dog will lick up the sweat taste and then die an agonizing death within hours.

You weren't there and didn't make the dog drink it so in the view of many Thai's you are not to blame for the dogs choice of drink.

Everynight, I lay me down to sleep

I pray that the next day I come upon a person like you

Injured in the street, crying in pain, writhing in agony

That sees me with my kit and reaches out a blood stained hand

So that I can walk on by with a friendly wave and say,

I'm sorry sir, but I am not qualified for trauma care and am obliged to leave you in the hands of gentle fate, but have a nice day all the same.

What goes around, comes around.

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I love dogs but hate dogs on my street that bite me.

I also don't want reprucussions from my neighbors.

Here is what I have discovered. (But I'm not confessing anything here.)

Rat poison in meat: makes the dog bloat for a few days but usually does not die.

Clorox left in a tin on the side of the road.

The dog will lick up the sweat taste and then die an agonizing death within hours.

You weren't there and didn't make the dog drink it so in the view of many Thai's you are not to blame for the dogs choice of drink.

Everynight, I lay me down to sleep

I pray that the next day I come upon a person like you

Injured in the street, crying in pain, writhing in agony

That sees me with my kit and reaches out a blood stained hand

So that I can walk on by with a friendly wave and say,

I'm sorry sir, but I am not qualified for trauma care and am obliged to leave you in the hands of gentle fate, but have a nice day all the same.

What goes around, comes around.

Are you the kind of person that values animal life of over a humans? I've seen lots of that around.

Do you believe that just because I might perhaps protect human lives from a vicious dog that I am endangering your perception of my Karma.

I personally don't believe in Karma. I believe that the nicer you are the harder this life becomes for you but that you'll get rewarded in heaven so an appeal to karma won't influence me.

Your poem implies that my dealing with an animal somehow relates to how humans inter-relate. I don't get it.

I eat chicken and other meat without guilt. I am grateful that the animal laid it's life down for me to eat and live.

I am grateful for the companionship of my own dog.

But if my dog ever attacked my child I would kill it quickly.

I value human life over an animals.

I perceive that you do not.

When I see you "Injured in the street, crying in pain, writhing in agony"

I will take you to the hospital and kill the dog. Same goes for mosquitoes.

For me it's pretty simple.

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I love dogs but hate dogs on my street that bite me.

I also don't want reprucussions from my neighbors.

Here is what I have discovered. (But I'm not confessing anything here.)

Rat poison in meat: makes the dog bloat for a few days but usually does not die.

Clorox left in a tin on the side of the road.

The dog will lick up the sweat taste and then die an agonizing death within hours.

You weren't there and didn't make the dog drink it so in the view of many Thai's you are not to blame for the dogs choice of drink.

Everynight, I lay me down to sleep

I pray that the next day I come upon a person like you

Injured in the street, crying in pain, writhing in agony

That sees me with my kit and reaches out a blood stained hand

So that I can walk on by with a friendly wave and say,

I'm sorry sir, but I am not qualified for trauma care and am obliged to leave you in the hands of gentle fate, but have a nice day all the same.

What goes around, comes around.

Are you the kind of person that values animal life of over a humans? I've seen lots of that around.

Do you believe that just because I might perhaps protect human lives from a vicious dog that I am endangering your perception of my Karma.

I personally don't believe in Karma. I believe that the nicer you are the harder this life becomes for you but that you'll get rewarded in heaven so an appeal to karma won't influence me.

Your poem implies that my dealing with an animal somehow relates to how humans inter-relate. I don't get it.

I eat chicken and other meat without guilt. I am grateful that the animal laid it's life down for me to eat and live.

I am grateful for the companionship of my own dog.

But if my dog ever attacked my child I would kill it quickly.

I value human life over an animals.

I perceive that you do not.

When I see you "Injured in the street, crying in pain, writhing in agony"

I will take you to the hospital and kill the dog. Same goes for mosquitoes.

For me it's pretty simple.

I understand where you are coming from, but you counter yourself.

This is not a quick kill, instintive of protection, this is torture before death, on a creature that does not understand or have a memory to fathom on why it is being punished.

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I understand where you are coming from, but you counter yourself.

This is not a quick kill, instintive of protection, this is torture before death, on a creature that does not understand or have a memory to fathom on why it is being punished.

Ah, yes I see the confusion. If it were possible, I would use lethal injection or machetti the dogs head off or something else quick and as merciful as possible.

I am referring to the constraints of being in a country where animals are considered more valuable than I perceive them to be.

If I were to kill the dog in a painless manner it would require a direct approach. for instance: hold the dog down in the middle of the road and inject it. Then I would receive the wrath of the people in my neighborhood who believe that they need to protect the rights of the dogs to kill and maim children. The people around me don't understand cause and effect. They see a random dog biting as unpredictable and perplexing as death to a person on a motorbike without a helmet. There is nothing that could have done to prevent this act of nature and there should be no repercussion.

In my worldview a dog that has attacked once may attack again and it is not worth the risk.

