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Seminar Discusses How To Identify Suspicious

libya 115

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SOURCE: Pattaya One News: September 10th 2008

Seminar discusses how to identify suspicious activity amongst foreign and Thai Tourists coming to Pattaya.

On Wednesday Morning at the Pattaya Discovery beach Hotel located on Pattaya Beach, Khun Itipon, the Mayor of Pattaya chaired a meeting of Hotel Operators and City Hall Staff members to discuss ways of identifying suspicious activity and individuals who may come to Pattaya to potentially cause a problem.

The Mayor explained that Hotel Staff should become more aware of their guests and how they act. Any suspicious activity should be reported to the National Intelligence Agency based in Bangkok so they can investigate the individuals or groups of people.

This would include international hotel guests and Thai Guests, especially if they originate from Southern Thailand Provinces currently experiencing ethnic clashes.

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Are they talking about terrorism here without actually mentioning the word 'terrorism'? All very cryptic.

Don't want to scare any potential customers while the numbers are down at least 30% (according to TAT). Also got to be careful with Arab town offering a glimmer of hope for customer arrivals.

Remember high value tourists don't like the "T" word.

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Any suspicious activity should be reported to the National Intelligence Agency

Ignoring the last three words which, judging by the actions of some government agencies, is almost an oxymoron I have to ask what exactly constitutes "suspicious activity" in Pattaya?

Would it be returning to the room well before midnight clutching bags from Mikes Department Store? Sitting all evening in the room watching CNN and ordering steak and chips and mineral water from room service? Enquiring at the reception about cultural tours and shows?

Outside of that all options just blend into that kalaidascope of life as we know it in Pattaya. :o

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Any and everybody in the area of Beach Road during the "early hours of the morning" :o

Any and everybody seen attacking moto-riders that venture too close to them. :D

Anybody with the letters W, E, H and O in their name. :D

Any and everybody handing out free snap-kicks the the heads of unsuspecting farangs and locals for no reason. :D

britmaveric when he's dancing at Jenny's (it might not be suspicious, but it should be a crime !) :D

(note: if daleyboy and kurgen are with him, cancel the police and call in air-strikes)

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