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Question Regarding Internet Provider In Chiang Mai Cat Telecom


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HA! Gotta tell you this folks... literally seconds after I posted the above message in praise of my Maxnet connection, it died and stayed down for the past 3 hours! That's the first failure I've had since I got it. The explanation offered was that someone drove their car into a pole which carries the main TT&T cable.... I've no idea if that's the real truth or not but it certainly deserves marks for inventiveness anyway. (T.i.T.) !

Edited by Bearnagh
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Sorry, am in KL now getting visa.

I have had premier (MaxNet) for several months, still good. I live very very close to the city centre, so that might be a difference...

If you do have problems with the various packages, then it might be the line (cable) itself. This might be the cable from your house to the first router, or even that TOT/TT&T have a whole bunch of routers connecting towards the servers on a single (crappy) line. I would have to have access to the network itself to determine that.

I'll read/reply a bit more tomorrow or the day after, very jet lagged at the moment :)

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At their suggestion, I upgraded from TT&Ts Indy which was slow and disconnected several times an hour and sometimes several times a minute, to Premier which was faster but still disconnected with monotonous regularity.

I canceled after long and painful attempts to find out what was wrong failed and switched to TOTs 3meg which was fine for the first few weeks - fair speed and very few disconnections. BUT for the last three to four weeks it has ground to an agonising 0.5 megs except between 4 and 7am when it flies. Great for insomniacs.

Don't bother to call the "Help Line" they will tell you that the moon is made of green cheese if they think it will get rid of you, just despair and soldier on or try CAT or AIT which according to OPs is hardly the speed of light but at least is does work.

CAT are installing cable service for me this week so I will keep you posted as to how it goes.

any updates? :)

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