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Land On Lanta Legal Docs

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Hi all,

I'm a bit new to all this.

I have friends who live on Lanta, one Thai and one British. I live in the UK. We have purchased land on Lanta and are equally sharing. All I would like to know is, what documents are needed to make this legally correct from my point of view.

Are there are any legal documents I can get to bind myself and my British friend together, maybe a British contract of some sort?

I may not have given all that you need to answer, but please ask and I shall try my best to answer.

Many thanks in advance.

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Hi all,

I'm a bit new to all this.

I have friends who live on Lanta, one Thai and one British. I live in the UK. We have purchased land on Lanta and are equally sharing. All I would like to know is, what documents are needed to make this legally correct from my point of view.

Are there are any legal documents I can get to bind myself and my British friend together, maybe a British contract of some sort?

I may not have given all that you need to answer, but please ask and I shall try my best to answer.

Many thanks in advance.

You need to research this forum use the search facility, look for the word - donx - you should find his posts on this subject (land ownership) IMO he gives some of the most neutral advice in this area. But the long and the short of it as a Farang (foreigner) you cannot own land in Thailand full stop. You can do other things, but this subject has been pretty much done to death here - research past posts you will find all you need to know.

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