To protect myself from vengeance (killing my gentle dog, slashing my truck tires, burning my house down) I would choose to allow an animal to suffer. It would be messy, but if I felt it necessary to protect my family, I would do it.

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I understand where you are coming from, but you counter yourself.

This is not a quick kill, instintive of protection, this is torture before death, on a creature that does not understand or have a memory to fathom on why it is being punished.

Ah, yes I see the confusion. If it were possible, I would use lethal injection or machetti the dogs head off or something else quick and as merciful as possible.

I am referring to the constraints of being in a country where animals are considered more valuable than I perceive them to be.

If I were to kill the dog in a painless manner it would require a direct approach. for instance: hold the dog down in the middle of the road and inject it. Then I would receive the wrath of the people in my neighborhood who believe that they need to protect the rights of the dogs to kill and maim children. The people around me don't understand cause and effect. They see a random dog biting as unpredictable and perplexing as death to a person on a motorbike without a helmet. There is nothing that could have done to prevent this act of nature and there should be no repercussion.

In my worldview a dog that has attacked once may attack again and it is not worth the risk.

To protect myself from vengeance (killing my gentle dog, slashing my truck tires, burning my house down) I would choose to allow an animal to suffer. It would be messy, but if I felt it necessary to protect my family, I would do it.

Ok. kao jai.

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I love dogs but hate dogs on my street that bite me.

I also don't want reprucussions from my neighbors.

Here is what I have discovered. (But I'm not confessing anything here.)

Rat poison in meat: makes the dog bloat for a few days but usually does not die.

Clorox left in a tin on the side of the road.

The dog will lick up the sweat taste and then die an agonizing death within hours.

You weren't there and didn't make the dog drink it so in the view of many Thai's you are not to blame for the dogs choice of drink.

Everynight, I lay me down to sleep

I pray that the next day I come upon a person like you

Injured in the street, crying in pain, writhing in agony

That sees me with my kit and reaches out a blood stained hand

So that I can walk on by with a friendly wave and say,

I'm sorry sir, but I am not qualified for trauma care and am obliged to leave you in the hands of gentle fate, but have a nice day all the same.

What goes around, comes around.

Are you the kind of person that values animal life of over a humans? I've seen lots of that around.

Do you believe that just because I might perhaps protect human lives from a vicious dog that I am endangering your perception of my Karma.

I personally don't believe in Karma. I believe that the nicer you are the harder this life becomes for you but that you'll get rewarded in heaven so an appeal to karma won't influence me.

Your poem implies that my dealing with an animal somehow relates to how humans inter-relate. I don't get it.

I eat chicken and other meat without guilt. I am grateful that the animal laid it's life down for me to eat and live.

I am grateful for the companionship of my own dog.

But if my dog ever attacked my child I would kill it quickly.

I value human life over an animals.

I perceive that you do not.

When I see you "Injured in the street, crying in pain, writhing in agony"

I will take you to the hospital and kill the dog. Same goes for mosquitoes.

For me it's pretty simple.

i couldn't agree more, chiang mai ,thailand , thai visa etc seems to be full of these people who care more about animals than humans. the orphanages are full of needy kids the streets are full of needy people, and some people would give more time to a dog than help them . very odd behaviour, never give any animal a second chance if they harm a human destroy it, end of problem.

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You make a claim and then you quickly run away from that claim. What caused that? Shame or fear?

Here is what I have discovered. (But I'm not confessing anything here.)

Rat poison in meat: makes the dog bloat for a few days but usually does not die.

Clorox left in a tin on the side of the road.

The dog will lick up the sweat taste and then die an agonizing death within hours.

You weren't there and didn't make the dog drink it so in the view of many Thai's you are not to blame for the dogs choice of drink.

What I found objectionable is that while you are aware that a death would be agonizing and painful you then made sure to let everyone know it would be agonizing. You then add in for extra emphasis an explanation of how you would act to avoid taking responsibility for your act of cruelty. Usually a mental health professional when faced with a subject displaying an understanding of right and wrong and that engages in wrongful acts, will conclude that the subject has a mental health problem. Cruelty to animals is deemed to be a wrongful act both by societal norms and in law. Knowing right from wrong is demonstrated by your attempt to avoid responsibility. After you inflict an agonizing death are you afraid to be a man and stand up and say what you did to someone's face or are you just a coward and need to hide? Would you be able to announce to friends and family (assuming you have any) that you inflict agonizing deaths on animals?

You then attempt to justify your actions by posing the question "Are you the kind of person that values animal life of over a humans? I've seen lots of that around."

The issue here isn't me or even that subject. If your logic was followed through, then one should be allowed to do as one pleases to "lesser" forms of life. Along with rights and priveliges come responsibilities. Difficult concept for some, but one that differentiates in society.

As I sit here waiting for a conference call to begin in 30 minutes I am considering your psychological and demographic profile. It's not pretty and I am wondering why I would argue with someone that demonstrates anti-social behaviour. Perhaps my work in life sciences has made me less tolerant of those I perceive as being products of defective genes or of limited intellectual capacities. I shall endeavour to be more accomodating.

