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Has to be the 20 Amino Acids that make up our genetic code. Without those we could not exist and would not need air, water, or BEER. :o

If you're going to take it to the molecular level, then I'd propose deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and the four nucleotides that encode it; adenine, thymine, guanine, and cytosine. :D

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Good reply!

My mate!


My mate - Marmite!

I've never seen the stuff in Canada or the States but I'm sure it can be found somewhere.

Things people/regions around the globe have in common...


nose hair





crazy relatives


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Has to be the 20 Amino Acids that make up our genetic code. Without those we could not exist and would not need air, water, or BEER. :D

If you're going to take it to the molecular level, then I'd propose deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and the four nucleotides that encode it; adenine, thymine, guanine, and cytosine. :D

Why not go the whole hog... Atoms and their sub-atomic particles. Quarks. :D

I'm sorry, but I thought you said that it "has to be the 20 Amino Acids that make up our genetic code."

Which particular flavour of Quark do you now have in mind?:o



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Errrmm... I don't think they come in 'flavours'... they were originally called 'Top' and 'Bottom' but I guess that was kinda sexist for the gay comunities  :o  So they re-named them to'Truth' and 'Beuaty' . Still T and B for short.

Ooops! Sorry to be pedantic, but there are six types of quark, called flavours.

The six flavours are Up, Down, Top, Bottom, Charm and Strange.

If you check the slightly whimsical Quarkdance site I linked in my previous post you'll see what I mean. :D

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Errrmm... I don't think they come in 'flavours'... they were originally called 'Top' and 'Bottom' but I guess that was kinda sexist for the gay comunities  :o  So they re-named them to'Truth' and 'Beuaty' . Still T and B for short.

Ooops! Sorry to be pedantic, but there are six types of quark, called flavours.

The six flavours are Up, Down, Top, Bottom, Charm and Strange.

If you check the slightly whimsical Quarkdance site I linked in my previous post you'll see what I mean. :D

...and don't forget about the Gluons that bind the Quarks :D

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Well... it is all still 'Theory' yet...

# The quarks' supposed masses don't make sense... Blah.. Blah.. Blah..

You started us down the path of subatomic theory!

So don't get all pissy because you didn't know your

up from your down,


top from your bottom

or your

strange from your charm!

But here's a quiz to see what type of subatomic particle you might be!

What kind of subatomic particle are you?

Apparently I'm a "Neutron"

"You don't take sides, you just sort of

hang out and blend into the crowd. If someone

lets you loose though, you can cause some

serious damage. If you are around too many

other neutrons you get bored and start to

decay." :o


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