Do you believe that just because I might perhaps protect human lives from a vicious dog that I am endangering your perception of my Karma.

Well, first up, you have not demonstrated that you are protecting anyone's life, although you are now demonstrating behaviour that suggests an assumption of superiority, the hero complex, where you will take actions on behalf of everyone, despite having no mandate to do so, because you feel that you are right. Again, a trait that should send shivers down the spines of rational people. Secondly, you are demonstrating an inability to consider the consequences of your behaviours. Displays of narcissim like that do not engourage much caring or compassion from other humans.

I personally don't believe in Karma. I believe that the nicer you are the harder this life becomes for you but that you'll get rewarded in heaven so an appeal to karma won't influence me.

The classic excuse given by those to excuse deviant behaviour. Simply put, you need not behave "nicely" because life will be harder. You will be rewarded in heaven. This suggests to me that you haven't had a very happy life. Perhaps a lot of personal pain. Subjects that engage in acts of cruelty often present such a background. Unlike the touchie feeling therapists that treat such patients, I'm more of a meat and potatos kind of guy and think the best approach is to tell such subjects that the reason their life is crappy is probably because they are crappy people and that if they behaved in a kinder more positive manner, their quality of life would improve significantly. As an aside, you have my full support on your quest to get to heaven. Any chance of moving up your planned departure date?

Your poem implies that my dealing with an animal somehow relates to how humans inter-relate. I don't get it.

I don't doubt your inability to demonstrate basic abstract thought. I'll simplify it: Bad people usually do bad things. Inflicting agonizing deaths on critters is a bad thing. Most people do not like to be around folks that derive joy from inflicting pain, because most people consider that to be bad.

The poem did not say I would engage in an act of cruelty. Rather, it was statement, that should an event arise, that I would like to pass by and be prevented from intervening by my lack of qualifications. It also served to convey my dismay that someone like you is expressing such a violent disturbed plan.

Nowhere did I say that I hold animal life to be of more value than human. However, I do recognize that some human lives are so severely diseased or so psychologically deviant that they are beyond repair, management or treatment. As such, they must be allowed to follow their natural course, which is death. Rest assured, I will never argue with you should you wish to ride a motorcycle without a helmet.

I trust this clarifies my position. Most likely you will be unable to comprehend, but that's okay. The people that have read a book or that have an appreciation for life will have a robust chuckle and call me a naughty boy for dissecting someone at the wrong end of the Bell Curve. To those people, I apologize. You try giving up your zzz's to listen to some donkey give a talk on diarrhea. Phooie.

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I always thought there was only two scenarios to this situation, you ask the owner of the dog to pay for the injections or prove its been vaccinated , or you cut off the dogs head and take it to be tested at the hospital I am a dog lover, but its just an animal if my life is at stake

flame away.

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I always thought there was only two scenarios to this situation, you ask the owner of the dog to pay for the injections or prove its been vaccinated , or you cut off the dogs head and take it to be tested at the hospital I am a dog lover, but its just an animal if my life is at stake

flame away.

Yours is a rational position. Problem stated, solutions stated without any sick need to provoke. I'd consider the same if I didn't know the dog.

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When she was bitten, there really wasn't a great risk judging from the behavior of the dog that the dog had rabies, a disease which is indeed rare these days;

This is very wrong. Surveys of street dogs in Thailand put rates of rabies antigen/antibody prevelence in the 50 to 80% range, showing very high rates of transmision in the local (stray) dog population. The easiest study to follow is one in which over a 1000 'suspect" dogs were place under observation (suspect defined by biting some one, abnormal behaviour or illnesss) for 10 days. Over 50% of the dogs died and were CONFIRMED as being rabid on autopsy and analysis. The study is this one:

java script:PopUpMenu2_Set(Menu18634517);Tepsumethanon V, Wilde H, Sitprija V.http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1863451...Pubmed_RVDocSumTen-day observation of live rabies suspected dogs.Dev Biol (Basel). 2008;131:543-6.

A few further points:

1. Thailand has a surprisingly active anti-rabies program that is relatively cutting edge in southeast asia. There will be long term progress if the program continues to be supported.

2. Incidence of (human) rabies cases HAS fallen dramatically in Thailand, primarily ue to significant advances in the post bite treatment (the jabs you get after being bitten) - thats not a Thai developed treatment though.

3. To the guy given augmentin -it was never meant to treat the rabies, dog bites are dirty, and dog bites contain a number of potentially nasty bacteria - the augmentin was aimed at those, not the rabies.

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A dog (owned by someone working for the Public Health Office) bit while I was jogging around the neighborhood. Went home cleaned the wound and went back to talk to the owner. I asked the owner whether the animal had been vacinate against rabies and gave me a rather dubious reply. He offered to pay for shots that I was going to have.

Didn't bother as I took it off my social security insurance.

Still mad at him and feel like wasting his dog which he allows to roam on the street of the neighborhood. Grrrrr!!!

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